Yan Cigui

Chapter 295: I’m so sorry (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Jinluan Palace.

Shan Shen came out of the queue, looking annoyed.

Shuntian Prefecture did not catch the murderer of Dao Heng, and even had no further clues.

 The case was not progressing smoothly, and the other courtiers had to ask questions.

Shan Shen doesn’t defend himself and just listens to others’ criticism.

His "guilty" look made others embarrassed to ask questions.

 There is no one left who can even ask how the portrait was witnessed.

 Xu Jian stood at his position and looked back at Shan Shen.

I have to say that Master Shan is really good at pretending to be dead.

 They knew from the beginning that they would not be able to catch the real culprit.

Releasing the reward portrait is just forcing the opponent to give up.

You may say that they have moves, but they are very passive. But you may say that they have no moves, and they can make the opponent very miserable.

 It’s just that it’s not on the surface.

Those plots and persecutions will not be revealed in the case files, in front of the civil and military ministers, or even in front of the Holy Lord. They will only be kept quietly, making it appear that Shuntian Mansion is helpless.

Master Shan is also very cheerful in doing things. He agreed to check for three days that day, so it was three days. When the time was up, he went straight to the morning to express that he had tried his best but was unable to do anything.

  After all, with their portraits posted, it cannot be said that they were just dawdling around and not doing anything serious.

  Xu Jian withdrew his eyes from Shan Shen, then quietly raised his eyes and glanced at the Holy Emperor.

 Master Shan is indeed confident.

Just as Xu Jian said to Shan Shen and Wantang in the yamen that day, this case is probably "let alone". Firstly, it involves too many things that Shuntian Mansion and the garrison yamen can handle. Secondly, the Holy See does not want to delay it again and again. drag.

 There is a similar result and the case is closed. This is the Holy Spirit's idea.

Shan Shen is following the holy will, so this is naturally the case.

As expected, even if a few honest people raised doubts about "whether the portrait of the murderer is accurate", Shan Shen did not explain much.

On the other hand, Wantang got angry and said angrily: "Have you all seen the portrait of the murderer?

 Leave a little impression. If you encounter him on the street in the future, please tell us immediately to guard the Yamen or Shuntian Mansion, and we will arrest him immediately.

There are only so many manpower, and the capital is so big, so we have to rely on all your pairs of eyes to find people for us. "

After Wantang finished speaking, there was silence for a moment.

Xu Jian curled his lips and smiled silently.

 The Holy Spirit is sitting on the dragon throne.

He saw Xu Jian's expression and said to himself, he has really improved a lot in the past six months, and he even watched it quietly for fun.

Wanting to think about it, the Holy Emperor was not very polite to Shan Shen, and finally said, "Continue to investigate."

Of course, Shan Shen knows it, and Xu Jian also knows it. This is just a saying, just listen to it.

 After retreating from the court, Xu Jian was summoned to the imperial study.

Eunuch Cao led him in.

 Xu Jian bowed and took a seat, took the tea cup and took a sip.

The Holy Spirit asked directly: "Did you tell Shan Aiqing that there was no need to investigate to the end?"

"No," Xu Jian replied, "Sir Shan is trying his best to investigate, but the progress is really limited."

The Holy Spirit chuckled, but his tone showed no hint of happiness or displeasure: "Shan Aiqing is a really good-tempered person, let him check half of it..."

 The second half of the sentence was not mentioned by the Holy Spirit.

Xu Jian understood what he heard and said: "It's really uncomfortable to check half of it, but Lord Shan has been an official for many years and knows the importance of it. On the contrary, I am a minister who is inexperienced and should listen more to the opinions of Lord Shan and Lord Wan."

The Holy Father smiled again, this time with a little more smile.

Wantang is indeed a shrewd person. He is more thoughtful than Shan Shen. He is a person who can put forward "stop until the point is reached".

"Listen to what you said," the Holy Master followed Xu Jian's words and said, "Are you not satisfied with checking half of it?"

 Xu Jian did not answer immediately. After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and looked at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao was keen and understood what Xu Jian meant, but he had to listen to the Holy Father.

 The Holy Emperor’s fingertips clicked twice.

Eunuch Cao decided to go to the middle hall and sent out all the waiting servants, leaving only a confidant to guard him. Then he returned to the palace and stood respectfully.

Xu Jian then said: "It's not that I'm dissatisfied, but that I can't get over it."

With this statement, not to mention that Eunuch Cao raised his eyes, even the Holy Emperor couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Xu Jian added: "The outside world doesn't know the inside story, but I know that the two gold bricks in Chenmi Hutong were released by me and have nothing to do with the deposed prince.

Lord Shan didn’t know, and Lord Wan didn’t know either. They were chasing the deposed prince, and they were also looking for the ancient moon man’s gold paper.

The line about the deposed prince is not easy to trace. The Gu Yue envoy has already left the capital. The two yamen are beyond their reach. They can only go east and west. Every bit of progress has to be mixed together and analyzed together. This What can be analyzed? "

The clues and evidence are all fake. Follow the false clues and dig all the way. If you can find the real murderer, it will be really rare.

Of course, this "rareness" is the Holy Spirit's idea.

 Xu Jian knew from the beginning that he had forged evidence, but he was on the right track.

 The real culprit was indeed forced to have his tail docked.

“I’m in Shuntian Mansion every day, watching people walking around the fake gold bricks, and I feel really bad about it,” Xu Jian said.

 Hearing what he said, His Majesty raised his eyebrows and said, "It's really difficult for Shan Ai Qing."

Xu Jian pretended to collect his thoughts and said: "I thought that the death of Dao Heng was already an unexpected gain.

 The person behind Dao Heng is difficult to catch. As you know, he is related to Wang Liu's group.

 You don’t want to hand over the case related to the deposing of the prince to the Shuntian Mansion, so last year you brought Wang Liuliu back to the palace and handed it over to Duke Cao for public trial.

 First of all, it will be difficult for Mr. Shan to deal with it. When he visited the British government, you had to ask your ministers to support him as reinforcements. This has nothing to do with his ability, but with his status.

 Secondly, the main responsibility of the Shuntian Prefecture is to deal with major and minor matters in the Gyeonggi Province. If too much energy is involved in investigating a case that is difficult to make progress, the gains outweigh the losses.

 Hence, half-checking and giving up half-way is not a solution. "

 The Holy Spirit looked at Xu Jian deeply.

He knew that Xu Jian was capable, and he also knew that Xu Jian was young and needed experience, but he also saw the progress in the past six months.

 Compared to the time when he was reluctantly sent to the Ministry of War, he has made much progress.

 Moreover, Xu Jian’s vision became more and more accurate.

 “Is this all there is?” the Holy Master asked deliberately.

 Xu Jian was silent for a moment.

 He knew that the Holy Father would ask these questions.

 After he said the previous words, the Holy Spirit will definitely ask.

Therefore, his attitude in silence was very particular. He seemed to be hesitant, but in fact, Xu Jian knew it well: "Checking for too long is not a good thing for His Highness. You can order as much as you want. Master Shan and Master Wan can indeed do it." I can guess it. If you insist on letting the two yamen find out the truth, then you will bite the bullet and they will continue to investigate. "

The Holy Father was noncommittal, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

The tribute tea was excellent, and the waiter in the royal study was very good at making the tea. But for some reason, after taking this sip, the Holy Master felt a faint astringency.

 It's so astringent that it makes your throat feel uncomfortable.

What are Shan Shen and Wantang jealous of? Naturally, they are taboo on Shao'er and taboo on him.

 This is how kings and ministers get along with each other.

  It is said that "attempting to speculate on the divine will" is a sin, but in fact it is not the same thing.

 If you don't understand his thoughts at all, you don't take the saint seriously and bully the "little master".

  It is too stupid to speculate but not understand. You have everything to do. Who can bear to deal with a group of idiots every day? If the world's major events are placed on the heads of idiots, can the common people still live a good life? The Holy Spirit likes people who can figure things out, and even more likes people who can figure things out clearly.

This time, Shan Shen and Wantang obviously figured it out, but the Lord was still not comfortable.

 The reason is that Shaoer failed to live up to expectations.

  These things have led to this situation. Not only is he, the father, cleaning up the mess for Shao'er, but so are all the people investigating the case.

Xu Jian had to think of a way to make two fake gold bricks...

 It is reasonable to raise a son and take care of him.

 In order for the king and his ministers to get along with each other, Xu Jian has said before that it is necessary to save His Highness.

Whether it is reasonable or appropriate, it must come to an end and cannot continue like this for a long time.

 In other words, at least it has to be something real and big.

Rather than Chen Mi Hutong mentioning a few more things that even make my old face blush.

Shaoer is young, but not that young anymore.

Similarly, he calmed down and watched the government and worked hard. Xu Jian looked more and more decent, but Shaoer didn't know the importance!

 This is not a problem that can be solved by calling Shaoer over and scolding him.

"If there are clues, investigate. If there are no clues, we can only put it aside." The Holy Spirit cleared his throat, "Shan Aiqing can carry it out clearly, let him go."

 Xu Jian responded "Yes".

The Holy Emperor looked at Xu Jian and said, "I saw you smiling when I came to court this morning."

Xu Jian said: "I think Master Wan's words are very reasonable."

"Okay, you're better than before," the Holy Master breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't say I won't let you have fun, just keep it in check."

At this point, Xu Jian knew that it was enough, so he simply changed the subject: "You are going to marry a wife, so you have to make progress."

  When mentioning happy things, the Holy Spirit became more relaxed: "Yes, we will be taking a break from meditation in a while. How are you preparing?"

“Uncle An Yi and his wife make the decision,” Xu Jian replied, “I have nothing to do.”

The Holy Spirit asked again: "How are you getting along with Ning'an?"

"I haven't seen the princess for some time." Xu Jian said.

 The Holy Spirit is so holy.

  For unmarried couples, it is difficult to say that they meet each other, but it is not that easy to say that it is easy.

Especially when a small date has been set, it is not appropriate to go to the door, nor is it appropriate to invite people out.

Turning his head and looking at Eunuch Cao, the Holy Master asked, "Has the Queen Mother summoned Ning'an to the palace in the past few days?"

Eunuch Cao didn’t know, so he went out to ask.

While waiting for the news, the Holy Master casually asked Xu Jian a few more questions.

He nodded slightly when he learned that Xu Miao had moved back to his house and was preparing to have a wedding with Mrs. An Yibo.

 It’s always good to have someone to worry about.

Xu Jian is also willing to let her biological mother worry.

 Unlike before, Liu Jing was not allowed to intervene at all.

Not long after, Eunuch Cao came in and reported: "The princess will enter the palace tomorrow afternoon."

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit said to Xu Jian, "Did you hear that?"

 Xu Jian stood up and thanked him.

The Holy Master nodded with satisfaction and signaled Xu Jian to leave.

Eunuch Cao sent Xu Jian out and returned to the imperial court to add some tea to the emperor: "This marriage has really touched the heart of the Duke, and more than that, I think the princess is also very satisfied."

The Holy Spirit chuckled: "I'm really good at being a matchmaker."

 Leaving the imperial study room, Xu Jian walked out calmly.

He was not talking nonsense. Indeed, he had not seen Lin Yunyan for some time.

 It’s not that there’s nothing we can do, we just need to be more cautious.

Forcing the opponent to dock his tail twice is also equivalent to putting yourself on the bright side. If someone is watching...

Xu Jian is not afraid of people staring at him.

His skills are not agile enough now, but they are not the same as before when he was in a wheelchair and had difficulty traveling. It is not easy to keep an eye on him.

In fact, Xuan Su is proficient in this method, and if the other party fails to notice, Xuan Su will be targeted in turn.

 But Lin Yunyan is different.

 Her whereabouts are easy to follow.

Once someone targets Taohe Zhai, it will easily lead to other troubles. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

 In this case, it is better to say a few words in Cining Palace.

The Holy Spirit took the initiative to open this door, which saved Xu Jian a lot of energy.

 At the same time, Lin Yunyan was not in the mansion, her carriage was outside the Hanlin Academy.

Lin Yue came out of the courtyard and did not let her daughter get out of the car. He stood by the car curtain and talked to her: "Are you so impatient?"

Lin Yunyan smiled and nodded: "I'm very anxious."

Lin Yu couldn’t help but laugh.

 The father and daughter were talking about Yu Pu.

Probably because he lived in Lao Shi Alley in advance and could prepare for Enke with peace of mind, Yu Pu did much better in the exam than Lin Yunyan thought.

What has not changed is that this new scholar entered the Hanlin Academy and became a shuji scholar.

 For a student who came from a poor background, this was a very good path.

Knowing that the government was paying attention to the student who had saved Lin Yunjing, Chen Gui mentioned it to the government twice. As he talked, even his grandmother noticed that Chen Gui admired Yu Pu very much.

"After setting the errand, he took the initiative to come to the shop to find me and discuss repaying the money."

“The money that was funded at that time was originally agreed to be lent to him, but he insisted on paying it back.”

“He was very down-to-earth and sincere. He didn’t respond haphazardly. He made a list for me, including how he planned to pay it back and how long he wanted to pay it back.”

“I asked him to think more about it, and he said he had already thought about it.”

“There are a lot of expenses for various miscellaneous things in the first year of employment. On a quarterly basis, it should be less every quarter. From the second year on, it can be more every quarter.”

“Knowing that there is no shortage of things in the house, he must repay them, but his attitude must be correct.”

“He blushed and said, if he encounters some situation in the future and his money is really tight, he will discuss it with me again and relax a little bit.”

 “I said it so seriously that I was embarrassed to ask him not to give it to me.”

 When Chen Gui was talking, there were many people in Zai Shou Yuan, and everyone was entertained. Grandma was also laughing.

Lin Yunyan knows that all smiles are kind.

Grandma herself is a person who keeps her word and is sincere. How could she be unhappy when she meets such a real person?

In April, the eldest sister took care of her for a hundred days. Chen Gui took the lead and thanked Yu Pu face to face in Shenghui Pavilion. She was polite and considerate.

Lin Yunyan didn’t let Chen Gui explain that day, and she quietly looked at it next door.

 Chen Dong's family is reliable in doing things, but it is not very good to see whether there are any horoscopes.

After all, Jing Dong’s family mentioned that at the beginning of the cooperation between the two governments in Lao Shi Xiang, he saw that the Duke and the princess had some signs, but Chen Gui was totally surprised and did not notice it even after being reminded.

 So Lin Yunyan had to trust her own eyes on this matter.

After reading this, the eldest sister and Yu Pu politely thanked each other, and Lin Yunyan probably had an idea.

Yu Pu is nervous.

 It was only April at that time, and we had not talked for more than a quarter of an hour, but Yu Pu was so nervous that he sweated a lot. (End of chapter)

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