Yan Cigui

Chapter 279: Ah Jian did it for him (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 279 Ah Jian did it for him (two updates combined into one, asking for monthly votes)

 The relationship between people is actually very mysterious.

 What others feel may not be true, and even the authorities may not understand it at times.

  But one thing is for sure.

 What the authorities feel is the most real.

 What Xu Jian realized was what Liu Jing gave him.

Whether it was partiality or whatever, the Holy Sage believed that Xu Jian understood it, and therefore rejected Liu Jing.

 But apart from rejection, Xu Jian’s final thought was to “get rid of his fame and fame.”

“I’ll think about it again,” the Holy Master said, “You should go to Shuntian Mansion first.”

 Xu Jian agreed, stood up and left.

He walked on the front foot, and when he was on the back foot, the Holy Spirit sent someone to summon Liu Jing.

Liu Jing was in Honglu Temple, cooperating with Shan Shen and others to investigate and look through various documents of the Gu Yue envoy. Hearing the summons, he hurriedly entered the palace.

 The two met each other outside the palace gate.

Liu Jing hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Ajian, did the Holy One say anything?"

Xu Jian looked at him and said: "In the early court, Mr. Liu's analysis was very clear. We might as well discuss the relationship between Gu Yue, Xiliang, etc. with the Holy One."

Liu Jing was quite hesitant when he heard this.

Xu Jian's words were so peaceful and not at all strange, but it didn't make him believe it or not believe it.

“Master Liu is good at these things,” Xu Jian said. “I’m just surprised. Liu Xun knew that the prince didn’t care about him and Master Liu also left him behind. How would he react?”

 Liu Jing's face darkened.

This is Xu Jian.

The one who is so tit-for-tat is Xu Jian!

"Don't talk nonsense with Xun'er," Liu Jing gritted his teeth and said, "He..."

"Master Liu is more afraid of me talking nonsense with the Holy Father, right?" Xu Jian interrupted Liu Jing and chuckled, "Master Liu, please wish for yourself."

 After saying this, Xu Jian walked away.

 Liu Jing looked at Xu Jian's back for a moment, his heart beating faster and faster.

Now is the most important moment, and there must be no slip of the tongue in front of the emperor. But Xu Jian just rambled on, making it impossible for Liu Jing to calm down.

Liu Jing could hear his unusual heartbeat while kneeling in the imperial study.

The Holy Emperor did not ask Liu Jing to get up: "Shan Qing and the others are checking the envoys of Gu Yue?"

"Yes," Liu Jing said, "the envoy has a total of one hundred and eighty-six people, from officials to accompanying merchants, guards, medical officers, etc. Mr. Shan is bringing the manpower to compile the roster."

The Holy Spirit said: "In your opinion, can we combine the clues?"

 Liu Jing shook his head and said honestly: "It's difficult."

 “How long will it take for Shuntian Mansion to conclude the case?” The Holy Master continued to ask.

 Liu Jing glanced at the Holy Emperor quickly, then lowered his head.

 You have to ask Shan Shen about this.

 He has no control over Shuntian Mansion.

After thinking about it, he still said: "My prediction is not good. I don't know enough about the official affairs of Shuntian Mansion."

With such an answer, the Holy Master showed no emotion or anger on his face and said calmly: "Liu Qing was a Jinshi in the 20th year of Taixing, right?"

Liu Jing said: "Yes, I am the official of that year."

"It's been twenty years," the Holy Master said. "You have really put a lot of thought into being able to reach the position of Minister of Honglu Temple in twenty years."

Liu Jing’s breath froze.

 Speaking of other things, he might still feel guilty.

 In terms of being down-to-earth and progressive, he is very confident.

"I studied hard just to be an official, and to be an official is just to show my ambition in the court." Liu Jing choked up, "I asked myself that I have never slacked off in these years. The court is clean and upright, and I have given it to a poor family like me." An opportunity to work hard and get results.”

"The court is pure and upright..." The Holy Emperor seemed to like these four words very much. He murmured it several times and said, "Since you are pure and upright, Liu Qing, as you said yourself, how will I judge you and your son?"

 Liu Jing's head buzzed.

What he just said, he was praising himself, and he was also praising the late Emperor and His Majesty.

 Unexpectedly, I "browed" myself into it.

 The question that the Holy Father threw to him now was difficult to answer.

He has written so many articles and encountered many problems in court, but this one question really frightened him.

  An easy answer will not work, a serious answer will cause him to die.

 Thoughts change quickly.

 Liu Jing considered it carefully and said: "The way a dog acts, there are too many deviations.

I want to shamelessly plead for him, but I also know that it is his fault that no one can plead for mercy.

Whether it was Li Mi or Gu Yue Xiliang who was behind it, he himself was tricked and led to the mischief of His Highness the Crown Prince.

His Royal Highness is grounded, but he can’t end it without being grounded.

I have no idea how to teach my son, I can’t let him go, but I can only let him, let him...

As for me, I want to continue to serve the people of the court. This is my lifelong ambition, but I may not have such an opportunity..."

As he spoke, Liu Jing's eyes turned red, his voice became hoarse, and his shoulders trembled.

The Holy Father looked at him and asked: "How have you thought about settling down your wife and daughter?"

"Madam and the others..." Liu Jing tried his best to keep his voice steady, "As A Jian is here, I don't worry about them."

"Yes, Xu Jian asked me for mercy," the Holy Master said, "He also told me about you, and he also begged for mercy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Holy Master saw confusion and doubt on Liu Jing's face.

 It passed by in a flash, but he still saw it.

Behind these emotions, there are also some distant relationships.

Liu Jing quickly adjusted his expression and said: "He is a good boy. Although he did not grow up next to the minister and his wife, he still wants to show kindness."

The Holy Master looked at Liu Jing seriously for a while and said, "Get back."

 Liu Jing did not dare to violate the holy will and respectfully resigned.

 After leaving the imperial study room, he raised his head and glanced at the sky.

 It was gloomy, and it was hard to tell whether there would be heavy rain coming.

 At the same time, he also wondered what the Holy Spirit was thinking.

 In front of the emperor, Eunuch Cao brought tea to the emperor.

With all the years with the monarch, he has a lot of taste.

The Holy Spirit took a sip of tea and asked him: "What do you think?"

Eunuch Cao thought for a while and said, "You still care about Duke Fu."

The Holy Spirit laughed.

  I do miss Xu Jian.

 Liu Jing is Xu Jian's biological father after all, and Liu Xun is his younger brother.

Beheading is simple. If it falls on Xu Jian, he will have to mourn.

 The period of mourning delays marriage.

"The Empress Dowager is reluctant to leave Ning'an, but if I delay Ning'an for a few more years, she will not be happy either." The Holy Master said.

 Liu Jing returned to Qianbu Corridor.

 Many people came up to ask about the status of the face-to-face meeting, and he waved his hand.

 He couldn’t tell it himself, so how could he tell others about it.

So anxious and uneasy that they continued until evening, the Holy Master called Shan Shen and Wantang to the imperial study room again.

Shan Shen's head was still swollen, and the dancer who was in bad condition was breathing weakly and was about to be unable to withstand it.

 This time, it’s the final word.

 Liu Xun was exiled; Liu Jingge was stripped of his fame, demoted back to his hometown, and never hired.

  This was a punishment for Liu Xun who led the prince to have fun and almost caused death. As for the conspiracy behind Chenmi Hutong, Shuntian Mansion and the Defending Yamen continue to investigate and will provide a result as soon as possible.

 The news was delivered to Shuntian Mansion.

 Xu Jian looked at the document and felt very calm.

He was not surprised by the judgment of the Holy One, and the way of separating the two matters was also his advice.

 Xu Jian went to see Liu Xun.

Liu Xun has been in the yamen until now, and he is gradually getting a taste of it.

 Things are not quite right.

 He may be in bad luck this time.

 But even with some expectations, when he heard the word "exile", he still couldn't recover for a while.

 The sentence is too harsh.

When his thoughts came back a little, Liu Xun shuddered and said, "Why? That **** Su Ke poured water on the mountain road to freeze in the winter, and almost caused other people's carriages to go down the mountain. He was sentenced to exile. What about me? I’m just drinking wine with His Highness, and I’m also in exile?”

Xu Jian leaned against the door and crossed her arms: "Not convinced? There is a dancer who is dying, and you are about to kill someone."

"That's different, that's different!" Liu Xun retorted, "Su Ke was seeking someone's life. Mine was an accident. I didn't mean to harm anyone. I don't care about Li Mi or Gu Yue. I just want to drink flower wine. Drink. Why is Huajiu exiled?”

Xu Jian was amused, and glanced at Liu Xun with her lowered eyes: "Or, I will take you into the palace, and you will ask the emperor face to face?"

Liu Xun was so angry that he was trembling all over: "Is it you? Is it you who filed a complaint? Are you asking the Holy Emperor to impose a heavy sentence?"

"I advise you to give up when you are ready," Xu Jian's voice was calm, "You still have many shady things to do, unless you don't want to be exiled and want to have a good time."

 Liu Xun was excited by him.

 Suddenly, things that I had not thought to understand suddenly became clear to me.

Regardless of whether it was appropriate or not, he asked directly: "Do you have Geng Baoyuan in your hands?"

Xu Jian glanced at him coldly: "What did Qian Hu say? Geng Baoyuan listened to your words and quietly robbed people, but ended up robbing himself.

 Tell me, if I had Geng Baoyuan in my hands, would I be able to make you jump to this point?

I had cut you off from His Highness a long time ago, so I wouldn’t have asked you to instigate His Highness to eat wine. "

This sight caused a layer of cold sweat to break out on the back of Liu Xun's neck.

 He felt scared.

 Fearfully, my head was confused again.

 He was convinced by Xu Jian.

Xu Jian followed the prince to observe the government. Xu Jian relied on the prince to achieve success, and he trapped the prince until he was banned. It was not good for Xu Jian.

If Geng Baoyuan was really in Xu Jian's hands, Xu Jian would have exposed it long ago.

Liu Xun sat back and looked at the floor tiles blankly.

Xu Jian ignored him and was about to do other things when he saw Liu Jing led in by the Yamen servant.

 Liu Jing also knew the penalty.

 After asking Shan Shen, he first came to see Liu Xun.

 The two cars met each other.

 Liu Jing asked Xu Jian: "You asked the Holy Lord to remove your honor?"

“Master Liu, do you think the sentence is too light?” Xu Jian asked, “If you want to be exiled with me, it’s not impossible.”

Liu Jing was so angry that he threw down his sleeves and strode into the room.

When Liu Xun saw Liu Jing, he couldn't hold it back anymore and burst into tears: "Exile, doesn't exile mean death? Father, father, I..."

Liu Jing almost burst into tears as he held his son in his arms.

"Why, why is the sentence so harsh?" Liu Xun asked Liu Jing over and over again.

Liu Jing choked and said: "It's not death, it's not death, you can survive..."

Liu Xun didn’t believe it: “I don’t want to be exiled, I don’t want to be exiled alone.”

 Liu Jing coaxed him with nice words.

There was jeers outside the door. The father and son heard it and turned to look over.

Xu Jian stood there with the light behind him, and his facial features looked blurry, but his words were like knives: "Master Liu, why don't you consider accompanying Mr. Liu on the road?"

 Liu Xun squeezed Liu Jing's hand.

 Liu Jing looked at Xu Jian fiercely and cursed in his heart for "stirring up discord."

 Night falls.

 Liu Jing staggered and stayed in the Liu Mansion.

 Xu Miao and Liu Ping also returned home after receiving the news.

Liu Ping opened her mouth and wanted to speak several times, but when her parents were speechless, she was speechless.

After sitting for half an hour, Xu Miao raised her head and said, "Let me pack my luggage. Xun'er can't bring anything with me. I'll prepare some banknotes for him to take with him so that he can be taken care of more on the way.


Liu Jing glanced at Xu Miao and then at Liu Ping: "A Ping, you go back and have a rest. I'll talk to your mother for a while."

Upon hearing this, Liu Ping looked at her mother worriedly.

Xu Miao said: "It doesn't matter."

 Liu Ping turned around three times with one step and winked at Aunt Xia.

 But in the end, Grandma Xia couldn’t stay.

Liu Jing and Xu Miao were sitting at both ends of the table.

“I’m alone and can’t carry much with me,” Liu Jing said.

These words made Xu Miao frown.

Liu Jing smiled bitterly: "What? Madam, do you want to take Ah Ping with you and go with me?"

 Xu Miao opened her mouth.

 Between husband and wife, it is the right thing to walk together.

“Ah Jian will not agree,” Liu Jing sighed, “A Jian asks the Holy Father for a favor, so that you and Ah Ping can stay in the capital intact and unaffected by this case.

This house has not been occupied. You can continue to live there. If you don’t want to live there, you can go back to the Duke’s residence.

Only you can't go with me, A-Jian will leave you and A-Ping behind no matter what, even if..."

Xu Miao's eyes were red: "Jian tried her best."

"He tried his best..." Liu Jing smiled, a hint of ridicule flashed across his face. He knew Xu Miao had seen it, and he wanted to make Xu Miao see it.

 Xu Miao was speechless.

Liu Jing held her hands and looked at her across the table for a moment.

“Madam, how have I treated you after being married for twenty years?”

 Xu Miao was in tears and wanted to say something, but her heart was in a mess.

 Liu Jing didn’t really want her to answer, so he kept talking on his own.

“I know that many people think that I am the one who got the high position in the government and that I got what I am today by marrying you, but have I ever let you down?”

 “My fame is true, and every article I write is true.”

"I devote myself to my official career. I take government affairs seriously. I never idle around, be lazy or slip up, and I work hard seriously."

"You are the only woman I have. I don't cause trouble or drink wine. I have nothing to do with you in the matter of men and women."

"Your father doesn't think favorably of me. I didn't blush because of him and you. I didn't borrow his old man's strength, and I didn't ask you to ask him for anything because of it. In fact, if you look back, over the years, between us, Not even a few serious words were said.”

 “Ask yourself, as the head of the family and as a husband, am I worthy of you?”

"The only thing I didn't do enough was that I was often busy with official duties and didn't teach Xun'er enough, which ended up like this."

"But madam," Liu Jing lowered his head, tears falling on the table, "Ajian tried his best and finally took you and Aping away from me and Xun'er. Master Taishan wanted to do it but couldn't. Ah Jian did it for him. I worked hard for half my life and lost my reputation, but it was all in vain, but I clearly, clearly never failed you..."

  Push books and push books.

Bronze Spike has opened a new book~~

"Spring in the Prosperity" The female general who was reborn from the ashes ran wildly on the road of torturing scum in this life.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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