Yan Cigui

Chapter 280: Are you blaming Ah Jian (two updates in one)

Chapter 280 Are you blaming Ah Jian (two updates in one)

 Middle room.

Mama Xia moved a handful of straw and guarded it through the curtain.

Originally, she shouldn't have eavesdropped on the conversation between the lady and the master. Whatever the master and his wife said, it was not her turn to give advice.

 But she was really worried.

Such a big change happened in the family, and Grandma Xia saw all the ups and downs in Madam's mood.

Y with Miss Ping’s company, the princess also comforted my wife. Although my’’ mood couldn’t be lifted, it didn’t sink all the time.

 Madam is trying to think of more good things.

Today, the punishment came down.

To be honest, the young master was exiled and the old man was dismissed from his official position. To be fair, it was much better than the worst outcome they had expected.


Grandma Xia looked at the curtain worriedly, even thinking about opening a crack and taking a peek inside.

Even though there were no quarrels, Grandma Xia couldn't imagine what it would be like for her wife to quarrel with others, but it was obviously not a good situation to be so boring.

Those words the master said, alas!

Yes, the master treats his wife very well, but what are you doing now by dragging out the old master and the master?

 Listen, madam, how uncomfortable it is!

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. Finally, Granny Xia couldn't hold it back. She reached out with her fingers and opened a small slit.

 The oil lamp in the inner room leaked out.

Soon, it became dark again.

 The wick is almost burnt, so the light is naturally insufficient.

It’s just that neither of the two people sitting at the table had any intention of flicking the wick, and of course, they had no intention of letting anyone in.

 Xu Miao's hand was still covered by Liu Jing and could not be taken out.

She just hung her head, her tears falling down and hitting the table, making it wet.

Crying hard but saying nothing.

 Such a reaction made Liu Jing a little unsure.

Liu Jing was sobbing. The middle-aged man didn't know how to cry. He was sad and had tears. His tears were very restrained.

His current pain is real, but at the same time he is extremely calm.

 He is both a player and a bystander.

However, it was difficult for him to judge Xu Miao's state of mind at this moment.

 Xu Miao's reaction was different from what Liu Jing had imagined.

She was sad, sad, and shed tears, but she had no unnecessary response to his long confession.

 Do not deny or agree.

Evidently I heard everything, but it seemed like I didn’t take it in.

"Madam," Liu Jing's voice was hoarse, "I have to go to the Yamen tomorrow to explain various official duties to other people."

"Resigning from office and returning home, the Holy Father has left me a decent life, so I should finish the work well. I don't know who will take over the position of Minister of Honglu Temple at the moment. I have to explain a few words, maybe after the latter takes office. Get started.”

"Then I want to send Xun'er off again. I heard that the procedures are going very fast, and he will leave the next day. I don't know if I can see him again."

"After that, after that, I will leave Beijing. Don't miss me and live a peaceful life with A-Ping. If you have any needs, just tell A-Jian and he will not ignore you."

"I used to think, I am a poor scholar, if you are willing to marry me, I must make a name for myself in the court. I must prove that you did not make a mistake back then. I must work hard and take advantage of the opportunity when I am much younger. Hurry."

"Jian, you don't need to worry about me. When Xun'er gets married and starts a family and can support the family business, when A-Ping marries a good man and leads a happy life, and when I get old and retire, we still have a lot of time to live comfortably. ”

"But now I know that there is no such time. I want to grow old with you, but it seems that it is really impossible..."

Xu Miao's tears fell even harder, but she still didn't say anything.

 She did not give Liu Jing any response except tears.

Liu Jing's heart became heavier and heavier when he saw this.

 There is something wrong with Xu Miao.

"Madam," Liu Jing leaned forward again, getting closer to Xu Miao, "Madam, just tell me what you have in mind. In a few days, you and I won't even have the chance to talk like this. Already…”

 The hand in his hand moved.

Liu Jing subconsciously relaxed his strength a little.

Xu Miao took out her hands and took out the veil, which she put on her eyes.

The veil was wet with tears and her eyes were red. When she raised her head, her vision was blurry. Even Liu Jing in front of her had only an outline.

She just looked at Liu Jing for a while.

When he spoke, his voice trembled very much. Xu Miao didn't try to stabilize it, and just said, "I also want to see Xun'er."

Seeing that she was willing to speak, Liu Jing felt slightly relieved: "Okay."

Xu Miao asked again: "Do you really plan to go back to your hometown alone? Leave me and A-Ping in the capital?"

"I can't bear to keep you," Liu Jing paused and sighed, "Ah Jian won't agree to your leaving Beijing with me. There is nothing in the countryside, and life is poor, which is not as good as in Beijing. Besides, Ah Jian has lived After two years of marriage negotiation, what can be said about a good marriage? With Ah Jian protecting her, it will not be difficult for her to arrange a decent marriage in Beijing. "

"That's the truth..." Xu Miao's voice softened, "Master is right, you have been working hard to be a good official and a good husband these years.

 You have done nothing to me, and I do not regret the choice I made back then. Even if one day I go underground and see my father, I will tell him that I have not regretted my marriage in the past twenty years. "

Hearing what she said, Liu Jing's feeling that something was wrong with her faded away.

This is the Xu Miao he knows.

 Meek, obedient, and considerate.

 He is now powerless to reverse or change anything.

What he can do is to leave a few more holes in Xu Miao's heart, making Xu Miao feel extremely sad later, and Xu Jian is not satisfied with filling them.

With Xu Jian's temper, he is attracted to Xu Miao, but he may not have that much patience for Xu Miao, nor does he have that much time to accompany him.

Just like the old Mr. Guo, in the end, all he could say was "let her go".

  Always reluctant to let go of those who hurt her first.

 Then, Xu Miao will look for him and leave Beijing for a foreign country.

This way can cut off the connection between Xu Miao and Xu Jian, which is more effective than asking Xu Miao to go with him directly.

"With these words from my wife," Liu Jing took a deep breath, "I'm very happy, I'm really happy..."

 Then, he heard Xu Miao's "turn".

The voice was still very soft and still unstable. What Xu Miao said was "But you lied to me."

 Liu Jing was stunned for a moment.

 Xu Miao's lips murmured: "But you lied to me."

Liu Jing's breath stagnated and he said: "Madam, are you referring to those things that Xun'er did before? I did hide it from madam at that time. It was my fault. We talked about this at that time. Now that I think about it, I feel even more regretful. If I had If we had thought more carefully, or if we had not hidden Madam from the beginning, we would have solved Xun'er's problem earlier, and maybe, maybe we wouldn't have had the disaster today."

“I am not bringing this up to settle an old score with you,” Xu Miao said. “I was just thinking that if I asked the whole family to hide this from me, is there anything else that I have been hiding from me?”

Liu Jing's expression became much more serious: "Why do you think so, madam? She knows best how I treat her."

 Xu Miao was silent.

 She looked at Liu Jing for a while.

Her vision was still blurry, and all she could see was the outline.

 Curving the corners of her lips, she smiled softly. The smile was very light, but full of sadness and disappointment.

"I am a very thoughtful person," Xu Miao said, "but tonight, I am not very thoughtful."

 Liu Jing was slightly startled.

"It's inevitable. It's inevitable when encountering such a big event." Xu Miao blinked her eyes. The tears made her eyelashes stick together, which was very uncomfortable. "I cried. I cried very sadly. Master, look. "From beginning to end, you never thought of wiping my tears. You wouldn't have done that before." Liu Jing's throat rolled.

 For a moment, he almost laughed at Xu Miao.

 Why is Xu Miao’s focus in such a remote place?

 “Ma’am, I just...”

Xu Miao shook her head and interrupted Liu Jing: "You are just very tired, the changes have been too big, and you don't have the energy to deal with these small things. I understand, I am the same, my heart is in a mess, and I can't take care of many things. "

 At this point, Xu Miao paused, but did not let Liu Jing interrupt.

Then, she continued: "But I cried. I cried because of what the master said. You are blaming A Jian. Every word you say is piercing my heart. You want me to cry. You are not blamed. Xun'er, you are blaming Ah Jian..."

 Liu Jing's chest felt extremely tight.

He suddenly understood where the something wrong with Xu Miao came from.

 The root lies in Xu Jian.

Thinking again of what the monks in Guangde Temple mentioned, some clues instantly connected in Liu Jing's mind.

 Princess Ning'an.

Behind the princess is Xu Jian.

“What did the princess say to you?” Liu Jing frowned.

Xu Miao read fear in Liu Jing's mood, and it flashed through her. This made her realize that the master was afraid that the princess would say something that she shouldn't say.

But in fact, some of the things Xu Miao knew did not come from the princess, but from Aunt Xia.

When Xun'er fell into the water in Zhangping Garden, the master once said in the Jinluan Palace that Xun'er admired the princess.

That is not admiration, but encumbrance...

"The princess just comforted me," Xu Miao said, "The princess only talked about A Jian, she didn't say anything about the master."

 Liu Jing didn't believe this.

  “Accusation” itself has many angles and techniques.

 The words are not fierce, but the thoughts may not be absent.

 Xu Miao couldn't tell these apart for a while...

Thinking of this, Liu Jing pursed his lips heavily.

Yes, Xu Miao is very pure in his views on some things. He takes advantage of this purity, and of course the princess can too.

However, Liu Jing felt panicked because this shortcut that he should have mastered was taken by others.

 A detailed analysis of the princess with Xu Miao?

 Definitely not!

Liu Jing could only concentrate, then turned around and explained: "Madam, I didn't mean to accuse A Jian."

 The oil lamp dimmed a lot again, leaving only a little glimmer.

Faintly, Xu Miao suddenly thought of her nightmares, those nightmares that were fragmented and had no context.

She stabbed the master's dagger like crazy; she was carried away by Ah Jian, and they were greeted by long knives and Xun'er who refused to save her; she hugged her parents' memorial tablet, and what Ah Jian saw when I took her last breath Jane’s tears…

Those pictures were intertwined together, mixed with sadness, pain and madness, like a violent snowstorm, whirling in front of her eyes.

 Tears welled up from Xu Miao's eyes again.

"In twenty years, I have not regretted my marriage." She shed tears, her vision became increasingly blurred, and the room was so dark that she could hardly see Liu Jing's outline clearly. "I don't want my twenty-one Years later, I began to regret it.”

Liu Jing's face was full of astonishment and he looked at Xu Miao in disbelief. He couldn't believe that these words came from Xu Miao's mouth.

After a few moments of confusion, he realized that he could not let Xu Miao think like this.

 Following his usual habit, he wanted to hold Xu Miao's hand again.


 The inner room fell into darkness.

 The wick is completely extinguished.

Without the light, Liu Jing’s outstretched hand failed to grasp the distance and fell straight on the table.

 He did not find Xu Miao's hand, but only touched a patch of dampness.

Those were the tears that Xu Miao had shed earlier.

"Madam..." Liu Jing's voice trembled, and he had to say something to save it.

Xu Miao stopped listening.

The chair made a sound as it scraped against the ground. She stood up and turned her head to look outside.

She is so familiar with this home that she can judge the direction even in the dark.

 Soon, the curtain raised a corner.

Mother Xia, who was outside, noticed that the lights in this compartment were dark, and was hesitant to come in and take a look.

The light from outside came through, only a little, but it was enough for Xu Miao to walk over without touching anything.

 When Aunt Xia saw her, the curtains were raised higher.

Liu Jing also saw these lights at this moment. He hurried forward a few steps to stop Xu Miao: "Madam, why did you say this? These words are too hurtful."

Xu Miao smiled: "I don't know, I just think that's what I should say."

 Liu Jing frowned and stared at Xu Miao closely.

Xu Miao said to Aunt Xia: "Light the lamp."

Grandma Xia glanced at Liu Jing, then went in to light the oil lamp again.

 There was light again in the inner room.

Xu Miao adjusted to the light, didn't bother to wipe her face, and turned back to look for things to take away for Liu Xun.

Liu Jing watched her busy, her mind fluctuating.

 Many words went through his mind several times, and he was not sure whether he should say this to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao may not be able to hear what he said at this moment.

Xu Miao packed up some banknotes and arranged them one by one. Then, she silently went to Liu Xun's house.

Liu Jing followed her without saying a word.

 Zheng Liu has left.

 The couple's house was turned into a mess.

Xu Miao sighed and picked up all the things scattered on the ground. She also wanted to get some more clothes for Xun'er.

 Then, she saw a few pieces of paper among the mess.

There are words on it, and the handwriting is Zheng Liu's.

 “Your sister doesn’t know how to show appreciation, what does it have to do with me?”

"Your father didn't give you any advice? If he wants to be the head of the country, he should do something on his own!"

 “If you can, shout at your mother!”

 “To please the prince? Does the prince regard you as a turtle?”

Xu Miao blinked her eyes. For a moment, she thought her eyes were covered with tears. But when she looked at it carefully, every word on it was true.

   Thanks to book friends Kitty6910, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Rong Yu, Xiaoyuan, and Wanwan Siying for their tips. Thanks to Bookstore book friend Hua Lizi for the tip.



 (End of this chapter)

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