Yan Cigui

Chapter 313: Autumn Cicada (two updates in one)

Chapter 313 Autumn Cicada (two updates in one)

very quiet.

 Xu Jian seemed to have really fallen asleep, her breathing was steady and long.

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes to look at him, her eyes fell on his right leg, and the corners of her lips pursed involuntarily.

The silver needles are naturally dazzling, and the blues and purples on the skin are all mixed together, making it painful just to look at them.

She has seen many people get acupuncture.

  When the Empress Dowager became seriously ill, the doctors also used silver needles.

 Two quarters of an hour later, regardless of whether the doctors were tired or not, the Queen Mother was definitely tired.

Maybe it was to comfort her, the Empress Dowager always said that although it looked fierce, it actually didn’t hurt.

Lin Yunyan didn’t want her to bother her. She would believe her if she said it, which would be better than her being anxious and crying, making her feel even more uncomfortable.

 The same goes for Xu Jian.

 In the past, Xu Jian would not cry out in pain, no matter whether he was given an acupuncture or made into medicinal soup.

 In the end, it is just that.

But if there was really no pain or feeling, what could Xu Jian do to avoid her?

 At that time, Shen Chen and Xuan Su were always there to treat injuries.

Lin Yunyan knew it well. She was still a little distant from Xu Jian at that time, far from the hardship of living and dying together later, so she simply pretended not to know.

It's okay if she doesn't know. She's not present, so Xu Jian won't have to worry.

 Men are all like this.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip again. She was not sure whether to wake Xu Jian up.

 Actually, Xu Jian sleeps very honestly. She occasionally pushes on the quilt twice, but Xu Jian never does. However, Lin Yunyan is not sure whether she really doesn't move at all, or whether she stopped pushing because of her severe leg injury and lack of energy.

I'm sleeping in a daze now. If I don't realize it in my dream, my legs will move around...

Those silver needles are no joke.

After thinking about it, Lin Yunyan didn't speak.

 Xu Jian is too tired.

 The voice when he spoke was extremely hoarse, and there was a lack of energy in his bones.

 Happy wait a little longer, Mrs. Xu and the others will come back, then let Xu Jian sleep for a while.

Lin Yunyan's shoulders relaxed a little. She leaned back against the back of the chair, carefully not moving the hand held by Xu Jian. Then, she moved her neck further back, raised her head and looked at the beams of the roof, her eyes also There is no gathering place.

 In the silence, she heard sounds outside.

    is autumn cicada.

Sounds that were separated by the closed windows came in. I don’t know why, but they were louder and louder.

Lin Yunyan was stunned, and suddenly remembered the moment she woke up in Cining Palace. What she heard was also the deafening chirping of cicadas.

Belonging to midsummer, the cicadas are chirping extremely lively.

At this moment, it has been more than a year.

Many images rushed into my mind along with the hustle and bustle. The past and the present were intertwined and merged. For a while, I couldn’t tell which day it was, until those “past events” that “hadn’t happened yet” rolled up and were reflected in front of my eyes moment by moment.

 The thing that reflected the deepest, almost leaving a thick shadow, was Xu Jian's tired and injured look.

 After searching and escaping all the way, who was not injured at all? Xu Jian is also unavoidable.

 Compared with this, the life they lived in Beijing before, even during the period of suppression, was pretty good.

 But it seems that Xu Jian was also injured once?

The dusty memories completely rolled up, and Lin Yunyan's eyes slowly fell from the roof beam to Xu Jian's hand.

 Xu Jian’s hands are very big, with distinct joints and clear and convex tendons on the back of his hands. He has been practicing martial arts since he was young, and his fingertips and tiger’s mouth have calluses.

 That time, Xu Jian returned home injured, especially his hand.

 The joints on the backs of both hands were red, there were numerous small scratches, two nails were split, and there was a cut on the chin.

Lin Yunyan asked him why, but Xu Jian avoided the serious issue and just said that he accidentally fell it.

She didn't believe it, so she asked Shen Chen and Xuan Su again, and this was the only explanation she got.

  No matter how many there are, of course I can’t ask.

At that time, Lin Yunyan had no time to pursue the question.

Uncle Chengyi's mansion has been demoted, and she is no longer the princess of Ning'an. Her grandmother and father moved into a dilapidated house, and they were worried about all kinds of things. Even their old house, the old house with the plaque of the uncle's mansion hanging on it for a hundred years, The mansion was also sold by the court.

 The whole house was sold, but no one could buy it, and no one dared to buy it. Finally, it was sold in pieces. She didn’t even know how many households it was sold to.

Thinking of that paragraph at this moment, Lin Yunyan thought that she should ask again.

The cicada's cries make people upset, and it becomes even more confusing when such an old thing is weighing on their minds.

 Xu Jian moved.

 He didn’t move much, as if he was feeling hot, and he touched his neck with his free hand.

Lin Yunyan was startled by him. She was afraid that he would really kick his legs later, so she called him softly.

Xu Jian was sleeping lightly. Hearing the sound, he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of confusion. He looked towards her and looked at her for a long time.

“Ayan.” He muttered, his tone was lazily, and he didn’t know whether he was awake or not.

 The clasped hands were still pressed on his forehead. Xu Jian did not let go. She calmed down again and then asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Yunyan wanted to ask, so she naturally asked: "I just remembered some things from the past, do you remember? After the uncle's house was raided, you came back injured once, and you said you just fell. I never believed it, but I just didn't Know why."

Xu Jian was startled for a moment, he actually remembered it.

 He knows how he was hurt and why he was hurt.

 It was an old story, he didn’t say it at the beginning, and he doesn’t really want to mention it now, but...

 He knew what the little princess's temper was like.

 When she really wants to ask, she breaks the casserole and asks to the end.

There were many questions she wanted to ask today, and Xu Jian could guess them all without waiting for her to speak. There were also a lot of questions that were difficult to answer, and even more difficult to answer.

 Can't give no answer at all.

 Answer some questions first, and then be vague and careless about others.

“That time,” Xu Jian’s throat rolled, “that time I had a fight with Liu Xun.”

Lin Yunyan looked at him in surprise.

Even though she had thought that it couldn't be caused by falling, the answer was beyond her expectation.

Xu Jian, a person who can't stand up and can only use a wheelchair, fights with Liu Xun?

 What are Shen Chen and Xuan Su doing?

As long as he wanted to start a fight, Liu Xun couldn't stand Xu Jian at all.

 Is this a fight to avoid people? Or did Xu Jian not allow them to interfere?

 “Why?” she asked, “Why are you fighting with him?”

 Xu Jian clicked his tongue: "Do I need a reason to fight with him?"

Lin Yunyan sighed secretly, that was really not necessary.

 In the past, the relationship between Xu Jian and Liu Xun was much more intense than in this life.

In this life, Liu Xun has never had the upper hand. He has been suppressed. He was embarrassed in school and even more embarrassed in Zhangpingyuan, not to mention the incident in Chenmi Hutong. He danced happily, but he never gained a good reputation.

 Different from the past, Liu Xun became famous and was named on the gold medal list. He and Zheng Liu were "sincerely in love". He was Liu Jing's outstanding and good son.

 No one of the two can be one-sided, and of course there will be more friction.

Especially, the fall of the Chengyi House made the already tense relationship between Xu Jian and the Liu family gradually become unbalanced.

 It's normal to fight.

 But there is something vaguely abnormal about it.

These two are "blood" brothers, and a fight is just a fight. There is no need to get involved with status or rank. The censor's scolding was just the same thing, but Lin Yunyan didn't hear any rumors. Xu Jian would hide it, but Liu Xun would not.

  Whether Liu Xun wins or suffers a loss, he cannot remain silent.

 Unless there was a reason for the fight, he was too unreasonable to say anything.

Lin Yunyan wanted to know this reason. She looked at Xu Jian for a moment.

Xu Jian laughed out loud after being stared at by her for a long time.

 I knew I would be asked “to the end”.

 The reason is actually very simple.

He and Liu Xun had a lot of conflicts, but they really didn't want to take action and there was no need to take action.

There were so many things that Liu Xun deliberately provoked, and Xu Jian was too lazy to pay attention to them. If he did, it would make Liu Xun proud.

 When a villain succeeds, he will look for various ways to stir up trouble.

  Liu Xun tried this and that to no avail, and finally he "enlightened".

 The day he came to find him, he was talking about the sale of the Chengcheng Mansion.

“I can’t afford to buy the whole house, so I’m thinking of collecting some money to buy a yard.”

"You are familiar with the uncle's house. Why don't you introduce me to the princess? Oh, I am not the princess anymore. I can't bear to be called the Duke's wife, so please call me sister-in-law. Where did my sister-in-law live before?"

“It seems to be called Bao’an Garden, right? I’ll buy it there and live there for a few days.”

"You haven't slept in that room, have you? I'm going to take a nap. What do you think I will dream about?"

Xu Jian raised his hand and punched Liu Xun, grabbing Liu Xun's clothes and hitting him fiercely and urgently.

 Xuansu was following him that day, but he did not allow Xuansu to intervene, so he fought with Liu Xun himself.

 Does Liu Xun really want to buy it?

 In fact, not necessarily.

Liu Xun just picks things up, and picks something that can irritate him. Once he succeeds once, he will definitely succeed again.

Then the only option is to fight, and fight hard enough to make Liu Xun frightened, and he will not dare to make such provocations in the future.

As long as the leg injury was minor, even when he was just injured and could walk with a cane, he could beat Liu Xun to the point of finding teeth, but after all, he was disabled and both legs were useless.

In other words, his arm is still okay, his previous foundation is still there, and he knows how to hit people with twice the result with half the effort, so he may not be able to control Liu Xun.

 Xu Jian fell from the wheelchair, and the two of them almost fell to the ground and were beaten.

 In the end, Liu Xun's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, half of his face was covered in blood, and he was helped away by the servants who came over.

Xu Jian also received a few blows, but Liu Xun was powerless. He didn't look so miserable. He packed up and returned home, barely able to deal with Lin Yunyan.

It was indeed dealt with at that time. Regardless of whether I believed it or not, the young princess did not ask any more questions.

Who knew that time would turn around, but today, this issue is thrown before our eyes again.

"About the sale of the uncle's house," Xu Jian cleared her throat, "He was talking nonsense. I saw that his skin was so itchy that he couldn't shed tears until he saw the coffin, so I just took action. Since then, he has avoided me."

Of course, I can only hide for a while, and after that, the Fuguo Palace will be gone.

Xu Jian told about 70% to 80%, but the last bit of the root cause was still hidden.

 Liu Xun did it deliberately, Xu Jian didn't want to dirty the little princess's ears.

Lin Yunyan remained silent after listening.

 She believed that Xu Jian was telling the truth this time. At the same time, she also knew that there was another layer beneath the truth.

She might not have been able to figure it out before, but after seeing Liu Xun's messy things in her life, she can guess part of it.

 What kind of "good words" can be used to provoke Xu Jian, who used to be cold and restrained, to take action?

Lin Yunyan wanted to say something, but when her lips moved, she realized that she had nothing to say.

  It is not hesitation and hesitation, but surging emotions that cannot be condensed into words.

 Finally, she buried her head and rested her forehead on Xu Jian's arm.

Through the clothing material, the heat from Xu Jian's body still hit her nostrils.

The heart was very close. She could hear Xu Jian's heartbeat, which was very deep and heavy. She also heard her own heartbeat, which was chaotic and floating. Finally, little by little, the two sounds were superimposed.

 “Does it hurt?” Lin Yunyan asked in a muffled voice.

Xu Jian’s chest rose and fell, and laughter sounded in her ears: “It’s not bad.”

We had a fight that day and it was okay.

 The injury was treated today, and it’s not bad.

 The hand holding her loosened, and Lin Yunyan subconsciously moved her knuckles.

  A little numb, a little sore, more sweaty, wet, more than the sweat on Xu Jian's forehead.

 Then, she felt the hand fall down again, with a cool feeling, and landed on the back of her neck.

The broad palms covered her skin without a collar, separated from the hair, very directly. Xu Jian's thumb stroked her again and again, and the rough calluses slid across her skin, causing goosebumps even more than the coolness of sweat.

Lin Yunyan remained motionless.

Sometimes there is a heartbeat in my ears, sometimes there is the chirping of cicadas, back and forth, over and over again, and finally it is drowned out by the cicadas.

 Outside the house, in the yard.

Shen Chen stood in the corridor, staring at Dr. Yue.

Mrs. Xu hasn't come back yet, and she won't come back rashly if she doesn't invite her here.

 Doctor Yue glanced at the sky and pointed towards Shenchen in the direction of the house.

Shenchen could only bite the bullet, knocked on the door, and called out: "Master..."

 He didn’t want to do such a shameless thing.

There was not much movement inside, but no matter whether the master and the princess spoke or not, he could not be disturbed. It was just that the acupuncture had to be inserted for a short time, and it would not work for a long time.

“Sir,” Shen Chen spoke again, “I need to remove the needle.”

The sound came in, Lin Yunyan heard it, put a little force on her neck, and Xu Jian took her hand away.

 She sat upright, stood up and straightened her appearance.

 The back of my neck is sticky with sweat.

Lin Yunyan wanted to take the handkerchief, but as soon as she put her hand into her sleeve, she saw that the handkerchief was still on Xu Jian's forehead, so she had to turn around and take it back.

The handkerchief was also stained with sweat. Lin Yunyan bit her lower lip, walked around the screen, avoiding Xu Jian's sight, and wiped the back of her neck with it.


She heard Xu Jian laugh.

 Can't see, doesn't mean it's not clear.

 Lin Yunyan felt unhappy because of his laughter. Shen Chen from outside urged her again, so she could only suppress her emotions and go to open the door.

Shenchen lowered his eyes without raising his head, and Doctor Yue entered the room in three steps and two steps at a time.

Lin Yunyan did not turn around and go in. She walked out directly and stood in the yard.

The wind blew over, filled with the breath of early autumn, and the cicadas screamed louder, filling my ears.

  She raised her hand and subconsciously pressed it to the back of her neck.

Her hands were not as broad as Xu Jian's, but they were still sweaty. She rubbed them twice, took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and slowly let it go.

 After listening to the cicadas chirping for a while, Lin Yunyan turned around and went back.

 Going around the screen, she saw Xu Jian again.

Xu Jian also raised his eyes and looked at her intently.

The sound of a heartbeat or the chirping of cicadas? ?

Asking for a monthly ticket~~~~

Thank you to book friends Shumilan, Xiaoyuan, April Weiyu, Xu Bicheng Official Girlfriend, Qingtong Yanyu, and Wu La La Ding for their tips.



 (End of this chapter)

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