Yan Cigui

Chapter 299: Sincerity is worth thousands of gold (two updates combined into one, please give me a

Yu Pu is really nervous.

He spent the whole night digesting it alone and slept in a hazy state until dawn. His mood, which he finally calmed down a little, exploded again the moment he saw Uncle Cheng Yi in the yamen.

Lin Yu also saw Yu Pu.

 Chen Gui talked about the situation yesterday at the house after seeing off Yu Pu.

As he spoke, Chen Gui smiled.

 It is only said that Mr. Yu was greatly surprised. He had a red face and a red neck, and was extremely shy. At the same time, he looked amused.

However, I have a lot of concerns and I want to think about it.

After hearing this, the old lady was not unhappy at all, but agreed very much.

Marriage is a major event in life, and they had considered it for several months before letting Chen Gui make it clear to Yu Pu. Of course, Yu Pu should also be given time to think about it.

 Pressuring others to agree, firstly, it looks overbearing, and secondly, it is not what a harmonious marriage should look like.

Furthermore, if Yu Pu agreed immediately without saying a word, the old lady might hesitate.

 I'm afraid that they may have some bad intentions in choosing this place.

 When it comes to getting married, it’s really a matter of pulling back and forth.

 Testing each other, thinking more about it in the early stage will make life smoother in the future.

 Better than being confused.

 Lin Yuan and Xiao Duan had the same idea, so he would not rush Yu Pu for anything, but he didn't expect that Master Yu would blush again when they met each other.

 Fortunately, this is the yamen of the Hanlin Academy and there are many colleagues.

Yu Pu cautiously greeted Lin Yu, and used government affairs as an excuse to avoid it. He sat behind his writing desk and wrote furiously all day long.

I have things on my mind but my hands are not idle. Of course, my mind wanders from time to time.

Such a good marriage, such a good Miss Lin, how, how could it be his turn?

 Is this reasonable?

He helped Miss Lin once, but it really wasn't much of a credit, so why did this good thing happen to him?

Yu Pu didn’t understand the reason until he was busy in office hours.

Colleagues left one after another. Yu Pu knew that Uncle Chengyi also left. Just like every day before, there were fewer and fewer people left in the entire Hanlin Academy, and those who stayed until the end were most of the time. he.

Yu Pu was still busy until the last one, and even because he was distracted during the day, the progress was somewhat delayed, and he left very late.

It was already dark, and it was approaching the middle of the month. The moon was getting rounder and rounder, shining down on the earth against the backdrop of stars.

Yu Pu closed the door of the Hanlin Academy.

 Most of the Qianbu Corridor is dark, with only a few government offices where people are still working and some oil lamps can be seen.

Yu Pu stood on the side of the long road, looking ahead, but stopped unconsciously.

 At this moment, he thought of a gentleman from the academy.

Yu Pu's family background was very ordinary, and the money he had to pay for repairs when he was in elementary school made it very hard for his family. Fortunately, he managed to live up to his expectations and was admitted to a well-known local academy. The subsidies from the yamen and the academy covered most of the expenses for repairs, and he had to piece together the rest at home. , and finally led him to the capital step by step.

 In the academy, the gentleman who took care of him the most was named Bao.

Mr. Bao once told his poor students that it is precisely because the road ahead is so crowded that they must seize every opportunity they can. And this "seizing" does not mean taking the wrong path, but making preparations.

 The imperial examination is both fair and unfair.

You have memorized a few more scripture meanings than others. If they appear on the test paper, you will be able to answer these questions more correctly than those who have not memorized them.

No one knows what questions are waiting for you on the test paper, but as long as you memorize enough and remember them extensively, you will not be "unfair".

 The same goes for policy theory.

 The more you prepare and think more, the more you can make the imperial examination "fair".

 “Don’t think about why you took this exam and not that one.”

 “Just think about the questions you’ve already received.”

“Have you prepared? Can you answer it? You can write a good article based on this, and don’t think about why you have prepared and whether others have not prepared?”

"You can write exquisitely because you have not wasted these ten years."

Yu Pu listened at that time. He was the hardest-working student in their academy, and the fact that he is standing here now proves that he is on the right track.

The night wind blew away the clouds, and the hazy first quarter moon suddenly appeared, clear and bright.

Yu Pu raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously.

 This is the truth.

How come he is so confused when it comes to important matters in life when he can understand the truth in learning?

 Actually, how can there be so many whys?

He should not think that he has an advantage, nor should he think that he has more "opportunities" than others.

He should understand that it was his hard work and his not wasting that allowed him to seize the opportunity. If he had not passed the exam, if he had not worked seriously in the Hanlin Academy, even if he had accidentally helped Miss Lin, there would be no " Discuss marriage."

 The new topic has been clearly placed in front of him. What he has to do is pick up the pen and try his best to write a good article, rather than thinking about why this topic was given to him.

 Is it difficult to write an article?

 Is it difficult to be the uncle of Uncle Chengyi?

  It's not difficult. If he is such a good uncle and such a good girl, he will try his best to do it as hard and as hard as when he was studying. If he can be worthy of the respect of the uncle and the appreciation of the big girl, isn't that enough?

 Other questions…

 Yes, there are bound to be many problems in marriage, but if you solve them all, you will definitely be able to solve them.

With this sorted out, Yu Pu let out a long sigh of relief.

 Then, he naturally thought of Miss Lin.

 If I remember correctly, the eldest girl's maiden name is "Yun Jing".

 He thought, he really lives up to his name.

This night, Yu Pu slept much better than the night before.

At dawn, he sent the written letter home to the post station and asked the post officer to send it back to his hometown quickly.

 When he entered the Hanlin Academy again, Yu Pu was much calmer. He bowed respectfully to Lin Yu and did not make himself feel like he was neither advancing nor retreating.

When Lin Yu saw him like this, he knew that Yu Pu had figured out a lot.

 There was no urging, and the yamen was not a good place to chat. Lin Yun just smiled lightly.

Yu Pu’s face was still red.

  It was not that exaggerated, just a faint fever. He understood that his uncle had seen through it, so he mustered up the courage to say: "I will go to Shenghui Pavilion later and visit Chen Dong's house."

 Lin Yu nodded.

When the sun turned to the west, Chen Gui was playing with his children at home. When they were waiting to have dinner together, Liao Zi hurriedly came to the door.

“Master Yu is looking for his employer, who is already at Shenghui Pavilion.”

Chen Gui was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and laughed happily.

Chen Gui hurried back to the shop, went up the stairs, and saw Yu Pu in the private room.

Yu Pu sat at the table, feeling very quiet and relaxed.

When Chen Gui saw this, he suddenly felt confident.

I originally thought it would be three to five days at most, but unexpectedly, it was only two days!

 Chen Gui greeted Yu Pu and sat down across from each other. He did not let Yu Pu entertain him and poured tea himself.

After a moment of silence, Yu Pu spoke first: "Dong Chen, let me get straight to the point. I, I want to discuss marriage with the eldest girl."

Even though he was confident in his heart, Chen Gui still felt a sense of relief after hearing these words.     Oh, that’s great!

 He, Chen Gui, also worked as a matchmaker.

 Furthermore, what Mr. Yu has been thinking about in the past two days is very different from the nervous and embarrassed look that day.

 The face is not red and the neck is fair.

 Oh, the ears are not hidden, they are red.

 Chen Gui was so happy that he rubbed his hands and said, "It's fine, Mr. Yu, if you're willing."

Having said the most important words, Yu Pu took a sip of tea and suppressed his pounding heartbeat.

Even though he looks calm on the outside, in fact he is far from calm in his heart.

"This is my idea," Yu Pu paused and continued, "My employer also knows that my parents are not in Beijing, and marriage matters must be approved by my parents. I sent a letter back to my hometown this morning and mentioned this to them. thing."

 Chen Gui agrees very much with this.

There is no reason to go beyond the parents when it comes to getting married. It is troublesome and easy to delay when the two parties agree to get married, but it is very necessary.

Furthermore, Chen Gui did have a hint of curiosity. Why did Mr. Yu suddenly figure it out? Is it true that my uncle put enough pressure on him in the Hanlin Academy?

He thought about it and asked this question.

Yu Pu did not hide it, even if he was embarrassed, he expressed his thoughts and ideas.

He proposed to marry Miss Lin because of his superiority. Even if the woman took the initiative to speak, it would not change this.

 As a new scholar, in addition to knowledge and diligence, the only thing he can offer is "sincerity".

 Let the government see his sincerity.

He wanted to get married to the older girl, not because of the benefits of various attachments, but because he sincerely wanted to live a good life with the older girl in the future.

Sincerity may not be valuable in the eyes of some people, but Yu Pu thought that in Chengyi's house, sincerity is worth thousands of gold.

 Chen Gui listened very carefully, listening to Yu Pu's confusion, thinking, and final conclusion.

 In spite of himself, he clapped.

 This is his habit.

 Enke has listened to so many society poetry meetings before, and he applauds whenever he hears something wonderful.

On the other hand, Yu Pu, who had not participated in those activities since becoming an official, was a little stunned for a moment, but then realized it and said thank you.

 Chen Gui asked again: "Do you have any other ideas?"

Yu Pu knew what Chen Gui was referring to.

Your identity and wealth are here. Even if your parents hurried from home to the capital after hearing the news, they could not figure out the agenda of the marriage in the Marquis Mansion.

 He shook his head and said, "It all depends on the government's arrangements."

 Chen Gui nodded.

He wanted to deliver the good news to the government as soon as possible, so he didn't say anything more. He just asked Yu Pu to relax and everything would be smooth and comprehensive.

After seeing off Yu Pu, Chen Gui did not delay and immediately went to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

 In Zaishou Courtyard, Mr. Duan had just finished dinner.

 Lin Yunyan accompanied her and helped her walk around the yard to eat.

There were many flowers growing in the yard, and their fragrance floated around. The grandfather and grandson talked about flowers for a while, and then turned the topic to Yu Pu.

"It's best if he can figure it out on his own. If he can't figure it out, I have no choice but to give it up," Xiao Duan whispered, "There is no reason to marry someone in a hurry when marrying a daughter. I can give up this Old face, I’m also afraid that my uncle won’t treat Yun Jing well.”

Lin Yunyan laughed when she heard this: "Can you really spare your face?"

Little Duan’s footsteps stopped and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

 What’s the point?

Lin Yunyan was scolded by her grandmother and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yu is honest and sincere, not a fool of a man..."

Just as he was talking, a woman came in from outside the courtyard, followed by another person, it was Chen Gui.

 Little Duan's eyes lit up when she saw Chen Gui.

 When Chen Gui said hello, she stopped Chen Gui and didn't let him speak immediately. She said to herself: "Let me guess, I see that you are in high spirits. Is this the good news I want to hear?"

 Chen Gui nodded: "You are right."

Little Duan said "Ouch" and was extremely happy.

Grandma Ruan and others rushed to congratulate little Duan, and for a while the yard was full of laughter.

Little Duan smiled from ear to ear, wanting to hear what Yu Pu said, but she didn't let Chen Gui elaborate immediately. She only urged Qing Ling: "Go to Qingpu Courtyard and call Erlang's wife. Her pride Son-in-law, she should listen the most.”

Qing Ling happily responded and ran to the courtyard gate with her skirt in hand, when she heard the princess calling her.

“Call the eldest sister here, she must also come and listen.”

Qingling chuckled and responded with an "ah" sound.

Finally, it was not just Huang and Lin Yunjing who were sitting in the Zai Shou Courtyard, but also Lin Yunfang, who came to join in the fun after hearing the news, and Chen, who was looking at Lin Yunfang.

Lin Yunjing originally didn't want to come. Her grandmother and mother could just listen to this kind of thing. How could there be any reason for her to come and listen to it herself?

When Pian Qingling passed the message, she said, "It was given by the princess," and both her mother and Aunt Hong followed suit.

“It’s always good to know more about something.”

“I suffered the loss of not understanding enough last time, so I have to come up with ideas this time.”

“My thoughts are always my thoughts, but the marriage is yours. Don’t hesitate to tell the truth.”

“I hope you are well, not that I think ‘well’, but that you really have a good life.”

Even though Lin Yunjing was a thin-skinned man who was gentle and soft-spoken, he couldn't resist his mother's persuasion and came with him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she sat down, before she heard what Chen Gui said, she was winked by Lin Yunfang's lively thing. After such a joke, she was not so ashamed.

Chen Guizai carefully relayed what Yu Pu just said to those present.

 When talking about business, even Lin Yunfang did not interrupt randomly and listened very carefully.

When Chen Gui finished speaking, Xiao Duan's smile changed from joy to calmness.

  She knows this because she feels at ease in her heart.

The new brother-in-law they selected for Yun Jing made her feel completely at ease.

"He is a good boy," said little Duan, "really good."

 Chen Gui nodded in agreement.

He knew that Yu Pu was not a simple person, and no simple person could stand out in the imperial examination, but the more he came into contact with him, the more he admired him.

 Such a young man, given time, will definitely make great achievements, and Yu Pu will not forget his roots.

Thinking like this, Chen Gui glanced at Lin Yunyan.

 He thought of Liu Jing.

  It’s the same person who was selected from a poor family, and the same person is marrying a noble girl as a new graduate, but the final result will be completely different.

Yu Pu is really not as good as Liu Jing in terms of literary talent and official ability, but this earnestness, sincerity, and grateful heart are clearly in Yu Pu.

At this time, Mrs. Duan looked at Mrs. Huang: "Erlang's wife, what do you think?"

Huang smiled and said nothing, but looked deeply at her daughter: "Yun Jing, what do you think?" (End of this chapter)

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