Yan Cigui

Chapter 305: Let’s settle this account later (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 In the eyes of the Empress Dowager, what can be considered a good thing?

 She has enjoyed tremendous wealth and honor throughout her life, and has never been short of anything. Most of what can be given to her heart is "doing what she likes".

Exquisite horse tags and good tea collected from various states are not easy for others to acquire. For Xu Jian, it is just a matter of spending more money.

Even, like Li Shao, he went to the paddock to hunt some game and came back.

Xu Jian could no longer ride his horse to hunt, but his archery skills were still there. He relied on his subordinates to surround the prey, so he could shoot with his bow and arrows.

Fresh game delivered to Cining Palace will definitely make the Empress Dowager smile.

How can you not think of what to give as a gift?

Lin Yunyan just thought about it. She didn't believe that Xu Jian would not think of it.

It's just an excuse.

Of course, thinking about what she wanted to say, Lin Yunyan agreed with Xu Jian's opinion.

 It is always inconvenient to borrow a place.

“That Doctor Yue, how come I haven’t heard of his name before?” Lin Yunyan asked softly.

In her previous life, Xu Jian had only invited a lot more doctors.

If there is such a famous person in the Northeast, it stands to reason that he will not be missed, unless he is really an extraordinary person, and he can't be found all over the world for half a year.

Lin Yunyan watched Xu Jian's condition become more and more serious with her own eyes.

  When I got married, I could still grit my teeth and use a cane. After that, day by day, things got worse visibly to the naked eye.

It was precisely because of "visibility" that not only she was anxious at that time, but Xu Jian was also anxious. Imperial doctors came, and doctors from the capital were also invited. They also sent people to other places to inquire about the doctor Lin Yunyan who had been in and out of Fuguogong's mansion for more than half a year. Too many to count.

Among them, it is true that I have never heard of the doctor named Yue.

Hearing her question, Xu Jian knew what she meant: "I heard it mentioned by Jingdong's family last year. I remembered it and asked more questions a few days ago. Since there is such a person, let's try it."

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes suddenly and glanced at Xu Jian.

Xi Gui Shi, Xu Jian said "bring it", and asking the doctor is not something...

Furthermore, the note that Xu Jian asked Chen Gui to send was also written very concisely. It seemed that he had never believed Dr. Yue from beginning to end.

Several thoughts flashed through her mind. Lin Yunyan caught a glimpse of them and couldn't help but look at Xu Jian again.

The glances he gave me were just thoughts and suspicions, not concealed at all.

Xu Jian clicked his tongue: "I know you are smart, you can guess it."

Lin Yunyan did not answer this.

 The word "smart" doesn't have any weirdness to it, but she still feels weird.

 She did guess a lot.

 Xu Jian had previously mentioned the temptation from King Jin. Instead of waiting for King Jin to send a doctor, it would be better to throw out such a famous Dr. Yue and let King Jin go to the northeast to find someone.

So the story of Dr. Yue gradually emerged in Beijing, and Lin Yunyan also took advantage of the situation to let Chen Gui add to the fire and burn it more enthusiastically.

 After that, it was the game between Xu Jian and the King of Jin.

It can allow the doctor to describe the injury in a vague way, so that others cannot understand the condition, but in fact it can get better. This is the best result that Lin Yunyan previously thought.

Just, let’s reconsider Xu Jian’s words...

It seems that Xu Jian doesn’t think so?

"You..." Lin Yunyan lowered her voice and asked doubtfully, "What do you think about the leg injury?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the "strange" hovering in his heart suddenly had a direction. Before Xu Jian could answer, Lin Yunyan reacted: "You have never thought about treating it again?"

 Yes, I just don’t want to treat it.

Having really thought about treating his legs, when the Jingdong family mentioned Dr. Yue last year, Xu Jian should have sent people to the northeast to look for him.

Regardless of whether the doctor is qualified or not, asking for a diagnosis is what the injured person should think about.

There is no shortage of money, and if you want to use medicinal materials, you don’t have to worry about finding them nowhere. If the doctor is not good enough, you should make a conclusion after seeing the doctor. It’s just a look. How can you not even look at it?

 But Xu Jianzhen never cared about it.

 I didn’t look for it myself, and I didn’t ask the Jingdong family to look for it either.

If the King of Jin hadn't talked about asking for a doctor this time, Lin Yunyan thought, Xu Jian probably wouldn't have brought up Doctor Yue again.

Doctor Yue is not a doctor here, he is just a chess piece, so mentioning it is just "trying it out".

The test was not about his injury, it was about King Jin!

 But, why?

 In the past, when treating injuries, the more they were treated, the worse they became. Did this cast a shadow on Xu Jian's treatment?

Lin Yunyan didn’t believe it.

 She has been with Xu Jian for many years and understands Xu Jian's temperament.

Before Li Shao started to reduce power, their life was considered smooth. Although it was troublesome to rely on a wheelchair to get in and out, Xu Jian adapted to it.

 Have regrets, but no complaints.

 Until they were in trouble, fled the capital, and struggled to find the truth, bad behavior would not only bring trouble, but "drag".

Lin Yunyan naturally wouldn't blame Xu Jian for dragging her down, nor would the people around her, only Xu Jian himself. He didn't say it explicitly, but the thoughts in his heart couldn't be hidden from others.

The young man who once rode his horse and whipped his whip and flew thousands of miles could no longer help others, but had to rely on others to find a chance to survive for him. Because of the difficulties in his transfer, he had to fall into danger...

How does this make Xu Jian feel comfortable?

A few times, Xu Jian told her that if there were no injuries, the road ahead would be much easier.

Having suffered such a loss, suffered such hardships, and clearly understood the importance of walking as fast as flying, how could Xu Jian not want to treat it?

 His shadow is obviously that he is sitting in a wheelchair as a drag.

 Compared with this, Xu Jian would not look down upon the pain of healing the injury.

What was it that made Xu Jian give up treatment?

Lin Yunyan wanted to know the answer. She leaned forward, looked at Xu Jian for a moment, and asked again: "Why?"

 The two were close to each other, their eyes facing each other, and Xu Jian could see herself in Lin Yunyan's eyes.

 Xu Jian was silent for a moment.

 Blame him.

Knowing that Lin Yunyan was sharp, she was careless when she first spoke, and was immediately caught in the center.

The last time he was "aggressively" treated by the little princess, he angrily changed the subject and did not let her continue to ask. Now, Xu Jian was not sure whether he could repeat the same trick.

"You also said that I have never heard of such a Dr. Yue before," Xu Jian's throat rolled down, "I really didn't think about looking for him before, and I knew the extent of the injury.

 It is not as heavy as before, and the doctors have tried many methods, and it is almost the same now.

 Find another doctor, he may be able to cure other problems. "

Lin Yunyan did not interrupt Xu Jian, but just listened, with no sign of belief or disbelief on her face.

 Xu Jian smiled.

"What are you doing so seriously?" Raising his hand, he lightly pressed his knuckles on Lin Yunyan's forehead twice. Xu Jian said slowly, "I understand what you mean. Wait for the doctor to come and take a look first. If you don't use acupuncture, don't do it." Apply medicine and don’t take a medicinal bath. Just take a look and there won’t be anything wrong. When the time comes, let him write down the prescriptions and techniques and take them to ask more people.”

Lin Yunyan sat upright.

 It took two hits on the forehead before I realized I was too close.

 She didn't care, she was just afraid that her father-in-law would be frightened.

   Grandfather-in-law was standing far away and could not see the true distance. She even leaned over half of the stone table, fearing that it would look like she was throwing herself into his arms.     Inappropriate, very inappropriate.

 The distance has widened, but the doubts in my heart have not disappeared.

Xu Jian directly talked about the follow-up method, but almost all the reasons were mentioned. In the final analysis, it was "concealed".

This is really strange.

Having been on the same rope for two lifetimes, even if they die together, Xu Jian actually has something to hide?

 For a moment, Lin Yunyan felt a tightness in her chest, and she couldn't tell what it was like.

It’s not that Xu Jian has never been sloppy with her, but it’s so rare that Lin Yunyan is used to talking about all kinds of things.

 No one is a sage. If one person cannot figure it out, two people should figure it out together.

 But now, Xu Jian didn't let her worry about it.

It is true that Xu Jian has Xu Jian's considerations. Concealment is not a matter of trust or distrust. Although she is not happy to be hidden, she still has this judgment.

Lin Yunyan took a sip of tea and suppressed the turmoil in her heart.

 She really wanted to know the answer.

 Perhaps this time...

She raised her eyelashes and looked at Xu Jian with her dark eyes. Lin Yunyan sincerely agreed with Xu Jian's previous opinions again.

 It is really inconvenient to use a place to talk things over.

This is not a good place to pursue questions. It is really difficult to do so. It is impossible to dig out the truth from Xu Jian just by asking him face to face.

If it was her own territory, she would force Xu Jian to speak clearly.

"Let's wait until we find a doctor first," Lin Yunyan snorted and said clearly, "It's not that you convinced me, it's just that it's hard to talk about it now. We'll settle the account later."

Xu Jian smiled, earning a few glances from the little princess.

"It's better to ask someone to pick a few more auspicious days," Xu Jian refilled her tea and kept talking, "It's hard to keep accounts. I really want you to roll it over with interest until the spring of next year. This is a big bill. "

Lin Yunyan didn't listen to his deliberate change of topic and asked: "How is the leg injury now?"

 She understands Xu Jian's past injuries, but her knowledge of the current situation is limited.

The Dowager Empress said that she looked fine at first glance, but looked slightly lame when looking closely.

Shenchen and others said that when the weather is cold and damp, the legs will feel uncomfortable.

Xu Jian himself said that if you can't ride a horse fast, you will have nothing to do in your daily life.

These are similar to what Lin Yunyan observed, but she dare not say that this is the truth, especially after the conversation just now, she has to raise two questions.

 Xu Jian asked back: "Do you believe it if you say it?"

Lin Yunyan glanced at him.

Xu Jian said: "It doesn't affect my walking. I can even run two steps. I can also climb over the courtyard wall of Uncle Chengcheng's Mansion. It's just too strenuous. I can't get out even after I climb in."

Lin Yunyan:…

"You still have to take care of yourself. Unless your life is at stake, you can't really pretend that you're not sick or in pain. You can't get better or get worse," Xu Jian continued, "After walking a long way and standing for a long time, Or the weather will be cold and it will be really uncomfortable.”

While listening to what he said, Lin Yunyan leaned a little and looked sideways at Xu Jian's legs.

"The truth," Xu Jian let her look, and then said, "If you don't believe it, see for yourself when the time comes. It's not as scary as before."

 Lin Yunyan was speechless.

 She was indeed scared before.

Such a long, snake-like scar that was abrupt and dazzling. Later, the leg shrank and looked more and more scary.

 It can be said that I was not scared at all. After I was frightened, what was left was emotion and sadness.

Therefore, when she opened her eyes in Cining Palace last year and heard the Dowager Empress saying that she was "a little bit lame", Lin Yunyan just thought that she was a "fine person".

 Compared with the situation in the past, this situation now is nothing.

“It’s less injured than before, so of course it looks different.” Lin Yunyan said.

This topic ends here, and no one has the intention to continue talking about it.

 After finishing the pot of tea, Xu Jian did not stay any longer and went to the Empress Dowager to bow and leave.

Lin Yunyan sent him out, quietly watching Xu Jian's back walking further and further away, and then turned around and returned to the inner hall.

 The wedding date does have to be changed.

 She wanted to ask for the answer.

The Empress Dowager smiled and talked to Grandma Wang. She asked Lin Yunyan to sit down and said, "Why are you so absent-minded?"

Lin Yunyan's face turned red and she said softly: "I'm wondering when the official date will be."

"Hey," the Queen Mother said happily, "you are impatient."

"You can't be impatient," Lin Yunyan sighed, leaned over and said, "You know, my embroidery skills are so-so. What I produce in the end depends on my eldest sister's availability."

The Queen Mother laughed at her truth: "What? Your eldest sister is very busy?"

"I'm telling you quietly, my family is going to show off to the eldest sister. Someone has chosen one. If it is finalized, the eldest sister will have to prepare her own, and I will have to rely on myself." Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip, "No matter what the embroidery looks like, No one is laughing at me, but I still want to show off.

If the wedding date is early, I will go to bother my eldest sister, say more nice things, tell her that I can't finish the embroidery, and ask her to catch up on it for me.

 But if I had enough time, she would definitely see that I didn’t want to embroider it myself. "

  "You can still feel confident about being lazy," the Empress Dowager raised her hand and nodded, "You, you, you!"

Lin Yunyan said softly: "It's not called laziness, it's called self-awareness."

The Empress Dowager liked her self-awareness. She hugged Lin Yunyan and smiled for a while, and said, "The Ai family knows about it. Tomorrow we will ask someone to choose a date. I have to choose an auspicious day for you. Speaking of which, who is your eldest sister planning to marry?"

 Lin Yunyan obtained the Empress Dowager's promise, so she followed suit and talked about Lin Yunjing's affairs.

“The new Jinshi is a colleague of my father’s,” Lin Yunyan said, “I think I can make it.”

 It can indeed be done.

 A few days later, Chen Gui delivered the good news to Uncle Chengyi's house.

 The reply from Yu Pu’s hometown arrived quickly.

Yu Pu's elders speak truthfully, and it is Yu Pu's luck that the nobles of the uncle's house take notice of him.

They foreigners really don’t understand the wedding ceremony in the capital, so Yu Pu has to put more thought into all the subsequent matters, so as not to neglect Miss Lin.

Chen Gui smiled and said to Xiao Duan: "Master Yu showed me that letter. The things mentioned above are also what you have thought of before. That's fine. Let's deal with the problem first, and then everything will go smoothly after that."

 Little Duan is willing to hear this.

Chen Gui said again: "I mentioned to my uncle that it would be more convenient to find an agent who can take charge of affairs from the Hanlin Academy."

“It’s quick to do,” Xiao Duan said, glancing at Lin Yunyan beside her. “One or two of them are about to get married, and only Yunfang will be left in less than two years.”

“Reluctant?” Lin Yunyan joked, “In a few years, I will marry my granddaughter-in-law, and it will be just as exciting.”

Little Duan smiled and scolded her.

It’s lively, but it’s a different kind of lively. (End of chapter)

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