Yan Cigui

Chapter 318: I want to control him (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 318: I want to control him (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 The wind blew, causing goosebumps.

Eunuch Guo lowered his head, thinking that summer had indeed passed.

Eunuch Cao lowered his voice: "Is Your Highness awake?"

“Young man, let’s go take a look.” Guo Gonggong said.

Before he could turn around, Eunuch Cao stopped him.

 “Ask someone else.” Eunuch Cao said, slightly raising his chin, signaling to Eunuch Guo to take a step to speak.

 Grandpa Yu is standing aside with no expression on his face.

He was working on the orders of the Empress Dowager. He originally thought that his job today would be simple, just running errands, but he didn't expect that something unexpected would happen in the East Palace.

However, it's not his turn to say anything, Eunuch Cao has to worry about it.

In the corridor, Eunuch Cao asked in a low voice: "Who is in charge of the warehouse now?"

Eunuch Guo replied: "Little Zengzi is taking care of it. I just asked him. He said that he did an inventory of the warehouse last month, and indeed he didn't see any tiger bones, and there were no tiger bones in the booklet."

Eunuch Cao showed no emotion on his face: "What do you think?"

Eunuch Guo laughed.

 He can't feel it.

Seeing that Eunuch Cao was waiting for his answer, he could only bite the bullet and said: "The Duke of Fuguo came back to visit His Highness. The younger one was waiting by the side and did not notice that there was any discord between the two.

Since there is no discord, His Highness will certainly not deny it.

 I think it’s really gone. "

 That can only be said, but Eunuch Guo may not be very sure in his heart.

There are so many things in the East Palace warehouse, how can His Highness know what is there and what is not?

Even the person in charge of the warehouse cannot figure it out without looking at the booklet.

The prince opened his mouth but said "it's gone" and didn't even let him search the warehouse.

This is a bit unreasonable, or in other words, disrespectful.

 After all, no matter how troublesome it is to rummage through the warehouse, it is still done by the subordinates, so His Highness does not need to worry about it.

 Unless His Highness clearly knows where it was used.

That's all there is to say. Whether the prince used the items in the East Palace or rewarded them before, it happened three or four years ago. It's not a problem. If we give Cining Palace a clear explanation, there will be no need for Eunuch Cao. Come here.

 There is a process and dignity in doing things. In Eunuch Guo's view, the prince's response today really did not take any consideration or dignity into account.

  Not really.

Just as he was thinking about it, the chamberlain came out of the palace and respectfully replied: "Your Highness has just gotten up."

Eunuch Cao then walked to the inner hall. Along the way, he saw Li Shao.

Li Shao was sitting on the bed, propping up his legs, looking like he had not slept well and was in a state of exhaustion.

Xu Xu had just woken up and was in a depressed mood. When he saw Eunuch Cao saluting, he frowned and said, "Why are Eunuch Cao here? It's rare."

Eunuch Cao said: "Your Majesty asked me to come here and ask about the tiger bones."

Li Shao's face turned even more ugly: "In other words, if it weren't for Xu Jian's injury, I wouldn't be able to see Eunuch Cao, right?"

 Since the lockdown, he has been isolated from the outside world for several months. Although he is not used to it, he thinks that he can go out in late September at the most, so he is not particularly upset.

 But as the date gets closer and closer, I feel a little more impatient, or in other words, I feel excited.

 He has really been locked up for too long.

This huge East Palace is not interesting at all. How can it compare with the excitement outside?

Even if Xu Jian is watching the government in the yamen of the Ministry of Rites every day, it is much more satisfying than being grounded. After all, Xu Jian does not care about him when he goes to the yamen.

Li Shao was waiting for the word of mouth to lift the ban. Unexpectedly, the first person to appear outside the East Palace in recent days would be Mr. Less.

Eunuch Yu did bring his father's oral instructions, but unfortunately it was not a "grounding", but a tiger bone for Xu Jian.

Li Shao suddenly lost interest, so he immediately refused.

 As a result, Eunuch Cao came again.

In the past few months, not only did his father come to visit him in person, but the little chamberlain around him also came to say hello once every half a month. It was unusual today that Eunuch Cao showed up in person after working hard.

 It’s funny, it’s really funny.

Li Shao stared at Eunuch Cao and asked coldly: "What's wrong with Xu Jian's injury?"

Eunuch Cao said: "Prince Jin recently found a famous doctor to diagnose and treat the Duke. Now is a critical time. The Duke has leg pain and has not been to court for a few days. Your Highness, we are currently lacking a good tiger bone to use in medicine. Can you please look…"

Li Shao chuckled: "There are so many tiger bones in the Royal Pharmacy, but he doesn't like them? Why do you want the ones from me?"

Upon hearing this, Eunuch Cao asked Eunuch Guo to withdraw from the others and talk to Li Shao alone.

“Your Highness, this was proposed by Cining Palace for your consideration.”

"The Duke of Fu is loyal to you. If he gets better, he will be able to assist you better in the future."

"His injury is difficult to cure. If someone knows the cause, it will have an impact on you."

 These words cannot be said to be spoken without heart and soul.

This is to say that when facing His Highness the Crown Prince, Eunuch Cao would not speak in such detail if it were anyone else.

 It's a pity that Li Shao didn't listen.

 He always felt that Xu Jian was looking for trouble by asking for tiger bones.

 Tiger bones are valuable, but they are not that rare to the royal family.

Li Shao didn't know how much was left in the Imperial Pharmacy, but a dozen sticks were the minimum, and since they could be hidden in the Imperial Pharmacy, it showed that the quality was definitely the same.

It was clear that the imperial pharmacy only had one, and you could get a few more, but Xu Jian didn’t want it, so she even moved out of Cining Palace to ask for it from him.

This is not "looking for trouble", so what is it?

Eunuch Cao explained what "considering him" means. If Xu Jian really had the idea of ​​​​considering him, why would he bring up old things again?

 Is it still necessary to treat his injury?

 As for Li Shao, this is a cruel trick.

Xu Jian not only sang by herself, but also took Ning An to Cining Palace to pull the banner. He could clearly hear the crackling sound of abacus in the East Palace.

If Xu Jian was really of the same mind as him, would Ning'an go to the palace at night to ask for tribute wine?

Li Shao thought that he saw these things very clearly, but at the same time, he also had some things that he didn't quite understand.

 Xu Jian's attitude is really strange.

Cause trouble for him. He has indeed caused a lot of trouble. He is still making a fuss about tiger bones. But if Xu Jian doesn't like him at all, it doesn't seem to be the case. In the Chenmi Hutong case, Xu Jian looked at it. Think less.

 Chenmi Hutong is indeed disgraceful.

The disgrace also lies in the fact that the house was broken open by the Shuntian Prefecture and the garrison yamen. As a crown prince, it is always disgraceful to have disheveled appearance and disheveled clothes.

 As for getting drunk and playing with women...

Father will definitely be unhappy, but this is human nature.

The father himself also drank wine, and the father also had concubines in the harem.

Things happened suddenly and it was enough to be scolded and punished. But in the final analysis, Liu Xun, the idiot, was deceived and got involved in a bunch of messy things like Li Mi and Gu Yue. He was calculated.

Xu Jian was ordered to assist Shuntian Mansion and solve the case for him, which is only natural and right.

Of course, Xu Jian did not take the opportunity to make trouble, and used this matter to embarrass him, maybe because he had guessed what his father was thinking.


His father always hoped that Xu Jian could assist him, and Xu Jian could not dissent from his father.

 So this is a lively event...


Li Shao suddenly had an enlightenment.

 Xu Jian should want to take advantage of him.

The king and his ministers are kings and ministers. A king who cannot suppress his ministers will be led by his ministers.

In the past few years, Li Shao thought that in his interactions with Xu Jian, Xu Jian has been really "strong" for several years.

Outside Yumen Pass, he tied someone up as he was told and threw him on horseback and knocked him all the way back to the pass. His internal organs were almost knocked out.

The Ministry of Rites monitors politics, forcing him to read old documents one by one, and forcing him to write various reflections to his father every day, which makes him extremely annoyed.

This is still just the beginning. In the future, when his father will pay more and more attention to Xu Jian and Xu Jian will stand more firmly in the court, Xu Jian will become more serious.

Then Li Shao, can he still have a chance to breathe?

Obviously it is he who is the crown prince, and he is also the one who will sit on the throne. He will be the leader among tens of thousands of people, but Xu Jian can dictate.

 Like a puppet emperor and regent.

Li Shao became more and more irritable as he thought about it.


 Why did Xu Jian try to treat him as a puppet?

If you want to cover the sky with one hand, why don't you try to support his younger brothers who have not yet been weaned? I don’t even think about whether my father can tolerate it!

Li Shao lifted the thin blanket and got off the bed.

There were only him and Eunuch Cao in the room, and he didn't let Eunuch Cao wait on him. He poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it.

He doesn't care if Xu Jian helps or not, but he won't let Xu Jian really pull the young ones back. He has to be stronger and not let Xu Jian succeed.

“He wants tiger bones?” Li Shao asked Eunuch Cao coldly, “In your opinion, should I open the warehouse and let people search for it?”

 He can give it, but he has to be high up. This is his gift to Xu Jian.

Eunuch Cao said: "Previously, there was a change of hands in the East Palace and there was no good handover. Why don't we take this opportunity to light up the warehouse? Seeing that autumn is coming, we can take advantage of the fact that the sun is good these days and we can do some drying. The people below are doing their work. , you don’t have to worry.”

Li Shao turned his head and said, "Open it then. If you have it, take it."

Eunuch Cao responded, turned around and left.

Li Shao suddenly stopped him: "What else did your father say?"

Your Majesty did not explain anything unnecessary, and Eunuch Cao could not talk nonsense, so he could only say: "Your Majesty did not explain anything else."

Hearing this, Li Shao's face looked very ugly.

Eunuch Cao saw this and didn't say much. He went out and asked Eunuch Guo to arrange for people to open the warehouse.

Grandpa Yue followed over and took a look at the open warehouse door.

 There are many things in the warehouse.

It's at Cining Palace. Every time I sort it out, I have to be busy for a day or two.

Donggong's posture can not be completely sorted out by looking at it.

“Would you like to go back first?” Eunuch Yu whispered to Eunuch Cao, “Your Majesty, there are still things to do before you.”

Eunuch Cao knew his good intentions, but did not move.

He also saw it just now. Although His Highness agreed to open the warehouse, he still had a temper in his heart.

He is here, representing His Majesty, and it is a matter of face. The people below can do things more smoothly. If he is not here, nothing is found in the warehouse for a long time. His Highness is annoyed and changes his mind. He is less than the father-in-law and goes to the imperial study to move him in. …

He is not afraid of running errands back and forth. He is afraid that the Holy Father will get angry if he hears this!

 At the same time, Eunuch Cao was also muttering.

 This matter is obviously beneficial to His Highness, why did Your Highness still shirk the responsibility before?

Just now he talked about it in pieces, but he also believed that His Highness himself could not have thought of it at all. He could not understand this point in a roundabout way, and Sangu's hard work over the years had been in vain.

His Royal Highness must have lost his temper, and there was a rift between him and Duke Fu.

Where did the rift come from?

 Thinking about this, Eunuch Cao's heart sank.

Last year in the imperial study, what did Duke Fuguo say?

“It is precisely because His Highness is thoughtful that I don’t want to walk in front of His Highness. That would remind His Highness all the time how my legs were injured. It would be easier if Your Highness was careless.”

 This statement seems to be correct.

 The mind is so meticulous that it is difficult to relax.

Eunuch Cao’s expression was a little more serious.

You still have to heal the wound. Only after it is cured can the knot in your heart be untied.

  Otherwise, what shall we do in the future?

Thinking about this, Eunuch Cao felt more and more sympathetic to Xu Jian.

The prince was fooling around at Yumen Pass, but Xu Jian's legs and ambitions were at the expense. His career as a military general was at an end. If he wanted to rule the world as a civil servant in the future, he must have his legs healed to avoid unnecessary trouble.

This is really...

Seeing that Eunuch Cao had no intention of leaving, Eunuch Guo had two chairs brought in and asked him and Eunuch Yu to sit down.

Little Zengzi looked through the booklet and broke into a sweat.

There was originally a set method for the warehouse reconciliation, from big to small, step by step, but now it no longer applies. They had to find the tiger bones first and explain them to the two chamberlains.

The tiger bone is just like a thin stick. It is not surprising that it is hidden anywhere. Several people went through the shelves one by one and finally found it in a white porcelain painting jar.

Little Zengzi turned his head and met Eunuch Guo’s face.

Eunuch Guo looked calm, took the tiger bone, wiped it carefully with a handkerchief, and whispered to little Zengzi to find a similar box to put it in before sending it out.

He knew that at that time, they took over the job in a hurry. The most important thing for them was to take care of the prince, and they did not pay close attention to other things.

The warehouse was briefly inventoried once before, but he didn't keep an eye on it personally. He didn't expect that it would end up like this.

Little Zengzi didn’t pay enough attention to his work, and the previous person in charge of the warehouse in the East Palace didn’t do his job well at all.

If Eunuch Cao knew that the tiger bones were in the painting vat, he would be in trouble.

Eunuch Guo first took the tiger bones to deliver the goods.

Grandpa Yu opened it and took a look at it to make sure it was correct. Then he smiled and thanked Li Shao.

"Did you find it?" Li Shao was in a bad mood and said, "Then take it to Ning An. What a big deal, it was the Empress Dowager who spoke and alerted the father, and asked her to tell Xu Jian, I am a tiger The bones have been hidden for several years, so don’t waste them.”

 Eunuch Cao was outside, listening to everything, and even glanced at Eunuch Guo.

Eunuch Guo laughed.

 After Eunuch Yu left, Eunuch Cao called Eunuch Guo aside to talk.

"The Za family trusts you and allows you to work with His Highness. As long as everything goes smoothly for His Highness, you will naturally have a bright future," Eunuch Cao's voice was very low, "But you have to remember that you are not in the East Palace to please His Highness, but to persuade him. Your Highness. There are two lessons to be learned from the past. Don’t make the same mistakes again.”

Eunuch Guo's back was dripping with sweat: "Young one, remember it."

Eunuch Cao went back to the imperial study.

 Eunuch Guo went inside to serve Li Shao.

"Didn't you find the tiger bones?" Li Shao asked, "What else are you doing in the warehouse? Do you really want to take out all of Eunuch Cao's things and dry them in the sun? It's nothing to do. I'm annoyed by it, so don't bother me."

Eunuch Guo had no choice but to say: "Young ones, let them be gentle."

"This is the East Palace!" Li Shao raised his voice, "What I said is useless? They can use their father and queen to suppress me, do you think you can do it too?"

Eunuch Guo was frightened and hurriedly knelt down and said, "I don't dare, little one."

"Get out!" Li Shao said, "Xu Jian is also lucky. If he hadn't been engaged to Ning'an, how could he have done all these things?"

Eunuch Guo naturally did not dare to answer the call and simply got out.

 After leaving the main hall, he went to the warehouse again and told Xiao Zengzi not to continue cleaning up today because there was too much noise.

Xiao Zengzi probably guessed the reason, and said with a smile: "You see, it's not that we guys were lazy before, but His Highness didn't like to hear these things, so he didn't sort them out carefully.

If you stop here today and ask what is in the warehouse later, you won’t be able to answer immediately, and you will have to look for it slowly.

 Besides, are you, are you sure you really want to dig through it? "

Eunuch Guo looked at him.

Seeing this, Xiao Zengzi said again: "You can even throw tiger bones into a painting vat. It's really messy. If you look at it according to the book, it's not surprising that there's nothing missing. The first group of people have long since disappeared. Who should we break up with?" How much?"

"That can't be done haphazardly," Guo Eunuch said, "Sooner or later, something will happen. Keep your hands and feet clean, and don't let others mess around. This is the East Palace's thing! If something goes wrong, no one will get a good result! "

Little Zengzi smiled and said yes.

The warehouse was simply closed and re-locked.

Eunuch Guo stood in the corridor and watched, his heart pounding. Eunuch Cao's words echoed in his ears repeatedly, making him sigh.


The recent update is really bad, and it should be adjusted back next month.

   Thanks to book friends DT Jian and Xiaoyuan for the reward, and thanks to Xiaoxiang book friend 76599 for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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