Yan Cigui

Chapter 296: You can only worry about others (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 296 You can only worry about others (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 Cining Palace.

When Lin Yunyan arrived, the Queen Mother had just taken a lunch break.

Grandma Wang combed the Queen Mother's hair again and couldn't help but feel happy when she saw Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan also laughed.

 Looking left and right, the rosewood and bone-inlaid table with the Eight Immortals crossing the sea was empty.

 There is no horse tag.

That was the Empress Dowager’s favorite card table.

Seeing her eyes looking straight at the table, the Queen Mother smiled and said, "What? How much do you want to win from the Ai family?"

Lin Yunyan replied: "You are not stingy."

"You're not stingy." The Queen Mother sat on the Luohan bed and reached out to take out a booklet from the table beside her. "Do you know what this is? You wrote a whole booklet about the gifts you gave to your family when you were young. Do you want me to show you how generous my father-in-law is?"

After the words fell, not only Lin Yunyan laughed, but also the maids and chamberlains.

The Empress Dowager didn’t really want to read it: “The Ai family summoned you just to beat the horse?”

Lin Yunyan smiled and replied: "You know, most of the time, I am playing horse crane."

The Queen Mother laughed and cursed twice.

The palace was very lively, and someone from outside reported, "The Duke of Fu has come to pay his respects."

Hearing the sound, Lin Yunyan turned to look at the well-mannered chamberlain and blinked.

 Xu Jian is here?

The Empress Dowager chuckled.

With such a jerky way of turning her head, she is indeed a female university student!

 “Tell me, did the Ai family call you here for the horse hanging?” the Empress Dowager teased her.

Lin Yunyan turned around, looked at the Empress Dowager with her bright eyes, and pursed her lower lip.

Before the words were spoken, he was full of smiles, and even his beautiful eyes were a little brighter.

 She just smiled, making the Empress Dowager laugh so hard that she shook her head repeatedly.

"Did you know he was coming?" Lin Yunyan came closer and said softly, "He wished him well. Why did you call me here? Did he lend you your place and give you gifts?"

 My own children make people happy every time they smile, let alone such a bright girl to be married.

He was clearly happy, but he still had to pretend to her, and he pretended to be so playful, the Queen Mother felt her heart melt.

"Giving a gift?" The Empress Dowager raised her hand and patted Lin Yunyan's arm twice. "How much tea did you bring for him last time?"

"That's different," Lin Yunyan was very good at joking with the Queen Mother, "I give you what I give you, but you can't give it to him cheaply."

The Empress Dowager laughed loudly: "Listen to this mouth, now you can still face the Ai family, but after you get married, your elbows will have to face the Duke's mansion."

 The people waiting on the side laughed again.

Lin Yunyan is not afraid of their laughter. Everyone around the empress is happy, that’s good.

The Queen Mother did not keep Xu Jian waiting any longer and asked someone to invite him in.

Xu Jian was waiting outside, and naturally heard laughter inside. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, the Queen Mother was in a happy mood.

 Coming in to salute, I looked up and, as expected, everyone was smiling.

Especially Lin Yunyan, with crooked eyes.

 The Queen Mother granted her a seat.

She didn't mention the funny words just now, and just said "Thank you" to Xu Jian. Due to a series of things that happened due to the prince, she knew that Xu Jian was busy with Shuntian Mansion.

Xu Jian responded one by one with a neutral attitude. He did not reveal too much about the fight and did not make people feel perfunctory.

 This is the empress dowager's satisfied attitude.

 There are some things that cannot be explained too clearly about the former dynasty and the harem. It is just right to grasp it in this way. Moreover, Xu Jian obviously pays attention to the way of expression, which is not sharp but smooth.

If it were Xu Jian in the past, the Queen Mother would not pay special attention to this.

 A military general performs meritorious service on the battlefield, and showing off one's sharpness is sometimes not a bad thing. Xu Mang used to be very upright.

But things are different now. Xu Jian will not go to war and will stay in the court. If he wants to stand firm in the Jinluan Palace, he still needs to pay attention to some words and strategies.

The Queen Mother asked some more questions. While listening, she glanced at Lin Yunyan next to her from time to time.

Lin Yunyan didn't interrupt, she listened carefully, her eyes fell on Xu Jian, and she didn't shy away from it at all.

So generous and generous, it made the Queen Mother unable to laugh at her.

Who calls it your own territory?

Yun Yan regards Cining Palace as her own home.

Xu Jian looked more restrained, after all, he was a "foreigner".

"Okay, it would be unwise for Aijia to ask any more questions," the Queen Mother patted Lin Yunyan's hand, "Go and find a place to talk."

Lin Yunyan stood up with a smile: "Then I'll talk to him about it."

 Xu Jian also stood up, saluted the Queen Mother, and followed Lin Yunyan out.

Unexpectedly, the man who walked to the curtain suddenly stopped, turned around, passed Xu Jian and returned to the Arhat's bed. He leaned over and whispered to the Empress Dowager: "I see he didn't bring any gifts. Please wait. I I’ll get it back for you soon.”

 After saying this, she left again.

Xu Jian didn't know what Lin Yunyan said to the Empress Dowager back and forth. She only saw the empress's eyes full of smiles, stroking her hands repeatedly, and smiling from ear to ear.

I have to say that the little princess is really capable of coaxing the empress dowager.

Hui Hui pretended, Hui Hui pretended so much that even he thought it was too much, but the Empress Dowager still accepted her behavior.

With the Empress Dowager and Cining Palace apart, even if he wiped her lips, the play would not go on.

 Still people who need to go to the theater.

 What the little princess cares about most is whether the empress is happy or relieved.

Out of the main hall, Lin Yunyan did not lead Xu Jian to the side, but only went around the small garden at the back.

The small garden is in Cining Palace. There is a small pavilion with a good view. You don't have to worry about anyone getting close to listen to what they say. It is much safer than going to the big garden outside.

 After father-in-law Xiao placed some tea and snacks, he left.

Lin Yunyan sat on the stone bench: "I know you are coming today, how come you? Are you following the path of the Holy Father?"

Xu Jian took a sip of tea and said, "I mentioned it in the Imperial Study Room yesterday that Taohe Zhai is always inconvenient these days."

Lin Yunyan understood it as soon as she heard it, and said: "Before I came here, I thought the empress was asking me to beat her up, but when I entered the palace, I saw that there were no cards on the table."

“The Empress Dowager does like horse cranes,” Xu Jian paused after saying this, as if reminiscing, and then said, “I used to call you often. If you are not in the palace in the afternoon, you will probably be in the palace.”

Lin Yunyan glanced sideways at him.

 The "before" Xu Jian talks about is naturally the "before" after getting married.

Obviously he was called to accompany the Empress Dowager, at most three or four times a month. Speaking from Xu Jian's mouth, for some reason, it seemed like he only went without fighting for three or four days in a month.

Lin Yunyan would not be stupid enough to calculate with Xu Jian how many horses were shot in a month.

Just like what she taught Lin Yunfang before, you cannot "self-prove". Once you forget about it, you will be led away.

 She will simply ignore what she doesn’t want to say and only mention her own.

“I remember you gave the Queen Mother a white jade horse hanging before,” Lin Yunyan asked softly, “Can I still buy it now?”

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows: "Want to send it off?"

Lin Yunyan smiled and said, "You're looking for me at the Empress Dowager's place without giving me a gift? How about a one-time deal?" Xu Jian rubbed the teacup with her fingertips and looked at Lin Yunyan with a half-smile.

Their eyes overlapped. Before Lin Yunyan moved away, Xu Jian spoke: "One-shot deal? It's hard to follow the path of the Holy Emperor. Naturally, you must be a regular customer. You can't lose money."

While speaking, Lin Yunyan suddenly remembered the previous time.

Last year, she and Xu Jian met for the first time at Taohe Zhai to discuss business in Laoshi Lane. During the test, what did this man say?

 “I never thought about making money” and “it doesn’t matter if I lose money”, but now I say “I can’t lose money”.

Even though I know it’s all nonsense, it’s quite interesting to think about it this way.

 It was so interesting that Lin Yunyan laughed so hard that her eyes sparkled.

Xu Jian didn't ask her why she was laughing. She just felt that the little princess was in a good mood today. Even if the only person watching the show now was Uncle Yu, who was standing very far away, let alone hearing him, he would probably only see a smile. The little princess's play They all sang very well.

"The white jade horse crane can be brought," Xu Jian said, "it will take half a month."

Lin Yunyan nodded in agreement.

 After all, in Cining Palace, "serious things" should be talked about as little as possible, and of course there is a lot to talk about other things.

“I went to the Hanlin Academy yesterday to look for my father,” Lin Yunyan said, “and asked about Yu Pu.”

Xu Jian raised her hand to add tea to the two of them, waiting for her to speak slowly.

Lin Yunyan mentioned this matter to Xu Jian several times before, without going into details, only giving a general outline.

I have a lot of time today, so I can talk about it carefully.

Ever since Lin Yunyan noticed that Yu Pu was nervous, she asked Lin Yunjing twice in private.

For the first time, Lin Yunyan asked in a cryptic manner, and she didn’t know whether Lin Yunjing didn’t understand the meaning or pretended not to understand, so she didn’t get to the point.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Grandma Hong came to see her and asked her how she thanked her.

When Lin Yunyan heard this, she could hear the implication of Grandma Hong's words.

Seeing that she could not hide it from Lin Yunyan, Grandma Hong spoke very truthfully.

She felt that Yu Pu was a good young man and had good luck, but she was just a nanny, and it was not her turn to interfere in such matters.

 But she thought that it would not be easy for a young girl to get married. If there was really a prospect, she would talk to the madam shamelessly and listen to her opinion.

This made Lin Yunyan think about it, so she went to talk to Lin Yunjing again.

This time when I speak, I point the red heart directly without any ambiguity.

Lin Yunjing still refused to say anything at first, but after being questioned more and more by Lin Yunyan, she blushed and stamped her feet and said "Are you bothered?" with a coquettish tone and an attitude that was more embarrassing than annoying. Lin Yunyan suddenly felt confident.

 When Grandma Hong saw something going on, she quietly mentioned it to Mrs. Huang.

Mr. Huang thought about it for a few days and took the initiative to seek advice from Mr. Duan.

“Grandma is steady, she is not in a hurry,” Lin Yunyan said and smiled again, “She said that sharpening the knife will not stop the woodcutter.”

There is something interesting here at home, and I heard Lin Yunyan say that Yu Pu's place is not without its clues, but after all, the marriage proposal is a big deal, and you can't be impatient.

 Especially, Lin Yunjing is the second opinion.

 with Chengzheng's house not acknowledging the previous breakup, but couldn't stop someone from talking.

 During the second discussion, Xiao Duan was more cautious.

It is best if it can be settled, but if it cannot be settled, it should be done quietly. It cannot be spread everywhere and people will laugh at it later.

 She is thin-skinned and doesn't like to be judged by others, but she does it for Lin Yunjing.

  It will be even more difficult for Lin Yunjing to discuss the matter once and for all.

Lin Yunyan said: "We were both in the Hanlin Academy, and my father was appointed as a pioneer by my grandmother."

Yu Pu's moral character is good, but the officialdom is confusing, and it is not uncommon for scholars to change their temperament after becoming officials.

Lin Yuan has been thinking about Yu Pu a lot these days.

The more I watch Yu Pu get along with his colleagues and his attitude toward work, the more I appreciate him.

Obviously he was benevolent to Uncle Chengyi, but Yu Pu never got close to Lin Yu in the Hanlin Academy because of this, and he did his duty and did what a common man should do.

  Occasionally, when you need to deal with Lin Yu, you must follow all the rules and etiquette.

On the contrary, it was Lin Yu who saw that this young man had a good foundation and took the initiative to raise some points with him.

 At the same time, Lin Yu also learned about Yu Pu’s private affairs.

Although we are distant relatives in the capital, they take good care of each other. My parents and close relatives are all in my hometown, and my family is not well off, but they can still get by.

Some people say that since you have become an official and have a salary, you can take the money back to your hometown in the future.

Yu Pu responded, but did not say that he had to repay Uncle Chengcheng's money every quarter.

He didn’t say it, but he paid it back.

 A few days ago, it happened to be the first time I made an appointment with Chen Gui.

After Yu Pu went to the Yamen, he sent the silver to Shenghui Pavilion.

"Chen Dong's family came to the house immediately and placed the money in front of my grandmother. Grandma was so full of praise," Lin Yunyan smiled. "As soon as my father returned home, my grandmother called him and said that he was asking around, asking questions from the sidelines. I have asked him a lot, but he still hasn’t asked Yu Pu whether he is engaged or not. He blames his father for not doing things well, which makes him laugh and cry. "

 Xu Jian curled his lips.

Since this life, it seems that they rarely sit down and talk about the trivial matters that parents have.

 This is a rare encounter, the focus is entirely on pursuing the truth and reversing regrets.

Those are important, if they can't break the situation, they can't really move towards a happy and perfect ending, but now hearing the little princess talk about these little things, Xu Jian thought, it's quite good.

Aren’t these harmonies and beauties also regrets that have been reversed?

“So,” Xu Jian followed Lin Yunyan’s words and asked, “You went to the Hanlin Academy yesterday, and my uncle found out about it?”

"I found out," Lin Yunyan said, "As I remembered, Yu Pu is not engaged, and he has no young people to hire when he returns to the countryside after high school."

 Xu Jian laughed.

 The first part is fine, but what does the last sentence mean?

 From the past to the present, no candidate they knew had such a childhood sweetheart, right?

 His witty words come one after another, which shows that he is in a good mood.

"My uncle can tell you things when he returns home. Why don't you go to the Hanlin Academy in a hurry?" Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan was biting the mung bean cake when she heard the words and glanced at Xu Jian.

 Father did say that she was impatient.

 What else are you talking about?

I'm about to give up on Xiao Ding, so I don't have to worry about myself and worry about my sister's marriage.

Lin Yunyan just thought about it but said nothing. Looking at her expression, Xu Jian could guess what she was thinking.

"There's nothing wrong with being anxious?" He took a sip of tea, "Anyway, you can only be anxious about others. It doesn't matter whether you are anxious or not, and it doesn't matter what you say."

Lin Yunyan:…

 Listen to this, it's strange.

Xu Jian just pretended that he didn't know that Lin Yunyan was crossing him, holding the teacup and drinking alone.

At the end, he said: "The tea from Cining Palace is really good."

Who is in a hurry? Who is the most anxious? ?


   Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, and Xiaoyuan for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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