Yan Cigui

Chapter 308: What does he want you to do (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 For three consecutive days, this doctor Yue appeared at the Duke Fuguo's Mansion.

 Eunuch Ye accompanied him every time he went back and forth, and he was inexplicably murmuring in his heart.

He is a respectable chamberlain to the King of Jin. Not only in the palace, but even when walking around the palace, he is treated with dignity everywhere. He is used to being praised, but he is not so confused that he cannot see through other people's thoughts.

In the Duke Fu's Mansion, all the people around Xu Jian he came into contact with, including his attendants and managers, were all very polite and considerate.

 Judging from their words and responses, they did not object to "healing", and even hoped that a doctor would be able to help Duke Fu's legs and feet get better.

 It can be put into practice. Eunuch Ye's progress in the Duke's mansion during this trip is not significant.

 The reason should still be Xu Jian.

Thinking like this, Eunuch Ye raised his eyelids and glanced at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian is reading the brochure.

 The booklet was written by Dr. Yue. The treatment methods were written in great detail, one by one, involving the muscles and bones. Some pictures were also drawn to aid understanding.

Xu Jian looked at it very seriously, her brows tightening and relaxing.

Eunuch Ye breathed a sigh of relief. At least, Eunuch Guo was interested in the method proposed by the doctor.

 Only if you are interested can you continue to push it down.

 Xu Jian turned the page.

 A long-term illness can lead to a cure.

He has struggled with his injured leg. Although the condition of the injury now cannot be compared with the previous one, but with experience, he can understand the doctor's opinion to some extent.

There were naturally some things he couldn't understand, so he didn't rush to ask. After reading them all, he turned around and sorted out those doubts.

After finishing the process, he put forward a few ideas and spoke to Dr. Yue.

 Doctor Yue answered them one by one, and from time to time, he also thought for a while.

 They talked for two quarters of an hour, asking and answering questions.

 The more he talked, the more relaxed Dr. Yue became.

 What doctors fear most when practicing medicine is meeting patients and their families who "talk to themselves".

They have little or no knowledge of medical science, but they think they are very capable. They refute whatever the doctor says and criticize the prescriptions prescribed by the doctor. They show distrust from beginning to end.

 If he encounters such a patient, Dr. Yue will retreat.

His medical practice is to save people and make money to make a living. However, it is difficult to guarantee the treatment results for unexplained patients. Let alone making money, it will be good even if he does not lose money.

Especially for powerful patients, without saying a word, just a look can make his whole family miserable.

 Obviously, Fu Guogong is not that kind of person.

 If you communicate a lot, you can obviously tell.

 It is normal for Duke Fu Guo to have questions. Just ask if you don’t understand. This is to clarify doubts, not to question.

After all, it involves a leg injury. With a status like the Duke of the State, there is nothing wrong with being more cautious.

This is not an emergency, and it will not get better or get much worse. Of course, there is no need to be impatient. Therefore, choosing a doctor and treatment method is far more important than rushing a duck to the shelf.

If you can communicate the problem well in the early stage, you can have fewer twists and turns during the treatment process and get twice the result with half the effort.

Even if they can’t reach an agreement, Duke Fu is not willing to let him rule...

Then there will be no treatment.

Normal consultation with silver, Fu Guogong and Jin Wang, can he still have less money?

 Doctor Yue was very practical and answered all questions Xu Jian had.

At the same time, Xu Jian was also observing this "Doctor Yue". It seemed that this person really had no ill intentions, but was a kindhearted doctor.

However, he still didn't let go. When seeing off the guests, he kept saying "think again".

 Eunuch Ye and Doctor Yue left.

 Back at the Jin Palace, Eunuch Ye called Doctor Yue and asked, "Is the treatment given too conservative?"

Doctor Yue was puzzled: "Conservative? If we really want to treat the Duke's injury conservatively, we just don't treat it at all. There is no need for him to be radical."

 This answer obviously did not satisfy Eunuch Ye.

Seeing the waiter's face darken, Doctor Yue couldn't help but murmur, thought for a while, and added: "I see that the Duke of Guo does not mean to refuse completely, and his consideration is not an excuse, but he has not thought about it yet, why not hold on."

Eunuch Ye chuckled.

The prince of Jin came forward to invite the doctor, how could the auxiliary Duke directly refuse?

 In order to give the prince some face, he has to let the doctor visit him several times.

 Can be dragged...

That is Xu Jian.

Xu Jian is not an indecisive person.

How could anyone who dared to tie up His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and **** him back to Yumen hesitate?

So, it’s because the Duke of Fu does not believe in the prince or the officials?

 Eunuch Ye is not sure what to eat.

 There is no clue about it from the person in charge of the affairs, nor can it be seen from the official side of the auxiliary state.

 This matter needs to be mentioned with the prince again.

Eunuch Ye thought about something and strode to the study.

 Doctor Yue stopped where he was, looking at Eunuch Ye's figure, he couldn't help but murmur.

 The strangeness that had been lingering in his mind for the past two days was still following him, and he couldn't analyze it clearly.

 Half an hour later, Doctor Yue was invited to King Jin's study.

Li Du sat on the wide chair and said "Thank you" to him.

 Doctor Yue said hurriedly: "I don't dare to take it seriously."

"I heard that the diagnostic method has been written in a booklet. Doctor Yue is really interested," Li Du said. "I heard that Duke Fu was still hesitant. I think so. His injury can be overcome without treatment. Let's treat it." What Dr. Yue said was 'it will give you some strength' and 'it won't be uncomfortable even if the weather is cold', but it sounds less effective."

 The effect is small, so of course Xu Jian does not need to take a risk.

Doctor Yue said: "As a doctor, you should not exaggerate."

“That’s for the injured, not for an outsider like me,” Li Du smiled and asked, “Tell me honestly, what’s the worst that can happen, and what’s the best that can happen?”

Dr. Yue hesitated for a moment and replied: "The worst is that I can't stand up, my legs are atrophied, and I will be in a wheelchair from now on. The best is to recover to 70 to 80% of what I was before the injury. After all, after such a knife, it is impossible to cure it." It has to be like never being injured.”

"So, Dr. Yue is still very capable," Li Du said. "To tell you the truth, I originally thought that you would hide your secrets. All the treatment methods and methods have been given out. That's Fu Guogong. What kind of rare medicinal materials are there? , As long as the palace has it, he can get it, and with the help of the imperial doctors, he can completely heal the injury without you. "

"There are specialties in the profession, even if you are an imperial doctor..." Doctor Yue said subconsciously, but suddenly a thought came to his mind, and he immediately changed his mind, "Your Majesty reminded me, if you have the opportunity to ask the imperial doctor for advice, you may be able to make the Duke of Guo recover." Better."

Li Du glanced at him and did not answer the question.

 Coming out of the study, Doctor Yue was sweating profusely.

At that moment, he felt the danger. He couldn't say it in detail, it was just vague.

 But he trusted his instincts very much.

Decades of medical experience are here, and he has avoided several crises by relying on his intuition.

 What about this time...

 In the next few days, more and more people came to ask Xu Jian about his situation.

 Rumors about Doctor Yue were abuzz in Beijing, especially when the Chen Dong family talked about the ten-day and half-month flowing banquet, which aroused the curiosity of countless people.

 Seeing Doctor Yue arrive in Beijing and enter and exit the Duke's mansion for a few days, there has been no progress...

 In the court room, Shan Shen was asking Xu Jian: "Does the doctor have any real ability?"

An Yibo heard this and advised Shan Shen together: "It's so hot that you can't remember the pain, right? Treat it in the summer, and you won't feel so uncomfortable when winter comes this year." Xu Jian looked calm, not at all impatient, but Not saying whether it should be done or not.

By chance, Lin Yun walked in, met several people, and exchanged greetings.

An Yibo pulled Xu Jian aside and tried his best to suppress his loud voice until his tone became strange: "At the end of November, you will marry someone else's princess.

It’s a cold day, the wind is howling, and there’s a chance of snow falling. Do you want the people in the city to see the groom sitting on a horse with a hand stove covering his legs?

You are not afraid of embarrassment, at Uncle Chengcheng’s house..."

Everyone in your uncle’s house should pay more attention to face!

I have to say that An Yibo is very capable of persuading people.

Especially the loud voice that could not be suppressed, which could not be heard in every corner of the court room, but those standing closer to them, like Shan Shen, obviously did not miss a word.

Master Shan couldn't hold back his laughter until his shoulders were shaking.

 Xu Jian laughed and patted An Yibo's arm: "I know what's going on."

An Yibo also knew that others had heard him, and his face turned red, and he said in a loud voice: "As long as you know how to do it."

Someone asked in the court, and after returning home, Xu Miao would naturally come and ask.

Since returning to the Duke's Mansion, Xu Miao has hardly interfered in the affairs of the government, and does not care about Xu Jian.

She missed Xu Jian's growth, and now she has no way of pointing fingers, which will only make both of them uncomfortable.

  Except for what Xu Jian asked her to help with, she tried not to disturb him as much as possible.

 The exception is "can heal".

 She was so looking forward to A Jian's recovery.

A Jian didn't like people entering the study, so Xu Miao waited for him outside the hospital: "Are you worried about anything? The doctor's medical skills are not good enough?"

Facing Xu Miao, Xu Jian did not say those words.

"Looks like she has some ability," Xu Jian reassured her, "I just suddenly got a chance to heal my wounds, so I have to be more cautious. I'll take a look, don't think too much about it."

"I heard that he wrote you a way to treat your injuries?" Xu Miao asked, "You might as well ask more imperial doctors to brainstorm ideas."

"That's the idea." Xu Jian talked with Xu Miao for a while before she calmed down a bit.

 Back in the study room, Xu Jian flipped through the book again.

 What he told Xu Miao was the truth.

The above method requires asking a familiar imperial doctor to take a look, but he has been delaying it for the past few days, and more importantly, he is waiting for news from Guanzhong.

Similarly suspicious, Xu Jian questioned the King of Jin, but still had some reservations about "Doctor Yue".

 After waiting for another two days, the people who went to Guanzhong to inquire came back.

"Doctor Zhang is not in Guanzhong City. I heard that he left more than half a month ago."

“Doctor Zhang is alone. There are only two apprentices in the medicine shop. The doctor is not here. He is not providing any medical treatment now. He only gives prescriptions and prescribes medicine.”

“The neighbors recognized the portrait and they all said ‘yes’.”

“He said that he looked at what he was doing, and he would either refuse to treat the patient or give him any amount of money, but as long as he accepted the patient, he would treat the patient well.”

“Because he treats patients directly and has a pretty good reputation. After all, it is better not to waste people’s money than to lose both money and money.”

 Xu Jian was not surprised after hearing this.

 In his eyes, Doctor Zhang is this kind of person.

 The next afternoon.

 Eunuch Ye came to the Fuguo Mansion again.

Xu Jian still had the same attitude and discussed medical theory with Dr. Yue.

Eunuch Ye didn’t understand, so he watched the two of them while eating tea.

 Yesterday, the prince did not say it directly, but he more or less made some inferences.

If Fu Guogong really has no idea of ​​​​treating him, let this matter be forgotten. Anyway, the specific extent of the injury can be judged now.

While thinking about it, I suddenly heard footsteps outside.

 It was a nun who came.

“Your Majesty,” Mammy said hurriedly, “Miss Ping seems to have eaten something bad at noon and is not feeling well.”

Xu Jian frowned and turned to look at Dr. Yue: "Can I trouble you to go to the inner courtyard?"

 Doctor Yue naturally agreed.

Eunuch Ye also stood up, but was stopped by Xu Jian.

"It's a small matter, please don't bother me, father-in-law." After saying that, Xu Jian called Xu Bai again, "bring some more tea and snacks to my father-in-law."

Xu Bai stepped forward and asked, "The sun is shining brightly, would you like a bowl of cold drink, father-in-law?"

Eunuch Ye rolled his eyes.

He was not worried about Doctor Yue and Xu Jianjian talking alone, but then he thought about it, what could these two people say?

 The Duke of Fuguo didn't know the true identity of Doctor Yue, and Doctor Yue didn't even know that he was here to see a doctor.

 Besides, the sun is really bright and hot!

 “Then the miscellaneous family would rather be respectful than obey orders.” Eunuch Ye said with a smile.

Xu Jian handed the front to Xu Bai and led Doctor Yue to the backyard.

 The Duke's Mansion was a large place, going around east and west and into a small courtyard.

As soon as he stepped in, Doctor Yue's heart started to beat fast.

  It is empty, there are no maids and women, and it does not look like a residence for a girl in a boudoir.

“My lord,” Dr. Yue’s hair stood on end, and his intuition told him that something was wrong, “This is...”

"Doctor Yue," Xu Jian stood in the corridor, looked him up and down, and said, "Or, I should call you 'Doctor Zhang,' Dr. Zhang from Guanzhong."

As soon as he finished speaking, Doctor Zhang's face turned pale as if it had been painted with a layer of white pulp.


 How could his identity be revealed?

"This..." Doctor Zhang was extremely nervous, sweat dripping down, "No, alas, yes, my surname is Zhang, from Guanzhong."

“Doctor Zhang, don’t be nervous,” Xu Jian said. “Was it your idea to impersonate someone, or was it King Jin’s?”

 How can Dr. Zhang not be nervous?

This question is too difficult to answer.

Seeing his silence, Xu Jian asked again: "Let me change the question. King Jin asked you to replace Dr. Yue. What does he want you to do?"

Sweat dripped into his eyes. Doctor Zhang raised his hand and wiped his face vigorously.

“Your Majesty asked me to treat your injury.” He paused for a moment, looked up at Xu Jian, and then lowered his head again.


That intuition came up again.

The strange feeling he felt from Eunuch Ye surrounded him again, coupled with the prince's attitude and the current problems of the father-in-law...

Xu Jian looked at him for a moment, taking in his every reaction.

"It seems that Dr. Zhang has something to say, but doesn't know how to say it," Xu Jian chuckled, "Eunuch Ye is not here, and Dr. Zhang is very sharp. If you miss the opportunity, it will be hard to come by."

In the chaotic early morning, after he had murderous intentions, Doctor Zhang was able to escape so quickly and completely, which shows that this person is sharp.

 A keen person can always detect some inconspicuous things. (End of chapter)

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