Yan Cigui

Chapter 282: Not a joke (two updates in one)

 Chapter 282 is not a joke (two updates in one)

 The clouds are a bit thick.

Perhaps it was because of the continuous rain that the wind brought a bit of dampness and coolness.

Just like Xu Miao’s hand on the back of Xu Jian’s hand.

 The palms of your hands are both cool and damp.

Even, Xu Jian could feel that Xu Miao's hands were trembling slightly and her whole body was tense.

 She is nervous, and at the same time, she is stubborn.

 For a moment, many fragments flashed through Xu Jian’s mind—familiar faces, unfamiliar emotions.

He thought, he was afraid that Xu Miao would look like that again.

 It is true that this time, he and Lin Yunyan made some preparations, and Xu Miao's mood has changed a lot from before, but who can be sure?

Xu Jian doesn’t want to gamble.

This time, it went so smoothly.

 If you lose the bet, then...

Xu Jian wanted to take Xu Miao away, even with some brute force.

But before he tried harder, Xu Miao turned her head, raised her eyes and smiled at him.

 “Ajan,” she said again, more firmly than before, “I can hear it all.”

 The word "neng" made Xu Jian speechless.

Obviously, he is the one who knows best.

 Some things are bound to happen.

 Even if you change the way, what should happen will happen.

 Probably, Xu Miao had to face Liu Jing's "betrayal".

As for the final result, Xu Jian thought, with the little princess here, there is always a chance.

"Okay," Xu Jian responded, "Listen to what he has to say, and I will listen with you."

Xu Miao smiled again, then turned to look at Liu Jing and Liu Xun.

 Liu Jing kept looking at them.

 He experienced some strange things in the relationship between Xu Jian and Xu Miao.

 Liu Jing knew clearly that Xu Jian was cold-tempered.

 Even though Xu Jian was watching the entertainment in the court from time to time, he himself was not very enthusiastic, and because of the disharmony, he always avoided the Liu family.

 In the past, Xu Miao went back to Fu Guogong's mansion several times, but she didn't get much good looks from Xu Jian.

 One tries hard to release goodwill, while the other turns a blind eye to it and is indifferent to it.

If Xu Miao's surname was not Xu, she would have been turned away when she went to Fu Guogong's mansion.

 Can such a "mother-child" relationship be reversed in a short time?

 Liu Jing didn’t believe it.

A while ago, he heard about Xu Jian's defense of Xu Miao and Liu Ping, but he only thought that he was not so cold-blooded and that he was just going against Xun'er.

 But looking at it now, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

 The contact between Xu Jian and Xu Miao was much deeper than Liu Jing imagined.

 What did they talk about before?

It can’t be that a mother is kind and her son is filial, right?

99 times out of 10, it’s about co-opting, provoking and dividing, so Xu Miao would say something like that last night.


The princess and Xu Jian seemed to have the same heart. The princess must have gone to Guangde Temple to speak to Xu Jian.

These thoughts turned over and over in Liu Jing's heart, and finally, they thickened into a cup of wine.

"Madam, you..." Liu Jing's voice was neither soft nor serious, just enough for the few people at the cell entrance to hear, "Madam, she is gentle, obedient, and considerate. These are all her advantages.

The wife only has her husband and children in her heart, which is enough to make you feel fulfilled, and you will not think about looking for anything else.

 Therefore, you don’t like to communicate with other officials and wives. When you go out, you only worship Buddha and offer incense, and you never inquire about them casually.

 Your life is extremely simple.

 Hence, whenever others try to hide something from you, you will be kept in the dark. "

Xu Miao said nothing.

 She did not interrupt Liu Jing and knew that what Liu Jing said was true.

If she wasn't sociable and had little interest or curiosity in the rumors on the streets, how could she have been hiding all the stupid things that Xun'er did before for so long?

Liu Jing said while observing Xu Miao.

Unfortunately, the light in the cell was dim, and Xu Miao and the others were standing at the entrance. The little light coming from behind them was not enough for him to see their expressions clearly.

“Madam is a very good wife, she takes care of the family in an orderly manner,” Liu Jing continued, “Ah Ping is just like you, nothing goes wrong.

Xun'er is different. He didn't listen to you. He stayed in the academy for a while, and his ideas were full of loopholes. Of course, he didn't listen to me all. If he really listened to me, he wouldn't be now. This point.

 I am very satisfied with my wife and my marriage for the past twenty years.

 Madam is of a good background and has a good temperament. She trusts me and helps me, so I don’t have any worries. "

 Liu Jing spoke very slowly.

 Every word sounds like praise.

 There is a layer of delicious honey floating on the surface of this wine.

“But why can’t Madam’s father, my Lord Taishan, be the same as Madam?” Liu Jing asked, “He has doubted me and rejected me from the beginning to the end.

 He has no son, and his plan from the beginning to the end was to find a son-in-law. Why did he change his mind in the end?

Xinke Chuanlu, even if he is not as good as the three in the head armor, he will not be embarrassed, right?

 I don’t even refuse to marry into my wife, but he looks down on me.

 He is also going to take away my eldest son!

Yes, he trained A Jian like this, a knife, a knife to deal with Xun'er and me.

  Twenty years of studying hard in the cold window, being named on the gold medal list, and working hard in the Qianbu corridor for twenty years, but in the end, I have nothing and nothing!

 It’s all thanks to his old man and A Jian! "

 Liu Xun collapsed on the ground and stared at Liu Jing dumbfounded.

Of course he knew what his father was thinking, but he never thought that these words would fall into his mother's ears or be spoken by his father himself.

 These things are obviously not allowed to be known to mother.

Even if he let something slip a moment ago and was overheard by his mother, his father's quick wit and adaptability could completely handle it.

 It’s just that my father didn’t cope with it.

Rather, it tears apart those contradictions more directly.

 Liu Xun turned to look at his mother.

He thought that if Aunt Xia and Xu Jian hadn't supported her, her mother might have lost her balance.

Grandma Xia thought so too.

 She clearly felt that the lady had been trembling.

 She herself was trembling.

How could the master say such a thing?

  Does the couple, who were so harmonious and happy before the accident, now be so vehemently at odds with each other?

If it hadn't been for the help of Duke Fu to support his wife, Nanny Xia thought that with the strength of her hands at the moment, she would not have been able to support her.

 Xu Miao still didn't speak.

The cell was sealed, and Liu Jing's voice lingered and echoed in it, each sentence deafening.

Since she wanted to listen, she listened with all her strength, letting every word enter her ears and heart.

 So much so that blood can be seen with a sword.

The master said that Ah Jian was the swordsman trained by his father, but in Xu Miao's case, Liu Jing was the swordsman.

 Silence spread among several people.

 Xu Miao's lips moved: "Is there more?"

Liu Jing was stunned when he heard this.

  "Is there still..." Xu Miao asked again.

  Three simple words, shaking to pieces.

 Liu Jing frowned.    For a moment, he couldn't describe his state of mind.

Hearing Xu Miao's almost unbearable voice, he should have felt like he breathed a sigh of relief, but in fact he didn't.

 He felt empty in his heart, neither touching the left nor the right, feeling unsteady and uncomfortable.

As if to get rid of this mood, Liu Jing simply continued.

 Say it harder, say it more heavily, and he should be able to really feel it.

“Madam, you said you don’t regret your twenty years of marriage,” Liu Jing said slowly, not fiercely, but in a definite tone, “I regret it.

 When I met you, I saved you because you were the daughter of the Duke.

 Marrying you didn’t bring me much help or benefit, but it actually made me completely defeated today.

 It’s better to find someone else, at least my father-in-law won’t bury a knife for me.

 I regret it very much now.

The past twenty years have been a joke. "

As the words fell, the wine revealed its true appearance, which was a poisonous wine.

Almost instantly, Xu Miao's tears fell, and her head was buzzing.

Mama Xia also burst into tears.

 She feels very sorry for Madam.

Who can hear her husband say such words and not be heartbroken?

The master is obviously a decent man, why did he have to be so dishonorable in the end?

She didn't know how to comfort her wife. She could only raise her head to look at Duke Fu, hoping that he could stabilize her mood.

 Xu Jian did not move.

His jaw was tense and his dark eyes were deep, with anger hidden in them.

 But he didn’t say anything to Liu Jing.

He knew Liu Jing and how Liu Jing would stab him, so his attention fell on Xu Miao.

“Let’s go after listening.” Xu Jian said.

 Xu Miao shook her head slightly.

Her tears did not stop, but this time, her vision was clear, and she could still see everyone's appearance clearly through her tears.

"Hold me for a while," she said softly to Xu Jian, "I'll explain a few words to Xun'er."

 Xu Jian relied on her.

Xu Miao walked into the prison and walked to Liu Xun's cell before letting Xu Jian let go.

She knelt down and held Liu Xun's hand through the fence: "Xun'er, I'm bringing you luggage. It's all clothes. There are also some banknotes hidden in the bag, big and small. You're on your way. Watching being given out, although exile is painful, it is not necessarily...

 It’s just us, mother and son, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to see each other again in this life.

I gave birth to you but didn’t raise you well, I’m sorry..."

 Liu Xun looked at Xu Miao in astonishment.

 He did not expect that his mother would say such things.

Especially after hearing his father’s heart-wrenching words, his mother’s reaction was beyond Liu Xun’s expectation.

Although she was crying, and those tears even stained Liu Xun's hands, her mother was apologizing to him.

Liu Xun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his throat was extremely dry.

He didn't know how to respond, so he just instinctively and forcefully squeezed his hand out from between the bars, hurriedly wiping his mother's tears.

 The gap is too narrow, it is not easy to just stick his hand out, and the angle he can turn is also limited.

At this moment, he didn't care about the pain in his hand, he just wanted to wipe away his mother's tears.

Xu Miao held his hand again and kissed his palm, just like when Liu Xun was a child: "Take care of yourself."

 Then, she stood up on the fence and looked at Liu Jing.

“You said you regretted it, and you thought twenty years was a joke,” Xu Miao tugged at the corner of her lips, her tears didn’t stop, and her smile was bitter, “I still said what I said yesterday, I don’t regret it.

I'm sorry that Ah Jian didn't grow up by my side, but he is my son; Xun'er did a lot of wrong things, and we were separated from each other from now on. I'm very sad, but he is my son; Ah Ping cares about me and protects me. , I also want to protect her, she is my daughter.

 Because of these three children, I will have no regrets, and my twenty years will not be a joke. "

 Liu Jing was speechless.

This time, he really didn’t know what to say.

Xu Miao had no intention of listening to him anymore, and was supported by Xu Jian as she walked out.

Liu Jing looked at her back and even held his breath.

He still felt uncomfortable and empty, as if he were standing in the white snow with no direction.

Xu Jian carefully supported Xu Miao.

Xu Miao spoke firmly and walked firmly, but Xu Jian knew that she was also trying to be strong, or in other words, forcing herself to be strong.

Her steps were a little shaky and her arms were trembling. If Xu Jian hadn't been supporting her, she might not have been able to walk a few steps before swaying from side to side.

 Xu Jian saw it all.

 He also heard Liu Xun’s sobs behind them.

He also heard the majestic sound of rain in his heart, accompanied by lightning and thunder, all falling and sparking.

At this moment, Xu Jian breathed out softly.

 What is the little princess doing...

 They came out of the cell.

The clerks who had previously stayed away in order not to disturb their conversation have also discovered that something is not right here.

 Mrs. Xu and the nanny beside her had obviously cried.

 This is also common.

   When your son is going to be exiled, how can a mother not cry?

 That is to say, Mrs. Xu was reserved, cried only when she cried, and did not make much movement.

They have seen many prisoners' family members crying and screaming, and it is not uncommon for them to pass away on the spot.

  It is the Duke of the State. I heard many times in the past that he was not close to the Liu family. But today it seems that at least he cares a lot about Mrs. Xu.

Given the situation here, Dali Temple officials would not come around to say any polite words. They only nodded to Xu Jian from afar and said hello.

Xu Jian kept helping Xu Miao onto the carriage: "Go back home first, A-Ping is waiting."

Through the curtain, Xu Miao looked at him and asked softly: "Are your legs okay?"

 Xu Jian raised his eyes to look at her.

"I couldn't walk very well just now, and I relied on you to hold me up," Xu Miao said. "Obviously, your legs can't use more strength. I forgot. I'm sorry."

Seeing her caution, Xu Jian sighed: "It's okay."

After thinking for a while, he added: "You rarely walk with me, you just didn't take care of me for a while. It really doesn't matter, I can still help you with those old wounds."

 "That's it..." Xu Miao smiled softly.

Seeing that her mood was relatively stable, Xu Jian asked tentatively: "For what I just mentioned, what are your plans in the future?"

Xu Miao thought he was asking about where he was going, so he said: "I told the master yesterday that A-Ping and I are staying in the capital, and the master has no intention of letting us leave the capital."

 Xu Jian pursed her lower lip and asked, "Do I mean Heli?"

Xu Miao was silent for a while and said, "Let it go. The fate is over, and so is the marriage certificate."

"Then I'll ask him. You can go back first." Xu Jian said.

 The car curtain falls.

Xu Jian watched the carriage leave and then stood outside the Yamen.

 After waiting for half a quarter of an hour, Liu Jing came out.

"Let's go to Shuntian Mansion," Xu Jian called Liu Jing, "before he returns home, let Master Shan cover the He Li book."

Some book friends have suggested before that there is no need to mourn Liu Jing after Xu Jian is adopted, but this is not true.

   I saw an article in the "Compilation of Ming Dynasty Laws and Regulations". When a man becomes a human being, he is a relative, and his filial piety and obedience are all reduced to the same level. His biological parents also submit to him, and there is no stick period.

Even if it is an adopted child, if his biological parents pass away, he must still serve.

   Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward, and thanks to Bookstore book friend Hua Lizi for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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