Yan Cigui

Chapter 319: Because he is the prince (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 319 Because he is the prince (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Grandpa Yu returned to Cining Palace and handed the box he brought back to Mother Ma.

Mammy Ma took out the tiger bone inside, looked at it carefully, and turned to Lin Yunyan with some embarrassment.

 “What’s wrong?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Mama Ma smiled coquettishly and did not answer immediately. Instead, she asked Eunuch Yu: "Did you take it out of the East Palace warehouse?"

Eunuch Xiao agreed. Seeing that the Queen Mother was looking at him doubtfully, he told him everything about the trip without hiding anything.

 There is no added detail, everything is true, and there is no judgment or conjecture of my own. I only say what I really saw and heard.

Even so, it was enough to make the Queen Mother frown.

There were also palace maids and nuns in the palace. She didn’t say anything to Li Shao, but she was not satisfied in her heart.

 “What’s wrong with the tiger bone?” she just asked Mother Ma.

Mammy Ma then said: "When this was delivered to the Royal Pharmacy, my servant saw it several times and thought it was really a good thing."

Fortunately, after so many years, when the princess mentioned looking for tiger bones, this was the first thing that came to her mind.

"It's a pity that it was not well preserved and the quality is not as good as before." Grandma Ma felt very regretful.

Lin Yunyan listened, and even though she restrained herself, the corners of her lips were barely pressed down.

 Li Shao deserves to be Li Shao.

 She deliberately found trouble with Li Shao today.

Whether Li Shao is willing or not, this tiger bone will definitely be taken out as long as it is still in the East Palace. The more unhappy he is, the more satisfied Lin Yunyan will be.

Li Shao's reaction was just as he expected, so much so that he even asked Eunuch Cao to make an extra trip.

 That one was, after all, the prince of the dynasty, the most protected and favored son of the Holy Emperor.

She and Xu Jian could not go into a "head-to-head confrontation" and could only try to force out Li Shao's madness by going round and round.

 This is nibbling, there is no need to rush.

 Through Eunuch Cao’s trip to the East Palace, Lin Yunyan basically achieved what she wanted.

As for how this matter will ferment in Li Shao's heart, he originally had to wait for a while, but now it seems that he can still cut another sickle.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip hard and pushed the corners of her lips downward: "It wasn't preserved well? The quality is not good? It shouldn't be right?"

Other palace residents know the rules in the Imperial Pharmacy in detail, but they, like the father-in-law and Grandma Wang, have heard of them to some extent, and the Queen Mother also knows them all.

All kinds of medicines in the palace, whether expensive or common, are all stored there. Everyone who works there, from the chambermaids to the maids, all know medical knowledge. There is no one who is stupid, how can they not store the medicinal materials well?

This tiger bone was a tribute from the late emperor. It has been an old medicinal material for more than ten years. If the imperial pharmacy could not keep it, it would not have given this piece to the prince when he was injured and needed tiger bones.

 This shows that things were still good when they left the Imperial Pharmacy.

 It was in the past three or four years that there was a problem with the storage in the East Palace.

First she said "no", and then she took it out and kept it improperly. Lin Yunyan sighed: "Will it affect the efficacy of the medicine?"

Mama Ma guessed the princess's thoughts and gave an ambiguous answer.

 Seeing the annoyance on Lin Yunyan's face, the Queen Mother thought for a while and asked Grandma Wang to reject the others again.

Eunuch-in-law did not retreat this time. He respectfully stayed by the curtain. He could look outside and hear every word spoken inside.

"This is my fault," Lin Yunyan said. "I brought it up because I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. It not only took care of the Duke's injury, but also gave the Prince a chance to resolve his knot. It seems that It’s really self-defeating.”

The Empress Dowager patted the back of Lin Yunyan's hand.

She agreed before and thought it was a good idea. Unfortunately, she didn’t expect that Li Shao didn’t appreciate it at all.

Even though the tiger bones have been brought back, the knot in my heart has definitely not been resolved, and the knot may have become even bigger.

 It’s not Yun Yan’s fault, it’s Li Shao’s temper that goes too far!

If it was a direct grandson, the Empress Dowager would have to teach Li Shao a lesson. How could a majestic prince act so carelessly and without regard for the future, and just act randomly based on his mood and temper?

But the Holy One is not her biological son after all. She has to think about her words if she wants to communicate with the Holy One about Li Shao's problem.

 Thinking of the previous wine tribute, the Queen Mother sighed again.

You really shouldn't provoke Li Shao on purpose. It's unnecessary and will not be beneficial to Yun Yan or Xu Jian.

Looking back, the Empress Dowager would not settle those old scores with Lin Yunyan. She just said: "What you think and what you can achieve are always two different things."

 When other people are involved, everyone will have their own ideas and everything will not go as planned.

Lin Yunyan said: "The doctor comes from the northeast and has very high requirements for tiger bones. He may not want to use this broken one back. After all, he is treating the injuries of the Duke. Whether he will be rich or poor in the future will not matter." Watch this time.

I also hope that the Duke of Guo’s injury will recover. What if he ends up being affected by this tiger bone?

I asked for one today, and it’s inconvenient to open my mouth again later. Why don’t you let me go to the Royal Pharmacy to get another one? The stuff kept in the palace is definitely better than the stuff in the pharmacies in the capital. "

The Queen Mother actually had this idea, but their original "goodwill" turned into "looking for trouble".

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and asked cautiously: "Tell me, if I fall, can I..."

 “What nonsense are you talking about!” The Queen Mother glared at her in anger.

Lin Yunyan remained silent.

It is enough to pour these with oil.

Sure enough, the Queen Mother said to Mother Ma: "Go and pick another one."

Mama Ma responded and hurriedly exited.

The Empress Dowager frowned and said in a serious voice: "From now on, you will not be able to have this kind of thought at all. No one is worth trading your body for."

She knew that it was a good thing that Yun Yan had real feelings for Xu Jian, but her body was hers.

We haven't gotten married yet. Once we get married, our hearts will become closer to each other.

"You," the empress dowager hugged her and said, "you are willing to part with it, but the Ai family won't let it go, and Xu Jian won't let it go either. If you really fall for him, he won't be able to heal his wounds."

Lin Yunyan remained silent.

Those words were meant to be said, and she really didn't think she would actually do them.

 She and Xu Jian can exchange lives.

  When something happened in the past, Xu Jian always protected her even if she had difficulty moving, and even risked her life to save her at the last moment.

That is a kind of instinct. In the blink of an eye, there is no need to think about anything, and you rely on reaction to save your life.

Even though she was not saved, she still kept this friendship in her heart.

When it comes to a life-and-death fight, Lin Yunyan thought, that would be her instinct, but right now, that moment is far away.

 She just adds fuel to the fire.

 It's a pity that the oil not only fell into the fire, but also fell on the tip of her heart.

"Isn't anyone worthy?" Lin Yunyan choked up. Either she really wanted to recruit the Queen Mother, or many past events rushed into her mind, and she was just a small boat, swaying in the wind and rain. "The prince is worthy, because he is the prince. So Xu Jian’s leg was injured, so my mother was gone…”

 The hand on her shoulder suddenly tightened, almost as if it was firmly clasped on her bones.

The Queen Mother even breathed a little faster.

 She is a member of the royal family, and the rules of the monarch and ministers are unforgettable.

She knew that the same was true for Yun Yan. Yun Yan understood the truth and knew how to advance and retreat. In fact, it was not just Yun Yan. Xu Jian was the same, and A Yun was the same. These ethical principles were often rooted in the bone marrow from childhood to adulthood, so that they would not hesitate when encountering problems. and hesitation. Just because you won’t regret it doesn’t mean you won’t regret it or be heartbroken.

 Just because you know you should, doesn’t mean you won’t remember and miss it.

 The human heart is like this, it is all made of flesh.

At this time, it was useless to say anything, there was no need to explain the truth, and there was no comfort. The Queen Mother just hugged Lin Yunyan and remained silent for a long time.

 In the Imperial Pharmacy, Eunuch Fang couldn't help but be startled when he saw Mother Ma coming again.

Not only him, but others also looked over curiously.

Mama Ma is very aware of the twists and turns in the palace. The more people are avoided, the more attractive they become.

 She asked Eunuch Fang to lend her a moment to speak.

Before she had gone far, she was standing in the corridor outside the palace. She said in a lower voice: "Eunuch Cao went to the East Palace to get it. Unfortunately, he didn't keep it well, which might affect the efficacy of the medicine. The Queen Mother asked me to come here again to pick one."

Eunuch Fang can’t say enough.

How much good medicinal materials must be spoiled before the Queen Mother has to ask for them again?

He glanced into the hall and saw that everyone inside seemed to have their ears pricked up, so he said: "Did you like any one before? The Zajia will just take it out for you. Don't pick it all over again."

Mother Ma smiled bitterly: "I'm not looking for trouble. I was satisfied when I saw it. I didn't remember its number. Eunuch Fang, can you tell it? I just wanted to ask His Highness for it."

 Eunuch Fang is so bitter.

 He saw it clearly and knew it was a fight between gods.

The princess launched an attack on the East Palace. She thought that their imperial pharmacy was just a lure, and it would be fine if she took it out, but she didn't expect that she would come back in the end.


 What did you just say?

 What Eunuch Cao went to the East Palace to get was actually Eunuch Cao!

Calculating the time, it has been so long since the princess left the imperial pharmacy. It can be seen that the hunt for tiger bones is not going well.

And when the princess got a tiger bone, the Queen Mother could still ask Mother Ma to come again, but the one who couldn't stand it was His Highness the Crown Prince.

This is really...

“Come with me,” Eunuch Fang motioned for Mother Ma to follow. “There will be less noise.”

The two went to the inner hall. Eunuch Fang asked a confidant to get the tiger bone. He avoided the group of people and let Mother Ma pick one.

 But how can this matter really be hidden from everyone?

It didn’t take a long time for everyone in the Royal Pharmacy to know about it. Mother Ma came to pick out a tiger bone again, plus the news that Eunuch Yu entered and exited Cuihua Palace twice and Eunuch Cao personally visited the East Palace. God, the palace will gradually come up with different "possibilities".

As the chief chamberlain, Eunuch Cao was obviously the first to hear about it.

 After he came back from the East Palace, he reported it to the Holy Emperor. He only talked about what he had experienced and used words carefully.

Even if he thought that His Highness the Crown Prince's affairs would not be pretty, Eunuch Cao would not make irresponsible remarks in front of the emperor, because the Holy Emperor had his own judgment in his heart, and his garrulousness was what a fool would do.

 Then, he heard that Granny Ma went to the Royal Pharmacy again.

I sent someone to inquire about it, and found out that the tiger bone in the East Palace was not properly preserved.

Eunuch Cao didn’t know that the tiger bones were found in the painting vat, but thinking about the mess in the East Palace warehouse, he could guess that they would not be stored properly.

 This is not only true for tiger bones, but also for other things.

Logically speaking, it is not Eunuch Cao’s turn to care about the outcome of the reward given to the prince, but he cannot completely ignore it.

 Most of the old things left by the late Queen were kept in the Holy Palace, and some were awarded to the Prince one after another in the past few years. If any of them are damaged...

Eunuch Cao looked at the Holy One quietly and said in his heart, this is really troublesome.

 Turn a blind eye, or bite the bullet?

Eunuch Cao was very confused.

Your Majesty should have lifted His Highness's grounding before the anniversary of his death, but after all, if these things happened, it would be necessary to give him a lecture, and even less to use the late Queen to give His Highness some encouragement.

 Perhaps at that time, the Holy Spirit was thinking about something old and old.

 No matter what, he should know it first. At least he must know it.

Thinking about this matter, Eunuch Cao took some time to read the book in person, listed all the relics that had been rewarded over the years, and asked someone to take the list to the East Palace and hand it over to Eunuch Guo.

 “Tell him that nothing on it can be missing or spoiled.”

Eunuch Guo took the order and looked at the words, his eyes darkened.

Your Highness refused to let you order the warehouse, and Eunuch Cao wanted to order the warehouse again. He was caught in the middle. This...

"Why did Eunuch Cao suddenly think of this?" Eunuch Guo asked.

He didn't know what was going on outside. When he heard that Cining Palace had asked the Imperial Pharmacy for a tiger bone, he could only sigh.

 Eunuch Guo summoned Xiao Zengzi.

Xiao Zengzi looked dizzy when he looked at the list: "Do you really want to check again? Eunuch Guo, you have seen the warehouse like this. Whatever is missing or broken has nothing to do with the little ones. They messed it up before."

"The Miscellaneous family knows!" Eunuch Guo shouted in a low voice, "Now that we have found out, we can still pass it on to the original group of people. If we delay it for a long time, neither you nor I will be able to take advantage of it. Especially since Eunuch Cao has given us all the clear orders. , If you make a false report, you will not be able to explain it clearly in the future.”

Li Shao noticed that things were going on again in the warehouse.

He called Eunuch Guo to him and asked, "What did Xu Jian ask Ning An to ask for again? Why didn't anyone tell me? One tiger bone is not enough for him?"

“It’s not the princess,” Eunuch Guo hurriedly explained, “It’s true that we haven’t done the counting for a few days, so...”

He didn't know why the prince came to the auxiliary Duke to question him.

 In his opinion, asking for tiger bones is also the idea of ​​the princess and has nothing to do with the auxiliary Duke.

Duke Fuguo can speak well in front of the imperial court. He wants to find medicine. Will the Holy Father agree? There is no need for the princess to come forward and go around the Cining Palace.

"I told you not to light it the other day." Li Shao became angry.

 These people don’t see him as the prince!

Eunuch Guo did not dare to withstand Li Shao's anger and said honestly: "It was the imperial study room who sent me a list and asked me to point out the items on it."

Li Shao strode outside the warehouse and asked for the order.

At this glance, he understood clearly.

The character ˆ is the character of Eunuch Cao, and he recognizes it; the things should all belong to his mother, and several of the names look familiar to him.

He was just not sure whether this was his father's request or whether Eunuch Cao had become powerful and came to the East Palace to give instructions.

However, this list is also reminding him.

 The death anniversary of the Queen Mother is coming soon, and he will be able to go out soon.

On that day, he would ask Eunuch Cao and take a good look at Xu Jian's injuries.

Requesting a monthly pass~~~

I’ll update it early today. The amount of updates this month makes me so scared, I feel like I’m going to be doomed.

   Thanks to Bookstore book friend Yushenghaoshao_ea for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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