Yan Cigui

Chapter 311: Of course it cannot be less (two updates in one)

Chapter 311 is indispensable (two updates in one)

 The heat of midsummer is gradually fading.

 In the Zai Shou Courtyard, Mrs. Duan felt much more relaxed after reading the wedding ceremony brochure.

Handing the brochure to Huang, she smiled and said, "I think it looks good, what do you think?"

Huang took it and looked at it carefully twice.

The old lady has seen it, and Mrs. Huang will not have any objections. She just wants to see more because she is happy and overjoyed.

“It seems suitable to me,” she breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Mrs. Chen and said, “Three younger siblings have worked hard these days.”

Mr. Chen is also in high spirits.

 It is actually not easy to do these things. Although it is not a strenuous job, it involves energy.

 Moreover, doing things for one's own children will cause trouble for one's own family, but doing things for one's niece is another matter, and one needs to be more cautious.

  Chen was tired, but not depressed.

She is in charge of affairs in the uncle's house, and she enjoys it, especially happy events. People are in high spirits when happy events happen, and feel like they are flying when they feel a little happy.

“My uncle made a good choice,” said Chen. “My uncle Yu is easy to talk to, and Mr. Jing who manages it for him is also easy to communicate with. It’s just like that, it’s easy and happy.”

 Huang laughed after hearing this.

His eyes fell on the booklet, and he caressed it with his fingers.

 She is very down-to-earth.

 Last time, Yun Jing and Xu Guogong decided to marry at a high age. Mrs. Huang hoped that her daughter would marry well, but during the whole process, she was in a state of excitement.

 She was in a state of excitement as she changed the wedding invitations, discussed the ceremony, and made small arrangements.

This kind of drifting is not that I feel dizzy, but that my heart has been beating violently, and my chest feels like there are thousands of horses galloping. It keeps shaking, and even my fingers feel numb.

So much so that she became extremely anxious at the slightest disturbance.

 But this time, her feelings were completely different. She was not panicked anymore, and her heart dropped.

 In Huang’s view, this is a good thing.

She can calm down, and she can better listen to Yun Jing's thoughts and listen to Yun Jing's expectations for this marriage.

 Yes, Yun Jing was able to talk to Xu Xu a lot this time.

Your face will definitely be red, even to the roots of your ears, and you will stop talking and purse your lips to consider your words.

Mrs. Huang would not rush her. On the contrary, she felt that her daughter was in good condition and she sensed her daughter's vision for the marriage.

  She has been through this before, and she knows what a harmonious couple should look like.

Some couples are very familiar with each other before marriage, and enter into marriage with deep affection; some couples don’t know much about each other, only meet a few times, and then get along with each other little by little after marriage...

 But in order to reach the ultimate happiness, you must initially have the expectation of marriage.

It is possible to be tense or bored at the beginning, and then gradually change over a few years, but it is too difficult, and Mrs. Huang does not want her daughter to endure hardship.

 Therefore, hope for something better, hope to start a new life, and that life will become smoother as soon as possible.

When Huang returned to Qingpu Courtyard, she saw Lin Yunyan sitting in Lin Yunjing's room.

 The two sisters have been busy embroidering these days.

 Lin Yunyan greeted Mrs. Huang and said, "Did you go to your grandmother's place to read the wedding brochure?"

"Yes, everything looks good," Huang said. "We also discussed the dowry, and everything else is fine. Even the house in the alley on Qianjie Street, I am a little hesitant."

Lin Yunjing raised her head.

Huang has no intention of avoiding Lin Yunyan.

The princess has an idea, and she actually wants to hear what the other party thinks.

“The old lady wants to take the house back to Yun Jing and decorate it early so that she can live in it directly,” Huang said.

Lin Yunyan understood.

Yu Pu's family fortune is there. He has just joined the officialdom and doesn't have much spare money. He rents a small courtyard in the south of the city with other colleagues.

Lin Yunjing is the eldest daughter of the uncle's house. Even if she gets married, there is no reason to rent a house to live in. That would be outrageous. The old lady wants to live in a house directly. Qianjie Alley is not far from the uncle's house and Qianbu. The corridor is also close, so it is very convenient for my uncle to go to the Yamen and for my aunt to go back to her parents' home.

 Just because he was afraid that Yu Pu would not be able to cope with it.

Rather than a son-in-law coming to the house, the woman even gave her a house.

Lin Yunyan glanced at Lin Yunjing and said to Mrs. Huang: "I know that Mr. Yu can't afford a house in the capital. You won't let your grandmother dowry you. Do you really want your eldest sister to rent a house with others? The maids and mothers-in-law you used to dowry live with. No less.”

Huang Shi smiled: "That's what I said..."

“Master Yu also knows in his heart,” Lin Yunyan comforted Mr. Huang, “The eldest sister is the jewel in the uncle’s house. Did he marry her just to make her live a hard life?

 In terms of food and clothing, it is definitely not comparable to that in the mansion, but in a place where you can live a better life, Mr. Yu doesn’t want to live a bad life.

It is inevitable that he will make people laugh, but I think that since he asked for this marriage, he must have thought about these things and will not put it on his face.

 He should be able to carry it clearly. "

Hearing this, Mr. Huang breathed a sigh of relief again.

In fact, why doesn’t she understand these principles?

She saw that Yu Pu was not the kind of person who wanted to save face and suffer the consequences, and forced his wife to suffer the consequences himself, but after looking at it, she still felt uneasy.

Who made her a mother?

She is a widow, with only a daughter like Yun Jing, and she is full of satisfaction and hopes that her daughter will be well.

No matter how clear the mirror is in my heart, I still can't help but sigh when thoughts come up.

 So she likes to listen to Yun Jing talk about things. Yun Jing is a little shy and talks to her about big and small things slowly, which makes her feel at ease.

Lin Yunjing also knew her mother’s temperament and said, “You think about Mr. Yu’s face, and you also think about your grandmother’s face.

Grandma is such a shameless person. If you don't let her stay in a house and let me rent it with others, my grandma will be so worried that she won't be able to sleep for several months.

She still has to walk around with old ladies from various families. How can she get out then? "

These words not only made Huang laugh, Lin Yunyan also laughed.

"So," Lin Yunjing kept sewing in her hands and said, "just do what grandma wants. This uncle needs a lot of help from the government. He wants to reject it blindly, but he can't. over."

 When you get married, help is inevitable.

Uncle Chengyi chose such a son-in-law and hoped that he would make a name for himself, not to mention his rise to the top, but he should not waste time in his promotion.

The starting point of Shujishi is very good. After this period is over, he can serve as a local official for a few years, accumulate some achievements, and then return to Qianbulang. The road will be easy.

Thinking like this, Lin Yunjing looked at Lin Yunyan.

 She doesn’t know much about the affairs of the court, but she still has some basic concepts.

The Holy Father has such high regard for the Duke of Fu, he will definitely be in the court in the future, and he also needs the concerted efforts of his own people.

Brother-in-laws who share the same political views are considered members of one’s family.

 Mr. Yu can speak his mind in the officialdom, which is also a good thing for the auxiliary Duke.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunjing asked: "How is the progress of the treatment of the Duke of the country?"

As soon as the words came out, she saw Lin Yunyan purse her lips, very hard.

Lin Yunyan has not seen Xu Jian for some time, and did not even borrow the place of Cining Palace. She only heard from Chen Guilai.

I heard that Xu Jian’s condition is not very good.

 Chen Gui couldn't explain it clearly because of the details, so Lin Yunyan went to ask Lin Yu.

 Lin Yue could see Xu Jian every day when he went to and from court.

"It's sore. His injury was originally healed," Lin Yunyan said, "Now it's like opening the healed wound again and treating it all over again." Lin Yunjing and Huang exchanged a worried look.

Ms. Huang thought for a while and left the room first, leaving the sisters to say their thoughtful words.

Lin Yunjing then put down the embroidery bag in her hand and said softly: "Do you want to go see him?"

Lin Yunyan turned to look at Lin Yunjing.

"What? You don't want to? Or am I wrong?" Lin Yunjing bent her eyes and smiled gently, "I know there are a lot of rules. Unmarried couples cannot meet easily, let alone go directly to the door.

 But have you paid attention to those rules? You never cared about it.

You don’t care, your grandmother and uncle didn’t say anything. Didn’t the Queen Mother let you talk in Cining Palace before?

 You didn’t do it on a whim, you were really worried about his condition. You went there because he was in severe pain.

Isn't that polite? That's also hurt first. "

Lin Yunyan listened, holding Lin Yunjing's arm and laughing.

 The eldest sister is transparent.

 With a few words, she was moved.

 Even, at this moment, an idea came to her mind.

It would be better if the censors scolded each other.

Except for a few people, the court had no idea how Xu Jian's injury came about. The censors didn't care when they scolded him, but the emperor knew that he knew very well.

 Li Shao also knows a lot.

 He is still in confinement, but he will be able to come out in September.

The censors scolded him fiercely, and the emperor couldn't stand it, so he became even more angry with Li Shao.

 Xu Jian said that Li Shao is not that crazy yet, so let him be a little more crazy.

“Sister, what you said makes sense,” Lin Yunyan said, “I’ll go back and ask my father, and I’ll take a look at it in a while.”

 In recent days, Xu Jian’s situation has come under the radar of all parties.

In the past, he would stand when he arrived at the court room, but now he would sit down. If an elder came late, he would apologize and say that he would not let in because he felt uncomfortable standing.

 When he queues up to go to court, he must not miss the order. He will hurry up and walk up the long steps. After entering the palace, his forehead will be covered with sweat.

When discussing politics, he did not stand upright, his weight was on his left leg, and his right leg was basically weak. The saint saw this and would not say anything.

 Don't be in a hurry when heading back, walk slowly, be extra careful when getting off the trail, and stop for a while in the middle.

 It gets colder at the end of summer, so fast.

The wind was blowing fiercely. Xu Jian stood on the sidewalk and looked around. After a while, someone held his arm.

 He turned around and looked, and sure enough, it was King Jin.

“Your Majesty,” Xu Jian greeted.

Li Du looked more serious than before. He helped him all the way down to the ground, then let go of his hand and said, "Why do you think this is more serious than before?"

Xu Jian tapped his right leg twice: "Doctor Yue said that this is what happened. Did he also show the prince his previous treatment booklet?"

“I saw it,” Li Du said, “I just didn’t expect it to be so powerful.”

He wanted to be steady and step-by-step, but he didn't expect that it was looking more and more wrong these days. This was not a good thing.

Doctor Yue spoke eloquently and said that the possibility of curing the disease was very small. But if Xu Jian really cured the disease like this, Li Du thought it would be difficult for him to explain to the Holy Emperor.

Li Du patted Xu Jian's shoulder: "No wonder you were cautious and didn't want to try it easily. From this point of view, it seems that I was too naive and didn't think so carefully."

Xu Jian said: "What you said makes sense. At my age, I should give it a try."

 Li Du laughed.

"You can go first," Xu Jian said again, "I walk slowly."

With that said, Li Du did not wait for him, but took the first step.

 Xu Jian raised his eyes and looked at Li Du's back quietly.

 He ​​is aware of his injuries. He is not as serious as he looks. It is just that he needs to put some pressure on him more or less.

 He didn’t expect recovery, but he didn’t want to in vain treat the injury.

 The information you deserve and the benefits you deserve cannot be lacking.

 Two days later, Xu Jian asked for leave. He did not even attend the morning court.

 The Holy Father asked Eunuch Cao to come.

 Eunuch Cao couldn't help but worry when he saw Xu Jian lying on the couch and feeling weak.

 He didn't bother Xu Jian to rest and asked Shen Chen directly.

Shen Chen lowered his voice and said: "I soaked in medicinal soup. It was very irritating to the injury. I was in pain all night. I didn't close my eyes all night. I just fell asleep at dawn, but I couldn't sleep for too long. After a while, I would sleep again." Let’s start today’s treatment.”

Eunuch Cao sighed softly: "What did the doctor say?"

 “Say it’s a normal situation.” Shen Chen thought for a while and handed the booklet that Doctor Yue had written before to Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao didn’t know much about medicine. After a quick glance, he thought it was quite detailed, so he simply took it back to the palace.

Your Majesty is concerned and must let your Majesty take a look at this. Your Majesty must not ask the imperial doctors to come and take a closer look.

 If this continues to be the case after some time, I'm afraid even Dr. Yue will have to be summoned to the imperial court to give a reply.

 After Shenchen sent Eunuch Cao off and returned to the house, he saw that Xu Jian had already sat up.

 Xu Jian raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows.

 “You can sleep a little longer,” Shen Chen said.

 Xu Jian's voice became hoarse: "No need."

In order to stay up all night and look exhausted, he drank a lot of strong tea in the middle of the night. He used the tea leaves that the princess brought from Cining Palace and chose the most invigorating one.

 Otherwise, at his age and energy level, he would not be so tired just by sleeping all night.

 Xu Jian took another three days' leave.

The Holy Emperor listened to the imperial doctors interpreting the booklet for more than half an hour in the imperial study. He felt really dizzy. With a wave of his hand, he sent someone to the Duke's Mansion to summon Doctor Yue into the palace.

Dr. Yue was quite nervous when he met the Holy Spirit for the first time. It was not until he discussed the treatment method with the imperial doctors that his speech became smoother.

 Finally, to sum up, the injury was too severe and the road was bumpy and I didn’t recover well. Now I have to endure hardships if I want to cure it. There is no turning back, so I have to get through it.

Neither Dr. Yue nor the imperial doctors knew that Duke Fu's injury was closely related to the prince. The discussion was lively and active. Only Eunuch Cao became more and more frightened as he listened and secretly glanced at His Majesty.

The Holy Master frowned, and a dark cloud passed over his face.

Eunuch Cao shrank his neck.

It doesn’t matter if His Highness is grounded in the East Palace. If he is not grounded, he will inevitably be called and scolded now.


The same goes for the prince. He patrolled the borders on behalf of his Majesty, but so many things happened that the Duke of Fu was injured.

 It is difficult to heal an injury, but it would be a good thing if it can be cured this time.

 Otherwise, this thorn will always remain in the heart of the Holy Emperor, which will not be good for the relationship between father and son, as well as the relationship between monarch and ministers.

   Thanks to book friends Shumi Lan and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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