Yan Cigui

Chapter 284: mother's hesitation

The gorgeous carriage stopped outside Guangde Temple.

Lin Yunyan got out of the car and took Wan Yue all the way to the guest room.

 Early in the morning, after Xu Miao and Liu Ping saw off Liu Xun, they did not return to the original Liu family's house, but came here.

 Mother Xia was still waiting for her outside the house. When she saw her coming, she smiled and said hello.

Lin Yunyan nodded and did not go into the guest room immediately. Instead, she glanced to that side worriedly and asked in a low voice, "Is Madam in a good mood?"

Mother Xia’s smile was a little forced.

Lin Yunyan then asked: "Not so good?"

"That's not true," Aunt Xia sighed, and after taking a quick look inside, she whispered, "Madam's reaction is actually much gentler than the slave originally thought.

The slaves thought that when there were so many ups and downs, the son was exiled, and he left with the master, especially what the master said in the past two days, and poked his wife's heart.

Madam loves the master very much, and hearing those words is really uncomfortable. The slave always wonders if she won't be able to bear it.

But she was actually quite peaceful. When she cried, it was natural that she cried, but not to the point of bursting into tears. "

Seeing that the princess was listening attentively, Nanny Xia felt a little worried, so she couldn't help but say a few more words: "I think it might be better if I really cry.

Emotions have high ups and downs, and they still have to be vented. If you keep them in your heart, you may get sick.

Madam has many things to take care of, so she just suppresses them.

  It was better during the day, with someone to talk to, but in the middle of the night, the lady did not sleep soundly. Like these two nights, the slave thought that she might not have fallen asleep at all, and her mind was full of these things, alas! "

Lin Yunyan knows it all.

 She was not surprised by Mrs. Xu's reactions.

 It is true that she and Xu Jian have laid a lot of groundwork, and Mrs. Xu has also discovered a lot of inside stories herself in the past few months, but emotionally, she will struggle and suffer.

Judging from the results, she chose Xu Jian and Liu Ping, chose to reconcile with Liu Jing, and chose to watch Liu Xun's exile.

 She made the most appropriate choice at this moment.

 Right and wrong are not the same as all the good and bad.

 The hole in my heart will slowly fill up over time, and now, time has just begun.

 This matter cannot be rushed.

 Especially, Mrs. Xu is "fighting alone".

As a mother, she could still talk about her longing and concern for Liu Xun with Liu Ping and others, although she could only stop there.

No one can tell her true feelings about the two decades of mutual love between her and Liu Jing.

 Because if she said it, it would make things difficult for Xu Jian and Liu Ping.

She didn't want to do that, so she could only close her mouth and digest it alone.

 It is most difficult to digest in the dead of night when people are quiet.

Human nature.

"I'll tell her some happy things," Lin Yunyan said softly to Aunt Xia, "I can't say anything else, and she can't say it to me either."

 Mother Xia sighed and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Princess."

"It's not hard," Lin Yunyan said, "My wife is the biological mother of the Duke of the country, how can I feel it's hard?"

 After a brief exchange, Grandma Xia introduced Lin Yunyan inside.

 In the guest room, Xu Miao raised her head when she heard the sound and smiled lightly at her.

“The princess is here,” Xu Miao’s voice was extremely gentle. There was no trace of depression, and there was no bad mood on her face. “Sit down quickly.”

Liu Ping also said hello obediently.

Lin Yunyan sat down next to the two of them: "It's better to be in the temple. It's convenient for me to come visit Madam and Miss Ping."

 Xu Miao Wan'er.

She is actually thinking about the place of residence.

 The Liu family house where she lived before is now under her own name.

A Jian asked Liu Jing to write a letter of peace and departure, and naturally he would also arrange the ownership of the house.

Liu Jing returned to his hometown, and the house in Beijing was of no use to him, so Ah Jian negotiated with Liu Jing based on the market price, and the money and contract were settled.

But no matter whether it is called Liu Zhai or Xu Zhai in the future, Xu Miao cannot live in peace of mind.

 She lived there for twenty years.

 Having children and raising children was all in that house, not a single scene, but also a memory.

 Xun'er's, Liu Jing's...

 For her, it was really heavy.

"A-Jian told me that if she doesn't want to live there, she can take A-Ping back to the Duke's mansion," Xu Miao smiled, "I thought it would be troublesome."

"What's the trouble?" Lin Yunyan asked her, "You grew up in the house."

Xu Miao blinked, looked at Lin Yunyan, pursed her lips and smiled.

 A Jian married a daughter-in-law.

The house was originally clean, just the young couple. If they moved back, a "mother-in-law" and a "sister-in-law" would appear out of nowhere that they couldn't see each other every day.

 It is different from what was originally thought.

The princess has a good temper and won't complain about anything, but Xu Miao blames her for feeling sorry for her.

Of course, she won’t talk about it.

 Speaking of it, it seems like "forcing" the princess.

Compared with where she will live and how she will live, she hopes that A Jian and the princess can go smoothly without any troubles.

Lin Yunyan was very transparent, and she could roughly guess Xu Miao's thoughts as soon as her mind changed.

 Mrs. Xu is just too careful.

This carefulness actually belongs to the same family as her grandmother, Xiao Duan.

 The only difference is that my grandfather is a sincere person, and the rest of the Lin family are also people who know etiquette and sincere etiquette, and they gave Mr. Duan the best response. Mrs. Xu met Liu Jing, and her caution and kindness were completely taken advantage of.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan said: "As you know, Uncle Chengyi's house has a large population."

Xu Miao was slightly surprised, wondering why she mentioned the uncle's house.

“I have lived a very lively life since I was a child,” Lin Yunyan said and laughed, “Sisters, my grandmother likes us to be in front of her, and I am used to it.

To be honest with you, Madam, I sometimes think that I will feel uncomfortable after I leave the cabinet.

In such a large Duke’s mansion, apart from the grandma and the stewards, it’s just me and the Duke. "

Xu Miao heard the hidden meaning of Lin Yunyan's words.

“Actually,” Lin Yunyan continued, “this year, the Duke of the State has rarely been in the government office, and he finds it deserted.”

Xu Miao's eyes suddenly tightened: "Then where is he staying?"

"In a familiar shop," Lin Yunyan replied, "the place is small and not so empty. I have been there several times and he is always playing chess alone."

 Xu Miao murmured: "That's it..."

"There's one more thing I want to ask Madam about," Lin Yunyan said with a hint of embarrassment in her smile, "It's a small wedding ceremony."

 Hearing this important event, Xu Miao's mind was immediately attracted.

"I seem to have heard," she asked tentatively, "that the date is set for June?"

Lin Yunyan said: "Yes."

 The date of her and Xu Jian's wedding was actually later than expected.

 Compared to before, the wedding ceremony came earlier this time. The Holy Spirit’s original plan was to have a small wedding after the beginning of spring.

 It’s just that the days selected were not very satisfactory to the Queen Mother.

 She has her own set of rules when it comes to choosing auspicious days and days. She always feels a little off when she looks left and right.

 The Holy Spirit knew her temper and did not urge her to finalize it.

 After that, a series of things came up, involving the prince. Regardless of whether the emperor was in a mood or not, the empress dowager was also not very interested.

 Until a few days ago, the Empress Dowager suddenly relaxed and set the date for June 26th.

 It’s a coincidence.

 It was the time when Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian lived in Xiaoding.

 In the final analysis, it was probably this time that suited the Empress Dowager’s liking.

 As for the difference, of course there is one.

 In the past, perhaps because of Gu Yue's presence, marriages were granted in a hurry in the palace. After the imperial edict was issued, preparations for the wedding were made immediately, which was very hurried.

 It was certainly a great success, but it also showed a sense of "rushing".

They were given a lot of time this time. Although the date was just set, the preparations started after the wedding was given a year ago.

"Uncle An Yi and Madam Uncle are very attentive and meticulous," Lin Yunyan said. "In general, Uncle An is able to communicate with the Duke, but for some internal details, I am afraid that Mrs. Uncle may be inconvenienced. It’s not easy for her to go to the Duke’s mansion every now and then.”

 Xu Miao understood.

She herself has been married and arranged Liu Xun's wedding ceremony, so she knows the complicated rules very well.

Zheng Liu was born in the uncle's house, but Xun'er was just a son of an official family. Even so, he was in the same way.

 When we arrived at A Jian’s place, the situation was different again.

 When the Duke marries a princess, there are only more and more details that need to be paid attention to when it comes to status.

 When you relax, the focus is actually on the woman’s house. The man’s house is not that important, but it cannot be ignored.

It is not right that in the Duke Fu's mansion, it is only up to the nuns to keep busy with Mrs. An Yibo.

 When they officially get married later, something even worse will happen.

You can't let Madam Uncle be so busy that she has to stay in the Duke's Mansion for a few days, right?

 Someone still has to come forward to coordinate with Madam Uncle.

"The princess said," Xu Miao asked, "if I move back to the mansion, can I perform wedding ceremonies?"

Lin Yunyan nodded.

Xu Miao asked again: "Does Ajian agree? The Holy One ordered An Yibo to preside over it, so I rashly stepped in..."

"You are the biological mother of the Duke of Guo. How can you intervene rashly?" Lin Yunyan comforted her and said, "I really hope you can take care of it together."

As he said that, Xu Miao saw Lin Yunyan's eyes drooping.

"My mother is gone, and my grandmother and aunts can take care of things very well for me, but I occasionally think about what arrangements my mother would make if she were here." Lin Yunyan's long eyelashes trembled, "Where is the Duke? I think it's different for you to take charge of it, even if you just give a few ideas, and for Mr. An Yibo and Mrs. Bo to preside over everything."

 A few words made Xu Miao's heart hurt. For a moment, her eyes were sore.

 She also lost her mother in her early years.

She has experienced the regret of her mother's absence at important moments and naturally understands it.

How could she say no?

“Let me tell you a little bit,” Xu Miao said. “That’s all I can do for him.”

Beside him, Liu Ping, who had been silent all this time, raised her eyes, glanced at Xu Miao, and then at Lin Yunyan, with deep admiration in her eyes.

 Compared to living in the original house, she hoped that her mother could live somewhere else.

 The temple is only for a short stay and is not suitable for long-term stay.

 Kuogong Mansion is actually a good choice.

 Liu Ping tried to persuade her mother, but the arguments were repeated over and over again, with little success.

 The mother has the hesitation of a mother.

As soon as the princess came, she pointed straight to the center, overcame those hesitations, and settled on the more important things.

 This made Liu Ping involuntarily breathe a sigh of relief.

 Sorry, I am short today, but I will be thicker tomorrow!

Thanks to book friends NingYue and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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