Yan Cigui

Chapter 312: Sticky (two updates in one)

 Chapter 312 Sticky (two updates in one)

After hearing what her eldest sister said that day, Lin Yunyan had been thinking about when to go to Fu Guogong's mansion.

 You must go, but the timing is extremely important.

She actually didn't know exactly how Xu Jian was hurt this time, whether it was the experience or the condition, she just heard Xu Jian tell her.

 And self-reports are often the most unreliable.

It’s not that Xu Jian deliberately lied to her, but that Xu Jian was indeed avoiding some questions. Lin Yunyan felt it, but it was difficult to explain the specific reasons.

 The same is true for Xu Jian's injury.

 Throughout several conversations, Xu Jian gave her the impression that she was at ease.

He was very aware of his injury and accepted it well. He still strategized and made Lin Yunyan feel that the injury was also part of his plan.

But it was precisely this kind of plan that made Lin Yunyan very uncertain once news about the treatment began to spread.

 Are you really being treated?

 Is it really painful?

Or perhaps, he was actually in more pain than others saw.

The better she gets to know Xu Jian, the clearer Lin Yunyan is that Xu Jian will not miss this opportunity.

He will not suffer such a crime "in vain". It really hurts and fakes. As long as the whole court knows about his pain, he will have to earn something back.

 Earning more or less depends naturally on your ability.

What Lin Yunyan hopes is that her visit can be just right and add another important bargaining chip to Xu Jian in this game.

 It won't work if it's too early, and it won't work if it's too late.

Lin Yunyan went to ask her father.

I heard from my father that Xu Jian's condition was not very good during those days when he went to court. It was obvious that he could endure the pain in his legs.

“I asked him, and he said ‘it’s okay’, but his brows were furrowed and his whole body was tense.”

“It’s very difficult to walk, especially going up and down the steps. He can walk slowly when going down, but not when going up. He can’t fall off, and no one can help him.”

"I heard that the pain will be worse after two days. He asked me to tell you that you don't have to worry. It's just a process."

As expected, this "in two days" will come in the blink of an eye.

The news that Xu Jian had not gone to court for several days reached Lin Yunyan's ears through her father.

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath. It seemed that it was almost time. It was time.

The next day after making up his mind without asking Chen Gui to let Xu Jian know in advance, Lin Yunyan's carriage arrived directly outside the Fu Guogong Mansion.

 She didn’t mean to shy away from it at all.

The gorgeous carriage passed through the streets and alleys and stopped directly outside the house. Wan Yue got out of the car and knocked on the door.

 As soon as the front foot entered the house, the news spread slowly.

At the concierge, Xu Bai, who came after hearing the news, welcomed Lin Yunyan inside.

It was the first time for Xu Bai to see the future mistress of the house. At first glance, he thought that the princess looked outstanding.

There is no shortage of beautiful people in the Xu family. Whether it is the old lady who has passed away many years ago or the old lady who has returned home, they are all good-looking.

The princess was not at a disadvantage.

Although she has a serious expression and no smile on her face, her delicate eyebrows make people fall in love with her at a glance.

 It’s no wonder that they impressed their prince.

 Xu Bai guessed the princess's intention.

The Duke of Guo has been away from court for a few days due to treatment for his injuries. There has been a lot of rumors outside, but he cannot hide it from the princess. The princess is worried about the Duke of Guo, so she will not care about the rules and customs. She comes to see it with her own eyes to put her mind at ease.

Xu Bai led the way and said to Lin Yunyan: "You are here by chance. The acupuncture is being performed at the moment. Don't be anxious. I said he can bear it."

Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Bai.

Xu Bai, as an old steward in the mansion, she had had many dealings with him in the past.

The old man was thoughtful and loyal, and he could only offer a few words of relief after seeing her worries.

 “Which courtyard should the injury be treated in?” Lin Yunyan asked.

 Before she got married, Xu Jian almost lived in the study room in the front yard.

But Lin Yunyan knew about him. The study was a forbidden area. No one could enter except Shen Chen and Xuan Su. She wouldn't let the doctor in even if she wanted to. He would have to move to another place if he wanted to treat an injury.

Xu Bai then said: "It's in Anpingyuan, not far away."

Lin Yunyan quickened her pace.

As he walked, Xu Bai gradually noticed something was wrong.

The princess seems to be very familiar with the Duke's Mansion.

Leading the way may seem simple, but in fact there are a lot of things to pay attention to. It must not be too fast, nor too slow to allow guests who don't know the route to look left and right. It must be just a few steps ahead, and the body shape and gestures have already laid out the direction, so the guests don't need to ask. figure it out.

But the princess walked very fast, and almost before he turned around, the princess knew which way to go.

Xu Bai was confused and didn't know how to ask, so he went all the way outside Anping Courtyard.

“Mrs. Gu is probably there too. She has been accompanying the Duke of Guo to heal his injuries these days.”

Lin Yunyan was slightly startled when she heard this, and then realized that "Mrs. Gu" refers to Mrs. Xu.


Xu Jian Chengjue, he is the Duke of the country, and the seniority is obvious. Mrs. Xu has to be labeled as "old" in her early thirties.

Some servants had already come to report the letter before. They already knew that Lin Yunyan was visiting and Shen Chen was waiting outside the courtyard.

 When he saw Lin Yunyan, he bowed.

Lin Yunyan stopped her steps at this time and asked: "Are you still being treated? How is your condition?"

Shen Chen said: "We are in charge. I think it will be half an hour later. Would you like to go in now or sit in the side hall for a while?"

Lin Yunyan chuckled.

As soon as he heard these words, he knew that Shen Chen couldn't have thought them up, and it must have been Xu Jian's order.

She is already here. Did she come to have tea and snacks with him?

 Aren’t you just here to see an injury?

 The injury is on the leg. You must not dress neatly during treatment, especially when the injured leg is completely exposed.

 Although it is said that she has not passed the exam, what hasn’t she seen?

Xu Jian is not that fussy.

You are so particular, would you have personally buttoned her sleeve bag before?

It's just that Mrs. Xu is here, forcing her to put on such airs.

 What end?

   It would have to be completely dismantled by him.

 “I’ll go in.” Lin Yunyan said.

As soon as Shenchen heard this, he took a few steps forward, stood outside the door and called in. When Xu Jian responded, he raised the curtain and invited Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan stepped forward and did not see Xu Jian at a glance.

 The needle must be protected from the wind, all the windows in the house are closed, and a screen is placed at the door to block it.

Lin Yunyan only saw the medicine box on the table in the middle room, open, with all the doctor's instruments inside.

Going around the screen, her eyes turned and met Xu Jian's in the air.

Involuntarily, Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip tightly.

She didn't even bother to look at Xu Jian's legs. She just looked at his expression and was shocked.

Xu Jian is not in good spirits.

Without weight loss, there is no scum in the jaw, but it is not refreshing at all, and the eye sockets are deeper than before.

Sweat should have been wiped off the forehead, but the hair could not be held up and it was all wet with sweat. The loose forehead hair made the person extremely tired.

Especially those eyes, which are extremely dark and bottomless, making people panic.

"You..." Lin Yunyan gritted her teeth.

 Before coming, she had imagined Xu Jian's situation.

  No matter what, it should not be worse than before.

She had accompanied Xu Jian through the process of his right leg gradually shrinking, affecting his left leg, and finally being forced to sit in a wheelchair. The injuries were treated with great care and urgency. Xu Jian suffered a lot, and she had seen it all with her own eyes.

 At the moment, it should be lighter.

  I can definitely pretend, but that is to face the court, and there is absolutely no reason to pretend seriously with her.

 Even, with Xu Jian’s temperament, he would most likely still pretend to be indifferent to her. As a result, if this is the "windy and gentle" that has been modified, what should the unmodified one look like?

 When Lin Yunyan moved her eyes down to Xu Jian's legs, her brows furrowed tightly.

 There is no long, snake-like knife mark, nor is it shrunken or deformed. Looking at it this way, it is actually nothing at all.

Compared with the faint scars and the appearance in Lin Yunyan's memory, she would not have been anxious at all.

 But she saw those silver needles, and also saw the dense purple under the silver needles, which were dotted and connected into a patch.

Xu Jian was also looking at Lin Yunyan.

As the treatment progressed, he guessed that Lin Yunyan would come, and he even guessed that she was probably calculating the most suitable time.

 Xu Jian didn't let anyone send her a message, and asked her to figure out a time on her own.

    Xu Jian was actually relieved when someone came to report that "the princess is here."

It’s almost time to come. If you don’t come, you won’t be the little princess.

 I just didn’t expect that after the little princess took one look, her mood became very wrong.

Almost instantly, his eyes turned red.

 She didn't even bother to say hello to Xu Miao.

Xu Jian said hurriedly: "It just looks scary. These are the colors from the medicinal bath. They are dyed."

Lin Yunyan did not answer this and looked at Dr. Yue aside with a frown.

 Doctor Yue’s mouth twitched.

 What should he say?

 Does a doctor’s conscience allow him to talk nonsense?

 After taking a medicinal bath, if you want to dye a leg, how can it be possible that the area is just green and purple?

His unconscionable nonsense can still be believed by the princess.

The princess is not easy to deceive at first sight.

Doctor Yue was extremely confused. He glanced at Xu Jian and then at Lin Yunyan. He forced himself to smile and said, "It looks scary, but it's actually a normal situation when treating injuries."

Lin Yunyan exhaled slowly.

 The doctor was in trouble, so she would not press him for anything.

 After calming down, Lin Yunyan and Xu Miao saluted.

Xu Miao's face didn't look good.

 She has been tired these past few days and feels tired.

 No mother can sleep soundly after seeing her son suffering like this. Even if Dr. Yue explained it to her several times, the worry would be suppressed.

 But apart from accompanying him, she couldn't do anything to help Xu Jian. In other words, even accompanying him was just to comfort herself.

Hearing that Lin Yunyan was here, Xu Miao was surprised, but also understandable.

Although Ah Jian and the princess have not yet consummated their marriage, their relationship has always been good. How could the princess not be worried?

It's okay to come and take a look, otherwise you will have to worry about it day and night.

Moreover, she had to comfort the princess again for A Jian.

 The more relaxed she looks, the more at ease the princess will feel, right?

Xu Miao made up her mind, but she didn't expect that as soon as Lin Yunyan came in, the worry and concern in her eyes were not hidden at all. It would not be surprising if she would shed tears in the next moment.

This made Xu Miao feel heartache.

Feeling sorry for A Jian, I also feel sorry for the princess.


 Isn’t that what it is?

If you are sincere and sincere, even if you hold it back on the face, even to the point where outsiders can't see any clues, your heart will be filled with overwhelming emotions and turbulent waves.

And the princess does not need to, nor will she insist on pretending to be indifferent.

Seeing that Lin Yunyan was about to cry, Xu Miao's eyes turned red. He went over to hold her in his arms and said softly: "Isn't it scary? I haven't gotten used to it after watching it for a few days. When you first saw it, it was Can't stand it.

 Sigh, look at me, my face is a little pale.

You sit with A Jian for a while, and I'll go and cleanse my face. "

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she let go of Lin Yunyan, turned around and walked out.

Doctor Yue understood that the needle was pricking him, and he was not needed at the moment, so he withdrew.

 Only Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian were left in the room.

Lin Yunyan walked to the chair where Xu Miao was sitting before and sat down directly.

Xu Jian closed her eyes, adjusted herself, and then opened her eyes again to look at her: "I was thinking that you were almost here."

Lin Yunyan observed carefully for a while, especially Xu Jian's legs. She frowned and looked at Xu Jian's eyes for a long time, and then met Xu Jian's eyes again: "Don't you, don't you want to be cured? Then how can it be cured? Is this it?”

Xu Jian said: "Doctor Yue's method is quite feasible, so let's try it."

Lin Yunyan looked dissatisfied.

Xu Jian is completely avoiding the important and taking the easy.

She tilted her body and looked outside. Shen Chen was guarding outside the house, and Doctor Yue seemed to be in the yard.

So, she lowered her voice and said, "Is that Dr. Yue or Dr. Zhang?"

After asking, seeing another layer of sweat on Xu Jian's forehead, Lin Yunyan took out a handkerchief and wiped it with him: "If you don't have the energy to talk now, stop talking and rest your mind."

 Xu Jian looked at her and smiled.

 The scarf on the forehead is very soft, and you can smell a light fragrance in your breath.

That is the smell of incense that the little princess likes. It will be on her clothes and handkerchiefs.

 Say that you are worthy of it, which calms your mind and refreshes your mind.

 Xu Jian thought the former one was right, but he didn’t feel it at all about the latter one.

Where did you wake up?

It might as well be said that he was feeling tired. He felt so relieved that he wanted to close his eyes and take a rest. He had not slept well in the past few days.

  A while ago, his fatigue was deliberately put on display, and the effect was sustained by cups of strong tea, so that others in the court room thought he could not sleep at night.

 But these days, it really is not caused by tea leaves.

 “It feels like it’s hurt all over again”, it’s not just words, it really made him suffer a lot.

 He couldn't even tell which one hurt more.

 Coupled with the fatigue caused by tea in the past few days, the body is very tired, and the mind cannot rest well, and the situation looks even worse.

“It’s Dr. Zhang,” Xu Jian sighed, “the same Dr. Guanzhong we met at that time.”

Lin Yunyan responded.

 She knows the specific time.

Xu Jian wanted to say something more, but raised her hand to touch her eyebrows. What her fingers touched was not her forehead, but Lin Yunyan's hand holding the handkerchief.

Lin Yunyan loosened the veil and wanted to take her hand back and let him wipe it off by himself.

Xu Jian ignored the handkerchief and stretched his fingers to this side, directly clasping Lin Yunyan's hand and holding it tightly.

“I really don’t have the energy,” his voice became deeper, “Let me take a break.”

 Lin Yunyan moved her fingertips and saw that Xu Jian had closed her eyes and her eyes were green. She relaxed her arm and did not move or take her hand out.

The scorching summer has passed, and autumn is about to begin in the past few days.

The room was airless and dull. She put the back of her hand on Xu Jian's forehead, and the sweat soaked off it and became sticky.

    … I’m late today, I’m sorry!

This month’s fan title event will end soon. Book friends who want it should take a look at the book friend circle.


Promoting a new book.

"The minds of Xuanmen ancestors were read, and the whole family was addicted to becoming villains" by Guan Zizai, the author

Introduction: The ancestor of Xuanmen was reborn as a little fool. She complained in her heart, and the whole family started to become villains.

Mother: What? My husband’s ex-wife is not dead, but she lives in my house, eats and drinks from me, and wants to kill me to fuel their love? Turn on anti-kill mode.

Daddy: Oh my god, my mistress who has been filial to me for half my life is my mother-killing enemy? This filial son will respect whomever he loves.

Patriarch: Will my entire clan be treated as a royal family? Dear relatives, listen to me, put aside the work at hand, and let's start a rebellion.

Li Jidao was still worried about how to avenge herself. In the blink of an eye, the dragon robe given to her by her tribe was ready.


Thank you book friend Shumilan for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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