Yan Cigui

Chapter 303: Not a warm-hearted person (two updates in one)

 In the square, all the civil and military officials have almost left.

Those who are lagging behind are either because they have something to chat about and are delayed, or people like Xu Jian who walk slowly, or those who have a high position and stand at the front in the palace, naturally come out later.

Therefore, most officials did not notice that the three people gathered together in this room, either solemnly or excited, as if they were discussing important matters in the court.

Prince Xian happened to come down the steps and glanced at them.

A little surprised, but not very curious, and even started to walk away.

 King Jin saw him and hurriedly greeted him: "Eighth brother, can you also help me to persuade you?"

When his name was called, the wise king Li Yuan had no choice but to come over and ask about the reason.

King Jin smiled and said, "I said I would send someone to invite you, but Duke Fuguo didn't even agree."

Hearing this, Li Yan looked at Xu Jian and asked, "Why?"

“I can’t tell whether it’s true or not,” Xu Jian’s eyes slid from King Jin to King Xian, and he raised his eyebrows and said, “It’s too exciting to mobilize the troops.”

 Prince Xian nodded thoughtfully.

An Yibo was the excited one, frowning: "If it's true or not, you'll find out when you come.

You just rely on your youth and don’t value these things, thinking that if you can leave now, you will be able to leave forever? When you get older and don't talk too much, at my age, I can hurt your legs to death!

If you have a doctor, just ask. If you don’t ask well, it’s just like this. How can it be worse than now?

If you can be cured, you can practice martial arts if you want, and lead troops if you want to, why not? "

“Yes, my uncle is very reasonable,” King Jin and An Yibo agreed, “You can’t just rely on your youth. You have finally met a powerful doctor, so you have to give it a try.”

 Xu Jian smiled. She didn’t say try or not try, but she still accepted the words, which made the others dumbfounded: “You are indeed young, and you have never lived past my uncle’s age.”

An Yibo's fierce face turned red, and he punched Xu Jian twice: "Then you have to be more confident!"

 Before he could finish his words, he was tapped twice on the shoulder.

 It is the wise king.

The wise king cleared his throat and said, "Second brother, since you want to see a doctor, what do you want to discuss with Duke Fu?

You just send people to the northeast and search all over the mountains and plains to find people back to the capital. If the doctor stops outside the Duke Fuguo's mansion, can he still get in?

 Before asking, it’s better to be direct. "

King Jin raised his hand and put it on his chin: "Badi is still smart, but I got into trouble. I didn't even think about such a simple thing for a while."

The wise king said to Xu Jian again: "Don't think that the troops are mobilized. The day when the news reaches the ears of the Holy Emperor and he sends people to find the doctor, it will really be the time when the troops are mobilized."

An Yibo nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's what Prince Xian said."

Having said this, Xu Jian certainly followed the good deeds and thanked the two princes.

The matter was settled, and King Xian and King Jin left together first, leaving only An Yibo who was impatient and still walked slowly with Xu Jian.

 When he walked out of Nangong Gate like this, there was no trace of anyone else.

 Xu Jian then glanced at An Yibo.

 I just noticed that my uncle seemed to have something to say, but he was hesitant.

 “Speak in another place?” Xu Jian asked in a low voice.

 An Yibo did not refuse.

Since he was not worried about the situation elsewhere, Xu Jian simply invited An Yibo to his residence.

The wedding will be held in two days. A lot of preparations have been made in the mansion. Uncle An Yi is presiding over the wedding. It is not unexpected to arrive at the mansion at this time.

Sitting down in the small flower hall, An Yibo took a sip of tea and asked, "When did you and Prince Jin get acquainted?"

“I’m not familiar with him,” Xu Jian replied. “When the prince had an accident, I went to Prince Jin’s mansion with Mr. Shan, so I wasn’t very familiar with him. After that, I said a few words at court and mentioned my leg injury.”

 An Yibo took a breath and did not speak immediately.

 In Xu Jian's opinion, this is quite abnormal.

Boye is a rectum. He has always said what to say. In the Golden Temple, he scolded the Prince Hall and never vague, but now he was "hesitant."

There is obviously no one else, and it is obvious that we have already finished talking.

 Xu Jian did not rush and waited quietly for a while.

After a long while, An Yibo spoke: "I grew up watching the Holy Emperor and the princes. Prince Jin is not a warm-hearted person."

He cared for Xu Jian's injury, and asked the doctor to talk about it, but to take action ...

 I want to say whether there are any enthusiastic people in this generation?

there must be.

Li Cang, the late king of Ding, and Li Yi, who is sitting on the dragon throne, are the only two people.

 There is no more.

Xu Jian speculated on An Yibo's words and asked tentatively: "Uncle, do you mean that King Jin has other intentions for this move?"

"Yes, there must be an intention," An Yibo touched his beard and said, "But it's not necessarily bad. If it's good, he won't torment you out of nowhere."

Xu Jian quickly sorted out several possibilities in his mind. He didn't show it on his face and just followed An Yibo's words and asked: "It may not be bad?"

"I also guessed," An Yibo said, "Maybe it was to redeem the prince's sin.

The prince’s messy things have made us all have headaches as ministers, and the Holy One’s head has been even more painful.

The relationship between King Jin and the Crown Prince has always been good. Although the Holy Emperor is not a person who likes to express his anger, King Jin is cautious and he does not want to be implicated by the Crown Prince.

Chenmi Hutong is already like that, but if your leg injury can be cured by finding a good doctor, it can be regarded as redeeming some of the past mistakes for the prince, and King Jin will gain more face in front of the emperor. .

Your Majesty thinks highly of you and will assist the Crown Prince in the future. Even if the King of Jin sells you a favor, he will not lose anything. "

 Xu Jian listened carefully.

An Yibo didn't know about the past. It was reasonable for him to infer such a possibility from what he saw in front of him.

This is also the reason for Uncle Ye's hesitation.

 Because "it's not necessarily a bad thing", saying so much makes it look like a "little person".

  However, when looking at Prince Jin from Xu Jian, this is not the same conclusion.

 It’s not “good”, nor “inexplicable”.

If Jin King Li Du is the person behind it, it would not be surprising for him to do anything.

After thinking about it, Xu Jian asked again: "What about the wise king? What kind of temperament do you think the wise king has?"

"Prince Xian..." An Yibo said, "He doesn't like to mix things up."

 Perhaps in front of Xu Jian and in the Fuguo Duke's mansion, my uncle didn't speak very carefully and brought out many old things.

"I think he is a shrewd person. He doesn't like to get involved, but his brothers always pull him in whenever they want to cause trouble."

"The one in Yongji Palace, and Li Mi, used to come to him a lot, but King Xian ignored him. He even ignored Prince Ding because he was afraid that Prince Ding would give him something to do. He could only say a few words to His Majesty. "In his later years, the late emperor fought so fiercely that no one helped the wise king. He even tried to hide from the late emperor's illness. At that time, he was often scolded by Shenben for being unfilial."

“Real filial piety or false filial piety is risky. If you don’t want to fight for power, then those who are unfilial will live longer.”

"Look, the Holy One has been on the throne for so many years, and the one who has lived the most peaceful life is, besides the King of Jin, the only one who has lived a peaceful life is the Xian King."

Xu Jian thought about it and asked, "Did the King of Jin hide away unfilially at that time?"

"That's not the case," An Yibo shook his head, "Prince Jin, you should follow the steps, wait for the disease when it's time to wait for the disease, suppress the bandits when it's time, discuss the government when it's time to discuss it, everything is stable."

 Xu Jian nodded.

 These situations are consistent with the information he has obtained.

Seeing that Xu Jian was thinking, An Yibo said, "I'll just mention a few words. You don't need to think too much. The doctor will see you when he comes."

 Xu Jian responded with a smile.

"The doctor won't be found for a month or two," An Yibo took a sip of tea, "It's better to worry about Xiao Ding first."

 Xu Jian added some tea for him and said, "It's useless for me to worry about it. It's nothing to do with the small ceremony."

 This is a true statement.

The small betrothal gifts that should be sent have been prepared. The jewelry, ornaments and cloths have all been put into boxes and recorded in the book.

 Mrs. Xu and Mrs. An Yibo checked it carefully.

 At this time, the advantage of Xu Miao's help is reflected.

There is no shortage of good things in the Duke's palace, and there are also books made of precious things in the storehouse. But just looking at the names on the book, Mrs. An Yibo often has inaccuracies.

Of course, she can open the warehouse to check. Xu Jian will not disbelieve her, and the stewards of the Duke's Mansion are also very cooperative. However, as an outsider, Mrs. An Yibo is really embarrassed to point fingers at other people's warehouses.

 It was different when Xu Miao was present.

 She is "one of our own".

She can open the warehouse without any problem, and she can move and arrange it as she wants. Taking advantage of the recent good weather, she can also move many things out to dry.

Although she has been away from home for twenty years, she still somewhat remembers some good things from her old days.

Having come up with ideas together, the two of them quickly adjusted the initial small wedding ceremony. They looked noble and did not overstep their bounds. They gave Xu Jian a look two days ago.

Xu Jian has read it and can’t make any comments.

As for the pastry boxes that are to be sent along with these gifts, they are prepared fresh the night before and put in the basket before dawn. They should be cool and warm when sent out.

That day, the busy ones were Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion and Mrs. Enrong Uncle Quanfu. It was almost over when the things in Duke Fuguo’s Mansion were moved out of the gate.

An Yibo was extremely happy to hear Xu Jian's honest words: "Isn't it a good idea to save worry?"

“I still want to worry about getting married,” Xu Jian said.

An Yibo said "Ouch": "If you want to worry so much, you might as well ask your Majesty about the wedding date, go to Cining Palace to say good things, and let the Empress Dowager nod."

 Xu Jian chuckled softly.

The Empress Dowager is easy to talk to, but not easy to talk to.

Obviously the imperial edict was issued earlier than before, but the date of Xiaoding was still postponed to the same day. I think the wedding date is probably the same. The empress has been picking and choosing, and she will choose the beginning of next spring.

"I have to ask the Empress Dowager to nod," Xu Jian changed the topic and said, "Uncle, Cining Palace is so confident in pointing out the princess to me. I think it is probably because my leg is injured and I can't serve in court. But I can’t go to the battlefield anymore. If I find a good doctor to cure my leg injury, I’m afraid I’ll be worried.”

 An Yibo:…

Although he thinks what Xu Jian said is very reasonable, can this be compared?

“The imperial decree grants marriage, can the marriage be broken off?”

"If your leg injury can be cured, the Holy Emperor will be happy, and the princess should also be happy. The Queen Mother will be worried, but she will not be dissatisfied."

“Well, you can’t say that about the Queen Mother. Your Majesty is far-sighted and not a petty person.”

"Don't think too much. I don't know where Dr. Yue is. We'll tell you when he is found."

“You might as well think more about how to please the Queen Mother, and just get married.”

Xu Jian was just joking with An Yibo on purpose, but he didn't take it to heart after he finished speaking. Instead, he was distracted by the uncle's words of "please".

 It’s probably useless to try to please him, but I’d better give him the white jade horse tag earlier.

 In the blink of an eye, June 26th.

Uncle Chengyi’s house is full of joy both inside and outside.

Before dawn, Linton came out with a broom.

It was carefully swept yesterday, not only the floor outside the house, but also the plaque and the two stone lions were polished brightly, waiting for the good time.

 In Bao'an Garden, Lin Yunyan sat in front of the dressing table, combing her hair and applying makeup with the moon in front of her.

Ms. Chen was the first to arrive. After taking a look at the situation in the room, she told Lin Yunfang to accompany her honestly and not to delay things due to whims. Then she went to the front to get busy.

When Mrs. Chen arrived at Zai Shou Yuan, she saw that Mrs. Duan had also changed into new clothes and put on her forehead. She showed her nervousness on her face.

 “I didn’t come so early,” Ms. Chen said with a smile, “it’s still early in the auspicious time.”

“Having said that, I’m just anxious!” Little Duan laughed, “Has Mrs. Enrongbo gone out?”

 This is the advantage of two families living next to each other. It is clear what happens.

Chen said: "I told the concierge that as soon as Madam Uncle's carriage leaves the house, she will come to the courtyard to report."

Sure enough, as soon as they left the house, Chen received the news.

 Go at this time, go to the Fuguo Duke's mansion, bring a small gift, and then come back. Calculate that the time is just right.

 When the etiquette was completed and the banquet was set in the flower hall, the Lord invited Mrs. Quanfu and several familiar neighbors.

There are only a few tables, not as big as a big banquet on official days, but Mrs. Chen is not sloppy at all. She has finalized the menu and drinks, and they are all ready in the kitchen.

that is…

 It’s just not as good as the rumor that Chen Gui will hold a flowing banquet for ten days and a half.

The day before yesterday, Grandma Wang went out to do some shopping. After replying, she talked to Mrs. Chen. Chen made her laugh so hard that she simply took out her abacus and calculated an account for Chen Gui.

At this moment, knowing that Mrs. Duan was nervous, Mrs. Chen told her: "That's really putting all the good things on the table, which makes our little banquet even worse. Grandma Wang also said, otherwise we will transfer A few dishes, otherwise we will lose miserably.”

As soon as Xiao Duan heard this, he immediately touched his hands with joy.

 It’s not that I’m stingy, it’s that the dishes on the running water banquet that you and I put together with each other’s words are too strange.

"If we can really find a powerful doctor and cure Duke Fu's injury," Xiao Duan said happily, "let Chen Gui prepare the dishes and I will add some money for him."

 It’s just a fun thing to watch now, I’m really waiting for that day, what a great thing!

 The gold bricks and silver earned from Laoshi Alley, Xiao Duan thought, there is still money to be made.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

  Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the tip.

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