Yan Cigui

Chapter 301: As long as it comes to your mind (two updates in one)

 Chapter 301 As long as it comes to your mind (two updates in one)

Lin Yunyan also smiled, and there were many memories in her smile that she could not tell.

 That day, it was Eunuch Yu who pushed the wheelchair all the way to the front of the main hall. Then, another chamberlain came over and handed Xu Jian a cane.

Xu Jian stood up with crutches, and the movement was not strenuous.

Lin Yunyan had never injured her leg, so she didn’t know what it was like to get up so “simplely”. It was only in the later years that she heard Xu Jian say something about it.

 Because he had practiced martial arts since he was a child, even if one leg was disabled, he still had two arms and another leg to support him, and his back still had strength.

Xu Jian went in first, and Lin Yunyan was a few steps behind.

The Queen Mother sat on the Arhat bed and looked up at the two of them. When her eyes met Lin Yunyan, the old man smiled lightly.

 According to the rules, one has to kneel down to give thanks.

The Queen Mother did not ask anyone to place a mat, and exempted the two of them from the courtesy.

 The reason naturally lies with Xu Jian. It was too much trouble for him to kneel down due to his injured leg.

 Xu Jian sat down, and the Queen Mother called Lin Yunyan to sit next to her.

 Holding her hand, the Empress Dowager uttered some words of admonishment and instruction word by word, all of which were always fixed. After finishing speaking, she excused herself to be tired and went to the bedroom, leaving this place to Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan.

  The two people who were given the marriage, who had never interacted with each other before, were somewhat silent for a while.

 Jerky, alienated, clear.

Looking back now, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but be curious. She was a talkative person, so how could she be silent when she faced Xu Jian?

 Thinking about it, Xu Jian was probably too cold at that time.

He is handsome, even though he is so indifferent, he is like the white moonlight at the age of fifteen, so cold and beautiful.

 Later, it was Xu Jian who broke the silence.

"The marriage was decided suddenly. Following the Holy Spirit's instructions a few days ago, the wedding ceremony was also carried out as a matter of urgency."

"If the princess has any ideas, just speak up."

  "I am anxious, but I cannot be careless and aggrieved."

 It is very factual and the meaning is very clear.

Since everyone has accepted the imperial edict, no one has the ability to break up the relationship, so they can only do it.

People should look forward, and at the same time, choose what is best for themselves when moving forward, at least with less grievances on the journey.

Lin Yunyan remembered that she smiled and said "ok" at that time.

 The first communication was very ordinary.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xu Jian stood up and left.

He went out still on crutches, sat back on the wheelchair, and was pushed out of Cining Palace by Eunuch Yu.

Lin Yunyan saw him off all the way, listening to the sound of wheels rolling across the bluestone floor tiles getting farther and farther, then turned around and walked back.

 The wooden boards on the threshold of the palace gate have been removed.

 Back in the palace, the Queen Mother sat in the same place again and waved to her.

"You are a sensible child," the Queen Mother said, "Once the situation is settled, don't think about that and live a good life in the future."

Lin Yunyan more or less heard some of the unfinished words of the empress.

The biggest pressure on this marriage comes from the Holy Father, and the Queen may not be completely satisfied.

But she would not allow unnecessary conflicts between the Empress Dowager and the Holy Emperor. She thought about it and said, "I don't know him well. I have never met him, but I just met him outside. You know what I am thinking." ? I thought, 'Oh, he's so handsome.'"

The Queen Mother made her laugh and joked: "How can you just judge whether someone is handsome or not?"

"It's not just about looking at him, but he has to look at him at the first sight," Lin Yunyan said. "If he makes me angry in the future, for the sake of his good looks, I will let him go."

 The Empress Dowager smiled while stroking her hands.

 It can’t be said to be a relief, at least, it was the most sincere smile of the Empress Dowager.

 Therefore, what Lin Yunyan told her two sisters after another life was true.

Lin Yunfang kept laughing and asked curiously: "Has he ever made you angry?"

Lin Yunyan blinked.

That’s really too much.

 Whether it was in the past or in this life, Xu Jian deliberately provoked her several times, let alone unintentionally.

 To say how angry I really am, I’m not really angry.

 Because Xu Jian tried his best to save her.

No matter how grasshoppers are on the same rope, it is normal for them to find their own way out when the rope is broken. However, they both compete seriously and have never done anything like flying separately when disaster strikes.

Even in the most critical moment, when the roof collapsed, Xu Jian's instinct was to push her away.

Although no one escaped in the end, Lin Yunyan will always remember the choice she made at that moment.

Having experienced those sufferings and crises, truly going through life and death, and then looking at some so-called Qi Qi, it has become a small fight, which seems lively and interesting.

"What are you angry about?" Lin Yunyan pinched the tip of Lin Yunfang's nose, "Among our sisters, you are the only one with a short temper. If someone makes you angry in the future, don't really jump up. You should calm down and talk to him. He was convinced."

Lin Yunfang said "ah".

She listened to Lin Yunyan’s teachings the most, and she had also seen her sisters remain calm and calm when encountering problems, but...

“Are you convinced?” She murmured, “When I meet someone like Zheng Liu, I can reason with her and expose her true colors, but she won’t be convinced.”

Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment.

 Why does Zheng Liu’s name appear here?

She turned to look at Lin Yunjing, who also had a puzzled look on her face. The two of them looked at each other for a while, and then laughed together.

 “It’s not the third sister’s fault, she is the youngest.” Lin Yunjing said.

Lin Yunyan said: "We are talking about getting married, and you mention Zheng Liu, what's the matter? Do you want to live with her for the rest of your life?"

Lin Yunfang quickly shook her head: "I was just making an analogy!"

"Then you really made a mistake," Lin Yunyan said with a smile, "Those who are unreasonable cannot be the uncle of our Uncle Chengcheng. Just rest assured, no matter what the family chooses, they will choose a reasonable one for you. "

Lin Yunfang's face turned red.

 She was the only one who came to listen to the excitement, but why was her sisters watching the excitement?

The three sisters got together and talked a lot more until the night got deeper.

In June, he was not afraid of cold. The three were lying side by side on the Rohan bed. Only small blankets were covered on their bodies. The oil lamps had been blown, and only moonlight came in.

Not long after, Lin Yunfang fell asleep, her breathing low and steady.

Lin Yunjing was also sleepy. She leaned her head against Lin Yunyan and said vaguely: "Second sister, have I mentioned to you..."


"Before the marriage, the Duke came to visit my uncle. When my third sister and I came back, we happened to meet them in the sedan hall." Lin Yunjing's tone was much lower, with obvious tiredness, "We stepped aside and didn't look. I don’t know whether he is handsome or not, but when I heard him speak, his voice sounded a bit familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere, but I couldn’t remember..."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said, "Did you hear wrongly?"

"No," Lin Yunjing was not sure, and yawned slightly, "Tell me, have we met him somewhere before? Maybe you and the Duke have met him before?" After saying this , before Lin Yunyan could answer, Lin Yunjing fell asleep.

Lin Yunyan moved her neck slightly, bent her eyes and smiled.

 Have you seen it before?

how can that be possible.

What did Grandma Wang say that day?

In this life, Lin Yunyan clearly showed her satisfaction with the marriage. Everyone in the Cining Palace was happy to mention Duke Fu. So, when Xu Jian came up with the Saint to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager "for the first time", Grandma Wang joked That sentence was also mentioned later.

"How can three years be so bad? Three years ago, if I had met the princess, I would have said 'duck call'."

 Three years ago, referring to the eighth year of Yongjia.

If she had heard Xu Jian's voice at that time or even earlier, the eldest sister would definitely not come to the conclusion that it was "familiar".

In the ninth year of Yongjia, Xu Jian returned to the capital and stayed there for a short time. After the New Year, after attending the funeral of the old Duke, he went to Yumen Pass again. When he came back, he was injured.

Lin Yunyan thought about it and couldn't remember whether she had seen Xu Jian afterwards.

There must have been no such thing in the previous life. In this life, she woke up later than Xu Jian...

 Could it be that the eldest sister heard it right?

 In a daze, sleepiness came over her, and Lin Yunyan narrowed her eyes.

I'm afraid I thought too much before going to bed, and Xu Jian was indispensable in my dream.

 Xu Jian's leg injury worsened.

Lin Yunyan had personally seen Xu Jian using a cane to meet the Queen Mother. When the two parties agreed on the wedding date and were making final preparations for the wedding, Enrong Bo, who was hosting the wedding, asked Mrs. Bo to come and quietly communicate with the Lin family. A bottom.

 Yes, Liu Jing was not allowed to interfere in the marriage at that time, and the Holy Father appointed Enrong Bo to preside over it.

 The reason is quite simple.

Enrongbo Mansion is adjacent to Chengyibo Mansion. Xu Jian and Xia Qinglue, the youngest son of the Xia family, are good friends. As the in-law family of the Holy Emperor, Enrongbo Mansion is decent enough.

 Mrs. Bo was also very sad when she mentioned it.

 Xu Jian knew that she was injured, but she still wanted to be more decorous in her marriage, and he would welcome her in person.

“I was planning to ride a horse back and forth, but only injured one leg. My followers helped me more, and after I passed the stage of mounting the horse, I just sat on the horse and was held by others. It shouldn’t be a big problem.”

  "I will also be supported by someone when I enter the door. I have to use a cane and walk more slowly."

"Things are going well. He has been doing some exercises step by step in the past few days. He originally had a good physical condition and should be able to sustain the whole process, but I don't know what happened. Not to mention the injured leg these days, the other one Duanduan’s legs are a bit weak.”

"I asked the imperial doctor to see him. The imperial doctor did not advise him to exert himself and asked him to rest more. As a result, he was not sure whether he could persevere."

“It’s not because he cares about his face, everyone in the capital knows that he has bad legs, but he just doesn’t want to wrong the princess and make others laugh at him.”

“He said he would take more rest and recuperation in the past few days, and he would do something based on the situation that day. If he can’t persist, he hopes that the government will take more care of him.”

After listening to this, Lin Yunyan actually didn’t feel any grievance or grievance.

She understood that Xu Jian was injured, and she didn't care whether the groom was standing or sitting at the wedding. These were just appearances, and how she lived in the future had nothing to do with them.

 But she still respects Xu Jian's ideas. This is Xu Jian's goodwill and care. She cannot be "wolf-hearted".

On the contrary, my grandmother was soft-hearted. She had already met the **** "Uncle Su Ke" at that time, which made a "new uncle" like Xu Jian very understanding of etiquette and importance. She managed to persuade Mrs. Enrong and asked Mrs. Uncle to do it for her. Go and persuade Xu Jian.

 As long as it comes to your mind.

Lin Yunyan also followed suit and realized what she was thinking.

On the wedding day, Xu Jian came in a sedan, with two wedding sedans parked in front and behind.

Lin Yunyan was not surprised when Wan Yue told her, but she didn't expect that Xu Jian would still choose to ride a horse when returning to the Fuguo Palace to welcome her bride.

Lin Yunyan didn't know whether the movement of mounting the horse was graceful and smooth, but she thought that Xu Jian must have reluctantly allowed Mrs. En Rongbo to come and say hello in advance.

This kind of reluctance lasted until the ceremony was held. Xu Jian leaned on crutches and held the red silk, and persisted until he sent her back to her room.

When the hijab was lifted, Lin Yunyan raised her eyes and saw only "white".

The red hijab had blocked her sight for so long, and there was so much red in the wedding room. Everything she looked at should have been dyed red, but she didn't expect that Xu Jian's face was so pale that it made her heart tremble.

 There was even sweat on Xu Jian's forehead.

It is obviously not the beginning of spring, but the spring is cold and cold.

Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian's face and had a lot to say for a moment, but before she could speak, Xi Niang stuffed her with wedding wine and urged her to drink.

 Xu Jian sat down next to her, with his back straight, but Lin Yunyan could see that he was not sitting comfortably.

 Hold on until now, it’s strange to feel comfortable.

After a glass of wine, Xu Jian had to entertain the guests. After that, he didn't insist anymore and went in a wheelchair.

Lin Yunyan asked Wan Yue in a low voice: "Were you reluctant to come all the way just now?"

Wan Yue smiled, probably because she didn't want to say anything bad on the big day. The little girl rolled her eyes and replied to her.

"When he shot at the sedan door, the Duke drew his bow very quickly without even taking aim. It hit the sedan curtain with a whoosh. Did you hear it at that time? There were cheers from all around."

Lin Yunyan was made to laugh by what she said.

The young prince of the country has outstanding martial arts skills, but how can he not mention his archery skills?

 Just shoot a sedan curtain.

Then, gradually, Lin Yunyan remembered that Xu Jian's leg injury was getting worse and worse.

Not only the injured right leg, but also the left leg was difficult to support. He changed his legs countless times and tried many medicines and home remedies, but they all shrank visibly. In the end, he could not even stand up with a cane. Can't do it anymore.

 Absolutely, wheelchair in, wheelchair out.


In her sleep, someone sighed softly. Lin Yunyan opened her eyes slightly and gathered her thoughts.

 Fortunately, Xu Jian’s leg injury is not that serious now.

He doesn't have to force himself to get married this time.

Although he still couldn't ride a horse or raise a whip, he didn't need to use his riding skills to welcome the bride. He only needed to sit firmly. After that, he didn't need a cane anymore. He could lead her by himself.

In this way, when she lifted the hijab again, Lin Yunyan thought that what she saw should not be a white face with cold sweat on her forehead.

 Drowsiness swept over her again, Lin Yunyan closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

 The bright moonlight shone down, illuminating one side of the garden.

Xu Jian stood in the corridor with his hands behind his back and waited for a short while before someone arrived.

 Here comes Jing Dadan.

Xu Jian has not been to Taohe Zhai for a while, and most of his communication with Jingdong's family has been through Shenchen or Xuansu. If he had something to ask about today, he waited until it was so late at night before inviting Jingdong's family to come.

“I have something to ask,” Xu Jian whispered, “What’s the name of the orthopedic doctor you mentioned before?”

   Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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