Yan Cigui

Chapter 310: Don’t be anxious (two updates in one, please give me a monthly ticket)

Chapter 310 Don’t be anxious (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 Eunuch Ye was very excited.

 This suggestion from Duke Fu was reasonable and he could not refuse.

But he couldn't just accept it, so he bit the bullet and said: "Doctor Yue's luggage is still in the palace. Dr. Yue, are you going to go back and pack it now?"

 With one more round trip, he could also "mention" a few more words from Dr. Yue.

"Xu Bai," Xu Jian called directly, "order two smart people to follow Eunuch Ye and go to the Prince of Jin's Mansion to pack Dr. Yue's luggage and bring it to him."

Eunuch Ye’s smile froze on his lips.

The plan has been blocked, and I can't find a good excuse for a while. If I still insist on it, it will be easy to scare the snake.

He simply agreed: "Then I'll send someone from the government to accompany me."

With that said, he asked Dr. Yue: "All the luggage in the house will be packed up. Is there anything particularly important? Dr. Yue will mention it and pack it carefully to avoid bumping it."

After hearing Xu Jian's arrangement, Dr. Yue was relieved.

When he is in the Duke's mansion, he doesn't have to worry about traveling.

“I carry the medicine kit with me,” he said. “There are only some clothes in the house, but nothing valuable.”

 Eunuch Ye nodded.

Xu Bai ordered the people and tidied up a room in the front yard to accommodate Dr. Yue.

Xu Jian didn't care about this and just said: "Eunuch Ye will most likely come back. Let's listen to what he will say then. I will still call you Doctor Yue. Not many people know your origin."

Doctor Yue doesn’t care much about the latter, but the former...

He thought for a while and said, "If the prince has told you something, I will definitely tell you the truth."

On the other side, after returning to Prince Jin's Mansion, Eunuch Ye asked the people from the Duke's Mansion to wait and arranged for people to pack things while he hurried to see Li Du.

Li Du was in the study. He was sitting on the floor. There was a chessboard on a low table in front of him, with black and white chess pieces crisscrossing them.

He held a chess book in his hand and was studying it, concentrating on it.

Eunuch Ye asked: "The Duke of Fu promised to let Dr. Yue see a doctor, and he was asked to stay at the Duke's residence."

Li Du paused while holding the chess pieces, raised his head, and glanced at Eunuch Ye.

 Eunuch Ye agreed and told the situation in 1510.

  When talking about the time when Dr. Yue gave Liu Ping a consultation, he felt so heartbroken that he erased the detail of him waiting alone in the flower hall.

Is it okay to let the prince know that he just drank and ate snacks in order to cool down?

Especially, after Doctor Yue went to the backyard with Duke Fu, the matter was settled upon his return.

Even if Eunuch Ye doesn’t think that the Fu Guo Guo Guo knows anything, but he can’t answer it in front of the prince, that’s another matter.

“Sister Xu Jian is not feeling well?” Li Du asked.

 “I am greedy for cold, so Doctor Yue gave me a prescription.” Ye Gong said.

Li Du asked again: "In that case, let Dr. Yue treat the injury of Duke Fu. This is the reason why we invited him back. If he remains unwilling, I will invite the doctor in vain, and I will have to finish it off again. It's troublesome."

Eunuch Ye smiled and asked, "Do you want to remind Doctor Yue of anything?"

Li Du looked at him and laughed: "What are you reminding me of?"

 The sweat on Eunuch Ye’s forehead slid down.

 He asked a stupid question.

"The little one knows," he said, "The little one will tell him to treat the injury step by step and not to be in a hurry."

Li Du nodded slightly and motioned for him to exit.

Not long after, the luggage was packed up and handed over to the people of the Duke's Mansion. Eunuch Ye went with him in a sedan chair and met Doctor Yue.

Having been reminded by Duke Fu, Doctor Yue was not surprised when he saw Eunuch Ye again, and he did have a lot to say in the scene.

 “Thank you for your hard work, father-in-law, you have to go again.” He said.

Eunuch Ye looked around in the room and said with a smile: "I just went to the prince to reply. I heard that Duke Fu was willing to let Dr. Yue try to cure him. He was very happy. He said that the invitation was not in vain. Doctor Yue, please don’t be anxious and proceed step by step.”

This sentence later fell into Xu Jian’s ears.

 It is similar to what Xu Jian thought.

 He now puts King Jin in the position of the mastermind behind the scenes, and he can understand the other party's choice very well.

It would definitely not work if he was cured quickly. This would not be in the interests of King Jin. However, if he was cured directly in a short period of time, King Jin would not be able to get any benefits. It would be a real waste of money.

 It is in the interest of King Jin to take things slowly.

With this attitude, you will be able to adapt to changes in the future, no matter what happens, whether it is good or bad.

 At the same time, it is also most in line with Xu Jian’s ideas.

Even if the guess is wrong and King Jin is not the hand, it doesn't matter. "Take your time" is still what Xu Jian wants.

 Doctor Yue has settled in. Xu Jian discussed it with him and started tomorrow.

 The next day.

 Xu Jian arrived at the court room, raised his eyes and saw King Jin, stepped forward and thanked him.

King Jin smiled gently and said, "Doctor Yue visited us several times but we still couldn't reach an agreement. I thought you didn't believe in his method, but I didn't expect that there would be a turn of events."

Xu Jian said: "I am really hesitant, but because of your kindness, Doctor Yue saw that you have real ability, so he wanted to give it a try."

 The two people spoke on this side without deliberately lowering their voices. Naturally, everyone inside understood.

 After going to court, Xu Jian returned home.

 The treatment for the injury began in the afternoon, and Dr. Yue was ready in the morning.

The Duke's Mansion was a large place, so he had a separate room equipped with couches, barrels, tables and chairs.

 When Xu Jian came over, he looked up and saw Xu Miao.

Xu Miao said: "I'll just come and take a look."

She didn’t know the medical skills, so she couldn’t help when she came, but she just wanted to stay by his side. Even though she was in the Duke’s mansion, she was asked to wait in the backyard, but she couldn’t wait any longer.

 Xu Jian did not refuse.

He took off his trousers as requested by Dr. Yue and lay on the couch. Xu Miao could see the condition of his right leg.

At this sight, my eyes turned red.

 When Xu Jian returned to Beijing after being injured, she immediately came back to see him.

At that time, the relationship was not as good as it is now. Although she entered the gate of the Duke's Mansion, she was rejected at the door of Xu Jian's house.

 Anxious, flustered, and scared, Xu Miao did not leave, but stood outside the window.

The window was closed, and she knew Xu Jian could hear it, so she talked a lot.

She said that she just wanted to know how injured he was. She said that what she had been most afraid of for so many years was the injury of her relatives who went to the border. She said that she thought of her father who was injured and returned to Beijing but did not recover well...

I don’t know which sentence touched Ah Jian, or maybe Ah Jian thought she was annoyed and always asked her to go in and take a look.

Xu Miao looked and saw that she was fine. It was just the wound on her right leg that made her feel heart-piercing pain.

 Having seen it and knowing the situation, Ah Jian saw off the guests.

 Xu Miao couldn't deal with him, and she didn't have the temperament to deal with him, so she left.

Two years later, looking at Xu Jian's leg injury again, it looked much better to the naked eye than at that time, and the scars had faded. However, Xu Miao knew the impact of this injury on Xu Jian, and her heart was filled with emotions.

 Doctor Yue's palm pressed on Xu Jian's leg. The force was weak at first, but then he gradually gained strength.

Xu Miao watched for a moment, her heart pounding violently.

A Jian never cried out in pain, and there was no expression on his face, but Xu Miao knew that he was enduring the pain. Sweat was pouring out on his forehead, and the hand on his side subconsciously clenched his fist.

 Xu Miao pursed her lower lip heavily.

She really wanted to hold Ah Jian's hand. When Ah Jian was in pain, she would hold her hand tightly, and it would be okay no matter how tight it was.

A mother would like to feel the pain for her son. She cannot take the place of Ah Jian. It is only natural that she should suffer with Ah Jian. However, she also knew that Ajian didn't like that.

A-Jian is used to being independent, she has a different temperament from Xun'er, and she grew up in a different environment.

 Xu Miao didn't want him to be distracted by this.

She could only hold the handkerchief tightly and quickly wipe Xu Jian's sweat when Doctor Yue stopped to take a breath.

 That's all she can do.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, after so many years, she has had very few opportunities to take care of A Jian.

Only when Ah Jian suffered from fever and confusion when she was young, her father was not in the capital, so she came to the Duke's Mansion to take care of her day and night for several days.

 Only in those few days could she be a "mother" in front of Ah Jian.

If "Mother" is based on A Jian's illness and injury, Xu Miao thought, she would rather not have such an opportunity.

 Healthy and smooth is what she wants.

 Nothing else matters.

 Everything else doesn't matter as of now, she is already very satisfied.

Doctor Yue pressed the button for a full two-quarters of an hour. He himself was sweating a lot due to the heat. Just as he was about to say a few words to Xu Jian, he heard footsteps coming from outside.

 He looked along the sound, and soon, Shen Chen appeared in his field of vision.

Shen Chen came into the room and said, "Master, Madam, Prince Jin is here."

 Xu Jian raised his eyes.

Xu Miao said softly: "Your Majesty is so concerned about your injury..."

“I do care,” Xu Jian said, asking Shen Chen to welcome King Jin, and then looked at Doctor Yue, “Are you going to perform acupuncture today?”

 Doctor Yue said: "The one who uses needles."

Xu Jian nodded.

 When King Jin came in with Eunuch Ye, he saw more than a dozen silver needles stuck in Xu Jian's leg.

 Xu Jian looked at him and said, "I can't stand up and salute the prince anymore."

“How do you feel about not using those etiquettes?” King Jin sighed.

"It's only the first day," Xu Jian said, "how can it be so fast?"

  King Jin smiled.

Eunuch Ye was also looking at Xu Jian’s legs.

I have to say that after getting the silver needle, it looked much scarier than before.

"Mrs. Xu," he rolled his eyes and looked at Xu Miao, "How is your health today? Is she feeling better?"

After finishing his words, Doctor Yue's body stiffened slightly.

 This is a really good question.

In case Mrs. Xu doesn’t know anything about it, this...

Xu Miao really didn't know, but she was not confused and could hear some meaning.

It was impossible to discuss "good or bad" with Ah Jian at the moment, so she smiled gently and said, "I'm resting in her room."

I answered, but I didn’t answer what Eunuch Ye wanted to hear.

 Eunuch Ye chuckled: “It’s about getting more rest.”

 Xu Jian's legs moved.

Doctor Yue saw it and quickly held it down: "Don't move casually."

 Xu Jian's throat rolled up and her voice became hoarse: "It doesn't feel good."

“You have to bear with it,” Dr. Yue said. “It’s not bad at the beginning, but then it gets even more exciting. If you can’t bear it, I’ll have to tie you up with a rope.”

Having said this, Eunuch Ye no longer had any intention of asking about Liu Ping's condition.

Xu Jian looked up at King Jin and said, "Feng Shui is changing. You see, I may have to be tied up. If not, I will be **** many times."

Xu Miao's brows suddenly frowned.

King Jin looked like he was neither smiling nor laughing, and shook his head: "Your Highness owes you, how can the situation change? If he hadn't been grounded, I would have wanted to talk to His Majesty. Let him sit here and watch you heal your wounds, so that he can remember a little longer."

Xu Jian twitched the corners of his lips, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"You take care of it first," King Jin said. "I have gone back and won't disturb you anymore."

Xu Jian looked like he was enduring the pain and didn’t say any polite words.

As Shenchen sent King Jin and Eunuch Ye away, Xu Miao also stood up and walked two steps away. After leaving the house, he stopped sending them off, turned around and came back inside.

Her eyes fell on Xu Jian, and she found that the expression on Xu Jian's face became lighter again, no longer as painful as before.

 Xu Miao sat down and wiped his sweat again.

She knew that A Jian had **** the prince, and she also knew why A Jian was injured. She just couldn't figure out the relationship between A Jian and King Jin.

 She wanted to ask, but Doctor Yue was still there, so she held back.

 After another two quarters of an hour, Doctor Yue took out the needle, covered Xu Jian's legs with a thin blanket, and asked him to lie down for a while.

 At this time, Xu Jian's clenched hands loosened little by little.

Xu Miao saw it in her eyes, thought about it, and asked softly: "It would be great if you can recover. I'm really worried about your leg injury. It's your injury that causes my nightmares."

 Xu Jian glanced at her but said nothing.

Xu Miao added: "I'm afraid you're lame, I'm afraid you're in a wheelchair, I'm afraid you'll be running one moment and then..."

Xu Jian's hand fell on Xu Miao's arm and whispered: "It's okay, don't think too much. Speaking of which, I'll ask someone about Liu Xun's condition tomorrow. You gave him enough money to protect him. There shouldn’t be much hardship on the way.”

 Xu Miao took a deep breath.

 She knew that Ajian was changing the subject.

 Afraid that she would be obsessed with his leg injury, he used Xun'er's current situation to divert her attention.

  It can be really useful.

A nightmare is a dream, and no matter how much you think about it, it is still a dream. Xun'er's situation is different. She is really concerned about it. However, due to the relationship between A Jian and Xun'er, she did not dare to ask a question before.

"Can I ask?" Xu Miao asked, "He deserves it. I know the seriousness of his crime. As long as he is not sick or injured, I can rest assured."

 Xu Jian said, "I'll tell you after I ask."

He has no brotherhood with Liu Xun, and even has a lot of hatred and hatred. But Xu Miao is different. After all, Liu Xun was born and raised by her. How can the mother-son relationship of more than ten years be abandoned just like that? of? Xu Miao is not the kind of person who only cares about himself and ignores his flesh and blood.

If she could really let go of one party casually, she wouldn't have gone crazy before.

 After resting for a while, Xu Jian stood up and tidied up his appearance.

 My right foot was sore after landing.

 This is unavoidable.

 He has been injured for a long time, and he has reached a balance when he recovers as before. To put it bluntly, he is "used to it".

 Now that I have begun treatment, I have to change my habits. Whenever I step on the ground, I feel strange everywhere.

Doctor Yue saw it and said, "It must be more than half a month."

 Xu Jian nodded.

The soreness lasted for more than half a month, and then it became even more excruciating pain, the kind of pain that Dr. Yue said was like "getting hurt again."

Thank you to book friend 20210301106460971070, book fan Lan, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward



 (End of this chapter)

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