Yan Cigui

Chapter 290: He used to be a monk(五千大

 Almost instantly, Dao Heng reacted.

Wang Qi appeared here quietly, and Su Chang immediately understood the meaning behind Su Chang's smiling face, which was no better than crying.

 What is faster than his thoughts is Dao Heng’s actions.

He has been lurking in Guangde Temple for twelve years. He chants sutras and sweeps on weekdays, and there are so many pilgrims coming and going. He is used to hiding in it, and he should be used to relaxing.

 No one knows his background, so there is no need to be constantly vigilant, and no one will deliberately stab him.

 But it happened that this year, Dao Heng left Guangde Temple.

He was able to leave the temple at noon when the exposure was revealed without disturbing anyone. He was able to do various things for his master during these days without leaving any trace, which is enough to prove his sensitivity to crises.

 The moment he saw Wang Qi, Dao Heng dodged away.

 The sharp blade in Wang Qi's hand did not catch Dao Heng.

 Once the hatchbacks are staggered, the space is not spacious, but it is enough for Daoheng to gain opportunities.

 Dao Heng will not reason with Wang Qi, nor will he be friends with Su Changla. There is no need for that at all.

 The master has already had murderous intentions towards him. Wang Qi, a fierce sword, only knows how to work and has no mercy.

Suddenly, Dao Heng thought of last night and those few reminders from Cheng Xi.

At that time, he didn't take Cheng Xi's words to heart. He only felt that the other party was unfounded.

 Now it seems that he is naive.

After so many years of following the master, when he was a monk in Guangde Temple, Cheng Xi was serving the master from the beginning to the end, and he knew far better than him.

To put it bluntly, whether it is pity or sympathy, Cheng Xi has these, of course not much, just a little bit.

Cheng Xi mentioned it, but he would not disobey his master for him.

 Wang Qi’s sword was undoubtedly released by Cheng Xi.

Thousands of thoughts went through his mind, and Dao Heng kept walking straight towards Su Chang.

Su Chang's face turned pale with fright, and his legs shook like a sieve.

Dao Heng suddenly changed direction in front of him, leaping over and flying towards the wall.

He wants to escape, escape from this shop. Once he enters the busy West Street, he will have a chance to escape.

 Thinking very well, Dao Heng failed to climb over the courtyard wall.

 When he stepped on the wall and was about to jump down, he saw a person.

The man was not far away, only six or seven steps away from the wall. He was dressed like a salesman and looked young. He placed the cargo box on the ground with a target on the side full of candied haws.

He seemed to be alarmed by the movement here. The man raised his head and looked at him with a pair of dark eyes.

 Not for a moment, expressionless.

When their eyes met, the man suddenly smiled.

  It was very shallow, and the eyebrows were slightly raised, and the smile was mocking and angry, as if he had seen through everything.

Dao Heng's heart dropped.

 When he saw Wang Qi before, he was more shocked than afraid, but at this moment, fear prevailed.

 He did not recognize the young man in front of him, but he was obviously well prepared and was waiting here.

 Is this another knife of the master’s?

Wang Qi blocked his retreat, and the knife stood guard on his way to escape, blocking them both in front and behind.

This moment was short, but it was long enough for a person with keen intuition like Dao Heng to pause. His body was faster than his thoughts and he did not climb out of the wall. Therefore, he was caught by Wang Qi.

The sharp blade scratched Dao Heng's ankle. Wang Qi dragged Dao Heng back to the yard while his center of gravity was unstable.

 This time, Dao Heng had no chance to escape.

Wang Qi struck Dao Heng with a knife, knocking him out completely.

From the beginning to the end, no one except Dao Heng knew that there was someone guarding the courtyard wall.

The young man finished biting a bunch of candied haws, picked up his suitcase, and walked away.

In the yard, Su Chang looked at Dao Heng who had fainted and smiled flatteringly at Wang Qi.

Wang Qi ignored Su Chang, opened the back door, carefully observed it, called a sedan, threw Dao Heng in, and then squeezed in himself.

The sedan chair left, Suchang closed the door, and his hanging heart finally fell.

 Fortunately, the vicious Yama kept his word and did not go on a killing spree in his shop.

If Dao Heng were to die here, would his business still be able to continue?

The spice business is certainly just an appearance, but appearance is so important. This layer of skin cannot be peeled off, otherwise Dao Heng will be his fate.

Although Su Chang is from Guyue, he has also heard some rumors.

He has been to Chenmi Hutong and knows that the chess piece used to seduce the government when the house was closed was Dao Heng.

As for Dao Heng, he was skinned as a monk and was targeted by the Yamen.

Su Chang is just a businessman. He doesn't know much about the collaborators Su Yi mentioned. He has only dealt with a few of the other party's people.

Today, the other party was purging their subordinates. He didn't want to get involved, but he was also afraid of being implicated.

 Fortunately, everyone is gone.

 As for the fate of monk Dao Heng, Su Chang knew it with his toes.

 That’s not good…

Why is there a gold paper in Chenmi Hutong?

His gold paper is clearly in his hand.

Could it be that Su Yi sent others to the house?

 In the other carriage, the sedan passed through several alleys and finally arrived at Sidao Hutong.

This area is a low-lying area in the capital. It was heavily flooded during consecutive days of heavy rains. Because of this, the rent here is cheap, so many people who come to the capital to make a living are crowded in.

 A house can be divided into three or four families, making it a real courtyard.

There are so many people that it is naturally chaotic. It is crowded during the day and there are many people walking around at night.

Under such circumstances, it would not be out of place for a sedan to come in. Although everyone was poor, they could not handle the large number of people. Occasionally, if someone was sick in the family, they would need a sedan to move them.

Wang Qi moved the unconscious Dao Heng into a house.

The residents inside were busy doing their own thing, as if they didn't see them.

Wang Qi tied Dao Heng in the woodshed and guarded him silently until the sun turned west.

 Dao Heng woke up, but his mouth was stuffed with a veil and he couldn't speak at all.

 He actually had nothing to say to Wang Qi.

On the contrary, Wang Qi was interested in talking: "Don't blame brother for taking action. It's because you were careless and the master had to give up on you. However, after knowing each other for so many years, I will take action quickly and give you a good time."

 Dao Heng looked at Wang Qi coldly.

Wang Qi said again: "I actually admire you very much. I have been a monk for twelve years and I can't stand it for even half a month.

 Look, you recite Buddhist sutras every day, are you making yourself stupid? The Buddha said not to kill, do you really think that the Master also does not kill?

Master has been tricked by someone this time, and you are bitten by the Yamen again. There is definitely no way to survive.

If I were you, I wouldn't run away at all. It's useless. I will die honestly and save some energy for my master.

 Otherwise, if you fall into the hands of the Yamen, you will have to suffer a lot more. "

 Dao Heng lowered his eyes.


  Whether he falls into the hands of Shuntian Mansion or Xu Jian, he will inevitably be punished.

He will not betray his master, and he will definitely be tortured with various instruments of torture.

 But he didn’t want to die either.

Even if his master wanted to kill him, he would never betray him. He just wanted to give himself a way to survive when he ran away before.

 As long as you can escape, you will be completely anonymous from now on.

 Unfortunately, another knife blocked his way.

For a moment, Dao Heng wanted to ask Wang Qi what the name of the young man guarding outside the courtyard wall was. Just by looking at those eyes, he knew that the man was not easy to mess with.

However, Dao Heng couldn't make a sound.

 This thought just passed by in a flash, and the next moment, Dao Heng didn't want to ask anymore.

Based on his understanding of Wang Qi, Wang Qi may not know that there is a knife outside the courtyard wall.

Wang Qi didn’t know that the master also ordered another knife.


That man is young and lacks evil spirit, but as time passes, the blade will be sharpened until it shines like silver, and he will be better than Wang Qi.

Dao Heng thought, since Wang Qi was ordered to kill him, he should leave a little surprise for Wang Qi.

 When Wang Qi discovers that sharp knife one day, ugh!

This show is good to watch.

 It was quite interesting to watch him from underground.

 Night has fallen.

Every family is cooking, and all kinds of smells are mixed together, but the smell of blood is drowned out.

Wang Qi stabbed Dao Heng's heart without any hesitation.

He didn't pull out the knife, but only took off his blood-stained coat and changed into clean clothes. When he came out of the woodshed, he threw the clothes he changed into the stove, where they were burned to pieces by the crackling firewood. net.

After everything was packed up, Wang Qi came out of the house.

 The alley is full of people going home to eat. You come and go, and no one pays attention to who passes by.

Wang Qi walked in a hurry and was not conspicuous among them.

A salesman walked towards him. He was old and his steps were steady. Because he had a lot of things, people around him would avoid him.

Wang Qi also avoided half a step. He didn't care about the salesman.

What he didn’t know was that the salesman, who was pretending to watch the road and avoid pedestrians, glanced at him and his appearance was deeply imprinted in his mind.

 Early the next morning.

 The door of this house is closed.

By noon, the neighbors were suspicious, and an enthusiastic old lady came and knocked on the door.

In this kind of large courtyard where people live together, the door is always open during the day, and this is the case for every family. After knocking for a long time, there was no sound. The old lady left in confusion. In the evening, she knocked again, but there was still no response, so she called the neighbors.

To avoid any trouble inside, a ladder was set up and someone climbed in and opened the door.

 Everyone, let’s go in and take a look.

 All the big things are still there, but all the small items are gone, and not a single person is there.

Just when everyone was confused, a scream came from the side, which made people's hair stand on end.

Going over to take a look, I saw a person in the woodshed who was already dead.

 The dead are a big deal.

 The news spread to Shuntian Mansion at once.

Shan Shen was still suffering from a headache over the unknown bodies outside the city. When he heard that another murder had occurred in the city, one was bigger than the other.

"Who is the name of the deceased? What's the situation?" Shan Shen asked the clerk hurriedly, "Where did you just say? Sidao Hutong?"

The clerk said hurriedly: "It's just the four alleys. The details are not clear yet. The people came to report to the officials, but the details were not very detailed."

This is not surprising.

  When encountering this kind of thing, the simple people are afraid and anxious, and often fail to make the right point.

On the side, Xu Jian raised his head and asked: "Sidao Hutong? Is that where Dao Heng's whereabouts was first discovered?"

“I remembered it as soon as the Duke of Guo mentioned it,” Shan Shen said, “It was right there, but Dao Heng had long since disappeared.”

  After Xu Jian mentioned it, he did not express his position again.

 He is here to supervise the case in Chenmi Hutong. He does not interfere in other official affairs of Shuntian Mansion.

Even though, at this moment, he knew very well that it was Dao Heng who died in Sidao Hutong.

 Yesterday, Xuan Su kept staring.

 Xu Jian’s layout is very straightforward.

 If something is said in the East Palace, the eavesdropping stake will definitely deliver the news.

They are investigating closely, and the people behind the scenes will not sit still and wait to be killed.

Jinzhong is out of reach for the time being, and Shi Zhe doesn't know. The person who must be guarded and defended is naturally Gu Yue merchant.

Xuansu saw Su Chang walking out of Chenmi Hutong with his own eyes, but the other party didn't know and thought they were still investigating.

Su Chang is from Guyue after all, so he won't be thrown out as an outcast. The one who is most likely to be abandoned is "Dao Heng".

Last time, the opponent used Dao Heng to fish, but this time, he was really murderous.

 Xu Jian saw through it, but had no intention of saving Dao Heng.

 Dao Heng has been following that man for too long. He knows a lot of inside information and must be loyal.

It is precisely because he is so familiar with the other party's tail-cutting behavior that even if it cuts off his own body, he will want to run away, but will not betray him.

 I’ve seen it too much and got used to it.

It would be no easier to dig out information from Dao Heng than from Wang Liuliu.

With Eunuch Cao’s tactics, Wang didn’t tell the truth for six years, and Dao Heng would rather die than tell the truth.

 So, Xuan Su confirmed Dao Heng’s death.

At the same time, Xuan Su saw clearly the appearance of the person who made the move.

 He is in his early thirties, not tall, and his facial features are very ordinary. He would not stand out at all when thrown into the crowd.

 The only thing that can be remembered is that there is a scar on the man's chin.

 This is enough for Xu Jian to remember.

 Furthermore, Xu Jian’s real target is Su Chang.

 Seeing Dao Heng being knocked unconscious and taken away with his own eyes, did Su Chang panic?

 Let Su Chang panic for a few days and ask questions from this person's mouth. It will be much easier.

Not long after, Shan Shen, who had led people to Sidao Hutong, entered the house.

Wu Zuo went to the woodshed to inspect. Before he finished his work, Shan Shen only stood outside the door and took a look without disturbing him inside. After that, he walked around the house and called a few people to talk to him.

 Wu Zuo examined the patient very carefully. After examining the fatal wound on the heart, he started the physical examination from the beginning.

 Putting his hands on his head and touching his scalp with his fingers, Wu Zuo immediately discovered the situation.

With some disbelief and excitement, Wu Zuo plucked the corpse's hair, and then he hurriedly shouted: "Sir! Master Shan!"

Shan Shen heard this and hurriedly came over and asked, "What did you find?"

Wuzuo turned around and said, "Nine ring scars! He used to be a monk!"

Shan Shen's head buzzed, and he walked into the woodshed and lowered his head to look: "My hair has grown so long? Is the beard real or fake? It looks a bit like the portrait. Is he Dao Heng?!"

 Oh my God!

Don't be a blind cat and hit a dead mouse.

Dao Heng, who was not surrounded in Chen Mi Hutong, is now dead in his hands?

 Is this gong?

This is such a useless thing!

 Master Shan was so angry that he blew his beard.

What's the use of a dead body that can't be used to produce a single movable character?

 He has to continue solving the case!

How can this be broken?

 Do you really think that Shan Shen is a fool? Can't you see that Dao Heng was thrown out to tease him?

 When Qi returns, the case must be solved.

Compared to the situation where there was no progress at all in Chenmi Hutong, we have taken a step forward at least.

 After confirming that the dead person was Dao Heng, everyone got busy everywhere.

The yamen officials asked questions in Sidao Hutong, and Wu Zuo moved the people back to the yamen for further investigation. When Shan Shen returned to Shuntian Mansion, Wantang, who heard the news, also arrived.

Wantang squinted his eyes and looked at Dao Heng placed on the floor tiles of the court hall, with a serious look on his face.

"Are we being treated like idiots?" Wantang squatted down and clicked his tongue, "I have been digging in Chenmi Hutong for so long, and they just throw this thing out?"

Shan Shen said with a cold face: "Looking at your hard work, I will give you a fruit. I tell you to harvest it when it is good. If you dig it again, there will be no fruit."

Wantang was so angry that his beard stood on end: "I don't care about such a fruit?"

Wantang is not rare, and Shan Shen is not so rare.

Xu Jian folded his arms and stood aside and said: "Two adults, if the other party is so fooled, it is a sign of being looked down upon."

Wantang was annoyed when he heard this.

Shan Shen was also angry, but he did not dare to curse in front of Duke Fu.

Xu Jian added: "It's not impossible to bring Dao Heng to the imperial court. After all, you two also know that this case will probably be dropped in the end."

Shan Shen's anger suddenly dissipated, leaving him powerless.


Regardless of whether the deposed prince Li Mi, Gu Yue people or Xiliang people are behind it, with such involvement, it is not easy for them to get to the bottom of it, not even with the addition of a garrison yamen.

Wantang also knows.

   No matter how deeply you investigate, you may not get any credit, and there may be a lot of trouble.

But Tao Heng's corpse was poor, and he was unwilling.

 Bai has been digging in Chenmi Hutong for so long.

 His ability to catch people has not improved, but his ability to farm has improved.

With this thought in mind, Wantang looked at Shan Shen and said, "It's not that I, Wan, won't help you, but the Duke is right."

Shan Shen wiped his face: "How can a Dao Heng really make a difference?"

Wantang chuckled: "Master Shan, have you been busy these days? Although the Holy One has not set a time limit, but..."

 Just be careful with the spirit.


His Majesty has not set a time limit, but His Majesty does not want to delay it again and again.

The things in Chenmi Hutong are difficult to deal with, and the troubles involving His Highness the Prince are also difficult to deal with.

 To mention Chenmi Hutong is to mention His Highness’s absurdity.

His Highness is just grounded, and the Holy One has no intention of continuing to punish the prince. Their subordinates have done it over and over again, so why bother?

"Alas!" Shan Shen sighed, "Three days, I'll investigate for three days. If I can catch the murderer, it's best. If I can't, I'll report it to Dao Heng."

Seeing that he had figured it out, Wantang said no more. He bowed to Xu Jian and left first.

 Xu Jian said hello to Shan Shen and walked out of the courtroom.

The clouds are thick tonight and not even a few stars can be seen.

 The night wind of early summer blows on my body, which is very annoying.

Xuansu came over quickly and handed a piece of paper to Xu Jian.

 He was not good at drawing portraits, so he could only dictate the situation and found someone he trusted to draw the people he met that day.

Xu Jian opened it, took a quick look, and closed the drawing paper again.

"Leave it to Chen..." Xu Jian paused, then spoke again, and changed his mind, "Don't let Chen Gui do the errands this time. Give it to the princess yourself and let her take a look."

Xuan Su was stunned for a moment.

Hand it over to the princess in person?

 At this hour?

Xu Jian saw him in a daze and said, "Climb over the wall. Can't you climb over the courtyard wall of Uncle Chengyi's house?"

 Xuansu touched the tip of his nose.

 He was able to dig in, it just felt strange.

 Book friends should be 28 when they see it, right?

 The doubling has started, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass, screaming for a monthly pass.

Thanks to Bookstore book friend Hua Lizi for the tip.

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