Yan Cigui

Chapter 307: I think it’s too slow (two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

Chapter 307: I’m too slow (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Shen Chen was stunned.

 What their master said was so unexpected.

"You mean..." Shen Chen looked outside the flower hall, unable to conceal the complicated meaning in his tone.

At this moment, Eunuch Ye and the doctor could no longer be seen. After recalling their appearance, Shen Chen swallowed all the words he originally wanted to say.

 He never questioned their master's judgment.

 Whatever I say is what it is. If I say that the person is not Dr. Yue, then there must be something wrong.

However, at the beginning, what Shen Chen was thinking was, "The King of Jin was also fooled by the imposter?"

 After all, the Northeast is a huge place. Prince Jin went to the local area with great fanfare to find people, and he might have even offered good terms.

 As it should be, when the nobles in Beijing do things, money clears the way faster than anything else.


Someone was moved by the money. Li Gui rushed out and shouted that he was Li Kui, and was brought back to the capital.

Even some of the people sent out to do things are unreliable and have wrong ideas. They can just talk to themselves and find a doctor to pay for the work.

No one in Beijing has ever seen the real Dr. Yue, so he called a deer a horse and sent a fake one to the Duke's residence.

But, is Prince Jin really unaware of this?

 After the initial "goodwill" consideration, the rest are all kinds of speculations.

 They are checking something.

Although the water was deep and shadowy, and he and Xuan Su were not told all the ins and outs, they were ordered to do things and could more or less get a glimpse of the situation.

Dao Heng is dead, and Wang Qi probably won't survive. The real son of these two people may not be King Jin.

Then the matter of fake doctors is unusual.

After sorting out this line, when Shen Chen spoke again, it became another sentence: "What is the origin of this doctor?"

 Xu Jian returned to the chair and sat down.

 The tea was already cold, but he didn't mind. He took a sip to moisten his throat.

 Xu Jian recognized the "Doctor Yue", but not completely.

He has come into contact with too many orthopedic doctors, of all ages and from different places. At that time, one of the doctors who came to the house for treatment was this one.

At that time, the man called himself Zhang and was practicing medicine in the Guanzhong area. He saw the medical notice posted by the government and volunteered to come to the capital.

Doctor Zhang spoke in Guanzhong Mandarin. He was in his fifties, a little tired after a long journey, and his courage retreated after seeing Xu Jian's injury.

The atrophied right leg, together with the affected left leg, looked like it would continue to deteriorate. It was really beyond the reach of ordinary doctors, so Dr. Zhang left.

 It only took half a day from the time he showed up to the time he gave up, and he had seen many doctors during that time. Thanks to Xu Jian's good memory, he was able to remember Dr. Zhang's appearance.

 Now, the former Doctor Zhang has become Doctor Yue.

It was obviously rooted in the northeast for decades, but there was no local accent. Although he did not expose the Guanzhong's words, he couldn't change his appearance, and he was the person Xu Jian had seen before.

 “People from Guanzhong.” Xu Jian said, and then began to ponder again.

Judging from the last time I met Dr. Zhang, this is a doctor who wants to make some money.

At that time, the leg injury was serious and could not be treated. This did not mean that Dr. Zhang had poor medical skills, but it could be seen that he had good medical ethics.

 What you can do is what you can do, and what you can't do is what you can't do. You don't talk nonsense, and you don't want to defraud the money for medical treatment and medicine every day. If you have no choice, just leave.

With this straightforward attitude, Doctor Zhang should have no contact with the person behind the scenes.

 His leg injury, which was getting worse at that time, had nothing to do with Dr. Zhang.

what about now?

 Doctor Zhang transformed into Dr. Yue. He was sent to the Duke's Mansion by Prince Jin. What kind of thoughts did he have?

The King of Jin sent people to the northeast and found a doctor from Guanzhong. Is it the problem of the King of Jin or the problem of his subordinates?

  What is the final result of what the doctor calls “the value of trying”?

Or, does he no longer care about medical ethics?

 After sorting out some thoughts, Xu Jian got up and went to the study. He picked up a pen and wrote a note and sealed it in a thin bamboo strip.

“It’s still the same as before, let Dong Chen’s family send it to the princess,” he said.

Shenchen was ordered to go.

Xu Jian stood by the window for a while with her hands behind her back.

Those things I said in Cining Palace before were really not an excuse, but really inconvenient.

Just a sentence or two has to be handed over to several hands, and it is delayed again and again.

 When the marriage was done, there was no need to go to such trouble. He suddenly remembered something. He could go back to the backyard or ask the little princess to come to the study and he could explain it face to face.

 Having to wait a little longer, until the end of November.

It was already evening when such an inconvenient note was handed to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan opened it and took a look, her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

She knew that a doctor appointed by the King of Jin had gone to the Duke Fu's mansion today. It was supposed to be Doctor Yue, but unexpectedly, the person Xu Jian asked about in the note was Doctor Zhang from Guanzhong.

According to what Xu Jian mentioned, Dr. Zhang once came to Beijing and left after realizing that his ability was limited.

There were so many doctors coming and going from the Duke's Mansion during that time that Lin Yunyan couldn't even remember that there had been such a doctor after being reminded like this.

Of course, Xu Jian did not ask her to recall this incident, but asked her about the conditions of the doctors they had seen in Guanzhong.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips.

 She was actually reluctant to recall her experience in Guanzhong. The situation at that time was simply a nightmare.

Shen Chen fought for Wang Qi's life, allowing Lin Yunyan to be rescued. She arrived at Guanzhong with Xu Jian and Xuan Su, but she was also trapped in Guanzhong.

  It was her father who came all the way to save her, but was shot in the back by a stray arrow. By the time they met Xuan Su who was exploring the way, it was already too late when they discovered that her father was seriously injured.

Xuansu was unwilling to give in.

He just didn't want to accept "too late" again. It was also because of "too late" that he failed to save Shenchen.

It was still dark, with a little light shining through the darkness. Xuan Su went to a medicine shop in the city to rob a doctor.

 The location of the drug store was told to Xuan Su by Lin Yunyan.

The doctor was old and frightened, but as soon as he saw the injured person, he didn't care about anything else and looked at the injury carefully. Unfortunately, the injury was too serious.

 “It doesn’t have much effect and will only add unnecessary suffering.”

 “I have some anesthetic to relieve the pain and make it easier for you to walk.”

Thanks to those medicines, my father no longer had to fight the pain with all his strength. He told them everything he knew with his last breath, and passed away at dawn.

The doctor left first, saying that he was just a doctor and didn't want to get involved in other things.

The three of them were running for their lives. They couldn't even pay for the medical treatment. After finding a place to bury their father in a hurry, they set off again.

 Heavy memories filled her mind. Lin Yunyan breathed out slowly and read Xu Jian's note again.

It seems that Xu Jian believes that Doctor Yue who appeared today is the same person as Doctor Zhang who once visited the capital and the doctor who was kidnapped by Xuan Su outside Guanzhong City.

The doctor left before dawn. In addition to not wanting to cause trouble, he probably also recognized Xu Jian's identity. After leaving Guanzhong, they did not encounter pursuers for a while. The doctor said he would not blend in, so he did not betray them.

Lin Yunyan picked up her pen, wrote back a note to Xu Jian, and put it back in a bamboo knot.

 When the "reply" arrived in Xu Jian's hands, he had just finished dinner.

While opening the plug on the bamboo joint, Xu Jian whispered: "It's pretty fast."

Shenchen stood aside and heard the four words clearly.

 What they said was clearly ironic.

I think it's too slow.

But from Shen Chen's point of view, there are differences between men and women. If the person handling the matter is not the Chen Dong family who is related to Chengyi's house, he may not be able to come back tomorrow, which is already fast enough.

Xu Jian glanced at the note and said to Shen Chen: "There is a wine shop in the southwest corner of Guanzhong City. There are two alleys to the north of the wine shop. There is a medicine shop under an apricot tree. I want to ask if Dr. Zhang from the medicine shop has left. ”

 Shenchen took note of it carefully.

During the day, they said that the "fake Doctor Yue" was from Guanzhong, so he was actually Doctor Zhang?

Also, this address was written on the note by the princess, right?

The princess's way of reporting her address is really unique.

Of course, this is not actually Lin Yunyan’s fault.

 In the past, it was so chaotic that I couldn’t remember the name of the alley and the name of the shop in a hurry.

Xuansu relied on this description when he went to rob the doctor.

 After Xu Jian explained, he put the note next to the oil lamp and lit it.

There was actually something else in the note. The little princess said that she did not remember what the doctor who came back from the robbery looked like, let alone Doctor Zhang who visited the Duke's Mansion.

 Xu Jian did remember it.

 I remember Dr. Zhang who came to the house. At that time in Guanzhong, the light was limited, so he could not see so clearly. He only felt that they were similar, and he was 80% sure.

 For this reason, if the doctor hadn't escaped so quickly, Xu Jian would have had murderous intentions.

He can recognize the doctor, but can’t the doctor recognize him? Especially since he is in a wheelchair, his characteristics are distinctive and outstanding.

Once this doctor betrays them and exposes their whereabouts, the **** road they finally fought through will be blocked again.

 But in the end, Xu Jian did not let Xuan Su take action.

 Fortunately, the pursuers did not arrive.

 The slender note burned quickly, leaving a little bit of ashes.

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and tidied up.

If it was really Dr. Zhang, he could change his name and become Dr. Yue, but would he really be able to diagnose and treat patients randomly?

Whether King Jin was kept in the dark, or whether he came up with a fake one on purpose, once he puts forward some ideas that are not in line with the attitude of a doctor, will Dr. Zhang cooperate honestly?

 The night is getting deeper.

 Without moonlight, the stars are very pale.

Li Du returned to the study and asked Eunuch Ye to invite Doctor Yue.

They were placed in the outer courtyard of the palace and soon arrived, respectfully bowing to Li Du.

 Li Du looked at him for a while and asked, "How is Duke Fu's injury?"

The doctor told Li Du again what he said in front of Xu Jian today.

“He was indeed seriously injured at the time,” Li Du sighed. “Military doctors are not so meticulous in treating injuries, and the Duke of Fu was in a hurry to return to the capital.

Everyone knows that after a hundred days of injury, even if it's just a sprain, you have to rest and recuperate. However, he drove back to Beijing with the prince Yi on a bumpy road. How can he be lying in the carriage?

Moreover, we invited imperial doctors and famous doctors in Beijing, and finally the treatment ended up like this. "

The doctor said: "It is indeed delayed."

"I heard what the doctor means, can it be cured?" Li Du said, "It will definitely take a lot of pain to treat the injury, but he is young, and it is worth the hardship in the past two years in exchange for the health of the next few decades. Doctor, are you sure you can't? Will it get worse with more treatment?”

 The doctor did not answer immediately.

 After all, he is a doctor, not a god.

 It can cure a disease but cannot save a life.

How to treat this kind of old injury depends on whether the injured person is cooperative, able to endure hardship, and how much hardship he is willing to endure. He is just the one who prescribes prescriptions and inserts needles. It is irresponsible for him to talk all the talk.

“It may be that the more treatment it gets, the worse it gets,” the doctor said truthfully. “I can understand that the Duke of Guo has concerns and doesn’t agree to treatment.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Du was startled. He turned around and asked Eunuch Ye: "He refuses to be cured?"

Eunuch Ye said sarcastically: "I told him to think more about it, and asked Dr. Yue to write an explanation, and he would take a look at it."

"Then Doctor Yue, just write him a letter and try to convince him," Li Du paused here, "He has his own considerations, and it is reasonable for him not to try casually with a doctor he doesn't recognize. You If I hadn’t borrowed Dr. Yue’s name, I wouldn’t have seen his injuries. What’s your last name?”

“My surname is Zhang,” the doctor replied.

“I’d better call you Dr. Yue to avoid misremembering him,” Li Du said. “It doesn’t matter what your last name is. What’s important is that you can give him a good treatment.”

 Doctor Zhang agreed.

Eunuch Ye sent him out and gave him a few more words of advice: "Although I borrowed someone else's name, it's really hard to find the real Dr. Yue. I don't know which mountain valley he is in.

 It was also luck to find you. The prince had previously had the idea of ​​hiring a doctor for the Duke, and he knew that there was such a person as you.

It just so happened that your white hair was similar to what Dr. Yue was rumored to be, and your age was about the same, so I picked you up.

As long as the Duke of Guo can be cured, when the time comes and you say your surname is Zhang, the Duke of Guo will only thank you and not care about your fake name. If you type out your real name, the whole world will know that you are a great doctor. "

Doctor Zhang smiled and said: "Thank you for your explanation. I also want to convince the Duke as soon as possible. He is so injured. It only takes a few days to delay it. Give it a try and it will be easy for decades to come."

Eunuch Ye rolled his eyes: "You really won't be cured, right?"

 “This…” Doctor Zhang touched his beard.

 He has been practicing medicine for many years, has seen various patients and their families, and is aware of their various concerns.

 It’s normal to be afraid that the treatment will be damaged!

Who wouldn’t be afraid?

I don’t know why, but hearing these words from Eunuch Ye’s mouth, I felt something was wrong.

Doctor Zhang thought, maybe the chamberlain speaks in this tone, right? He had never come into contact with his father-in-law before. Furthermore, the person who was injured was the Duke of Fu, and the person he was asking about was the father-in-law in the palace. They were far apart, and the relationship was different from that of ordinary family members of patients.

“Normally not,” Doctor Zhang said, “There are also accidents.”

Eunuch Ye nodded thoughtfully.

After seeing off Doctor Zhang, Eunuch Ye returned to Li Du.

 Li Du asked: "What do you think of Xu Jian's injury?"

Eunuch Ye talked about what he saw today and said: "It seemed that it was very serious at the time. In the end, he only limped a little. Duke Fu was very lucky. Don't worry, although he had concerns about the method proposed by the doctor, he would never have thought that the doctor was a fake." of."

Li Du took a sip of tea and was noncommittal.

Lin Yu died in Guanzhong, as mentioned earlier.

   Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Trina, and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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