Yan Cigui

Chapter 281: I must listen to it all (five thousand big

I must listen to Chapter 281 (5,000 chapters, please vote for me)

These pieces of paper seem to be a few years old.

Zheng Liu didn't seem to pay much attention when writing. He wrote like an essay, and the arrangement was not neat at all.

 Fonts can reflect the mood of the person writing.

 Judging from the handwriting, Zheng Liu was in a bad mood at that time.

There are some ink spots on the paper, probably caused by her flicking the pen randomly.

In addition, there are a few shoe marks. It is very likely that Zheng Liu's people came to move things and did not pay attention to these small things. They swept them off the desk and stepped on them a few times.

 Xu Miao had no way of knowing the details.

 But if she knew about it, she might be angry again.

These pieces of paper were written by Zheng Liu after Liu Xun was rejected in Shuixian Hutong and went back to the house to vent his anger on Zheng Liu in the middle of the night.

 She was so angry those days that she didn't want to say a word to Liu Xun.

 It can be partial, but it cannot be completely without communication.

Liu Xun blamed her for coming up with random ideas, and for disturbing the situation.

Zheng Liu was so angry that he criticized Liu Ping and Liu Jing with his pen, and also scolded Liu Xun.

 Her anger was all reflected in the pages of those days.

Many papers were burned later, but these few were left out and got into Xu Miao's hands by accident.

 Xu Miao pinched the paper with her fingertips very hard.

 She knew every word and what they meant together.

 Xu Miao knew Zheng Liu's dissatisfaction with A Ping.

On the day of the accident, when she took A Ping out of the house to Guangde Temple, Zheng Liu scolded A Ping to her face.

Xu Miao also knew that he wanted to please the prince.

The incident in Chenmi Hutong originated from this. Zheng Liu scolded him harshly, but he could also understand the key points involved.

  You can add another sentence…

 Xu Miao took a deep breath.

She originally thought that Xun'er was out of her mind when she set her sights on A-Ping. Zheng Liu agreed with Xun'er's move, but she never knew that the master "wanted to be the head of the country."

Is this Zheng Liu's conjecture, or is this the internal situation?

 Are they, father and son, hiding something from her again?

 Xu Miao turned her head and looked at Liu Jing.

 Liu Jing stood by the door, looking hesitant.

His conversation with Xu Miao was not going well, but he could not stop Xu Miao from packing Xun'er's things.

The house was in a mess, and he couldn't help even if he wanted to, so he could only stand aside in despair.

 Until he found Xu Miao picking up a few pieces of paper.

At the other side is a small study room built in the house. It is a complete study room. When it is messy, it is not uncommon for papers to fall to the floor.

Liu Jing only thought it was a poem that Liu Xun or Zheng Liu had written casually before, until he saw Xu Miao's shoulders tense up.

 My heart skipped a beat.

 Then, inexplicable panic surged into my heart.

It was an indescribable emotion, more like instinct, reminding him of the impending crisis.

 He felt unhappy, but Liu Jing still had a calm expression on his face. Then, he saw Xu Miao turn her head.

The eyes, already swollen from crying, were looking straight at him.

 Liu Jing should have read something from her eyes, but now, he gained nothing.

 Xu Miao had never had a clean face before. Her face was full of tears and her eyes were very blurry.

 Liu Jing took two steps forward: "Madam, what's wrong?"

Xu Miao remained silent and handed the pieces of paper to Liu Jing.

Liu Jing took it and took a look, his eyes suddenly tightened.


Zheng Liu is really a madman!

This kind of thing can be written down with a pen, and it hasn't been cleaned up yet!

"What are the two of them doing?" Liu Jing frowned, his words full of dissatisfaction.

 Xu Miao looked up at him and asked, "Don't you know, sir?"

"I don't know," Liu Jing replied immediately, "I don't know what they are doing!"

Xu Miao asked again: "Do you want to be the head of the state?"

Liu Jing balled up the paper, lowered his head and asked, "Madam, don't you believe me?"

Xu Miao did not directly answer whether she believed it or not. She just said: "I just told the master that you let the whole family hide so many things from me, so I will wonder if you have hidden other things from me."

 This sentence has also made a statement.

Liu Jing pressed his eyebrows and took a deep breath: "Madam, I don't..."

"Don't you want to be the head of the state?" Xu Miao interrupted Liu Jing and continued to ask.

Her voice was calm, not noisy or hysterical, and gentle, as if asking "Do you want to go out together tomorrow?"

But behind the calmness, how much ups and downs there are, only Xu Miao herself knows.

She had no time or emotion to resolve the turmoil. She could only suppress it, not think too much about other things, and just focus on what was in front of her.

 Liu Jing was asked by Xu Miao.

If Xu Miao was a little more excited at the moment, Liu Jing would know how to talk her through.

But Xu Miao was so calm that Liu Jing knew in his heart that many words could not break this layer of calm.

“I’m not the father-in-law of the state,” Liu Jing wiped his face, “I just want A-Ping to have a good marriage.”

Xu Miao nodded slightly, seeming to accept the answer, but she did not stop asking the question: "Is it a good match for the prince to have a good time with Xun'er?"

"I don't know about their debauchery," Liu Jing said hurriedly, "If I knew, could I have allowed Xun'er and the prince to continue going to Chenmi Hutong? The prince is a prince, and he goes to the third palace and the sixth courtyard, where is his identity. Madam "I don't approach women casually, and that doesn't mean other men will do the same."

Xu Miao said: "It seems that the master has indeed had the idea of ​​letting A-Ping serve the prince."

 Liu Jing took a deep breath.

 Xu Miao is too salty and salty tonight.

 At any other time, Liu Jing would have been a very patient person. He would have been willing to communicate with Xu Miao without any haste and slowly change people's minds.

 But tonight is different.

Xun'er was exiled and dismissed from office. Everything in the first half of his life was in vain, and the second half of his life was also in confusion.

 It was hard for him to be patient enough anymore.

"Madam," Liu Jing sighed, seeming helpless and sad, "We have been together as husband and wife for twenty years. I regard you as my confidant, but you criticize me when I am at my lowest."

 Xu Miao pursed her lips and said nothing.

Liu Jing said again: "Madam is right, I have lied to you, and I have betrayed your trust. It is only natural for you to question me because of this.

I don’t know exactly what Ah Jian said to you these few times. I just felt that your mood fluctuated greatly, and it seemed that you were affected by other people.

Perhaps you should clear your mind and listen to your own thoughts. "

As he spoke, Liu Jing raised his hands and put them on Xu Miao's shoulders.

He looked directly into Xu Miao's eyes, and Xu Miao returned his gaze.

Xu Miao kept looking at him for a long time. When Liu Jing thought Xu Miao didn't want to say anything more, she slowly spoke.

“Maybe, maybe there is something untrue in what A-Jian said.”

Liu Jing couldn't feel happy when he heard her beginning.

Xu Miao tonight, there are too many twists and turns

As expected, Xu Miao’s next words fell heavily upon her.

"Just like Xun'er, Xun'er also lied to me a lot," Xu Miao smiled bitterly when she said this, "Children are debts, but husband and wife are not."

Hearing this, Liu Jing knew that communication between him and Xu Miao was completely impossible.

 In other words, he can no longer use his methods and words to make Xu Miao change his mind.

“Madam,” Liu Jing’s voice deepened, “Madam, what do you mean, peace and separation?”

 Xu Miao was stunned.

The words "Li" and "Li" were like sharp daggers, piercing into her heart.

 She actually didn’t think about it that much.

The situation in front of her was a mess, and just sorting out the affairs of A Jian and Xun'er had already consumed her enough energy. She explained it to the master, but she didn't think about how to go on.

 In fact, she originally thought about returning to her hometown with her husband.

 However, after a night of conversation, her thoughts also changed.

 No matter how things change, there is no such rapid progress, and now, the master has laid out the matter.

"The master doesn't plan to let A-Ping and I return home together, and lets us stay in the capital," Xu Miao asked Liu Jing, "Then what happened in the master's original plan? You and I are separated, and we are separated. Thinking about each other?”

 Liu Jing hesitated.

Xu Miao asked again: "Or am I unable to bear the boring life in Beijing and begging A Jian to let me go find you?"

 Liu Jing:…

 Xu Miao asked so sincerely.

It wasn't intentional to pick words, nor was she yin and yang weird, she just asked along the way.

 It was so direct that Liu Jing, who was always eloquent and eloquent, was confused for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

 Xu Miao didn’t really want Liu Jing to give a clear explanation.

  Gently hugging Liu Jing, she let go. She even took two steps back when Liu Jing was absent-minded, preventing Liu Jing from pressing her shoulders again.

"Whether we want to make peace or not," Xu Miao said softly, "Master, I have lived a good life in the past twenty years. If we don't see each other again in the future, I hope to leave a good thought." After finishing this, Xu Miao didn't care about Liu Jing. She packed up all the things that Liu Xun should bring, handed some of them to Aunt Xia, and held some of them herself, planning to go back to her room.

Liu Jing only came back to his senses at this time.

 “Good thoughts?” He murmured and sneered.

 Liu Jing returned to the front study and sat there until dawn.

 For the last two quarters of an hour, he seemed to have fallen asleep. At the point where he usually wakes up, he opened his eyes again with a jolt.

 While washing, changing, and arranging the hem of his court clothes, he suddenly remembered: there was no need to go to the morning court.

 He is no longer the Minister of Honglu Temple.

Liu Jing changed out of his court clothes and went out in his regular clothes. He sat at a street stall and had breakfast.

 Very unaccustomed to it.

 It is indeed very unaccustomed to welcome the excitement on the street.

When the time was almost up, Liu Jing went to Qianbu Corridor.

 Meeting many officials on the road, I was embarrassed to see Liu Jing show up.

 Liu Jing ignored them and only found two young ministers to explain all the matters at hand.

 “When will you set off, sir?” Huang Shaoqing asked.

"I'm no longer an adult," Liu Jing waved his hand, "There's no need to see you off, and there's nothing to give you, so I'll leave first."

Huang Shaoqing looked around and lowered his voice: "Your Majesty is angry. After a few years, this matter has passed. We will try to find ways to mention you more. Maybe Your Majesty will be willing to call you back again."

 Liu Jing was a capable official.

 When the Holy One employs people, he is definitely not willing to bury them. It is not an old practice that has not been revived in the past...

 Liu Jing said "thank you", but he didn't mean it in his heart at all.

 He never expected to recover from the beginning to the end.

 As long as Xu Jian is around, he will never be allowed to make a comeback.

 Otherwise, he would not have communicated with Xu Miao like that yesterday.

Thinking of Xu Miao, Liu Jing became more and more upset.

 Leaving Qianbu Corridor, Liu Jing went to see Liu Xun again.

Liu Xun has been moved from the clean small room in Shuntian Mansion to the Yamen of Dali Temple for detention. He is only waiting for the completion of the charter and will be on his way tomorrow.

 Liu Jing walked through the entire Qianbu Corridor from east to west, all the way to Dali Temple.

 Along the way, I met many officials.

 Liu Jing walked with his head down and in a hurry.

 When Dali Temple saw him coming to visit the prison, they were not embarrassed and asked the clerk to lead him to the prison.

Possibly because of "old friendship," the cell where Liu Xun was located was relatively clean. He was the only one living there, and there were no other prisoners in the neighboring cells.

Even so, Liu Xun couldn't stand it.

Since he was a child, he did not live in such a shabby place, although he did not live in fine clothes and fine food.

Knowing that they had something to say, the clerk did not stay.

When father and son met, Liu Xun burst into tears.

"Father, do I really want to go alone? I will definitely not survive! I will definitely die on the way!"

“I obviously did what you said, why is this happening...”

Liu Jing shook his head at him: "Xun'er, if you really listen to me in everything, how could you end up like this..."

Liu Xun was anxious: "Am I not obedient enough?"

"What have you done that I asked you to do earlier?" Liu Jing asked in a low voice, "That's all, the matter has come to this, there is no use talking about it. Xun'er, you have to be more careful about your words and deeds now, you have to Remember, trouble comes from your mouth. Don’t say that. Your mother has prepared a lot of banknotes for you. You can give them out on the way..."

Liu Xun asked: "Where is my mother? What will she do next?"

"She and A-Ping stayed in Beijing," Liu Jing said. "I'm going back to my hometown. Xun'er, this time, my father really has nothing."

"Do you blame me? Are you blaming me?" Liu Xun said, "You asked me to follow your path. You made my mother believe in you and obey you. Why can you do it but I can't? The princess is very scheming. Zheng Liu is a lunatic, how come there is no one you picked out for me who is like my mother..."

"Xun'er!" Liu Jing scolded in a deep voice, "Look what kind of place this is! This is not a place where you can just say whatever you want!"

Anger rising, Liu Jing wanted to scold him again, but he heard a voice coming from outside.

 It sounded very familiar. It was Xu Jian's voice.

 What he said was "Why don't you go in?"

 Liu Jing turned around suddenly.

There were two people standing at the entrance of the dungeon, a master and a servant. They both had cloth bags on their hands, blocking the light at the entrance, but Liu Jing could recognize them. They were Xu Miao and Aunt Xia.

Liu Jing's breathing suddenly became tight, as if someone had strangled his neck.

Liu Xun also saw it and opened his mouth but made no sound.

 Outside, Xu Jian, who had just arrived, walked towards Xu Miao.

With just one glance, he could tell that Xu Miao's complexion was very wrong, and she was pale.

Holding Xu Miao's hand, he glanced inside and saw Liu Jing was there, and Xu Jian suddenly understood.

 Xu Miao came at the wrong time.

 She heard some things she shouldn't have heard.

Those words, like silver needles tempered with poison, pierced into her blood and bones, driving her towards madness.

Take a deep breath, Xu Jian gave Xu Miao a slight tug on his hand: "Come with me, I have something to ask you for."

Xu Miao's figure swayed, but she didn't move.

She just looked at the father and son in the prison, and asked in a trembling voice: "What does someone like me look like?"

Liu Xun was so frightened that his face turned pale.

He was not aware of the conversation between his parents last night. He only thought that he was venting his emotions and opening up a hole in the shady truth.

In his desperation, it was rare that he did not continue to make mistakes.

"Mother," Liu Xun knelt down, holding the fence with both hands, crying, "Mother, I don't want to be exiled, please save me, save me..."

Xu Miao's tears fell quickly.

 This is her biological son. Even if she makes mistakes, she will feel heartbroken.

For a moment, she wanted to put aside the questions in her mind, rush over and hold her son in her arms, and the mother and son burst into tears.

 But her arm was held by Ah Jian.

 After that moment, she asked again with tears in her eyes: "What does it look like to be like me?"

Liu Xun paused in crying and glanced at Liu Jing.

Liu Jing's face became extremely gloomy, and he scolded Liu Xun fiercely in his heart.

The brat also said to listen to him.

 What did he hear?

 Why can he do it but Liu Xun can’t?

 If Liu Xun does things like this, can there be no mistakes?

He has worked hard to build it for many years, and even though he has failed now, there is still a frame left. Now that it is better, Xun'er kicked it away with just two words.

"Madam..." Liu Jing's throat rolled.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, Xu Jian glanced at him with lowered eyes.

 Cold, ruthless, warning, and precaution.

 All the emotions came out and were clearly placed in front of Liu Jing.

 Liu Jing involuntarily took a small step back.

Xu Jian did not pull Xu Miao hard, but glanced at Aunt Xia.

Mother Xia also sensed that something was wrong and whispered softly: "Madam, the Duke has something to tell you, why don't you go outside first?"

 The stalemate in this room naturally fell into Liu Jing's eyes.

 A thought flashed across his mind, and Liu Jing suddenly realized it.

Xu Jian was well aware of Xun'er's gaffe, but he never confided it to Xu Miao.

Xu Jian also didn't want to let Xu Miao know what Liu Jing didn't want. In fact, Xu Jian was afraid of letting Xu Miao hear the truth.


 As expected of mother and son.

Even though Xu Miao only raised Xu Jian for a hundred days, Xu Jian felt sorry for her and protected her.

After thinking about this, Liu Jing suddenly changed his mind.

If Xu Jian is not willing, Liu Jing must be willing!

 Xu Miao said "good thoughts" yesterday.

 But he has nothing left, so why can Xu Miao still have good thoughts? It seems like his twenty years have been a joke!

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

 Abandon the title and never be hired.

 There is no prospect, no head start, even if there is such a breath, what is the use?

 He couldn't be any worse.

“Like Madam...” Liu Jing paused and looked at Xu Jian provocatively.

 Xu Jian pursed her lower lip.

 He saw through Liu Jing's dark heart.

 Even with brute strength, he had to take Xu Miao away.

 The next moment, a hand held him down, and Xu Miao shook her head at him.

"Ajian," Xu Miao's voice was very soft but firm, "Let me listen to it to the end, I must listen to it to the end."

  Five thousand words, plus the previous five thousand, it is an extra update, which is a reward of ChenLinda's 10,000 coins. I will definitely be able to make up for the rewards I owe little by little.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng for his official girlfriend, small yard, and all-around 166 rewards. Thanks to Bookstore book friend celestial Li for the tip.



 (End of this chapter)

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