Yan Cigui

Chapter 285: Come prepared

Chapter 285 Come prepared

Seeing that Xu Miao relaxed, Lin Yunyan felt relieved.

Turning her eyes to look at Liu Ping, she smiled softly: "I have to trouble Sister Ping to change her residence. Unlike Madam, Sister Ping is not familiar with the Duke's Mansion."

 Liu Ping pursed her lower lip.

 For a moment, there was only one thought in my mind: The princess looks so beautiful when she smiles.

Growing up, Liu Ping had not seen many beauties, but there was no one in her family who was not outstanding in appearance. After so many years of looking at other people outside, she rarely admired her looks.

 There was only the princess. When she saw her once before, she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Not only does the princess have good-looking features, she also has an indescribable feeling about her that makes people want to get close to her.

This spontaneous good impression was firmly engraved in Liu Ping's heart.

 The reason, Liu Ping thought about it seriously, was probably because of "patience".

The princess is good at listening and speaking.

 Perhaps it was just as the princess said, there were many people in the house and it was lively, and she had been accompanying the Empress Dowager for many years, and she was very good at listening and speaking.

  Make people willing to talk to her, and even more willing to listen to her suggestions.

 This is a skill.

 Liu Ping did not have that kind of ability herself, so she was particularly envious and admired him.

 At the same time, I also like it more.

 When a family gets along, they should communicate more with each other.

The eldest brother looks cold and hard to get along with, but in fact, judging from the night he returned to the Duke's Mansion, he is also willing to listen patiently to his mother and talk to her, and he will talk to them one by one in detail.

On the other hand, my brother looks enthusiastic, but he actually lacks patience with his mother.

The words his mother told him went in one ear and came out the other, and what he said himself was just a response.

 Not to mention Zheng Liu's difficult temperament.

 Compared with this, Liu Ping felt much more stable.

 There shouldn't be any difficulty getting along with the eldest brother and the princess.

 “Sister Ping?”

Hearing the princess call again, Liu Ping suddenly came back to her senses and let out a low "ah".

Lin Yunyan didn't care about her distraction, and still smiled: "Thank you for adapting to the Duke's mansion."

“It’s not hard,” Liu Ping subconsciously accepted this sentence. “Although I haven’t been there very often before, it’s still my grandfather’s house and the place where my mother grew up. I should be able to adapt to it soon.”

This is what Lin Yunyan wanted.

Hearing what Liu Ping said, she said to Xu Miao again: "You see, sister Ping said so."

Liu Ping understood at this time.

My own frivolous opinion was also a bargaining chip for the princess to persuade her mother.

The princess used her own way to increase the chips little by little, until they were heavy enough to convince her mother.

 Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief.

Having said this, if she hesitates any longer, she will actually break the hearts of the children.

 She asked: "Has Mrs. Quanfu decided?"

"It's decided," Lin Yunyan said, "I heard from my grandmother that Mrs. Enrong Bo will be invited to come when the time comes."

 That one is the late queen’s sister-in-law.

Enrong's Mansion and Chengyi's Mansion live next to each other. Lin Yunyan used to go to the next door and was familiar with Mrs. Uncle.

Xu Miao certainly has no objection.

 There was a lot of talk here.

At noon, Grandma Xia went to get some vegetarian food, and the few of them used it in the guest room.

After eating, Xu Miao cheered up: "Since we plan to stay in the Duke's Mansion, let's go back and tidy up first. There are so many things to pack."

Lin Yunyan said: "Madam, go first, I still want to walk around the temple."

 Farewell to the hatchback.

Lin Yunyan took Wan Yue towards the apse.

At this time, there were not many pilgrims in the temple, and the two of them walked for a while without meeting many people.

"Princess," Wan Yue's voice was very low, "it has been almost a year since the monk left here. At that time, Shuntian Mansion came to the temple to ask questions in order to investigate him. At that time, no clues were found. Now, you If you look again, can you find it?”

Lin Yunyan smiled: "Who knows."

 She was really not sure.

Xu Jian has been busy with a lot of things these days, and Lin Yunyan hasn't discussed it with him for a while. She only asked Chen Gui to help pass a few words in the middle.

However, since the golden note points to King Jin, we have to continue to pull something out.

 Otherwise, with two gold bricks and one gold paper, I would only be able to get this little bit...

This business doesn’t make enough money.

After thinking about it, Lin Yunyan intuitively told her that there might be some details in Guangde Temple.

There are dozens of large and small temples in Beijing, and there are a few that are as prosperous as Guangde Temple. Why did Dao Heng choose this place when he was lurking there?

 The two of them walked all the way to the monk's residence.

 Seeing pilgrims visiting, a monk performed Buddhist rituals.

Lin Yunyan said: "I want to visit the abbot."

 The monk looked at Lin Yunyan for a few times.

Buddhism has Buddhist rules, but Guangde Temple is located in the bustling city of Beijing, so it is inevitably subject to some secular influences.

The monk didn't recognize Lin Yunyan, but he also recognized her clothes. She looked very expensive, and her behavior was also dignified, which showed that her status was extraordinary.

 “The donor will wait a moment.”

Lin Yunyan waited not long.

Abbot Mingjue came out of the house and led her to the small Buddhist hall in front.

The old abbot is old and in good spirits, but his stride is not as fast as that of the young man. For a short distance, he walked with his staff for a long time.

 “It makes the donor laugh,” he said, inviting Lin Yunyan to take a seat, “there is only crude tea in the temple.”

 The doors and windows of the Buddhist hall are open. It has not rained today, and the wind blowing in is quite warm in early summer.

Lin Yunyan took a sip of tea and said, "I want to add some merit to Guangde Temple."

Abbot Mingjue said: "If you want to add merit, there will be monks in the Gongde Hall in front of you who will be responsible for this."

"I know," Lin Yunyan said, "If it's just some incense money, I won't bother the abbot. I want to add more."

 Speaking of this, Lin Yunyan introduced herself to her family.

 The abbot respectfully called out "Princess Princess".

"I don't know if Master has heard of it," Lin Yunyan said calmly, "My mother died in Dingguo Temple that year. The fire burned down the back hall and guest rooms. After the reconstruction, the Holy Master lit a lantern in the temple. "

The abbot said: "I have heard of it."

In order to commemorate the memory of the late empress, Dingguo Temple no longer receives pilgrims from then on, and only relies on royal offerings, with continuous Buddhist chants every day.

"My mother also worships there, but Dingguo Temple is far away and it is inconvenient for me to go there often," Lin Yunyan said. "I will leave Xiaoding in a while. I will leave the cabinet this year or next year. I miss my mother more and more recently, so I want to find a temple in Beijing to make more offerings to her."

 The abbot is clear. This kind of offering requires a large amount of donation. Of course, it will not be just a casual note in the Hall of Merit.

“The princess wants to build a tower, erect a monument, or erect a beam?” the abbot asked.

"Mother is kind, I think..." Lin Yunyan paused, as if she was thinking about how to speak, "I heard that in larger temples, in addition to keeping incense for expenses, they will also fund nearby schools and charity halls. I would like to ask for advice. Abbot, is this the same for Guangde Temple?”

"Indeed," the abbot nodded, "It's just that most of the charity halls sponsored by Guangde Temple are in other states. There are many kind-hearted nobles in Beijing, so the charity halls in Gyeonggi are not bad at running them, unlike other places, especially In a poorer place, the charity hall is stretched thin and difficult to maintain.”

"Then supporting them is indeed a great kindness," Lin Yunyan nodded with deep understanding, "I wonder if I can refer to the list of sponsors. I can also make more references."

 The abbot hesitated: "This..."

Lin Yunyan asked: "Abbott, can't you trust me?"

Abbot Mingjue shook his head.

Everyone in the capital knows that Uncle Chengyi is kind and sincere, and he is one of the best in terms of personal integrity.

Jin Gui's identity such as the county owner has no name, and it is well -founded.

How could such a reputable uncle's house and such a reputable princess come here randomly after reading the list?

Even if the enshrinement cannot be finalized, there will be no trouble.

With this in mind, the abbot called a young novice monk and asked him to get the documents.

 Guangde Temple has been open for many years and has a prosperous atmosphere. The list of schools and charitable halls it has funded is piled up to one finger high.

Lin Yunyan was very patient when translating.

  From all over the world, the territory spans a very wide area.

  If it is aimed at nothing, it will be difficult to find clues from it.

Ke Lin Yunyan came prepared.

 In the past, Jing Daduan built five charity halls in the south of the Yangtze River.

Jing Dashanren hurried to the capital after being devastated, and gave Xu Jian one last message.

 There is a big problem with Shantang’s accounts.

Ordinarily, Jing Daduan only contributed money for the construction, and he had nothing to do with subsequent events. However, something went wrong in the 18th year of Yongjia.

Floods in the south of the Yangtze River have made people's livelihood difficult.

On the surface, it seems that the "disaster victims" rushed into Jing Daguo's granary and mansion, robbed and looted, killed people and set fires. If Jing Daguo hadn't been astute, he might not have had the chance to escape to the capital. But the inside story is that the disaster-stricken people Jing Daguo saw that the charity and the charity could not take care of them, and he wanted to provide another aid. When he contacted them again, he found that there was something wrong with the accounts of those charity halls.

It was already difficult after the disaster. Not to mention Jing Daguan himself, even the yamen did not bother to investigate the ins and outs of Shantang.

 It's just that Jing Datu's suspicion was not hidden from the people who were interested, and the other party seemed to realize that he was working for Xu Jian, and simply used "disaster victims" to deal with Jing Datu.

By the time Jing Daduan arrived in the capital, he was already at the end of his battle.

After that, Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan successively checked some shrines and found people related to those five shrines based on the news sent by Jing Dadun.

 One of them is Changyuntang in Jinzhong.

It was there that Lin Yunyan met the nanny of Li Mi's son.

Whether the child is Li Mi's flesh and blood can only be determined at the moment based on a few words from Wang Sixian, but the nanny is that nanny, Lin Yunyan saw it with her own eyes.

The wet nurse was already crazy at that time. She broke free from the rope and rushed out, but was caught again.

Lin Yunyan looked at things quickly and focused on a few charity halls that she had an impression of. Sure enough, the five in Jiangnan and the Changyun Hall in Jinzhong appeared one after another.

“We have really funded a lot of funding, from various places,” Lin Yunyan said as she turned over the pages, “The world is so big, there are many places up there, I can’t even figure out where they are.”

Hearing her emotion, the abbot also laughed.

No matter how calm and well behaved the princess is, she is just a young girl in a boudoir, with her innocence and liveliness.

“The poor monk traveled to many places when he was young,” the abbot said. “I have traveled to many of these prefectures one after another, but I have not visited them all. Now I can no longer travel.”

“What about these charity halls?” Lin Yunyan pretended to be curious, “How does the temple know about their situation?”

"The poor monk can't walk anymore, but there are other disciples in the temple who can walk," the abbot said. "Every year, more than a dozen disciples travel to various places and bring back their knowledge. The temples and schools they visit will all be One record.”

“So that’s it,” Lin Yunyan said, her smile faded and her tone became much more solemn, “I wonder if that monk Daoheng ever selected a shrine for Guangde Temple?”

Abbot Mingjue’s smile also froze.

 Daoheng stayed in Guangde Temple for twelve years. Last year, he left a letter for no apparent reason and traveled around.

It wasn't until Shuntian Mansion came to the door that Mingjue realized that the person's identity was unusual.

 Dao Heng was actually involved in the affair of the deposed prince Li Mi.

Temples in the capital are more or less inevitably related to some powerful people, but most of the time these relationships are just personal relationships, or to add more sesame oil. No temple will be so confused as to participate in the struggle of imperial power. fight.

Even if it is a royal temple, it only recognizes one "emperor" and does not dare to have any bias.

And Dao Heng almost harmed the entire Guangde Temple.

 Fortunately, Shuntian Mansion had no other gains in the temple.

"Princess," the abbot asked, "why do you ask about Dao Heng? He has already left, and his private affairs have nothing to do with the temple."

Lin Yunyan said: “Back then, it was difficult to rescue the Dingguo Temple fire because the guards and monks came down from the mountain to rescue the town. The reason behind the attack on the town was to make the suppression of bandits a top priority.

I don’t know who is causing trouble behind those bandits, but I know that the one who takes the most credit among the bandits is Li Mi.

Since Dao Heng is related to Li Mi, I am not willing to add the merit of my donation to the Shantang school selected by Dao Heng. "

Abbot Mingjue sighed.

 He could understand the mood behind the princess's words.

  It is only human nature for the princess to have such an opinion.

"Dao Heng has been in the temple for twelve years. If the poor monk remembers correctly, he started to travel in the third year. Until the eighth and ninth year, he rarely went out. After that, he has been responsible for sweeping the temple." The abbot said, "The princess suddenly asked, and the poor monk couldn't remember which ones he had chosen. Since the princess cares about this matter, the poor monk asked others to sort it out later."

Lin Yunyan nodded and said, "Then I'll bother the abbot. I'll come back to the temple in a few days."

 After finishing the matter, Lin Yunyan stood up and left.

Wan Yue walked all the way to the front hall and asked softly out of curiosity: "Why do you ask about Shantang?"

 “The Duke asked me to ask.” Lin Yunyan responded.

Wan Yue nodded. Since it was the Duke of the country who wanted to ask, there must be a reason for it.

 The two of them continued walking.

The little maid slapped her head: "You haven't been to Taohe Restaurant for some time. When Dong Chen's family came with the message, your servant was also listening. Why don't you remember this?"

Lin Yunyan burst into laughter.

 Because she knew roughly what Xu Jian was checking, and also knew what information Xu Jian might be missing.

Many of the clues are so inconspicuous that even if they are piled up in front of you, you can’t see any clues. Only by pushing a little, thinking a little, and brushing off the dust can the true appearance be revealed.

As for whether these patterns can be strung together, it depends on whether you can find the right rope.

 Now, she and Xu Jian are looking for it.

“Then let’s go to Taohe Zhai now.” Lin Yunyan said.

With two gold bricks and one gold paper, only Liu Xun and Liu Jing were obtained. How could Xu Jian and the little princess be satisfied?

Black-hearted couples are all making big money.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Meimei Da M, for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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