Yan Cigui

Chapter 278: Must be thrown out (two updates in one)

Chapter 278 Must be thrown out (two updates in one)

 In the Jinluan Hall, the atmosphere was solemn.

Liu Jing was kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

After finding two gold bricks, the coffin should have been sealed. Liu Jing knew that Liu Xun could not be saved, but he wanted to do his best to save himself.

The letter of self-incrimination is his most important tool.

 Educating a son is easier said than done.

 Liu Jing failed to teach him well, and the same was true for the Holy Master.

 Half a catty is equal to eight liang. Although the emperor and his ministers are different, Liu Jing must do it this way.

 He hoped that the Holy Emperor would honor him for his hard work as an official and his good political achievements for so many years.

 Even if it means being relegated to a humble place, it is better than losing fame.

 Until the last moment, Liu Jing thought that his progress was pretty good.

The Holy Emperor was obviously not furious, and his subordinates and familiar officials also stood up to intercede on his behalf.

However, what Liu Jing didn't expect was that the coffin board that had almost been covered was opened again.

The golden paper was like a reminder, covering his forehead, trying to push him into the coffin and cover it.

 His life is even thinner than that piece of gold paper.

 The Holy Spirit gave the golden note to Eunuch Cao and motioned him to show it to the ministers.

Eunuch Cao held it down with both hands.

 The prince was banned and Prince Ping was not in the capital. Among the royal relatives, the one who stood at the forefront was Jin Wang Li Du.

Li Du took it with both hands, looked back and forth a few times, and then handed it to the wise king Li Xuan.

Li Yan simply looked at it and handed it over: "I haven't seen their gold paper before, and I can't tell it now."

 Publish all the way and watch all the way.

When the message reached Xu Jian, he simply looked at it and remained silent.

 Honglu Temple and the officials of the Ministry of Rites watched it most carefully.

 They had served once before and were responsible for receiving the envoys, and they knew the golden slip best.

 Huang Shaoqing looked at it for a long time, his face a little tangled, and he glanced at Liu Jing from time to time.

 The other young minister also looked hesitant, not daring to judge between true and false.

Feng Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites not only read it himself, but also discussed it with the two ministers, and finally said: "It should be true."

 The last person to watch was Liu Jing.

Liu Jing only raised his head at this moment, took the gold note, and read it very carefully.

 He is serious about his work and has all the envoy-related matters engraved in his mind. He knows exactly what the other party's golden paper should look like.

The number of those golden slips was limited and only the members of the envoys had them. Together with their customs clearance documents, they were a symbol of status.

 No one is easily lost.

 And the one in his hand is also real.

 Even if it is fake, it has reached the point where it looks like the real thing.

 If you can’t provide evidence of fraud, you can’t keep shouting “fake”.

"The envoys have left the capital," Liu Jing took a deep breath and said, "They all checked when they left the capital. They had all the documents and gold slips, and no one was missing any. When they were in the capital, no one lost the gold slips. ”

Liu Jing couldn’t figure out the reason behind it.

There was only one thing he was sure of: this matter had to be thrown out.

No matter who you throw it at, it can’t be on him.

Wantang looked at Liu Jing, feeling angry in his heart.

 He was "trapped" by Shan Shen into Chenmi Hutong.

 I didn’t see the results, but my neck was very sore. In order to solve the problem, I simply took a nap for the past two days.

Yesterday before Xu Jian found the gold bricks, Wantang rolled up his trousers and went to dig the yard with a shovel.

 The appearance of the gold bricks made him relieved, but it was still not his fault.

Wantang thought about it and stayed up all night to dismantle the flower hall.

It was just a piece of gold paper that was taken out, but Liu Jing meant that it couldn't be made real?

“Master Liu,” Wan Tang said angrily, “So, this gold note is a fake?”

Liu Jing said hurriedly: "It looks very real, but if someone loses it, how do they take it out when they leave the capital?"

Wantang said: "Perhaps there were a lot of people when we left the city, so we were not careful in checking, and were fooled by fake ones."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Shaoqing couldn't stand still.

“Impossible, we were all right at the time,” he said hurriedly. “Not only our Honglu Temple, officials from the Ministry of Rites were also present that day.”

In a word, this case cannot be traced from Mr. Liu’s son to Mr. Liu, and then expanded to the entire Honglu Temple. There is no such reason.

"Among the envoys, there are Gu Yue officials and Gu Yue merchants. Merchants are doing business. As long as the procedures are complete, they can enter and leave the capital anytime and anywhere." Liu Jing calmed down, "Master Wan, can you be sure when this golden note is from?" Did you fall into that gap?"

 The mission was sent out at that time.

 If he came to Beijing later and discussed something in private, even if it was related to scheming against the prince, it was not Liu Jing's negligence.

 “This…” Wantang hesitated for a moment.

Liu Jing faced the Holy One and bowed deeply: "Your Majesty, I lead the Honglu Temple and receive the envoys together with the Ministry of Rites. All the agendas are followed according to the rules.

At that time, no one in the mission was found to have any evil intentions. Gu Yue was also determined to make peace with our country and jointly resist Xiliang. In my opinion, they should not have any plans to plot against the prince.

 Could it be that this golden note is also a conspiracy?

They are plotting against the prince. They know very well that after His Royal Highness is involved, the house will be strictly investigated, and they will dig deep for clues like Lord Wan.

As for instigating the relationship between our court and Gu Yue, presenting the golden note will definitely arouse suspicion from all parties and even cause instability in the court.

If this makes us feel at odds with Gu Yue, the people who are happiest should be the Xiliang people. "

The Holy Father listened without judgment.

 The Jinluan Hall, which had previously been in a state of excitement due to looking at the golden paper, suddenly became much quieter.

Humours, you look at me and I look at you, each has his own idea.

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and glanced at Liu Jing.

I have to say that Liu Jing is indeed capable.

When the situation suddenly changed, his quick wit and response allowed him to barely stand still in the precarious situation without actually falling off the cliff.

 Comparing this, if Liu Xun had one-tenth of Liu Jing's ability, he would not be forced to retreat every time.

Seeing that it was very quiet, the Holy Master said slowly: "Check this golden note carefully, and then check the envoys, especially those who have been in and out of the capital in recent days."

 Wantang and Shan Shen rushed to respond.

“Is there anything else you would like to say?” asked the Holy Sage.

 No one answered.

They want to say a lot, but they have to think carefully.

At this moment, it is the most stalemate, just like playing chess. If you make a right move, you can cut off a piece of the chess board; if you make a wrong move, you will lose all the territory you defend.

Eunuch Cao called to withdraw from the court.

 The Holy Spirit walked down, his eyes passed over the faces of Xu Jian, Shan Shen and others, and then walked out of the hall.

 Xu Jian thought for a while, then followed up with Shan Shen.

Liu Jing didn't move until Huang Shaoqing gave him a hand, and he got up.

His legs and feet are already numb. If someone hadn't been supporting him, he might have staggered a few steps.

Although Liu Jing looked calm on the surface, only Liu Jing himself knew that the inner clothes under his court clothes were already soaked.

This golden note really disrupted his position.

He has tried his best to reverse the situation, but can this rhetoric scare people...

  Even though he analyzed things lucidly and raised a few flags, Liu Jing was actually not sure.     His "confidence" is his political achievements.

And if his political performance is tainted, no matter how high the flag is, his confidence will be gone.

 In the other room, Xu Jian and Shan Shen went to the imperial study room.

Not long after, Wantang also caught up with them.

"Everything looks real to me," Wantang wiped his face, "The gold paper is not as thin as a cicada's wings, but it's not much thicker. It has a mountain on one side and words on the other. How can it be so easy to make a fake? You need a mold. , formed in one piece.”

Shan Shen looked serious and nodded from time to time.

 Xu Jian said nothing.

 As Wantang said, it is indeed difficult to make counterfeit goods.

On that day, Xu Jian made preparations after Xuan Su discovered that someone from Gu Yue had entered and left the house.

 He needs a gold note.

 Not sure when it will be used or what occasion it will be used on, but be prepared.

 The one in his hand is real.

Xuan Su stole the gold paper from Deputy Ambassador Gu Yue and handed it over to a skilled old craftsman to quickly make a fake that could look like the real one, and then secretly stuffed it back.

The envoy was so careless and sincerely visiting that he was not noticed from the beginning to the end.

And when they left the city, the deputy envoy had a special status and had the customs clearance document in hand. The golden paper was not the most important, and both parties had friendly intentions. How could they examine it as strictly as if they were treating prisoners, glance at it, and not read it? Once there is a clue, it will pass.

 No one thought that a piece of gold paper would be exchanged.

 It is really useful when it is dark under the lamp.

 Otherwise, Xu Jian would not have been able to do anything under the eyes of the Holy Master and Shan Shen every time.

Wantang became more and more annoyed as he talked: "Mr. Liu didn't teach his son well, but he did a good job as an official. Just after hearing his analysis, I think what he said is reasonable. Someone may have provoked this golden note."

Shan Shen said: "Yes or no, we have to give you the answer, Your Majesty."

Several people entered the imperial study room.

The Holy One is sitting on a big chair, still reading the golden paper.

Shan Shen organized his thoughts and gave a general explanation: "I asked His Highness earlier if he had met other guests in that house, and His Highness said that he had never met any other guests.

 Therefore, I have always felt that the existence of that house was to set up His Highness's situation.

 What Mr. Liu said is not completely unreasonable. "

 The Holy Spirit nodded slightly.

 He exchanged a few words with Wantang and Shan Shen. Seeing Xu Jian sitting aside with no intention of speaking, he did not ask him.

 Just wait until he finished talking to the other two people before leaving Xu Jian alone.

 “There is no one else,” the Holy Master said. “If you have any idea, just say it.”

Xu Jian did not hesitate, but his tone was a little awkward, or in other words, a little hesitant: "I am reflecting on my previous advice.

At that time, I didn’t know that such a gold piece of paper would be found, so I specially arranged for the gold brick to solve the problem.

 But I don’t want to, it’s getting more and more complicated.

Just gold bricks or just gold paper can solve the problem, but the two items are even together. "

The Holy Spirit could not help but smile as he heard the emotion in his tone.

 This is what young people are like.

If everything can go as planned just by relying on the layout, then the winner of the "paper war" will be the God of War.

 No matter how detailed your troops are in formation, situations will arise when facing the enemy, which require adjustment, response, and finally summary.

 The summary should be based on experience, rather than the psychological burden caused by changes.

 This is a step that young people need to take.

"Xu Jian," the Holy Master looked at him with a calm tone, "your grandfather should have taught you that God is not as good as man in predicting things, and the battlefield is changing rapidly. What you are facing now is not a battlefield, but it is still a truth."

Xu Jian stood up, saluted, and thanked the Holy Father for his teachings.

After going back and forth like this, he thought that the Holy Emperor would not blame him for the golden note.

"I think," Xu Jian said after regaining his composure, "this matter should have been resolved quickly. The longer it is delayed, the more detrimental it will be to His Highness. All parties are busy scheming against each other, which can easily intensify conflicts. Now there is a golden note. , it will take a lot of time to check further, and it may not be accurate. "

 The Holy Father motioned for him to continue.

"What Mr. Liu said is indeed a possibility," Xu Jian said simply. "Those envoys who left the capital may not be the only businessmen who can return. The gold paper is small and hidden on the body. If it is entrusted to others, it can also be sent back. , and then put it into the house without anyone noticing.

No matter how capable Mr. Shan is, he still can’t figure this one out.

 It’s just that the prince is the prince, and the work is done carefully.

 Hold up the matter between the prince and Liu Xun, and let Mr. Shan continue to check the gold papers. Of course, he also has to check the gold bricks. He doesn't know what the gold bricks are.

Whether it’s Li Mi who is fake or someone who is really trying to instigate Gu Yue’s relationship, the matter of His Royal Highness and Liu Xun drinking and having fun will not change.

  It’s been too long…”

Xu Jian paused for a moment after speaking, pursed her lower lip, and said calmly: "You are thinking about the prince, and Mrs. Xu is also thinking about Liu Xun. It's like cutting flesh with a dull knife. It's better to be more relaxed and let her not know how to do it." Suffering so much.”

Hearing this, the Holy Spirit let out a long sigh.

 Last time, he said that Xu Jian had a sharp mouth and a soft heart, and he was absolutely right.

First I used Ning'an as an excuse, but now I am more honest.

Human nature.

 After all, she is the biological mother, how can she not care at all?

“Where is Liu Jing?” The Holy Sage asked him, “Won’t you say a few words for Mr. Liu?”

"I said that Liu Xun deserved his crime, and Mr. Liu cannot escape accountability." Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said in a very calm tone, "For Mr. Liu, depriving him of his fame and leaving the capital will make half of his life's hard work in vain. It’s a big enough blow.”

 The Holy Father took a sip of tea.

 Look, are you still saying you are not soft-hearted?

 Xu Jian talked about the most terrible thing, which was to remove his fame.

 For a moment, the Holy Master thought of Xu Mang.

When Xu Mang was seriously ill, he went to visit the Duke of Fuguo. At that time, the monarch and his ministers talked a lot behind closed doors.

That was also the first time he heard Xu Mang speak the truth.

The person Xu Mang worried about the most was Xu Jian.

 In his words, Xu Jian is a child who attaches great importance to friendship.

 The reason he has little contact with his biological parents is because he cares about his grandfather.

 Once he dies, with Xu Jian’s temperament, it will be difficult not to become dependent on his parents.

He is not afraid that Xu Miao cannot take good care of Xu Jian, he is only afraid that Liu Jing will be too partial and hurt Xu Jian.

 In this case, it is better to let Xu Jian go to the border to fight hard again.

These words are almost like requests for support.

At that time, the Holy Emperor was willing to let young Xu Jian go to Yumen Pass after handling the funeral. In addition to Xu Jian's insistence, he also followed Xu Mang's ideas.

And after Xu Jian returned to Beijing injured, some frictions between him and Liu Jing were somewhat noticed by the Holy Emperor.

 Father's love is partial.

 The Holy Spirit himself is partial.

 He loves Shaoer more than any other son.

 But it seems that Liu Jing's attitude towards Xu Jian cannot just be summarized as partiality...

   Tea talks about tea, taking retreat to advance, throwing the big pot...

Xu Jianqing is better than blue because of blue.


   Thanks to book friends Meimei M and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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