Yan Cigui

Chapter 298: Do you like our big girl? (Two updates combined into one, asking for the moon

The afterglow of summer shines through the window and is reflected mottledly on the wooden table in the elegant room.

Yu Pu sat upright, even though he was burned and rubbing his fingers, his back remained straight.

Under this demeanor, there was actually no fluctuation in him. The only thing that revealed his mood was his red ears.

Of course Chen Gui saw it, and at the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The government asked him to be a matchmaker, but Chen Gui had no idea at first.

Although the princess said that there was a play in all likelihood, Chen Gui didn't know where the play was.

However, Chen Gui still believed in the princess's words.

Looking at it now, most of his hanging heart was finally relieved.

 The princess is the one who knows the right person!

Chen Gui did not stare at Yu Pu's ears, but his eyes fell on the other party's hands. Seeing the young man rubbing his fingers absentmindedly and getting redder, he repeated the question: "Master Yu, do you think our big girl How about it?"

Yu Pu’s hand movements stopped like this.

 He was a little unsure about Chen Gui.

If he were a bystander and listened to such a question, he would immediately understand the intention behind it.

 —This person wants to get married.

 But unfortunately, Yu Pu was not a bystander, he was the one being questioned by Chen Dongjia.

 The Chen Dong family wants to get married? The man is Yu Pu, and the woman is the eldest daughter of the uncle's house?

This, this is too strange.

How can he be compared with such a noble girl?

So, he understood it, but he was not sure. He felt that his "understanding" was all pretentious.

How can someone like Chengyi Bofu pick him?

If he answers according to this...

Yu Pu thought that Chen Dongjia was a kind person and took great care of his face from the first time he said thank you. Even if he said something wrong, Chen Dongjia would not laugh at him for "thinking too much", but how could he be so shameless?

While thinking, Yu Pu looked at Chen Gui.

Chen Gui asked twice, and no matter how hard he understood, Yu Pu could not avoid talking about it, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "The big girl is very polite.

 The carriage was in danger that day, and there were many people helping. I just happened to be there, and it was human nature to help, so it was nothing serious.

 Unexpectedly, the government came to look for me and gave me a generous thank you gift.

 Chen Dongjia, I have always been very grateful. If the government hadn't loaned me money at that time and helped me arrange a place to live, so that I could prepare for the exam without any worries, I might not have gotten such a good ranking, or even failed.

I only helped to get out of the carriage, but what I got was an opportunity that changed my entire future. In fact, I deserved it.

I have received so many benefits, but I didn’t expect that the eldest lady would thank me personally. The government and the eldest lady were really too polite. "

These are Yu Pu’s true words.

Uncle Chengyi is very particular about what he does.

Whether it’s a thank you or a gift of silver, it’s all done by the Chen Dong family from the beginning to the end, in the name of giving some study rooms to talented candidates in the Shenghui Pavilion.

Yu Pu was mixed in among them. After such a long time, no one outside knew that he had rescued Miss Lin, and no one knew that he had borrowed money from the uncle's house.

 Actually, there is no problem if Chengyi Bofu really sends it out with great fanfare.

At that time, there was a commotion in the capital. Everyone knew that the uncle's carriage was in danger. They also knew that people on the mountain road had helped and received some new year's goods as a thank you gift.

 On his Yu Pu's side, the uncle seemed to be "looking for trouble" and used other methods.

 Because I don’t want to cause trouble to Yu Pu.

Yu Pu is a candidate from a foreign country. If he has a relationship with a powerful person, even if he is a legitimate person, it is easy for him to have rumors.

  After passing the exam, there may be people who secretly say that they have taken the path of Chengyi Bofu.

Especially when he finally entered the Hanlin Academy, people would say, "No wonder he didn't have to wait for a vacancy."

Those situations were already discussed exactly when Chen Dongjia came back with the piece of paper he accidentally left on the mountain road.

It was such a decent and considerate mansion that Yu Pu truly felt that both the uncle and the eldest lady were too polite.

 Chen Gui choked for a moment when he heard what he said.

This answer was so overwhelming that he couldn't even recover.

If the princess hadn't said something was wrong, and if Chen Gui hadn't seen Yu Pu's red ears, he would have thought he had "guessed wrong."

  Could it be that he didn’t ask straightforwardly enough?

Chen Gui thought for a while and then said: "I invite Mr. Yu here, not to say that you are polite. In this way, I will ask more carefully."

Yu Pu was slightly startled.

The sentimentality that had been swept out of his mind resurfaced again, and he tried to suppress it, but failed.

 Then, Chen Gui's more "detailed" questions made Yu Pu no longer able to think about what was there and what was not.

Chen Gui asked him: "Is the big girl good-looking?"

At this time, Yu Pu’s face was red, let alone his ears.

"This..." he hesitated, "How could the Chen Dong family talk about the girl's family like this..."

Since Chen Gui asked, she had to have an answer, so without saying anything else, she asked again: "Is the big girl good-looking?"

How could Yu Pu, a junior who had only been in officialdom for three months, be able to deal with Chen Gui?

With his face burning, he said bravely: "It looks good..."

Chen Gui did not stop and continued to the next question: "Does the older girl have a good character?"

Yu Pu felt like his head was filled with smoke.

 When Chen Dongjia asked him this, he couldn't help but think of the previous scene.

It was also in Shenghui Pavilion and in this private room that he didn't dare to look at Miss Lin openly. He only listened to her whispering a lot of words of thanks, not fast, a little shy, but very sincere. , the gentle character is evident.

 “Okay…” Yu Pu said.

How can such a gentle temper be bad?

Chen Gui asked: "I have proposed marriage to the eldest girl, will Mr. Yu agree?"

Yu Pu’s body froze completely, and his neck burned red.

 It turns out that he was not "self-motivated". The problem that Chen Dongjia raised at the beginning was ultimately directed to this point.

 But why?

"I..." Yu Pu stammered, "What virtues and abilities do I have? Mr. Chen's family, this is not a joke..."

 He knows what his situation is.

  Xinke Jinshi, who entered the Imperial Academy, is considered young among the new officials and has an upright appearance.

Although his family background is not good, he is at least established in Beijing. Some officials came to inquire about his personal situation and expressed their intention to bet on his future.

Yu Pu thought, he could be considered a popular person.

But no matter how fragrant it is, it is just like this. It is just a fragrance among ordinary officials and cannot enter the eyes of the powerful officials.

Uncle Chengyi is the hereditary successor of Zhengerbajing. He is a well-known lord in the capital. He also works in the Hanlin Academy with his uncle. He knows that his conduct is no different from what is rumored outside. He is very upright and very polite. tolerance.

Although Miss Lin is only uncle's niece, she is also a noble girl.

 A girl like that is completely different from a fledgling official like him. Why should he go to Xiangyun Zhongyue?

Just because you helped once in a while, you can consider yourself a lifesaver?

Just because the uncle is so polite and the eldest lady thoughtfully expresses her gratitude in person, do you think you can climb the ladder to the sky step by step?

He does have a good impression of Miss Lin, but that's all. How dare Yu Pu let his so-called good impression lead to unrealistic dreams?

Even today, Dongjia Chen suddenly asked him this.

Yu Pu subconsciously still felt that "it's not possible."

“It’s not a joke,” Chen Gui motioned Yu Pu to take a sip of tea first. After he calmed down a little, he said again, “How dare I make fun of the eldest girl in the house and Mr. Yu?”

Yu Pu smiled.

 Seeing him like this, Chen Gui felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Over the past year or so, he has dealt with a lot of young people.

 He had personally followed Su Ke. Su Ke's messy life with an outside room in the east and a small waiter in the west really gave Chen Gui a lot of experience.

 He also poked holes in Liu Xun at the academy. Liu Xun's fake knowledge was so filthy that he ended up being exiled. Chen Gui was not surprised.

 He also came into contact with many student candidates, including those with various temperaments and talents.

 The more he saw and interacted with, the more he naturally began to appreciate Yu Pu more and more.

Yu Pu can make the government take the initiative to propose this marriage, because everyone from top to bottom is really optimistic about him.

At the same time, Chen Gui thought, he also figured out the reason why the government asked him to speak.

Yu Pu has fun with older girls, but he also has a lot of concerns.

If the uncle opened his mouth, it would be wrong for Yu Pu to refuse or not to refuse. I am afraid that it would even be difficult to explain the reason to the uncle in detail.

That is, Chen Gui, who has had many dealings with Yu Pu. He can shamelessly explain the "gift of silver" behavior, and can also shamelessly break the casserole and ask the truth. When Yu Pu faces him, hesitating is inevitable, but he also can't help it. Be able to speak some truth.

So, Chen Gui changed the question again: "Master Yu, don't think about anything else. Just say, do you like our girl?"

Yu Pu did not answer this time.

Chen Gui didn't really ask him to answer. He just summed it up for him according to the question: "I think you like Mr. Yu's face so red."

Yu Pu raised his hand and pressed his face.

He knew that Chen Gui was not tricking him, and his face was really hot.

Chen Gui said again: "Since I like her, why doesn't Lord Yu want to discuss marriage?"

Yu Pu opened his mouth and wanted to explain: "I, I'm still young and haven't thought about this."

“Master Yu,” Chen Gui laughed, “you are young, but we girls are getting older. There is no shop like this in this village...”

Yu Pu said: "Yes, the girl's family can't be delayed."

Seeing how he responded, Chen Gui more or less understood Yu Pu's concerns. At the same time, he also remembered the princess's explanation.

I have to say that the princess saw it very accurately and had long expected that Mr. Yu would refuse.

 At the same time, Chen Gui became more and more satisfied with Yu Pu.

It's not that Chen Gui has a big face, but Yu Pu and Yu Pu are like pie in the sky. They have become uncles of the Chengyi Palace and brothers-in-law with the Duke of Fu. Not to mention that they will be successful in the future, at least they will not be looked down upon casually. The opportunity that belonged to him was taken away by others.

 The best thing is that Yu Pu also likes older girls.

 The one who was unstable might have jumped up, but Yu Pu was pushing away.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to be well-meaning, but he has too many concerns.

Chen Gui took a sip of tea.

The princess is right, she must tell Yu Pu clearly about the good and the bad, just like the gift of silver that day, even if some words are not pleasing to the ears, he and the uncle are sincere, Mr. Yu He is also a sincere person, who is sincere for sincerity. Even if he can't reach an agreement in the end, he won't be angry at all.

"Master Yu, if you don't agree to the marriage proposal, it's not because you don't like our eldest girl, right?" Chen Gui sorted out his thoughts, "Of course it's not because we have a marriage contract and we can't break the alliance."

Yu Pu felt a little uncomfortable with the words "engaged".

"Master Yu is worried about the public opinion, right?" When Chen Gui said this, seeing Yu Pu becoming more and more embarrassed, he knew that he was right, "The government has always been aware of Master Yu's situation.

I know that your family is from an ordinary background and does not have much money. I also know that it is not easy for your family to provide a new scholar.

 with Mr. Yu, I borrowed money from you to form a good relationship. From this fate, my family saw your character and ability.

 In terms of talent, you will be named on the gold list; in terms of character, you will take the initiative to agree to pay back the money; in terms of ability, in the Hanlin Academy, your uncle will always watch your work.

 The government did not want to marry Mr. Yu on a whim, but after much consideration.

The door and so on, since I opened the door, I didn’t care about it. "

Yu Pu still sat up straight.

Perhaps speaking in a businesslike manner helped him get used to it, and his face was no longer so hot.

Chen Gui continued: "Speaking of the benefits of getting married, it seems that the government looks down on Mr. Yu.

You also know that our eldest girl had been engaged before, but the man was really shameless and canceled the engagement.

 When marrying a girl in the house, you don’t have any other thoughts. It just depends on your character and ability, and whether you have a big girl in your heart.

  In the future, if you can do your job in the yamen in a down-to-earth manner, do not cause trouble by relying on your status as uncle's uncle, be able to treat and care for the eldest girl well, and live a smooth and harmonious life, this will be enough for the elders to rest assured.

Mr. Yu, to be fair, with this little request, there are very few people in the capital that the government can choose. "

 Chen Gui added some tea to Yu Pu: "Of course, Mr. Yu can refuse.

 The house is doing things, and I am doing things. Lord Yu, don’t worry. There won’t be any gossip outside this door. If it spreads, it will not be good for Lord Yu, nor will it be good for us girls.

Mr. Yu doesn't have to worry about his career being affected. Even if he is in the Hanlin Academy with his uncle, he will not wear small shoes for you.

 Business as usual. "

Yu Pu said: "I believe it."

“However, I would like to personally advise Mr. Yu not to refuse, and to think about it carefully. After all, it is a major event in life,” Chen Guidao said. “Be more careful and considerate, so that you won’t regret it in the future.”

 For this reason, of course Yu Pu would not continue to reject Chen Gui's kindness.

“My boss is right,” he said. “This happened so suddenly. I was completely unprepared. I really need to think more about it.”

At this point, Yu Pu added another sentence: "I know that the girl's family doesn't want to be delayed. I won't delay it forever. I will definitely give my employer an answer in half a month, no, ten days at most."

 Chen Gui responded with a smile.

Yu Pu stood up and left the table.

Chen Gui sent him out of the private room, but did not send him all the way down. Instead, he stood at the top of the stairs and watched Yu Pu pretend to be calm and go downstairs, and almost missed the step at the bottom.

 One ten days?

Chen Gui smiled and shook his head.

Mr. Yu is so nervous. How can he insist on thinking about it for ten days when facing his uncle in the Hanlin Academy?

 Chen Gui didn’t believe it.

 Ask him to say, three to five days at most.

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Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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