Yan Cigui

Chapter 297: Pink and rosy (two updates in one)

 The Empress Dowager likes drinking tea as much as she likes riding horses.

Knowing this, all tea-producing places in the lower states have imperial tea offered to them every year, so there are shelves full of tea leaves of various colors in Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan lived in the palace for a long time when she was young. She smelled a lot of tea and gradually gained a lot of experience.

The Empress Dowager did not let her drink it at first, but she had many dreams at night and often cried at night. After discussing with the imperial doctor, she prepared several kinds of calming tea for her. Now, there are still some on the shelf.

 When Lin Yunyan gets older, the Empress Dowager will no longer restrain her and will drink whatever she likes.

At this moment, Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows when she heard Xu Jian praising the tea.

 Last time at Taohe Zhai, Xu Jian mentioned it and drank all the tea he had brought before.

"That's good," Lin Yunyan said, "I'll install some for you later?"

 Xu Jian raised her eyebrows slightly, and suddenly thought of what she said before, and said, "I didn't expect to get tea again before Xiao Ding."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip.

"Thank you to the princess," Xu Jian added. "The princess put on the show all by herself and didn't ask me to come and pick her up."

Unsurprisingly, Lin Yunyan glared at her again.

  A bit fierce, but not really fierce. On the contrary, the light in his eyes brought out more charm.

 Xu Jian met her eyes and did not deliberately add fuel to the fire. She pressed her lips against the tea cup and pretended to drink tea.

The way to the Holy Land is open, but the place in Cining Palace is not easy to borrow.

The white jade horse crane was all reserved, which really annoyed the little princess, and the business suffered a huge loss.

Xu Jian didn’t say anything, and Lin Yunyan didn’t stare either. She continued to bite the mung bean cake.

Soft and delicate, full of the fragrance of mung beans, the best aftertaste is paired with a bowl of tea.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Xu Jian raising his hand to refill the teapot. It tipped greatly, as if it was about to bottom out.

It is true that it has bottomed out.

 The two of them sat here and talked so much, how could this little tea be enough?

Xu Jian emptied the teapot, turned sideways in the direction of his father-in-law, and made gestures.

 Grandpa Yue understood immediately, trotted over, took away the teapot and refilled it.

Lin Yunyan finished eating one piece and picked up the tea cup, only to find that there was only one bottom left. It was a thin layer and not even half a mouthful was enough.

 She then glanced at Xu Jian.

How could Xu Jian not know that he puts tea before others before himself?

On weekdays, there are people waiting for him, so Xu Jian doesn't have to do these trivial things at all, but Lin Yunyan has been with Xu Jian for so many years and knows him very well.

The two of them were having tea, and Xu Jian was very hands-on and did not mess up the order of refilling the tea.

These are rules engraved in your bones. You don’t need to use your brain. You can’t go wrong by raising your hand.

 Why is it so strange now?

Pian Xu Jian didn't change his expression when she looked him over. He even saw that she was out of tea and simply pushed his cup over with a "you're welcome" attitude.

Lin Yunyan chuckled.

Of course she was not polite to Xu Jian, so she took it and drank it.

The two of them didn't realize there was anything wrong with this. When they were down and out, they had to share a piece of cake and a bowl of noodles, but they didn't know that when Yu Gongzheng came back, he looked up and saw this scene.

 His footsteps stopped in place. For a moment, Father-in-law Yu didn't know whether he should step forward or not.

how to say…

That familiar feeling emerged again.

It used to be "the princess and the prince don't seem to have just met each other", but now it becomes "the princess and the prince get along not as if they have been granted a marriage for half a year, but as if they have been married for half a year".

 Thinking of this, Father-in-law Yu couldn't help but trembled, and a layer of sweat broke out on the back of his neck.

 Sure enough, it’s June, it’s so hot...

Xu Jian heard the footsteps that came and stopped suddenly. She looked at Eunuch Yu, and her voice was still not serious. Only Lin Yunyan in the pavilion could hear: "Eunuch Yu seems to be surprised."

Lin Yunyan was startled. She followed Xu Jian's line of sight and happened to see Eunuch Yu.

 Across half a small garden, our eyes converged.

Lin Yunyan finally understood and put down the tea cup on her lips.

The movements were neither fast nor slow, showing no shyness or panic. He looked no different from usual.

Only Xu Jian, when his eyes fell on Lin Yunyan again, he saw the pink on the tip of her ear.

  pink and rosy.

Eunuch-in-law was able to hold his own after all, and he had adjusted himself now. He walked to the pavilion and offered the teapot with a smile, then stepped back, still standing in the distance as before.

 Xu Jian took the teapot, filled both cups, and then said, "Is there anything else in Cining Palace that you can't handle?"

Lin Yunyan:…

This man is really awesome!

  Make fun of someone when you get the chance.

 “Too much is not enough,” Lin Yunyan said.

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

 Those who live like this do still know that "too much is not enough"?

Xu Jian thought, he is a person who knows how to "take it as soon as it's good".

"After asking so much," Xu Jian directly changed the subject, "What are your plans for the future? Uncle, talk to Yu Pu in private?"

When asked about this matter, Lin Yunyan said: "We discussed it last night, and Chen Gui will speak."

This answer sounded a little surprising at first, but after thinking about it again, Xu Jian understood the meaning.

Lin Yun is not only Lin Yunjing’s uncle, he is also Chengyi’s uncle.

 Getting married, even if both men and women have some ideas, is not something that can be settled. There are many things that both parties have to consider.

Yu Pu is not afraid of power by nature. If he doesn't want to get married, he will definitely refuse.

But Lin Yuan is an uncle, a high-ranking official in the Hanlin Academy. From now on, we will be in the same yamen, and we will not see each other when we raise our heads.

Uncle Chengyi just didn’t want to embarrass Yu Pu.

I don’t even want Yu Pu to get married because of these “embarrassments”.

"It's not easy to marry a girl..." Lin Yunyan sighed, "Grandma said it."

 Xiao Duan's original words are very long.

Afraid of being too strong, my uncle had the courage to marry her, and the girl would not be happy in the future.

I am afraid that I will meet someone who has too many ideas, and there is a deep meaning behind the marriage. Now that we are married, we will help when we can, but we are also worried that people are not enough, and no matter how much we help, we will not get a good result.

The aunts who had said what they said were all thinking a lot, and Lin Yunyan was the same, but she thought she couldn't say these few words in front of Xu Jian.

After hearing this, Xu Jian didn't seem to think deeply about what he was saying. He just said, "It's really not easy. Once is not enough. You have to worry about it three times."

 For some reason, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but laugh after hearing this statement: "Who wants to have three sisters in the family?"

After finishing speaking, Xu Jian said: "You don't count."

Lin Yunyan looked at him curiously.

“You gave me the marriage, so my grandmother didn’t bother,” Xu Jian said. “The other time it was your aunt.”

Lin Yunyan didn't smile, nor did she not smile. In the end, she just said: "Let grandma be more worry-free this time."

If the eldest sister and Yu Pu can form a good relationship, the result will definitely be countless times better than before.

 So does the third sister.

The third brother-in-law was selected by my grandmother from among the Duan clan. This time Lin Yunyan directly selected the person, so her grandmother did not have to look at the roster and rack her brains with the several nuns who had followed the Duan sisters to the capital from Jiangnan for more than half a month to select.

Xu Jian took a sip of tea, her eyes fell on Lin Yunyan, glanced at her twice, and then looked away.

 Easy to worry about?

If you can't change it, you will end up with the result of losing your title and being expropriated, which is not a worry at all.

He himself smashed the inside and smashed it, but with the little princess, he had to fight his way out.

 The current situation is far from settled, but he has achieved a lot, which is much smoother than he originally thought.

 Thanks to the little princess.

 It is much better to have someone together than to work hard alone.

 After all, we have borrowed the territory of Cining Palace, so we can't really ignore the time until dark.

 After drinking two pots of tea, that’s about it.

The two of them got up and walked back to the main hall.

Seeing Xu Jian come to salute and say goodbye, the Queen Mother looked at him with a smile: "Don't you want to talk any more?"

Xu Jian's face was slightly startled: "I'm telling you a joke."

The Empress Dowager laughed loudly: "The Ai family loves to see this joke."

Lin Yunyan sat next to the Queen Mother, humming softly in her heart.

 She is said to be good at dressing up, but Xu Jian is also very good at dressing up.

She has known Xu Jian for so many years in her two lifetimes and has seen all kinds of emotions in him, but she has never seen anything "awful". However, she is pretending to be quite serious now, which makes her even more shameless.

The Empress Dowager did not keep Xu Jian much longer, and asked Lin Yunyan to pick out some more tea leaves for him.

Lin Yunyan leaned over and whispered to the Empress Dowager: "Don't you feel sorry for the tea leaves?"

The Empress Dowager hit her: "Then take less."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "I asked for a good gift for you. You must like it. I'm going to pack more tea leaves. Anyway, you said that my elbow is facing the Duke's Mansion."

 Xu Jian had a good ear. Even if he was not sitting close to him, the whispers of the old and the young fell on his ears. He also saw the empress dowager leaning forward and backward with laughter.

This joyful energy not only infected the grandmothers, but even Xu Jian could not help but curl her lips.

He looked at the person in front of him, the sparkle in her eyes when she was talking and laughing, her red lips moving, her whole person was lively and bright.

Lin Yunyan made the Empress Dowager laugh and went to get tea.

Xu Jian still followed her, watching her standing in front of a high shelf, ordering one can here and there, and he was responsible for taking it down.

Lin Yunyan gave Xu Jian another seven or eight kinds of clothes this time and said, "Don't forget the white jade horse crane."

 Xu Jian responded.

 The tea leaves were put into a small can, the small can was put into a box, and the box was held out to Xu Jian.

Xu Jian took it with both hands, then held the box with one hand and placed the other on Lin Yunyan's hand.

 The movement was very light and without any force, and the fingers clicked.

Lin Yunyan was a little surprised and raised her eyes to look at Xu Jian.

The light in this room where tea is stored is already darker. At first glance, half of the facial features are in the dark, and the remaining half cannot be seen clearly. Such darkness made Lin Yunyan's heartbeat slow down.

 Because she heard footsteps.

 The sound of footsteps coming in and out of the nave.

I knew that no one would come, and I knew that it sounded, but it was not close. It was such a situation that made Lin Yunyan's heart beat a little messy.

She was no stranger to Xu Jian. She just clasped her fingers when handing over the box, but who knew this was in Cining Palace? Who told her and Xu Jian not to be married here yet?

 The words "too much is not enough" appeared in Lin Yunyan's mind again, confusing her mood.

With a move of her fingers, Lin Yunyan pulled out her hand.

 Xu Jian didn't stop him, as if the contact just now was purely accidental.

He just held the box steady and said calmly: "Let's go. It took so long to pick out tea. I'm afraid the Queen Mother will think that you emptied all her warehouses."

 Out of here, the light suddenly became much brighter.

Sunlight poured in from the wide open door of the palace, illuminating Xu Jian's figure.

Lin Yunyan looked at him, but didn't see much emotion on his face.

  Yes, this person is used to pretending.

He only asked Lin Yunyan to be sent outside the palace, and Xu Jian followed the young chamberlain out of the palace.

As he walked around the screen wall, Xu Jian looked back and saw Lin Yunyan turning around and entering the hall.

He looked down at the box in his hand again, his eyes softened involuntarily, the corners of his lips pursed slightly, and he smiled silently.

 Whether it’s urgent or not, it doesn’t matter what the little princess said, nor does it matter what he said.

In the inner hall, Lin Yunyan chatted with the Queen Mother for a while, then got up and left.

The Empress Dowager was in a good mood. Even after Pistachio left, the palace was still filled with laughter and laughter. Of course, they were still talking about Pistachio.

Eunuch Yu smiled and reported: "I was sitting in the pavilion just now. Although I didn't know what the princess and the Duke were talking about, I watched from a distance and the atmosphere was harmonious. From time to time, I even started laughing."

"It's good to be harmonious," said Grandma Wang. "It's only when we can talk about it together that we can live a more enjoyable life."

"The Ai family is not worried that Yun Yan will have nothing to say. She has been a good talker since she was a child," the Queen Mother said with a smile, "Xu Jian is willing to listen to what she has to say."

Grandpa Yue thought about it for a while, but he didn’t mention the two of them using the same tea cup.

It is true that the marriage is a done deal, and it is true that the elders hope that the unmarried couple will have more opportunities to get acquainted with each other, but if they really know each other and have been married for a long time, the elders may not be reassured.

The county owner and Fu Guogong are not confused.

 He had better not tell it and let the Queen Mother worry.

 The sun is setting to the west, and it’s time to go to the Yamen.

Yu Pu gradually adapted to the affairs of the Hanlin Academy, and recently had enough energy to study more. He usually stayed in the Yamen for an extra hour. It was summer anyway, and it got dark very slowly.

 Today, he left when the time came.

 One colleague wondered: "It's rare."

Yu Pu smiled and said, “I’m going to buy some things.”

Hearing what he said, his colleague didn’t ask any more questions and just asked him to go quickly. If he went late, it would be bad if everything was sold out.

Yu Pu rushed all the way to Lao Shi Lane and entered Shenghui Pavilion.

He did not tell the truth to his colleagues. He was not here to buy, but was called by Dong Chen’s family.

At noon, someone from Chen Dong’s family came to the Hanlin Academy with a message saying they were looking for him. Yu Pu didn’t know what he meant, but he didn’t delay and came in a hurry.

The shopkeeper saw him and pointed upstairs: "My boss is waiting."

Yu Pu thanked him and went upstairs to look for Chen Gui.

When Chen Gui saw someone coming, he invited him to sit down, gave him more tea, and then said: "While I was waiting, I kept thinking whether I should have a small talk with Mr. Yu first and go around in circles, or go straight to the point and talk about it. After thinking about it, let’s just go ahead.”

Yu Pu was about to take a sip of tea, but after hearing this, he sat up straight and vaguely felt that what Chen Gui was about to say was not simple.

Chen Gui cleared his throat: "We met a while ago. What do you think, Mr. Yu, of the eldest girl in our house?"

The hand on the tea cover couldn't help but slip. Amidst the clinking sound, Yu Pu quickly held on to the tea cup.

The hot tea soup was not spilled, but the tea cup was still so hot that Yu Pu’s fingertips turned red.

 He retracted his hand and rubbed it quickly, but he couldn't see it. His ears were redder than the pads of his fingers.

 Shout for your monthly ticket and get it doubled~~~

  Thanks to book friends Xiaoyuan and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward, thanks to Bookstore book friend V.L.T for the reward, and thanks to Red Sleeve Book Friends Liebro and Ye Xiaoye for the reward.

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