Yan Cigui

Chapter 314: She has to cry (two updates in one)

 Chapter 314 She has to cry (two updates in one)

 The four eyes face each other.

 For a while, no one spoke in the room, except Doctor Yue who was busy finishing things.

  The needles on Xu Jian's legs have been removed. Without those coverings, the condition of the skin has become more obvious.

 Green and purple, the dots are connected into pieces.

Lin Yunyan walked over and sat down, her eyes focused on that leg, and she lightly pursed her lower lip.

Doctor Yue didn't let Xu Jian tidy up his clothes, and still just brought a blanket to cover him.

This is the first time he has met the Princess of Ning'an today. He is not familiar with her temperament and personality, but he is an old doctor who knows many things well, and he is not willing to be a glowing candle here. .

 After all, Mrs. Xu has avoided it.

 There is no way to tighten the needles, now...

"As usual," he said to Xu Jian, "just lie down and rest for a while, and then move again when your legs feel better."

After saying this, Doctor Yue bowed to the two of them, picked up his medicine box and walked out.

When he walked out of the house, he thoughtfully closed the door again.

Then, he glanced at Shenchen standing outside, chuckled, and said in a low voice: "I'll sit in the east chamber for a while. If you need anything, just call. It's okay... I guess it's nothing."

Hearing this, Shen Chen also smiled.

The room was no longer ventilated, and the sticky, muggy air came back bit by bit.

Lin Yunyan asked: "Is it like this every day? Inject the acupuncture and take it slow?"

"Almost," Xu Jian said, knowing that she was concerned, "if you are not strong enough, you have to slow down for a quarter of an hour or two."

Perhaps it was even more uncomfortable when the needle was removed, but his voice was still hoarse, showing a hint of exhaustion.

Lin Yunyan then asked: "Didn't you just say you were sleepy? Why don't you just sleep a little longer?"

"It's not necessary," Xu Jian raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, "It's inconvenient for you to come here. If you have something to do, you better tell me. I'll go to bed later."

Lin Yunyan said nothing, just looking at him with pursed lips.

 Why go to bed later?

As long as I can fall asleep later, I won't be in such a tiring state.

Xu Jian looked at her, and without Lin Yunyan saying anything, he knew that the little princess must be angry, and he could think of many reasons why.

 Persisting in talking about things now is actually adding fuel to the fire.

If a large spoonful of hot oil is poured on it, the little princess will not fall out. She will explain the matter to him carefully and thoroughly, settle everything, and then go back to Chengyi's house. This fire will not burn the house. Who is in it, I have been holding it in my heart, and Slasla is smoking.

How long the risk will last is unknown.

After all, he couldn't see each other on weekdays, and it was impossible for him to visit the uncle's house in his current situation. Maybe it would be postponed until the day of the wedding. When he lifted the hijab, he looked at a face that had been burning for months.

 Not worth it.

It's really not worth getting angry like that, and it's not worth ruining a good marriage.

Thinking about this, Xu Jian moved slightly.

He didn't dare to move his legs, and he couldn't move now, so he tried to find a more comfortable seat with his upper body on the couch and closed his eyes again.

"It's up to you," he said softly, "I'll take a nap. If you feel the room is stuffy, go outside for some fresh air."

 After saying this, Xu Jian fell silent.

Lin Yunyan's shoulders relaxed: "You sleep on your own."

 After finishing speaking, it didn't take long for her to notice that Xu Jian's breathing became much calmer.

She sighed secretly.

She actually saw that Xu Jian was not in pain that kept him awake, but that he was tense and unrelaxed, making it difficult for him to sleep.

At this moment, maybe he didn’t want her to be annoyed, or maybe he was getting used to her presence, so he wasn’t so tense and felt much more tired.

It’s just that such an airtight house, before the weather cools down, is really not the place to sleep soundly.

Not long after sleeping, another layer of sweat appeared on Xu Jian's forehead. It must have been caused by pain or boredom.

Lin Yunyan pinched the handkerchief in her sleeve.

The veil was already wet with sweat, and even wiping it off was in vain.

Getting up quietly, she walked around the screen, went to the other side of the room, and took a clean handkerchief from the shelf.

The movement of her hand was light and there was little movement. Lin Yunyan pressed a seal on Xu Jian's forehead and looked at his hand again.

 She remembered that Xu Jian’s hands were also covered in sweat.

However, wiping hands is different from printing forehead. With Xu Jian's vigilance, she might wake up at the slightest movement.

Lin Yunyan simply didn't move and took a rest herself. Listening to the noisy chirping of cicadas, her heart felt calmer than many times.

Xu Jian just dozed off for a while, and after a quarter of an hour, she opened her eyes.

Lin Yunyan handed him the handkerchief and asked him to wipe the sweat from his hands and neck.

Xu Jian was a little apprehensive and spoke more casually, with just two words: "What about you?"

After asking, Lin Yunyan's face turned red.

Her skin is white, like mutton-fat jade, and the slightest hint of red is particularly noticeable.

 “Me what?” she asked.

 Xu Jian woke up at this time and smiled to herself: "It's nothing."

If he didn't recruit her, she wouldn't have sweat all over the back of her neck before.

You can't ask about this matter in detail. If you ask too much, your rest will be in vain.

Xu Jian simply talked to her about the business: "Doctor Yue's treatment of the injury, I think it's OK. It's only been a little severe in the past few days, but it will slowly get better after a while."

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan asked again: "You didn't plan to treat me well at first, but now it seems that you are more cooperative than I thought."

"It's not that I don't plan to treat it well," Xu Jian said, "No matter how much treatment is given, it will never be the same as when it was not injured. I know this, the doctor knows it, and you know it in your heart.

 I originally thought that since the difference is not big, I don’t need to worry about it. If I go in the wrong direction, it will be even more troublesome.

 But now it seems that it’s pretty good. "

Lin Yunyan responded in a low voice.

  She knew what Xu Jian meant by "line", which was the Thousand-step Corridor and the Imperial Study Room.

 At the time of the injury, the specific circumstances and reasons were suppressed. There were many rumors, but none of them were reliable.

Now we are healing our wounds and bringing out the old things again. Although everything is still foggy, those who have picked up the bright light have a clear idea.

With the lamp shining and waving, the fog slowly dispersed.

This is also the reason why Lin Yunyan came to assist the government today. After suffering, the benefits must be received.

 The truth is true, Lin Yunyan was also worried about Xu Jian's injury from the bottom of her heart.

“It hurts like this, is it really okay?” As she said that, she turned her head and looked towards the door.

Knowing that Shen Chen was guarding outside, Lin Yunyan still lowered her voice and even moved closer to the couch: "Although he has been cured for a long time, he is still not a doctor. Are you sure this treatment is feasible?"

People’s feelings are often unreliable.

 In the past, when Xu Jian's injury worsened, they also visited many doctors, and there were times when they felt that the treatment was effective.

Perhaps the "effectiveness" deceived Xu Jian, and by the time the body realized it was ineffective or even worse, it was already too late.

 What about this time?

Xu Jian glanced at his right leg, thought for a while, and said, "I didn't lie to you before. Even though it looked fierce, it was actually not bad. Dr. Yue, or Dr. Zhang, I want to give it a try."

Having said this, Xu Jianshao had to tell Lin Yunyan about his communication with Dr. Zhang.

 His origins, the situation in Prince Jin's Mansion, various speculations and inferences.

Lin Yunyan listened carefully and told him some of her own opinions.

As I spoke, my heart was ups and downs with mixed emotions.

 She knew that Xu Jian was in a difficult situation, and the decision to treat her injury was particularly difficult for Xu Jian. Xu Jian told her before that he had adapted to his leg injury. Regardless of whether it was to comfort her, starting to treat it was a gamble.

If he wins the bet, he will recover a little. If he loses the bet, he will have to sit in a wheelchair again.

This decision is really not easy to make.

 But if you risk everything and gain less, this deal is really not worth it.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan asked: "Sir, do you want to fan the flames again?"

“September is not far away.” Xu Jian said.

 He said it simply and his meaning was clear.

 Later September, the death anniversary of the late Empress Xia, everyone knew that before then, Li Shao would definitely be able to walk out of the East Palace.

"I went to see him before," Xu Jian said after considering, "He was holding his breath, but he wasn't that crazy yet."

 Li Shao still needs a little stimulation.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

  Not so crazy, because I am confident.

It is indeed not a decent thing to ground a dignified prince, but Li Shao has been greatly embarrassed this time, so grounding him is better than facing the messy things in Chenmi Hutong.

The Holy Spirit punished him, but not to the point of breaking his bones.

Once the ban was lifted, apart from An Yibo's upright temper, no other nobles or censors would casually reveal the bad things and scold Li Shao in front of them.

 Unless Li Shao commits another serious crime, the old and new accounts will be brought out together.

 This is known to the Holy One, and Li Shao himself knows it even better.

Especially with the "anniversary of death" right in front of him, he knew very well the time of his confinement.

 If you know it, you won’t be afraid.

 If you are not afraid, how can you go crazy?

Unless he can't get out, he can't lift the confinement before the death anniversary of the late queen. That's how a bucket of ice water in the cold winter can make Li Shao confused.

 Xu Jian wanted to take advantage of his leg injury, but he alone was not enough, so Lin Yunyan needed to visit.

After the visit, she had no idea that she could not go directly to the Imperial Study Room, and had to go to the Cining Palace.

 She had to cry.

 She is not afraid of crying, but she is worried about the Queen Mother.

 She could use the queen's chicken feathers as arrows, but she was reluctant to stab the queen in the heart.

How could Xu Jian not know Lin Yunyan’s concerns?

But this matter cannot be persuaded. Even if he can tell ten thousand reasons, it is just "high and superior".

 He just moved his fingers and landed on the back of Lin Yunyan's hand.

Lin Yunyan didn't seem to notice, she lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said: "I came here today, so I naturally figured it out."

She didn’t want to make her empress sad, nor did she want her to have a conflict with the Holy One because of her. However, she could only rely on her.

Just like what the Empress Dowager said when Li Shao went to Cining Palace to beg for wine when she changed wine.

"Aijia will definitely go ahead of him. When that happens, he will cause trouble for you. Where will you bring reinforcements from?"

 The Queen Mother was worried about her.

The most unwilling thing for the Empress Dowager must be the moment when she is lying underground and cannot be her rescuer.

  While she was alive, the empress could grieve for her, but when she was gone, there was no bitterness or joy left.

 She must live well and live for a long time, in order to really put the Queen Mother's heart at ease.

"I'll go to Cining Palace later," Lin Yunyan's voice became sore, "I know how to tell the empress."

Words of comfort were useless, so Xu Jian simply held Lin Yunyan's hand again.

  Just be sweaty if you're sweating.

 After everything was discussed, Xu Jian called Shen Chen.

Shenchen came in from outside and saw their master holding the princess's hand. He lowered his eyes again and pretended not to see her. After receiving the order, he left to take care of the matter.

 Xu Jian asked him to invite Xu Miao.

Xu Miao deliberately left a place for him to talk to Lin Yunyan for a while. If he didn't invite her here, he wouldn't come.

While waiting, the two of them casually chatted about trivial matters. It wasn't until they heard the footsteps outside that Lin Yunyan twitched her hand.

Xu Jian glanced at her and slowly let go.

Lin Yunyan stood up and greeted Xu Miao who came in.

Xu Miao glanced at the handkerchief hanging beside the couch, and then took a serious look at Xu Jian.

I have wiped it, but I can't stand the sweltering heat. There is still sweat on my forehead and neck, and there are still blue marks under my eyes, but my eyes are bright, and my energy is much better than before.

 Sure enough.

Xu Miao glanced at Lin Yunyan again.

This is the benefit of having someone in your heart. As long as this person stays with you and talks for a while, you can overcome thorns and thorns, and you can feel better no matter how painful or tired you are.

It’s a pity that this sweetheart is not yet close to me.

The princess hasn’t married yet.

If you are already married, it will be more useful to accompany you when you are healing every day than to have her accompany you.

Even though it was an old injury, the doctor said that it was better to treat the injury as early as possible, and it would be more difficult to treat it in winter. Otherwise, Xu Miao originally wanted to persuade her to postpone it until after marriage.

"Have you recovered?" Xu Miao asked Xu Jian, "It's almost calmed down. Just get up and tidy up. If you have anything to say, I'll tell you later. It's still too stuffy here. Don't worry, the princess is still stuffy."

 Xu Jian responded.

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan followed Xu Miao out first.

It did feel much cooler outside. Lin Yunyan supported Xu Miao and stood on the porch, listening to the sound of autumn cicadas.

She looked at Xu Miao and said softly: "You look very tired too."

Xu Miao raised her hand and pressed it on her face, and said with a smile: "Is it obvious? I also put on a lot of powder today, and it seems that it was not covered."

Lin Yunyan chuckled.

"To be honest with the princess, A Jian's leg injury has become a worry for me," Xu Miao sighed, "I don't know why, I'm just afraid of his injury."

Lin Yunyan responded in a low voice.

Human nature.

"I often have weird nightmares, and I've had them many times," Xu Miao said, her voice trembling. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her heartbeat, "I dreamed of A Jian sitting in a wheelchair... "

 Normally, she shouldn't have said these words to Lin Yunyan. She had only told Aunt Xia, but she was so uneasy at the moment that she wanted to tell Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan did not interrupt her and listened carefully.

Xu Miao spoke very slowly, with red eyes and tears at the end: "Sitting in a wheelchair, having a knife on my leg, using a cane, I have dreamed of various scenes and A Jian of different ages. The only thing that remains the same is What's wrong is that his leg is injured..."

Lin Yunyan's breathing stagnated.

They were all dreams. Those were Mrs. Xu’s dreams, but she caught a thin line from those dreams.

Various situations, Mrs. Xu of different ages, the only thing that remains the same is that she is crazy.

 The sound of cicadas pours in, sad and lonely.

Lin Yunyan remembered what Xu Jian said.

"Sooner or later she will go crazy."

I’ve been in such a bad state these past few days, I can only say I’m sorry to everyone, the update time is a bit messy.

I try to adjust as much as possible.



 (End of this chapter)

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