Yan Cigui

Chapter 289: No more left (two updates in one)

 Early summer has arrived.

Flowers are in full bloom in the yard, and the night wind blows over, filled with the fragrance of flowers.

 But the people kneeling in the room couldn't smell it.

It was obvious that the window panels facing the yard had been removed, and the wind was in the right direction, but he still didn't smell anything.

 He held his breath.

Having followed his master for so many years, he knew very well that his master had lost his temper.

 Actually, the master's temper is not bad. He sometimes gets angry, but he rarely loses his temper.

 In his opinion, the master is just a fox hiding in the night, strategizing.

 Others only saw the **** storm, but no one could see that there was such a fox behind the storm.

 The more you calculate and get more, you will naturally get used to it.

 Hence, the master rarely loses his temper.

 Even if there are a few surprises in the plan, it is nothing.

 Master has said that people’s calculations are not as good as God’s calculations, and it is impossible to truly have a complete plan. It doesn’t matter if something goes wrong, just re-organize the layout and guidance.

With such a state of mind, I only get angry occasionally, but I really don’t get angry.

 After so many years, this time, the master actually...


Is it really the Duke of Fu who caused all this?

 This, how is this possible?

 Jin Guiren was obviously angry.

 He stood up, walked to the porch, and looked at the garden quietly.

This time, he sorted out all the events of these days again.

 The more he tidied up, the heavier his heart became.

Many details that he had not noticed before emerged in front of his eyes little by little, and at the same time, there was also doubt: Why?

 Xu Jian is indeed cheating the prince.

 From the Guyue tribute wine at the gratitude banquet to the flower wine in Chenmi Hutong.


 Because someone outside Yumen Pass kidnapped the prince back? The stabbing he received because of the rescue? Because the muscles and bones are completely injured and there is no possibility of conquering again?

 Jin Guiren is not sure.

It’s not surprising that those conflicts would break out when faced with others.

 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very worried about Xu Jian and felt extremely uncomfortable.

 But the other party is Xu Jian.

Jin Gui did not have much contact with Xu Jian.

If he knew better, he would not underestimate the enemy and allow Xu Jian to take advantage of such a big loophole, but it was hard for him to believe that Xu Jian would attack the prince for those reasons.

 Liu Jing puts interests first, but Xu Jian does not.

 Xu Jian looks exactly like Xu Mang.

 In Xu Mang's heart, loyalty to his family, country and the world is greater than heaven.

 Xu Jian, who was raised by Xu Mang, would hate the prince because he injured his leg while saving the prince?

 The king is the king, and the minister is the minister, let alone a leg. Xu Jian can take his life to protect the Holy Emperor and the Crown Prince. This is his duty and his perseverance.

 So, why?

Don't talk about fighting fire with fire, give the incompetent prince a few hard blows to force him to straighten up.

Not to mention whether there is such a way, it would not work if Xu Jian came to do it.

Jin Guiren knows the prince too well, and the prince's temper cannot be manipulated like this.

The harder Xu Jian pushed, the greater the gap between the prince and Xu Jian.

Thinking of this, Jin Guiren's breath tightened.

 How naive!

 It’s because he is naive!

  When Xu Jian followed the prince to the Ministry of Rites to observe the government, his attitude was conscientious and positive. He let the prince dive in and immerse himself in all kinds of boring documents. Every day, he would send an article on his observation of the government to the imperial study.

 What did he say at that time?

 He said that Xu Jian was naive, that Xu Jian did not give Li Shao the right medicine, and that Xu Jian could not guide people step by step.


Looking back at the situation now, he was the one who was naive!

 Xu Jian had no intention of guiding the prince properly at all. The man was irritating the prince from the beginning to the end.

 Otherwise, how could the prince be "crooked" by Liu Xun?

However, Xu Jian's private thoughts were completely hidden from Chen Cang, and no one can say that he did something wrong.

Even if someone went to complain to the emperor, they could not find anything wrong with Xu Jian!

Jin Guiren pursed his lips.

 At that time, he was actually watching the fun.

 Watch Xu Jian push the prince out, watch Liu Xun lead the prince to fool around, watch Xu Jian and Liu Xun brothers fight...

 How happy I was watching it then, how angry I am now.

 He hid it deeply, Xu Jian hid it even deeper than him.

He just said, why did Xu Jian put his hand into Chenmi Hutong for no reason? It turned out that he knew the prince was living and drinking in it early in the morning.

I saw that Xu Jian had a sharp nose and was able to check carefully, so I thought of feeding Chen Mihutong to Xu Jian, which would solve some hidden dangers. However, I didn't want to feed it out and brought in a hungry wolf.

 Step by step.

 Xu Jian used his layout and his chess pieces to dig another hole for him!

It’s true, if you kill someone with a borrowed knife, you will see blood with just one knife!

 If the prince is involved in the conspiracy, the Holy Spirit will naturally investigate thoroughly.

I don’t know where those two gold bricks were moved from. The house is his house. How can he not know whether there are Li Mi’s gold bricks in it?

The gold paper was undoubtedly written by Xu Jian.

Jin Guiren took a deep breath.

If things just stop here, he will not be angry, but will find Xu Jian interesting.

 It's just that Xu Jian's nose is too sharp and his hands are too long.

If Xu Jian continues to dig deeper, and if he really gets something from Jinzhong, it will be beyond the loss he is facing.

 What shocked Jin Guiren even more was that Xu Jian was very courageous.

 There were nails buried in the East Palace, and Xu Jian knew it clearly.

Xu Jian deliberately went to the East Palace, and also deliberately let him know through the nails in the prince's place that Xu Jian was forcing him to cut off his tail immediately!

Jin Guiren slowly exhaled.

  He seemed to have never fought against Xu Jian before. He didn't understand Xu Jian, and Xu Jian supposedly didn't understand him either.

 For so many years, he has hidden it well.

 Xu Jian was young and had just entered the court. How could he understand his habits?

 It's like, they have fought many times.

 He dug pits for Xu Jian one after another, and Xu Jian also accumulated experience in dealing with them again and again.

 It accumulates to the point that you are very cowardly!

 He fed Chen Mi Hutong to Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian bit off such a large piece of his flesh.

 One bite is not enough, a second bite is required!

The more Jin Guiren thought about it, the higher the fire in his heart grew.

 Turning to look at the man who was still kneeling, he said solemnly: "Go and call Dao Heng."

The man shrank his neck and did not dare to say anything, so he crawled out on his hands and knees.

  It wasn't until he left the room that he stood up and raised his hand to wipe it. His forehead was covered with sweat.

 Dao Heng is taking a rest.

Hearing the master’s summons, he hurried over.

“Be careful,” the man continued to wipe his sweat and followed Dao Heng in a low voice, “The master is very angry.”

 Dao Heng glanced at him.

 “I’m really angry. I haven’t seen my master so angry for many years.”

Dao Heng paused and asked: "How angry can you be? It can't be compared to what it was back then..."

 The faces of the people on the side were ashen.

 Can it be compared with that of the past?

 Back then, I was so angry that I spit out a mouthful of blood, but could only swallow it alive. He didn’t dare to show his face at all and hid it all, so that those few people didn’t notice the clues. Otherwise...

Dao Heng smiled contemptuously: "If you can't compare to the past, what are you afraid of? What should I be afraid of?"

Who has not been with the master for more than ten years?

Back then, when the master was so angry, he didn't take any action against them. Today, they are just being taken advantage of by the auxiliary Duke. No matter how angry the master is, that's all.

 After saying this, Dao Heng stepped into the house.

 The other person stayed outside, feeling restless.

 He knew that what Dao Heng said was reasonable, but he also felt that things would not be that simple.

 Dao Heng entered, knelt down and replied.

Jin Guiren also sat down and added some tea to himself: "Did Xu Jian really reach out to Jinzhong?"

Dao Heng thought for a while and said, "Princess Ning'an met Monk Mingjue during the day."

Jin Guiren frowned: "What did she see that old monk for?"

“She seems to want to donate merit,” Dao Heng replied. “She asked Mingjue for the list of funds sponsored by Guangde Temple.”

Jin Guiren twitched his lips: "It's sharper than a dog's nose."

"You mean," Dao Heng hesitated slightly, "their purpose is to check the money? In Jinzhong, Shi Zhe is young and can't ask anything."

The old man of the Shi family who is now dead was very loyal to his master.

It's just that the master has been silent in the past few years. Old Man Shi is getting older, so he may have lost his temper and died cleanly, without thinking about the merits of serving the dragon anymore.

 Old man Shi took all the secrets underground, and the master didn't bother to argue with the younger generations of the Shi family because they didn't know anything.

This is also the reason why Shi Zhe was safe and sound in Beijing after coming out of Shuntian Mansion.

Shi Zhe asked three questions and didn't know. If they attacked Shi Zhe, they would alarm Shan Shen.

Shan Shen is not a fool. Once he finds a profit, he can reach out to Jinzhong.

That would cause a lot of trouble.

"Those two gold bricks..." Jin Guiren hesitated.

Dao Heng had some thoughts on this: "No one knows where the gold bricks in Laoshi Lane have gone, but Wang Liuliu and Li Yuanfa were shouting fiercely at that time. Xu Jian was helping Shan Shen to check the Zhu family in Shuntian Mansion. He knew The BRIC thing is not new either.”

"He knows, he hasn't seen it, how did he make the traces?" Jin Guiren asked.

Dao Heng deduced: "He is young and ignorant, but the Holy Father knows that if they have discussed the strategy of using gold bricks to divert attention..."

Jin Guiren did not accept this.

 There is indeed a truth to it.

 It’s just that the thinking before and after is a bit strange.

Xu Jian has tricked the prince twice in a row, and will he try to "loosen" the prince again?

 “What exactly does he want to do?” Jin Guiren whispered.

From his point of view, although the prince's actions were biased, Xu Jian had no need to go against the prince.

Everyone in the court knew that the Holy Emperor favored the prince, and it was impossible to unseat the prince with this trivial matter.

 Xu Jian was kind to the prince in saving his life, and Ning'an's mother also saved the prince's life.

With the emperor's preference and these two kinds of kindness, Xu Jian accompanied the prince's six ministries to observe the government. It was natural for him to follow this path, not to mention assisting the country, but it was not difficult to become a loyal minister of the new emperor.

As a son of a military general who can no longer conquer, this result is already the best choice.

Jin Guiren took a sip of tea.

Although he would not let the prince touch the dragon chair, others did not know, and Xu Jian could not know.

Then why did Xu Jian do something detrimental to the prince?

 Unless Xu Jian sees through it.

 Having seen through the prince, he has also seen through the person hiding behind his back.

 Does Xu Jian really have such ability?

 This point, even if it took an entire night, Jin Guiren did not dare to be 100% sure.

 The only thing that is certain is that Xu Jian's ambition is greater than he thought.

 The tea has gone cold.

Jin Guiren told Dao Heng: "If Xu Jian really plans to reach out to Jinzhong, or if he finds Su Chang's head, what do you think he will do?"

Dao Heng lowered his eyes and said: "Jinzhong is far away, Old Man Shi is dead, and the other Shi family members don't know the inside story, so it's not that easy for them to find out.

 Deploy some deception for them. After a while, Shan Shen will retreat in the face of difficulties.

Shuntian Prefecture has many things to do and only has so many manpower. He cannot support the investigation of Jinzhong for a long time, and the local government in Jinzhong will not really cooperate with him honestly, leaving Shuntian Prefecture to investigate in their place.

As for Xu Jian, he was also powerless. He only had a few personal followers, and it was too difficult to search Jinzhong.

It’s Su Chang’s place instead…”

Su Chang was doing business in Beijing, under the noses of Shan Shen and Xu Jian.

"If Su Chang can't bear it, he has no choice but to give it up," Dao Heng said truthfully, "Even if the news reaches Su Yi's ears, I'm afraid he won't be too happy."

Jin Guiren sneered.

Su Yi will definitely be unhappy, but is it enough to give up Su Chang?

Xu Jian is a crazy wolf and bites people too hard. He is looking for other ways to deal with the game and has been struggling until now. Only Chen Mi Hutong and Suchang cannot feed him.

 “Get back,” Jin Guiren said.

 Dao Heng resigned.

The master did not agree with his statement, but he did not disagree either.

It seems that the master's anger has dissipated a lot.


 After so many years, the master has gone through many storms. Previously, he only despised Xu Jian and even got some opportunities. Now he has calmed down and will not mess up his position.

 Tomorrow, he will go to meet Su Chang.

In the room, the person who had replied earlier went in again.

Although Dao Heng looked good when he went out, he stayed outside and felt unhappy all the time.

"Tell Wang Qi," Jin Guiren said calmly, and his tone was a bit lower, "The hidden ones should be the hidden ones. Those who have been exposed will not be kept."

Hearing this, the person waiting for the order suddenly raised his head and looked at Jin Guiren in surprise.

 Sure enough, indeed, his hunch was right.

"What?" Jin Guiren did not look back, but seemed to feel the consternation of the people around him, "Chengxi, do you have other ideas?"

Cheng Xi swallowed his saliva and said, "No, I will tell Wang Qi."

When Cheng Xi came out of the house again, not only was his face covered with sweat, but his back was also soaked.

He and Dao Heng have indeed been with their master for many years. After a long time, they both thought that their master would miss their old relationship.

 The truth is, there are no old feelings.

Chess pieces are chess pieces.

 Those who are of no use are abandoned.

He understood this many years ago when he first started working with his master.

 Dao Heng also understood that he was just slacking off.

 One mistake and someone bites the tail, that's the way to go.

 Dau Heng did not know all this.

 Early the next morning, he changed his clothes and looked like an inconspicuous businessman, and went to West Street to look for Suchang.

 The spice shop was not big, with a shop in the front and a back yard. Dao Heng went straight to the back yard.

As soon as he stepped in, he felt something was wrong.

Su Chang was smiling all over his face, but his smile was a bit strange.

 Subconsciously, Dao Heng thought that he was ambushed by people from Shuntian Mansion or Xu Jian. He was eager to retreat and escape, but he never thought that the person blocking him was someone he knew well.

 “Wang Qi…”

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