Yan Cigui

Chapter 300: The eyes of my heart belong to you the most (two updates combined into one)

Lin Yunjing wrung the handkerchief in his hands.

The family is harmonious, and she is not shy in front of her grandmother and aunts. Lin Yunjing can talk about other matters, but it is a major matter of marriage...

 In her heart, she would inevitably have some shy thoughts.

 Turning to look at Mr. Huang, Lin Yunjing nodded slightly when she saw her mother's eyes filled with encouragement.

 Mother is right.

This time when discussing the marriage, she wants to listen, think, and express her opinions by herself, instead of relying solely on "the elders to make the decision" like the last time.

Of course, the elders tried their best for her and gave her many considerations. The reason for the business trip was not that they were not careful enough, but that they actually encountered different things.

 It's just that at that time, Lin Yunjing had an idea.

 All she thought about was "Don't get married", but she swallowed it all because she didn't want her mother to be disappointed and her grandmother to be embarrassed.

 Fortunately, Yun Yan inspired her and enlightened her, giving her a chance to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

 It is not easy to get married, but Lin Yunjing thought that it is not that difficult to listen to her own heart.

“Master Yu said it very sincerely,” Lin Yunjing pursed her lips and thought as she said, “To be honest, I have only seen him twice.

Last year, on the mountain road, it was so messy that I sprained my foot. I saw him at that time, but I was too flustered and too busy to take care of myself that I didn't see his appearance clearly. Mr. Yu only did his best without leaving his name. When he saw that the carriage was in danger, he immediately packed up and left. .

 After that, I didn’t know what he looked like until I thanked him in person a few months ago.

He didn't say much, but it was clear that he was polite and polite.

I don’t really know much about him. I only heard my uncle talk about him with Chen Dong’s family. It sounds like he has a good character.

His answer this time was also carefully considered..."

Lin Yunjing’s words were objective, but it was obvious that she did not reject the marriage and accepted Yu Pu’s reply.

Seeing her grandmother nodding from time to time, Lin Yunyan blinked at Lin Yunjing.

The eldest sister is more reserved. Being able to say this in Zaishouyuan is already an "agree". As for more ideas, she has to move to another place. When the elders are no longer around, the sisters can whisper.

Lin Yunjing's affirmation also made Huang feel more at ease.

Having suffered a loss once, I am afraid of ordering something "fatal" again. At the same time, I am even more worried that I will stop eating due to choking, waver from side to side, and scare myself.

  It frightened Mrs. Huang, and at most she could not sleep well at night. It would be terrible if it annoyed Mrs. Duan, and the Zai Shou Courtyard became hesitant about Yun Jing's marriage.

"Old madam," Mrs. Huang held her daughter's hand and said to Xiao Duan, "I agree with you."

 That is, she wanted to see Yu Pu.

Hong Ye had seen before, saying that it was Zhou Zheng and at first glance.

Mrs. Huang thought that she would discuss it with Chen Dong's family. When she went to Shenghui Pavilion next time she returned to Yu Pu, she would sit in the private room next door and look for a chance to take a look.

   Not necessarily what to say, but she wanted to see her face.

 This thought was in her mind, but Huang did not say it out loud, but her thoughtful look caught Lin Yunyan's eyes.

Lin Yunyan had a thought in her mind and quickly guessed what her second aunt was thinking.

 It’s not difficult to guess at all.

 As a mother, how can you not be curious about your future uncle?

"Grandma," Lin Yunyan suggested to Xiao Duan with a smile, "in two days, my father will come forward to invite Mr. Yu to come to the house as a guest? It's not too out of the blue for someone from the yamen to come and say hello to you?"

 Little Duan listened.

Externally, it is said that colleagues are walking around, but internally, what can the outside know after seeing them?

"That's okay," Xiao Duan nodded, "I've heard so many things about him, and I really want to meet him."

 Huang also smiled.

How could she not understand?

The princess noticed it and took the initiative to suggest it to the old lady, so as to save her from looking for opportunities to go to Shenghui Pavilion.

 In terms of carefulness and thoroughness, the princess is not lacking in anything.

 For this reason, Huang was also afraid of delaying Lin Yunyan's important event.

"The most important thing in the mansion is to prepare the princess' wedding ceremony," she said. "Why don't we wait until after the wedding ceremony? What do you say, madam?"

 Little Duan is not worried about this.

The ceremony was done in an orderly manner. Lin Yu invited Yu Pu to be his guest. It only took an hour or two, and it didn't delay anything. Of course, it would be fine to wait a little longer, just in time to wait for a reply from Yu Pu's hometown.

Thinking of this, Xiao Duan simply said: "Listen to Da Lang's wishes. We should make time for them to take a bath. There are still government affairs on weekdays."

Huang naturally complied.

Little Mrs. Duan said to Mrs. Chen again: "Although the window paper has been broken, it will take some time to make a final decision. However, you still have to prepare what you need to prepare. Don't be impatient when the time comes."

Ms. Chen glanced at Lin Yunjing.

 She said that she actually didn’t need to prepare much.

The marriage was canceled with Duke Xu's mansion, and the two parties did not owe each other anything. However, none of the things prepared for Yun Jing in the mansion were touched, and the dowry books were all ready.

 At the same time, embroidery that requires preparation by the bride is Yun Jing’s strength.

Ms. Chen heard about it, and even if the marriage was cancelled, Lin Yunjing's half-embroidered red hijab continued to be embroidered.

 The reason is quite simple.

 “It’s not like I won’t get married in the future.”

When these words reached Lin Yunfang's ears, Mrs. Chen almost made her eldest niece fall over with laughter.

 Chen’s favorite people are those who are open-minded and understanding.

Lin Yunjing is not only busy with her own business, but also takes time to help Lin Yunyan recently. After all, embroidery is her strength, she likes it and can embroider well.

Therefore, when it comes to actually discussing marriage, Yu Pu needs to make more preparations, while his own job is to "reduce".

 All the valuable and decent things that can only be obtained by marrying the Duke's government must be reduced, and must not be overstepped.

 Furthermore, the amount of betrothal gifts and betrothal gifts that the Yu family can give is limited, and my own family is rich in everything, but it will embarrass my uncle.

There are many twists and turns here. After exchanging the horoscopes, it would not be too late for her to discuss it with the old lady and Mr. Huang.

After thinking about this, Chen deserved it: "Don't worry, we won't be delayed."

With the general idea settled, Chen Gui stood up and left.

Ms. Chen sent him out and muttered a few more words in the courtyard: "Master Yu has been involved in academic affairs since he came to Beijing. His marriage is probably not well planned. Even if his parents arrive in Beijing, it may be troublesome."

Chen Gui also thought about this matter and immediately expressed his thoughts: "I am thinking about having a conversation with my uncle in two days. After it is confirmed, I will find someone from the Hanlin Academy who can take charge of the matter and take charge of it on my behalf, just like At the Duke's side, it's Bo An Yi who comes forward."

 Chen nodded repeatedly: "That's a good idea."

 In the house, Huang and Lin Yunjing were also preparing to return to Qingpu Courtyard.

 Getting up on the front foot to salute, Lin Yunjing was pulled by Lin Yunyan on the back foot.

"Go to my place," Lin Yunyan teased her, "I have something to ask you."

Lin Yunjing was "driven out" by Huang before she could say what she should do. "Go to Bao'an Garden," Huang said. "It's already this hour. Don't walk at night anymore. I won't let anyone hold the door open for you."

Lin Yunjing could only smile and nod.

 Lin Yunfang is someone who will never miss the excitement. When she heard that her two sisters wanted to join in, she quickly squeezed in: "I'll go too, I'll go too."

In this way, the three sisters entered Bao'an Garden together.

 The moonlight is clear and comes in through the window.

On the Arhat bed next to the window, the chairs have been moved away, making it spacious enough for three people to play side by side.

 As for what to play? All three of them knew it.

While Lin Yunfang was still wondering where to start, Lin Yunyan got straight to the point.

“It was the first time I met Mr. Yu,” she asked. “What was on my mind at that time? I asked you before, but you were hesitant and refused to elaborate. Now you can tell us in detail, right?”

Lin Yunjing's face turned red: "What are you thinking about..."

"Sister," Lin Yunfang held her arm, not giving in at all, "you have to tell the truth. If you hide it from us, who do you want to tell it to? Then shyly tell it to your brother-in-law?"

Lin Yunjing's face turned red when she was called "brother-in-law", and she was so embarrassed that she patted Yaomei several times.

After arguing for a while, Lin Yunjing finally didn't really shut up.

After all, if you don’t talk to your sisters about these trivial matters on your mind, who else can you talk to?

"I didn't know what my family had planned at that time. I went to express my sincere gratitude." Lin Yunjing suddenly remembered this and raised her finger to Lin Yunyan. "I asked you why you accompanied me that day. It turned out that you had saved it a long time ago. This thought!

 You just hide it from me, because your eyes are the most important.

Good sisters come and go. Whatever I answered, you can tell me exactly what I said when you come back.

Sanmei and I still don’t know what the story is between you and the Duke. "

Lin Yunyan burst into laughter.

Lin Yunfang was even more excited. Anyway, she was the youngest and had no intention of discussing marriage, so she didn’t have to be afraid to talk, just listen with her ears open.

"You say it. After you say it, I'll tell you to give it to Third Sister." Lin Yunyan said.

Lin Yunjing did not get to the main topic, she pursed her lips and smiled for a while, then said: "I only thanked Mr. Yu for less than a quarter of an hour, so I didn't have the time to think about it so much.

 I felt that this man looked safe. No wonder he came to help us when he saw us in danger.

He explained a few words to me, saying that he left in a hurry that day, not because he was being arrogant or anything, but because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, but he didn't expect that he left a piece of manuscript behind, and instead had the whole capital searching for it. he.

When I listened to him talking, I felt that he was a little different from the one on the mountain road. He looked much calmer, not as panicked as before.

If it were Mr. Yu now, I think he would definitely not leave anything behind in a hurry. "

 Communicating with students, from the National Examination to the Palace Examination, to entering the Hanlin Academy as an official...

More than half a year is enough for a candidate who has just entered the capital to undergo a transformation.

Of course, no matter how much changes occur, there are still things deep down that cannot be changed.

"Calm," Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes, "She just looks calm."

Lin Yunjing was stunned.

Lin Yunfang became more and more curious and urged her not to show off.

"I came downstairs after you that day. When I passed by the elegant room, I took a look inside," Lin Yunyan's voice was low, setting up the atmosphere of whispering, "Master Yu sat there and didn't move. I know what he is thinking, but there is a layer of sweat on his forehead. Look, how nervous he is. "

Lin Yunjing opened her eyes wide in surprise, then turned her head, her mouth pursed, but her eyes were full of smiles.

Lin Yunfang was so happy that she asked several times, "Really?"

"Really," Lin Yunyan stretched out her hand to pull Lin Yunjing's face and looked into her eyes, "I thought at that time, there must be something going on! Look, am I right?"

"You are the best." Lin Yunjing glared at her.

Lin Yunyan did not give up and continued to ask: "You think he is calm, and then what? Do you like calm people?"

Lin Yunjing couldn't make trouble with her: "Just when I was talking to him, I felt calm and not impatient. I didn't think too much about it. You are so thoughtful. After you came back, you asked me again and again. I just Think about it again."

 If you think about it seriously, you will be able to understand more.

Especially, after experiencing a bad engagement, Lin Yunjing knew exactly what kind of marriage she wanted.

She said: "I've finished speaking, it's your turn."

Lin Yunfang's curious eyes suddenly turned to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan wanted to make a fool of herself and asked her sisters to watch, but she was too embarrassed to trick anyone.

 But what was she going to say?

In the eyes of outsiders, she and Xu Jian should have first met in Cining Palace. The Holy Emperor intended to grant marriage, so he brought Xu Jian to Cining Palace.

It's just that her elders knew privately that she and Xu Jian had gotten together to run the Taohe Zhai business long before that.

The sisters may not have heard the elders mention it, but even if Lin Yuntian said some nonsense, the elders would not tear her down.

"Cining Palace." Lin Yunyan thought for a while and chose to tell the "truth."

 Of course, it is the former Cining Palace.

 In the twelfth year of Yongjia's reign, she entered the palace after a few months and received the news of the "marriage grant" from the Empress Dowager.

It didn't take long for her to digest it. Five or six days later, the imperial edict arrived at Chengyi's residence.

She accepted the order and received a bunch of rewards, and the next day she went to the palace to thank her.

That was also the first time she really got to know Xu Jian.

I had heard the name before, knew some rumors, and seemed to have met him from a distance. But just like Lin Yunjing didn't see clearly what Yu Pu looked like on the mountain road, Lin Yunyan didn't know what Xu Jian looked like.

 That day, what she saw was Xu Jian sitting in a wheelchair.

 The palace door was covered with boards to allow wheelchairs to enter and exit smoothly.

The two sides looked at each other, their eyes met in the air, and no one said a word for a while.

Xu Jian, in particular, was not only silent, but also looked very calm, which made Lin Yunyan suddenly feel terrified.

Today, Lin Yunyan understands Xu Jian's temperament. Looking back at that encounter, she can understand Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian's silence was filled with guilt.

The Empress Dowager held Princess Ning'an in the palm of her hand, what kind of good son could not be found? But being granted marriage by the Holy One to such a bad person like him was the Holy One's comfort to Xu Jian, and it indeed wronged her.

 Xu Jian was still very young at that time, and had not experienced so many hardships since then, nor had she learned any of her yin and yang eccentricities.

“I looked at him at that time,” Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes. “He is so handsome. I thought it was rare to see my father be so handsome, but I didn’t expect that at first glance, he was not surpassed by my father.”

Lin Yunjing and Lin Yunfang both listened carefully. They didn't expect to hear such a sentence, look at me and I look at you, and burst into laughter.

 Thanks to Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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