Yan Cigui

Chapter 302: Put it on for ten days and half a month (two updates combined into one, please give me

Hearing this, Jing Dabao raised his head in surprise.

The night wind blew, and the trees and flowers in the garden rustled, so that for a moment, he thought he had heard wrongly.

"You..." Jing Dabao hesitated and asked, "Are you asking the orthopedic doctor?"

As he asked, his eyes moved downward, falling little by little on Xu Jian's right leg.

  His right leg is blocked by the hem of his clothes, and the condition of it cannot be seen.

 You can't blame Jing Dachuan for being surprised, but rather, from beginning to end, the Duke of Guo didn't have much willingness to treat his injuries.

 Last year, he had a conversation with the Duke.

It is said that there is a orthopedic doctor in the Northeast who has some reputation in the local area. He is good at treating injuries, but he lives in the deep mountains and old forests all year round. Yes, maybe I will have to pay another visit to the thatched cottage in the end.

 A person with a bad temper should be pretty good at what he does. Otherwise, why don’t we send someone over to ask about the situation?

If you really can’t invite me, you can just get some tiger bones to grind into powder or make wine. It’s better than nothing.

 At that time, what did the Duke of the country say?

“There are so many things to do, so don’t bother with unnecessary things.”

“You lack tiger bones? This is easier than finding a doctor. How many can I get for you?”

“It’s not a big deal if my legs can walk.”

Having said that, how can Jing Daduan force him?

 Privately, he discussed with Shen Chen and Xuan Su whether it was because he had seen so many doctors since he was injured, and each one was at a loss what to do, worried about coming and going, so that the Duke of Guo also lost confidence?

 Otherwise, as a young man, you will want to try it if there is even the slightest possibility.

 You have to endure hardships. It is not unusual to suffer a lot if you want to fully recover from such a serious injury.

Others may not be able to endure the hardship, but the Duke is not one of them.

 Those who have practiced martial arts since childhood and have developed good skills have experienced everything, and the one they have experienced the most is suffering.

 Retreat in distress?

I’m afraid it’s not the physical pain and difficulties that can make the Duke retire, but other difficulties, right?

There was absolutely no chance of a cure, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

 Muttering, Jing Dashan, Shen Chen, and Xuan Su all reached a consensus that one can endure hardship, but not in vain.

After thinking about this, he never mentioned asking a doctor again.

Why bother?

  Not only is it useless, it also pokes holes in the heart of their prince.

Therefore, when he suddenly heard Xu Jian asking, Jing Dafan suddenly thought that his ears were not working properly.

Xu Jian seemed not to notice Jing Dafan’s changing state of mind. Seeing that he didn’t hear clearly, he asked again.

Jing Dafan now knew that he had heard correctly and said hurriedly: "I remember that the doctor's surname was Yue. Although he didn't have much reputation in Gyeonggi Province, he was quite famous in the Northeast. I heard it mentioned by a Northeastern businessman who had done business. .

He is said to be in his fifties, his hair and beard are all white, but his body is very strong. He can walk on the mountain trail for a long time without even breathing.

He knows some general medical skills, and is best at muscle and bone injuries. He prepares the medicine for injuries by himself, but he doesn’t know what he mixed it in. It takes a while to apply it and it will be effective. "

After Xu Jian listened carefully, he lowered his eyes and thought seriously for a while, then asked Jing Dafan: "If someone looks for him, how long will it take to find him?"

"It depends on luck," Jing Daduan said matter-of-factly. "He happens to be going down the mountain to practice medicine and someone encounters him. If he gets close to him, he can say a few words. If he doesn't go out or doesn't know which mountain col to wander around, , no news for ten and a half months.”

Xu Jian narrowed his eyes: "Then there's no need to look for him."

 “Huh?” Jing Dafan opened his mouth.

What's happening?

They finally wanted to find a doctor, but why did they stop looking after just a few questions?

"You..." Jing Daguan considered it carefully and said tentatively, "Are you really not going to let Dr. Yue give it a try?

It's okay to just look at the situation. If he's not sure, he won't waste any effort. It's just to provide some travel expenses, and we don't lack that little money.

 If he has the confidence to cure it, then you..."

This is it, Jing Dadan didn’t come out for a while.

I really don’t know what to say to persuade Xu Jian.

 Fortunately, Xu Jian did not rush him, nor did he seem to want to interrupt, so he let Jing Daduo think slowly.

After thinking about this for a long time, Jing Dadan suddenly had an idea: "The princess has been worried about your leg injury. You walked up the stairs earlier, which made the princess unhappy. Now you can't go to the second floor of Taohe Zhai, but Going up and down every day, don’t you still have to go back and forth on the trail in front of the Jinluan Hall once a day?

Let’s not mention winter. The weird weather a while ago meant that the princess had to take out the stove for you to take with you.

If you can hire a good doctor, not only cure everything, and you will be free of illness and pain in the future, even if you can only treat the symptoms, it will make the cold and rainy weather less uncomfortable, and the princess will be less worried. "

As he spoke, Jing Dafan saw that Xu Jian's pursed lips moved slightly and the corners of his lips raised a little.

 If you can laugh, you must have listened to it to some extent, right?

Jing Dadan was about to hold the banner of "Princess Princess" and continue talking when he saw Xu Jian turned his head.

Xu Jian just looked at the person like this, smiled lightly and asked, "I only said I wouldn't look for him anymore, I didn't say I wouldn't look at him anymore."

Jing Dadan knew Xu Jian well. After hearing this, he thought for a while and said, "What do you mean, let others find it? Who is it? So enthusiastic."

"He is indeed warm-hearted," Xu Jian laughed again, but soon the smile disappeared, leaving only calmness and indifference, and explained, "Find some people to spread the news about Dr. Yue. Don't come forward yourself. You have to be subtle, don’t let people get caught, don’t worry, spread it slowly over a few days.”

Jing Dadan nodded in agreement.

 When Jing Daduan left, Xu Jian raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, and then slowly moved his right leg.

 The old wounds are there, and the actions cannot be completely unaffected.

He himself knew that he could not see anything on ordinary days, but if he walked in a hurry, even if he tried his best to control his body, he would still limp a little bit.

 When he really needed to exert his strength, he was not without the strength to fight. He could raise his leg and kick someone over, but he could hold on with just one breath, but when it hurt later, he wished he could chop his leg off.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Jian would not bother at all if he had not reached that point.

 Save some energy and take good rest.

 Compared with before, these two legs are now very good, and Xu Jian is not dissatisfied at all.

 It’s just that someone is staring at him.

When he left the Jinluan Palace that day, what Prince Jin said was probably not just a casual remark.

 Whether the legs are good or bad, Prince Jin is very concerned.

In this case, instead of waiting for the other party to send the doctor who has no idea of ​​his origin, it is better to let Prince Jin make some efforts to find Doctor Yue.

Let King Jin know that his injury cannot be cured, which will probably stop a lot of unnecessary thoughts.

 After all, he is the prince and the elder brother of the Holy Emperor. He can accept the favors that should be accepted, and then the risks that should be rejected can be justifiably rejected.

 The moon sets and the sun rises.

Jing Daguan had a way of doing things, but within three to five days, rumors about Dr. Yue began to appear in several pharmacies in the capital. Many of his experiences and stories of saving people were spread to teahouses and restaurants. Polish it up and spread it.

 Whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter at this point. I just know that there is such a capable person in the Northeast.

 After spreading the news for a few days, it naturally reached Lin Yunyan's ears.

In Bao'an Garden, Lin Yunyan was drinking tea while listening to Grandma Wang saying that it was busy outside. Aunt Wang knew how to tell stories, and she relayed the polished content of the tea doctors, which made Wanyue speechless.

"Princess," Wan Yue was very excited, "is there really such a great doctor? Then, can he, can he cure the Duke of Guo's leg?"

Wang Yan just told a story, but he did not expect to pull the Grandpa Guo Grandpa.

She quietly looked at Lin Yunyan's expression. There was no doubt on the princess's face, nor much excitement...

Lin Yunyan put down the tea cup, glanced at the oil lamp on the table.

 At this moment, the lamp is naturally not lit.

 It’s just that I burned a note yesterday.

 The note was sent by Xu Jian to Chen Gui, and it was about Dr. Yue. Lin Yunyan burned it after reading it, and told Chen Gui a few more words.

"Who knows?" Lin Yunyan laughed, "I really hope he has that good ability."

At the same time, in the busiest teahouse on West Street, Dr. Tea had just finished the first part of his speech and received bursts of applause.

He hurriedly handed over his hands to thank him, and saw a middle-aged man sitting at the next table.

He is wearing new clothes and wearing strings of sandalwood beads on his hands. He is a businessman and has some literary talent.

 Dr. Tea recognized him at a glance.

That is Chen Gui, the owner of Shenghui Pavilion, who is related to Chengyi Bofu. When the poetry meeting was held in the teahouse last year, Chen Dongjia showed up.

Not only Dr. Cha recognized him, but also the guests sitting on his left and right, and greeted Chen Gui enthusiastically.

Chen Gui cupped his fists and said "you're welcome, you're welcome" several times.

Liao Zi sat with Chen Gui and asked in a low voice, "Master, is Dr. Yue really that powerful?"

Chen Guichong waved his hand to Liao Zi: "It's just a story. If you don't recognize Dr. Yue, why are you tearing him down?"

 Liao Zi smiled and apologized.

The conversation was not loud, but those who were sitting close could hear it. He said hurriedly: "Hey, everyone in the capital praises him for his greatness. It can't be in vain, right?"

“I’ve never seen him take action, I just heard about it. It’s fun to hear whether it’s true or not.”

“Yeah, just listen to the fun,” Chen Gui laughed, “If you really want to talk about their abilities, I think the doctors at Taiyuan Hospital are the best.”

 Some people agree, and of course there are also people who oppose it.

“There are specialties in the art, and Dr. Yue treats bone injuries.”

“How can you know that you are not as good as the imperial doctor if you haven’t had a face-to-face competition?”

“Imperial doctors treat noble people every day. In some situations, they may not be as knowledgeable as country doctors.”

Chen Gui listened to their discussion and spoke again after a while: "I don't believe there are many doctors with severe muscle and bone injuries in this world. They can't even see the injuries of Duke Fu. They are all half a pound to eight ounces."

 At the mention of Fu Guogong, most of the people were silent for a while.

There were only a few people who were fighting fiercely and asked quickly: "Dong Fuguo, did you want Mr. Yue to see his injuries?"

"That's not true," Chen Gui sighed, "I saw so many imperial doctors, and some famous doctors among the people. At that time, lists were posted everywhere to invite famous doctors. Anyone who was confident could come and try. No matter how many people came, they left again. How many people have been killed? No one can do anything, and Dr. Yue didn’t even come."

Seeing that the other guests were still arguing, Chen Gui stood up and said, "I also hope there will be a powerful doctor.

In the past, if you put it on others, you would hear the noise and watch the doctor come and go, which was a lot of fun.

 But things are different now. The Duke of the country wants to marry our princess, who is a member of his own family. I really want him to be free from illness and pain.

I came to listen to Dr. Tea telling a story, but I also knew it was just a story.

Everyone, if Dr. Yue is really that capable and can cure the Duke's injury, I, Chen Gui, will hold a flowing banquet on this West Street for ten days and a half. "

 After saying this, Chen Gui held hands with Dr. Tea again: "Can you tell a different story next time? It's a bit sad to hear this excitement."

Dr. Tea was busy returning the gift.

After Chen Gui finished speaking, he walked out of the teahouse.

Liao Zi hurriedly followed and asked in a low voice: "Do you really want to hold a flowing banquet? Ten days and a half month?"

"What?" Chen Gui said, "If it can be cured, isn't it worth showing off? I will bring out all the big fish, meat, wine and food!"

 In the teahouse, many people's throats rolled up. Oh, it smells delicious.

 Chen Gui did not look back, and went back to Lao Shi Alley after singing the play with Liao Zi.

 The next day, Liao Zi came to see him again and said with a smile: "My boss, not only on West Street, the news is everywhere. It's even more lively than the previous few days."

Chen Gui is not surprised by this.

I have to say that the princess’s idea is right.

No matter how lively the story is, it is just a story. It starts in a drug store and ends with a few words in a teahouse.

If you don’t want it to come to an end, then continue to add more bricks and mortar. The people in the story are no longer the unknown Doctor Yue in the Northeast Mountains, but the Fuguo Gong and Chengyi Bofu who are known to everyone in the capital. Come to life.

Especially, there is still the ten days and a half month of flowing water in front.

  No matter whether you can eat it or not, you still have to satisfy your cravings.

Who can invite Dr. Yue?

 Would Duke Fuguo and Uncle Chengyi find a way to find the doctor?

Then can Dr. Yue really cure the injury of the Duke of Guo?

When can we eat that flowing table of big fish and big meat? !

  Since the news left the teahouse, it spread to the alleys in an instant, and it spread really fast.

 Chen Gui completed the task assigned to him by the princess and took a sip of tea with great satisfaction.

 In less than two days, the common people will be able to compile the menu for the flowing banquet, right? Soft-shell turtle with cherry meat, roasted chicken and bird's nest, if you make it fragrant enough, it will spread more and more.

 These results…

 The result was reflected when Xu Jian walked slowly out after going to court the next day.

Bo An Yi, who had a fierce face, was a little excited: "It is said that there is something in the sky and nowhere on the earth. Why don't you go find it and give it a try?"

Xu Jian laughed: "How come even uncle has heard about it?"

"Don't take it seriously," An Yibo said, "Listen to me and look for it."

Xu Jian responded casually, but his attention was actually focused not far behind him.

Prince Jin was a few steps behind them and was slowly walking down the steps. Then he called out: "Fu Guogong, Uncle An Yi."

 The two of them stopped when they heard the sound.

King Jin approached and asked, "Are you talking about the doctor who suffered a bone injury?"

An Yibo replied: "Yes, I heard some rumors."

King Jin's eyes fell on Xu Jian, and he said kindly and insistently: "I said before that if you have a good doctor, you still have to give it a try. Let's do this. I will send someone to go to the northeast and invite Dr. Yue back as soon as possible." ( End of this chapter)

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