Yan Cigui

Chapter 283: It's all a dream

Outside the Yamen of Dali Temple, the atmosphere was very stagnant.

Liu Jing did not see Xu Miao's carriage, so he knew that only Xu Jian was waiting for him.

 For a while, he couldn't tell whether it was Xu Miao's idea to reconcile, or whether Xu Jian was acting on his behalf and had his own way.

His brows wrinkled little by little, and his lips were pursed tightly, looking very serious.

Xu Jian glanced at Liu Jing. He didn't urge him, but he was very sure and confident.

The two parties were in a stalemate. Knowing that he was at a disadvantage at the moment, Liu Jing spoke first: "Heli? You are impatient."

Xu Jian smiled, without any smile in his eyes: "You are leaving in the next two days, and your time is limited. Besides, Mr. Shan is still busy with the case, and he is not so free. I came forward to ask him for a favor, which can save some money." A lot of trouble.”

 Liu Jing bit his back molar.

He knew that although Shan Shen had tried to persuade him in private before, but in more serious terms, Master Shan was undoubtedly more familiar with Xu Jian.

Xu Jian had decided to take the He Li book, but Shan Shen didn't waste any time and just stamped it.

Thinking about this, Liu Jing felt very unhappy.

"Yesterday, your mother and I discussed this matter," Liu Jing kept his voice steady, suppressing his annoyance, "We concluded at that time that we couldn't get along."

"You know it was yesterday," Xu Jian said calmly, "You said so many things in the prison just now, but she just changed her mind."

 Liu Jing said nothing and only expressed doubts with his eyes.

 Xu Jian smiled again, and this time, there was a slight smile in her eyes: "I won't make decisions for her."

 Liu Jing was stunned.

“I can’t do it, and neither can my grandfather,” Xu Jian continued. “She is the one who makes the decision. We are different from you.”

These words obviously pierced Liu Jing's heart.

 His face turned pale and blue for a while.

 Xu Jian was still calm and unhurried.

The initiative is in his hands. As long as Xu Miao can accept all this and continue to move forward, he will not be in a hurry.

 Hence, it was rare that he was a little more patient with Liu Jing and analyzed the severity.

"You are short on time. I don't recommend wasting it like this," Xu Jian said. "Although Mr. Liu, you have good literary talent and can write a touching letter of separation, but there is a ready-made template in the Yamen. It is more convenient to follow it and sign it." Seal, from now on, we will be separated from each other."

 Liu Jing looks at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian said again: "We have already talked about that. Don't you want to reconcile?"

Liu Jing remained silent.

"Decent people do decent things," Xu Jian chuckled, sarcastically, "Judging from the current results, there is no dignity left at all, but you have always wanted to be a decent person. I don't care, I can support you Go to Shuntian Mansion to draw a seal.”

 “Xu Jian!” Liu Jing gritted his teeth.

“You said before that I was trained as a swordsman by my grandfather, so be it,” Xu Jian said without any reaction to Liu Jing’s anger, “I can stab Liu Xun with a knife, and I can stab you too.

If you don't cooperate and leave the capital in such a big way, then I can only turn the letter of He Li into a book of righteousness and send it to your original Yamen.

You'd better believe me, I'm pretty ruthless when I do it.

Did Liu Xun tell you that he was tricked by me and the princess several times?

 He was not mistaken, that was it. "

Even though he knew that Xu Jian was deliberately threatening him, Liu Jing was also very angry with these words.

Especially the last few sentences, Xu Jian lowered her voice, almost speaking in his ear, and every word made his scalp tingle.

"You are so courageous and so cruel." Liu Jing raised his eyes and realized that Xu Jian had grown very tall, taller than him. At such a close distance, he had to look directly into Xu Jian's eyes. He didn't raise his head. This feeling was so bad that it made him temper every word, "Aren't you afraid that the Holy One will know?"

"You..." Xu Jian paused and smiled again, "Can you still see the Holy One? Even if you can see and complain, will the Holy One believe you? With the incompatible relationship between you and me, how can we complain to you?" It’s not your turn to be black.”

 Liu Jing's tense shoulders slumped.

 He knew that Xu Jian was right.

If he goes to sue Xu Jian, even if the personal and material evidence is conclusive, he will be suspected of fraud.

What’s more, he has no evidence.

 Liu Jing had no choice but to go through the procedures according to Xu Jian's wishes.

Especially, their confrontation attracted a lot of attention from others.

Not only officials from Dali Temple, but also people from the nearby government offices poked their heads in the air. Who wouldn’t want to watch the excitement?

 “Let’s go.” Liu Jing straightened his sleeves to make himself look less unwilling and embarrassed.

 Xu Jian nodded.

 He also arranged the sedan chair.

Dali Temple is on the southwest side of Qianbu Corridor. A few steps ahead is Jiangmi Lane. Two sedan chairs are parked at the entrance of the lane, one behind the other.

Liu Jing's lips twitched, Xu Jian was really prepared and would not give up until he achieved his goal today.

With this thought, Liu Jing lifted the curtain of the sedan chair himself.

 Xu Jian also got on the sedan chair.

 Two sedan chairs arrived outside Shuntian Mansion.

 Xu Jian came down and looked back, only to see that Liu Jing had also come down. Perhaps he had adjusted his mood along the way, Liu Jing went to Shuntian Mansion with an expressionless face.

In the Houya, Shan Shen, who was still busy reading the case files, heard that Xu Jian and Liu Jing had arrived together, and hurried out to greet them.

  Master Shan knows what he is doing.

These two people came together, it is impossible to analyze the case with him.

Liu Jing rarely lost his composure in front of others, and he never used to show off his authority in the past. However, things are different now. His official position has been lost. If something breaks...

Not to mention Fu Guogong.

The Duke of Guo's mouth is not as vulgar as Shan Shen's, but when he gets angry, even the Holy Emperor has a headache.

Suppose the point of a needle is facing each other in a while, one person talks unforgivingly, and the other breaks a jar, wouldn't he be the one to clean up the mess?

Shan Shen picked up the hem of his clothes and ran forward. When he met him, he first greeted Liu Jing with "Fu Guogong", but when he met Liu Jing, he was in a dilemma.

  He is no longer "Master Liu", and he does not even have any fame.

It was okay not to say hello, but Shan Shen thought of "putting out the fire", so he smiled and shook hands with Liu Jing.

Liu Jing saw this and said, "It's my turn to salute you."

Xu Jian got straight to the point: "Does Mr. Shan have a ready-made He Li Shu?"

Shan Shen understood immediately when he was inspired.

 The ones who want to reconcile must be Liu Jing and Mrs. Xu.

 “Why don’t you see Mrs. Xu?” Shan Shen asked.

 According to the rules, it is best for both parties to show up.

"She just went to see Liu Xun and is very tired. I'm here for her," Xu Jian said. "If Master Shan is worried, send someone to Liu's house."

Shan Shen smiled.

He was crazy and asked people to seek confirmation.

 Besides, Fu Guogong’s actions would not be so outrageous.

"Were you going to see Liu Xun? Then you really need to rest more," Shan Shen used these words to find a way out, "There are ready-made ones, just sign and seal them, and I'll seal them again."

Liu Jing suddenly spoke: "I don't need a ready-made one, I'll write it myself."

 Xu Jian glanced at him.

"I write articles very quickly, and a letter from He Li won't take much time," Liu Jing looked at Xu Jian, "You don't have to be in such a hurry."

 Xu Jian had no objection and said "please" to Liu Jing.

As long as Liu Jing was willing to sign the words, Xu Jian didn't care whether Nahe Lishu was a copy of the model or a free expression.

Of course, if what Liu Jing writes is messy, then he will ask Liu Jing to use a template.

  Anyway, we have enough time today.

Shan Shen asked someone to prepare a study room for Liu Jing.

 Liu Jing studied ink and did not draw the manuscript. He was a little hesitant when he picked up the pen. He stumbled very much in the first few lines. Later, he seemed to be in a mood, and he wrote faster and faster, finishing in one go. Xu Jian had good eyesight and stood not far away and read Liu Jing's article.

There is no dagger in the text. It is said that after twenty years of marriage, it ended in divorce. It was very regretful and helpless, but I also knew that we were no longer traveling together and it was time to go our separate ways.

 Liu Jing neatly copied three copies of this He Li Shu, wrote his name and pressed his fingerprints.

Xu Jian took it over and wrote the words for Xu Miao.

 Master brought over the official seal, and Mr. Shan stamped it directly.

“This is the official document,” he said, “and the other two copies.”

As he spoke, he handed it over to Liu Jing and Xu Jian.

 Liu Jing didn't say much, folded it carefully and put it between the lapels of his clothes.

Master left a file for Shan Shen and quickly read the article, with many thoughts.

  It is said that Liu Jing is a good writer, and he truly deserves his reputation.

 Lian and Li's writings are so touching, and one can get a glimpse of the deep love between the couple.

 Then I remembered that I had been moved by the friendship between Liu Xun and Na Yueniang, and the master's heart skipped a beat.

 The lower beam is crooked like that, but the upper beam will not be...

  No, not really, Shang Liang has always had a very good reputation regarding the couple’s relationship.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Fu Guogong speak.

“It is worthy of the literary talent praised by the late emperor. Such an emotional article only took a quarter of an hour to write.”

Liu Jing heard the sarcasm in Xu Jian's words, but could only pretend that he didn't hear it: "I told you, I write articles quickly."

"That's right, you won't plan and leave the book in advance," Xu Jian lowered his eyes and brushed the document in his hand with his fingertips. "With Mrs. Xu's temperament, even if something like this happens, she will not leave casually."

  When Shan Shen heard this, his teeth were sore.

 Didn’t Mrs. Xu agree? Is the auxiliary Duke beheaded first and then played?

Then don’t let him hear it.

He is the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture. Could it be that he jumped up and invalidated the He Li Shu?

 “Your Majesty.” Shan Shen and Xu Jian shook their heads slightly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shan," Xu Jian said, "I didn't lie to you just now. Mrs. Xu did agree. She heard some truthful words at Dali Temple. She heard that her husband regretted the twenty-year marriage very much and treated her and the Duke's palace a lot. If there are any complaints, Mrs. Xu will make up her mind.”

After Shan Shen heard this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Liu Jing didn't refute.

 Fortunately, he did not help the Duke of Fu to seek personal gain with his power.

On the contrary, the master standing aside quietly looked at Liu Jing several times.

ب and Li are written so beautifully, but aren’t they actually true?

Did Liu Jing tell the truth, or did he know that the future was different and deliberately said harsh words to hurt Mrs. Xu's heart, so that Mrs. Xu would no longer think about her husband who could not come back?

The master was not sure, but he was extremely curious.

Liu Jing obviously didn't want others to see the joke anymore, so he asked Xu Jian, "The book of Heli is finished, are you satisfied?"

 “I don’t know when to set off?” Xu Jian asked.

Liu Jing said: "I will leave after seeing Xun'er off tomorrow."

 Xu Jian nodded slightly.

 Liu Jing ignored him, exchanged hands with Shan Shen, and left quickly.

Shan Shen patted Xu Jian on the shoulder: "That's good. Cut it off in two, so as not to have more trouble in the future. It's Mrs. Xu's place..."

"It's inevitable to be sad. What Liu Jing said at Dali Temple was really unpleasant." Xu Jian chuckled. "I'd like to trouble Mr. Shan to deal with this special matter. I'll leave first. I'll discuss the matter in Chenmi Hutong tomorrow." Come and discuss with you.”

Shan Shen waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, there is no progress anyway. Please spend more time with Mrs. Xu."

As soon as Xu Jian left, Shan Shen looked at his back and sighed.

The master came up and asked in a low voice the doubts in his heart.

 “What do you think?” Shan Shen asked.

“I just asked you for advice if you weren’t sure,” the master said.

Shan Shen smiled and said, "Read less in the book. Don't just listen to what Liu Jing and Mrs. Xu said. Think more about what he said to Duke Fu before."

 After saying this, Shan Shen also left.

Master stayed where he was, recalled it carefully, and came to an understanding.

 He looked at the article and Li Shu again.

 Excellent literary talent.

 A man who is eloquent and good at writing is indeed unreliable!

 On the other side, Liu Jing returned to Liu Mansion.

The steward came up to us and said, "My wife and the girl are not at home. They said they were going to Guangde Temple."

 Liu Jing was not surprised by this.

With Xu Jian's ability, he will never be given another chance to contact Xu Miao and Liu Ping, so as not to cause complications.

 The matter has come to this, although Liu Jing is depressed, he will not seek death.

With Xu Jian's threatening posture today, if he continues to do something else...

Xu Jian may not touch him, but it will make Xun'er miserable on the road to exile.

 The next day.

Shortly after dawn, Liu Xun was escorted out of Beijing.

At the gate of the city, Xu Miao was sitting in the carriage, looking at Liu Ping's hand, perhaps to give the Duke Fu's government some face, and quietly looked at Liu Xun for a while, who did not set off immediately.

“Won’t you say a few more words to your brother?” Liu Ping asked softly.

Xu Miao shook her head: "No need, I already said everything I wanted to say yesterday."

Liu Xun stood there and saw the carriage parked under the city wall.

 He could guess the identity of the person in the car.

  A few times, he wanted to call out, but could not muster the courage.

 Finally, he saw a sedan parked beside the carriage.

The person who came down from the sedan was Xu Jian. He said something to the people inside through the curtain. It seemed that he had received a reply. Xu Jian turned around and signaled to the guards escorting him at the city gate.

“He’s gone.” The guard saw it and urged Liu Xun.

Liu Xun glanced at that place again and stumbled away.

Xu Jian did not look at Liu Xun anymore, but turned her head and looked at the teahouse not far away.

Liu Jing is sitting in the private room upstairs.

 Liu Jing also came to see Liu Xun off, but he just didn't show up.

At this moment, he also saw Xu Jian.

With their eyes facing each other, Liu Jing’s fist at his side clenched, then unclenched, and then clenched again.

 Xu Jian's face looks like him and more like Xu Miao. The heroic spirit between his eyebrows was brought by the old Mr. Guo.

 Liu Jing looked at these facial features, and his emotions were ups and downs.

 Such an appearance and such a method were originally what he most hoped for as his "son".

 Evidently, they are not "two fathers and sons", but rather enemies.

Liu Jing withdrew his gaze and glanced at the luggage beside him.

The things he took away were very few. He spent most of the night last night, but that was all.

 He had to leave Beijing.

 Twenty years, exactly twenty years.

 The way you came to the capital is the same way you left the capital.

  Xinke Chuanlu and Honglu Temple Minister were all just a dream.

  Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171, I leave in autumn, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for their rewards.

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