Yan Cigui

Chapter 286: It becomes so fast (two updates in one)

When Lin Yunyan arrived at Taohe Zhai, Xu Jian had not arrived yet.

 In the back yard, only Grandma He's family was busy in the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Yunyan coming, grandma bent her eyes and smiled: "I made cheese for the princess, and I just got some ice cubes to cool it down."

As she spoke, she took it out from the cabinet on the side.

Once in the imperial dining room, He Jiayi did these are all the squares in the palace.

 Rich and thick, yet very smooth and soft in the mouth.

Knowing that Lin Yunyan tastes very sweet, I added some honey seeds and sprinkled a handful of raisins.

It hasn’t been long since we arrived in town, and the edge of the bowl is cool, but not too cold. It’s just right for this early summer season.

Lin Yunyan went to sit in the hall in no hurry.

Wan Yue simply brought two handfuls of spoons and sat down on the porch outside the kitchen with her princess, each holding a bowl of cheese.

 “It’s delicious,” Wan Yue’s eyes narrowed, “It’s so delicious.”

With the princess, she has eaten all the delicious food in the palace, but she still admires the craftsmanship of the He family from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Yunyan ate slowly. When she raised her head, she saw Aunt He's family looking at her, a little hesitant to speak.

She was quick-thinking and understood her grandma’s thoughts immediately.

“If you want to ask me anything, just ask,” Lin Yunyan said.

 Aunt He’s family smiled awkwardly.

 She wanted to ask about Miss Miao.

 She knew something was wrong with the Liu family.

 Liu Xun was exiled, Liu Jing was dismissed from office and dismissed from his honor, and the couple also divorced.

These news were abuzz on the streets outside. Even though Grandma He rarely went out recently, she still heard about it again and again.

"I'm worried about her," said Aunt He. "I don't know what she is like."

Having taken care of Xu Miao for several years, Grandma He knew that Xu Miao was an extremely delicate person who had many thoughts, but always kept them in her heart and refused to speak them out.

It’s not that Xu Miao didn’t want to trust people before, but she was too considerate.

 It’s useless to say it.

 She was worried about her father, but she had to let her father go to war; she was worried about her father's renewal of his marriage, but one day, she didn't want her father to change his mind because of her objections...

 It is appropriate to fight, and it is also appropriate to continue the war.

 Those are all correct, so her worries are unanswerable.

 Since this is the case, why bother speaking out and embarrassing your father and the people around you?

 But it was unpleasant to hold it in all the time, especially when she was still young and would occasionally be unable to hide her words.

"That's why Miss Miao always told me," Sister He sighed, "It's time to fall in love. Tell me quietly and carefully that you believe I won't betray her. It's really heartbreaking."

 And those are all childhood.

Now that so many years have passed since Miss Miao became Mrs. Xu, she will definitely be more "able to hide her words".

Even if my heart is overwhelming, I won’t say a few words.

Lin Yunyan understands the concerns of Grandma He.

 Mother Xia also mentioned it this morning.

Stirring the cheese, Lin Yunyan said softly: "I talked to my wife for a while during the day. She seemed fine, but there must be something wrong in her heart. Such a big change is not something that a heartless person can do. No ideas?

I advised her and Miss Ping to move back to the Duke's mansion. It would be better to change their residence than to live in that house all the time.

Mammy and Madam are very familiar with each other. I think there are some things that she is unwilling to tell us that she might be willing to tell her.

  After they have settled down, I will mention it to the Duke, and will Grandma take the time to go to the house to talk to Madam? "

Grandma He's face looked happy and she rubbed her hands: "Can it be done?"

 This "yes", of course, refers to whether Xu Jian will agree.

"How can something that is good for Mrs. Xu not work?" Lin Yunyan laughed, "What kind of food did Mrs. Xu like to eat in the past? Grandma will show her her hand when the time comes and let her taste the good taste of the past."

Grandma He's smile couldn't be concealed, and she gestured to Lin Yunyan: "She loves to eat fish, especially sweet and sour ones, but she is also afraid of fish bones getting stuck.

 The people who serve around her can pick fish bones out for her, but she doesn’t want them, so she has to eat them slowly by herself.

  It is said to be the Duke's residence, but after all, he is a general. The old marquis did not pay much attention to the girl's upbringing, but her manners and behavior were extremely well behaved. The only thing that made people laugh was eating fish.

 Pinch out the fish bone, hold it between your lips, take it out with your fingers, and slowly take it out.

The old man laughed loudly when he saw it. He said that she was so sophisticated that she could be a girl from a scholarly family, and she only had some informality in eating fish, which was a bit interesting. "

 Perhaps she got excited, so Grandma He said this.

 After finishing speaking, I realized that it was a private matter after all and should not have been revealed.

Even if the princess is not an outsider, she is talking too much.

Thinking of this, her face turned red. Aunt He said, "It's definitely not like that now. That was all when I was a kid..."

 Lin Yunyan smiled and gave some advice to Nanny He: "When Nanny sees these things, she can tease Mrs. Xu and tell her about her past fun, so she can slowly become happy."

The princess was so considerate to the steps, so Nanny He naturally followed it and came down, and said: "I also want her to tell me some of the things she is unhappy about. Don't keep them in her heart. Only when she speaks out can she passable.”

 There are ups and downs in life.

 Some are stumbling blocks, and some are like mountains.

Grandma He's family also experienced ups and downs. Although it was not like Xu Miao's, it was also a high and low point for her at that time.

 She came over. As a person who has been through it, she also hopes that Xu Miao can go out.

They were talking in this room, and Xu Jian arrived in the other room.

He came in through the back door of the yard next door and didn't see Lin Yunyan in the flower hall. He heard some movement in the kitchen and came looking for the sound.

The sound of footsteps was so low that Lin Yunyan didn't hear it until she passed through the small door and went around the outside of the kitchen.

 Looking up, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian looked at each other.

 Xu Jian's eyes fell on Lin Yunyan.

The little princess was sitting on a spoon, holding a bowl of cheese. She didn't know what joke she had just told, so her hands shook and the spoon touched her mouth, leaving a little mark on her lips.

She didn't realize it yet, but she raised her head when she heard the footsteps. The smile in her eyes did not fade, and her bright eyes were full of smiles.

“You’ve come just in time,” Lin Yunyan said. “Mommy has made some cheese. It’s cool, smooth and fragrant. Would you like a bowl?”

 Xu Jian Ding glanced at her twice.

His eyes were fixed on the little mark on her, and he didn't remind her. He just said "Okay".

Wan Yue was smart, seeing that the princess had no intention of getting up, and the Duke had no intention of changing the land, she stood up quickly, let the **** out, and then disappeared without saying a word.

Mammy He’s family brought another bowl.

I also added raisins, but not so much honey seeds.

Xu Jian’s taste was far less sweet than Lin Yunyan’s. After taking it, she sat down on the teapot.

No one should be left in the kitchen, so Nanny He went in quietly. Just as she was about to close the door, she saw Xuan Su squeezing in.

 “No one else is as clever as holding the moon!” Grandma said in a low voice.

Xuansu had no expression on his face.

Mother of the He family knew about him and brought him a bowl. She pointed to the jar of honey on the table and said, "Add some yourself."

Xuansu added three spoonfuls in a row, and then wisely chose not to go out.

 There were only two people in the corridor, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian.

Xu Jian held the bowl and took a bite.

His bowl lasted longer than Lin Yunyan's, and the mouth was cool and smooth.

“I was looking for a hand stove a few days ago, and today I’m just eating cheese,” Xu Jian clicked her tongue, “It’s gotten so fast.”

Lin Yunyan said: "The weather is getting worse quickly, can you blame me?"

 Xu Jian looked at her, her eyes couldn't help but fall on the faint mark: "I don't blame you, I praise you. You adapted to the circumstances and changed quite quickly."

Lin Yunyan glanced at him. To praise her is to praise her in a weird way.

 Perhaps she was used to hearing it, but she didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

 Except Xu Jian always stared at her lips.

"What's on it?" Lin Yunyan reacted, pursed her lips, and flicked the tip of her tongue.

The movement was fast and natural, and the little mark disappeared instantly.

Xu Jian was originally thinking about wiping Lin Yunyan's face, but when she saw this, she could only twirled her fingers.

 Blame him.

 Remind her what to do.

 With this sip, it was all cleaned up.

“Take the handkerchief and touch it,” he said. “Have you learned all the etiquette in the palace in vain?”

Lin Yunyan smiled with her eyes bent.

There is no need for palace rules. They, noble ladies, behave in the same way.

She used to be well-behaved and rarely made mistakes.

 Once people see her poor manners, she has nothing to do. After all, she is the princess of Ning'an. No one will talk to her, but the nurturing mothers will be called to give her a few words.

Lin Yunyan didn't want to bring trouble to the nuns because of her, so she had always been cautious.

Later on, on the escape route, no rules were left.

Saving one's life is important, who cares about those things? !


She used a veil to bandage the wound and stop the bleeding, but then there was no more veil.

 “Are you particular about it again?” Lin Yunyan teased Xu Jian.

Xu Jian looked at her and smiled, her eyes deep and Zhanzhan. With a thought in her mind, she couldn't help but raise her hand.

 The pad of his thumb landed on his lips, which was smooth and full. He applied it without much effort before taking it back.

  With his eyes lowered, his tone was the same as before: "I didn't sip it cleanly."

Lin Yunyan was stunned.

Because she was holding the bowl earlier, Xu Jian's fingertips felt a little cold, but when she applied them, the coolness turned into warmth, even a little hot.

 What is this called?

 Lin Yunyan only thought of what Xu Jian had just said.

 It gets so fast.

 It was so hot that even the back of the ears was very hot.

This bowl of cold cheese seems to have been eaten in vain.

Seeing that Lin Yunyan didn't speak, Xu Jian didn't order her, and started eating cheese again.

How did the little princess evaluate cheese before?

Smooth and fragrant?

 Xu Jian glanced at his thumb.

 Compared with the little princess, it’s almost useless.

Xu Jian took a few more bites and suddenly said: "It's too sweet. I can't eat so much. Can I give you some more?"

Lin Yunyan was worried that she had eaten the bowl in vain. After hearing this, she took a spoon and took several spoonfuls from Xu Jian's bowl. After a spoonful of cold food entered her mouth, her mood cooled down a little bit.

 It’s just not very sweet.

 Xu Jian's bowl contained a little less honey.

 Xu Jian finished eating and slowly talked to Lin Yunyan about business: "Before I came over, the steward arranged a car to go to the house and load a few boxes of cages back."

Lin Yunyan said: "That's good."

“The yard she used to have is still there, but it hasn’t been inhabited for a long time. It needs to be tidied up and ventilated,” Xu Jian said. “The yard is big, and there is a cross-yard for A-Ping to live there.”

Lin Yunyan had lived in the Duke's Mansion before, so she naturally knew which courtyard Xu Jian was talking about.

 At that time, Xu Miao and Liu Jing were "on good terms" and would not come back. Her boudoir had always been vacant, with people cleaning it every day, but it just lacked popularity.

 In fact, it’s not just the yard.

 The Duke's Mansion was a large place, and apart from her and Xu Jian, there were no other masters. Many courtyards were unpopular.

Just like Xu Jian’s grandmother, the main courtyard where she used to live has been empty for many years after her death.

After Lin Yunyan got married, she did not live in the main courtyard and would not touch Mrs. Xu's residence. Xu Jian chose a yard near the front yard.

 After all, it’s just the two of them.

He has difficulty moving, so it would be more convenient to be closer to the front yard.

 Now, it’s different.

 There are two more people in the house.

Xu Jian said again: "How did you persuade me? I thought she would still hesitate for a few days."

Although Xu Miao herself said peace and separation, she actually took the letter of peace and separation from Xu Jian. After reading Liu Jing's article, she felt very depressed.

This was expected by Xu Jian.

Of course, it’s just low, which is good for him.

Hearing his question, Lin Yunyan subconsciously wanted to answer, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't help but hold them back.

 In front of Mrs. Xu, she talked about the wedding ceremony.

this is nothing.

They are all people who have been here before, and it’s not like she has never been married to Xu Jian. They were able to speak frankly and frankly when they discussed it before, but now...

Perhaps it was Xu Jian's unexpected action that made it hard for her to speak.

 This is really...

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips.

They have been married for many years. Even if they are not so close for various reasons, she is not an ignorant girl who knows nothing.

  Maybe it’s because when you return to your boudoir, your mood changes, and people start to get nervous.

 It’s such a small move, it really doesn’t matter.

"I told her," Lin Yunyan said while eating without looking at Xu Jian, "Xiao Ding will be released next month. There are many things to do, and there must be someone in the house who can make the decision to cooperate with Mrs. An Yibo."

Xu Jian couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

 He ​​was not surprised by Lin Yunyan's reason. For Xu Miao, this reason was just right. He was just surprised by Lin Yunyan's hesitation at that moment.

  It was clear that the little princess was not blushing or panicked before at Cining Palace, but she still pretended to be blushing and panicked in front of the Empress Dowager.

Those bright eyes were full of joy.

 It was so pretentious that he felt it was a bit too much.

 It’s quite strange today.

 There is no one to watch the opera, so the little princess can no longer sing.

Twisted her fingertips again, Xu Jian tilted her head and looked at Lin Yunyan's cheese that was only left at the bottom of the bowl.

"Have you finished eating?" He suppressed his smile and said calmly, "Remember to wipe your mouth."

Lin Yunyan paused with a spoon in her hand: "I'm wearing a veil."

"Okay, just bring the veil," Xu Jian stood up and went to the flower hall, "I'll go there first, you take your time."

 Got to take the first step.

There is still a lot of serious things to say.

  Can't really anger the little princess. (End of chapter)

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