Yan Cigui

Chapter 306: He "looks down upon" the little princess (two updates in one)

 Midsummer is coming as expected.

Xiao Duan's summer is bitter, and he is old and dare not use more ice, so he can only cool down his drinks a little.

It was extremely hot this summer and it was really uncomfortable, but she was in a particularly good mood.

 There has been a lot of good things going on at home these days.

 Lao Shi Alley is making money, and all the houses are rented out, so they are in very short supply.

 According to the agreed share with the auxiliary country, Chen Gui sent this quarter's harvest a few days ago.

These harvests will not be included in the public accounts. Although Mrs. Chen felt that it was not necessary, the old lady and Lin Yunyan had already agreed on it. She would not carelessly talk about it as a person in charge of money. She found another reliable account name and exchanged the banknotes. They were all handed over to Xiao Duan for safekeeping.

With the banknote in my hand, I feel much more at ease.

Little Duan also discussed with Lin Yunyan that the banknotes were easier to carry, but in reality, it was most practical to exchange them for gold.

 Li Cuna and other people, in the end, they also save gold bricks.

It's a pity that the person is gone, the gold is not taken away, and the young son is not left.

Lin Yunyan also likes gold and likes to separate the gold.

 Eggs cannot be in one basket.

They were buried under the Shenghui Pavilion, and the rest had to be hidden elsewhere to avoid being caught in a pot when trouble came.

With a lot of cash on hand, Mr. Duan became more confident in planning the marriage of his two granddaughters.

 Lin Yun went to get some fresh air first, and asked Yu Pu to privately invite Mr. Jing Qianjing from the Hanlin Academy to act as a matchmaker and to preside over the groom's wedding ceremony.

Jing Hanlin had been an official for many years and had a good personal relationship with Lin Yu. Among the new batch of Shuji scholars, Yu Pu was the one he was most optimistic about.

 Hearing that Yu Pu was planning to marry the eldest daughter of Uncle Chengyi's house, Mr. Jing was surprised and sighed at the same time, and accepted the matter with a smile.

 Before the eight characters were combined, both parties remained silent. It was not until the results came out that the news spread.

After Yu Pu entered the Yamen, he received a circle of congratulations one after another, and his face was red all morning.

Of course, there are also voices of doubt, but the voices are all behind the scenes.

 There is really no colleague who looks up but does not look down when he sees someone, and none of them is stupid. They want to be stabbed or used as a spearman, and they dare to say something unpleasant to their faces.

Yu Pu has heard some rumors.

Well, it will definitely not be nice when you talk about it.

Jing Hanlin wanted to comfort Yu Pu for this, but found that it was useless.

  It goes in with the left ear and comes out with the right ear. If Yu Pu has heard it, then it’s fine.

"If you anticipate, you will also be prepared," Yu Pu said clearly, "I know what I am like, and it is enough for Uncle Chengyi and Miss Lin to know what I am like."

 These two sentences were very agreeable to Jing Hanlin.

 With this kind of mind and reality, it’s no wonder that I got this opportunity.

Turning around, Jing Hanlin praised Lin Yu privately.

When a matchmaker talks about marriage, some people do it well, and of course there are some people who do it badly. If life is really difficult in the future, generally speaking, the matchmaker will not be involved.

But since he has stepped forward to protect the matchmaker, who can't hope for a happy marriage in which he proclaims his marriage?

It is the most boring thing for a group of officials to brag about their achievements in officialdom when they meet in the future. The better their official career is, the more modest they have to be. If they want to brag, they can only brag about the achievements of their children and grandchildren. Apart from this, the best ones are undoubtedly " Protect media”.

It guarantees a good marriage. When you go out to have tea as a guest, everyone in the family will look high on you and feel happy.

Jing Hanlin thought that this time, he should be able to secure a good relationship.

Being so active, things were done quickly. Jing Hanlin almost pushed for the marriage and discussed it with the Lin family several times.

 Everything else is actually easy to handle, the only thing missing is Yu Pu’s family background.

“Add more money to the bottom of the box,” Mr. Duan discussed with several daughters-in-law. “If we don’t do it openly, we won’t have to send betrothal gifts according to the requirements of my uncle, and they will be able to have more money in the future.”

Mrs. Chen had no objection, but Mr. Huang hesitated and looked at Mr. Duan.

Huang is not dissatisfied with the old lady's decision. It can even be said that she is very grateful to the old lady for her consideration.

 Because of this, she was even more worried about the old lady.

 Betrothal gifts and dowries are all "face".

Huang can almost imagine what those long-tongued people would say.

 “You’re so stingy.”

“He is indeed a concubine. No matter how nice his words are, when it comes to real money and silver, he will settle the accounts so clearly.”

“I’ve ruined my marriage once and almost lost my money-losing goods. It would be nice to have somewhere to go. Why are you still pointing out that the old woman is spending a lot of money?”

  "Send it early and make good calculations early. Duke Xu's family spends a lot of money, and Uncle Chengyi's family also needs to accompany them a lot. Now it's a poor Jinshi who comes and goes, maybe he can lose less."

"In the final analysis, I just don't feel bad. You can see how she will arrange a marriage with her granddaughter later."

The old lady has such a shameless and skinny temper, and being talked about like that is very heartbreaking.

 The more he thought about it, the more Mr. Huang felt sympathy for Mr. Duan.

At this time, the words of persuasion and relief were all nonsense, and being reasonable was just getting an advantage and acting obediently. It was inevitable that Huang was hesitant to speak for a while.

Lin Yunyan was sitting next to Xiao Duan, and she knew what her second aunt was thinking by looking at her expression.

"We should be more generous," Lin Yunyan smiled, "The days are long, and a common man has to make progress one step at a time.

Mr. Yu and his parents and elders in his hometown must be filial. Since we are sincerely marrying him, we must support him not only in dowry but also in life in the future.

Those things that can be solved with money are all small things. If small things go smoothly, big things will go more smoothly.

 When Mr. Yu goes up in the sky, it will be prosperous, and they will know that you can do business. "

Mr. Duan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What kind of 'business'? I married my granddaughter seriously, but you said I became a human trafficker."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and smiled: "Make a fortune silently."

 These five words really suit Xiao Duan’s feelings.

She is not stupid, and she also knows the rumors that choosing such a grandson-in-law will cause.

 Does it sound upsetting?

That must be upsetting.

A year ago, she might not have been able to give up her face so happily, but Yun Yan was right, she lived her own life, whether it was good or bad, and everyone in her family could see how sincere she was.

 Ten or twenty years later, it will always prove that her choice today is wise, and that is enough.

When the time comes, she goes underground and meets the old uncle, her elder sister Duan, Aunt Gu who gave birth to Yun Jing’s father, as well as the ancestors of the Lin family and the Duan family. She has a clear conscience.

“Okay,” Xiao Duan smiled lovingly, “We are waiting to make a fortune.”

Hearing what the old lady said, Huang's anxious heart calmed down and she glanced at Lin Yunyan gratefully.

The princess was clever and chose a suitable direction to express her meaning.

Since Yu Pu couldn't get many valuable things from him, he didn't need much time to prepare. Jing Hanlin discussed it and chose early October for Xiaoding.

Another thing that makes Xiao Duan happy is that the wedding date of Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian has been set.

The Empress Dowager chose November 28th, which was before the twelfth lunar month and was the last suitable day for marriage this year. Xu Jian heard this news from the Holy Spirit himself.

 He was sitting in the imperial study room. Xu Jian couldn't help but froze when the emperor mentioned it.

 The wedding date has been "changed".

 From spring next year to this winter, from now on, it will be almost shortened by half.

 The reason must be that the little princess persuaded the empress dowager by talking about something.

 It seems that he "looked down upon" the little princess before.

 It is still useful when the little princess is anxious.

Seeing that Xu Jian was stunned and didn't say anything, the Holy Master became amused and said, "What? The day is too urgent?"

"There's no rush," Xu Jian came to her senses, "I've been making preparations. Let alone November, I can make it in September."

"The Empress Dowager is dissatisfied because Jiujiu is so rushed," the Holy Sage laughed, "I would like to get you married earlier. Other families have chosen each other for their own sake and come to me to ask for my will. You are different from Ning'an. I took the initiative to grant the marriage. It is rare for me to be a matchmaker, so I wanted to do it earlier and drink a glass of wine from a great matchmaker."

Xu Jian respectfully expressed his thanks.

 There is no need for the Holy Spirit to mention it, Xu Jian also knows in his heart that September is impossible.

 September 25 is the death anniversary of the late empress and also the death anniversary of Lin Yunyan’s mother.

 With the Empress Dowager being such a picky person, Lin Yunyan would definitely avoid September when she leaves the cabinet. If she couldn't pick one in October, picking one at the end of November is already a surprise.

 The Holy Spirit was in a good mood, so he talked to Xu Jian about something else.

"I heard that the King of Jin is looking for a good doctor for you?" The Holy Sage asked, "How does your right leg feel lately? Have you asked the imperial doctor to take another look?"

Xu Jian said: "It's always been the same. I asked An Yuan to have it checked not long ago."

 The Holy Spirit nodded slightly.

Not only was An Hospital sentenced, but when Xu Jian returned to the capital after being injured, he sent almost the entire Imperial Hospital to the Fu Guogong Palace. Unfortunately, the final result was not satisfactory.

 The imperial doctors all expressed their helplessness, and Xu Jian remained passive for a while, then gradually accepted the injury.

 The Holy Spirit himself also accepted it after repeated inquiries.

It is a pity not to be able to guard the border, but Xu Jian is an all-rounder, and given time, he can make great achievements by staying in Beijing.

Instead of looking back to grieve and feel uneasy, it is better to look forward.

 But if there is a chance for treatment, the Holy Spirit certainly hopes that he will get better.

 Those who are physically strong can have more possibilities and directions for Xu Jian himself and for the court's employees. More importantly, Xu Jian's leg was injured because of Li Shao.

"Is there any news about the doctor?" The Holy Spirit asked again, "He will be unable to find the doctor for a long time, so I will send someone to look for him."

Xu Jian replied: "I heard that there has been some progress."

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit felt relieved.

After Yu Qian finished his reply, Xu Jian left the imperial study and walked slowly outside the palace gate.

There has indeed been progress with King Jin. Two days ago, King Jin sent someone to send news, saying that they had learned about Doctor Yue's whereabouts.

This is much faster than Xu Jian expected.

The King of Jin seemed to have used all his strength to climb over the mountain to dig out Dr. Yue.

What surprised Xu Jian even more was that that afternoon, while he was still talking to Mr. Shan in Shuntian Mansion, Shen Chen came to send a message that people from the King of Jin had arrived at Fuguogong Mansion.

Xu Jian hurriedly returned to his home and met Dr. Yue.

The King of Jin himself did not come forward, and the person who sent Doctor Yue over was his chamberlain.

 In the flower hall, Eunuch Ye greeted Xu Jian and introduced them.

"I just heard about Dr. Yue's whereabouts. I didn't expect to see him so soon," Xu Jian smiled and told Eunuch Ye, "Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty."

 Eunuch Ye responded to this sentence of "hard work".

"As soon as they learned about their whereabouts, some people immediately returned to Beijing to report. The others did not dare to delay and followed the whereabouts to find the person. They were afraid that it would be late and Dr. Yue went to practice medicine elsewhere." Ye Gonggong said, "It was also luck. I didn't miss it. I happened to meet him, so I rushed Doctor Yue to the capital. It's a good thing that it was a thousand-mile horse, otherwise it wouldn't have been so fast."

 Xu Jian listened and turned to look at Dr. Yue.

 This doctor is the same as what Chen Gui described. He is in his fifties, with gray hair and beard, and a pair of sharp eyes.

"It's been a bumpy ride," Xu Jian asked, "Doctor Yue has suffered a lot at such an old age."

Doctor Yue cleared his throat: "Fortunately, I have been walking on the mountain trails all year round and my body has been able to bear the stress. Mr. Guo, I want to check on your leg injury."

 Xu Jian stood up and moved to the couch in the side hall.

 There was no one else around, and there was a steward waiting outside the hall. Xu Jian took off his boots, lifted up his robe, and took off his right trousers, exposing all the scars on his right leg.

 Eunuch Ye saw Xu Jian's injuries clearly for the first time.

 On the upper side of the knee, the darkest color is a wound as long as the index finger.

Doctor Yue observed the injury, stretched out his hand, pressed the area with his fingertips several times, and asked Xu Jian how he felt.

 After a little diagnosis and questioning, he switched from his fingertips to his palms and pressed in several places. A thin layer of sweat formed on Xu Jian's forehead.

Eunuch Ye saw it and thought it must be painful.

 He didn't understand this. The scars seemed to be just like this, but judging from the reaction, they were serious.

Doctor Yue finished the investigation and said in a solemn tone: "It's not just the bone injury, it also involves the tendons. The injury was not treated thoroughly at the beginning. Now that it has developed like this, it will be much more difficult to treat again. I dare not say that it is equivalent to another injury. But you have to suffer.”

Xu Jian chuckled. This diagnosis was within his expectation.

 In other words, that’s how he judged it.

“According to what Dr. Yue said, are you sure it can be cured?” Xu Jian asked.

“I can’t say I’m 100% sure, but it’s worth trying,” Dr. Yue said. “Acupuncture, combined with my unique plaster, and daily medicinal baths for a year or two, can prevent your right leg from getting damaged. It hurts when it’s cold, and it can also make you feel better.”

When Eunuch Ye heard this, he was busy saying congratulations.

Having said a lot of good things, he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that Duke Fu's expression was dull and showed no joy.

"You..." Eunuch Ye thought carefully and asked, "Do you have any concerns?"

  Xu Jian straightened her clothes and after putting them away, she said, "I don't have any worries. I just want Doctor Yue to stay in Beijing for a long time?"

 “The Duke of the country needs me, so I should do my best.” Doctor Yue said.

Xu Jian said: "The leg injury has a big impact on me. I don't know how to treat it, how long to treat it, whether it is good or bad. I have to ask Dr. Yue to write a detailed explanation, and I will think about it again."

After hearing this, Doctor Yue glanced at Eunuch Ye.

When Eunuch Ye saw this, he said: "The Duke of the country is right. The main thing is to treat injuries safely. It is always right to think more about it. The little one has to go to the prince to recover..."

 Xu Jian did not keep them longer and asked Xu Bai to send them away.

Shen Chen remained silent until the outsiders left, then asked softly: "Sir, is Dr. Yue really sure of this, or is he just saying it casually?"

Xu Jian curled his lips and gave another completely unrelated answer: "His surname is not Yue, and he is not the 'Doctor Yue' as the Jingdong family calls him."

  Thanks to book friend Trina and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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