Yan Cigui

Chapter 322: Do you want to be responsible? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthl

Chapter 322 Should I be responsible? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 The autumn wind blows the leaves.

Li Shao stood aside, feeling very anxious.

He actually didn't know exactly what happened. What he understood was that the items on the list in Xiao Zengzi's hand were all the relics of his mother. Eunuch Cao sent the list and asked people to check the warehouse. He didn't Knowing the results of the investigation, his father was obviously furious now.


Li Shao looked at the things that were placed away one by one.

 Isn’t this all here?

Li Shao glanced at his father quietly again.

 He remembered the things he had done before.

Whether he secretly exchanged tribute wine or was found out by Shan Shen from Chenmi Alley, he did make his father angry, but his emotions at the time were more exciting than fear and fear.

That kind of shuddering feeling, Li Shao gets goosebumps whenever he thinks about it.

 Very exciting.

 He likes it very much and would like to try it again when he has the chance.

 But now, he didn't feel any excitement at all, and only felt confused in his heart.

 Because he had no idea what happened or why his father was angry, so how could he be trembling?

After thinking for a moment, Li Shao simply walked to the edge of those things and got closer to take a look.

This look finally gave him some clues.

 Things are damaged.

The embroidery on this screen is stained, and the porcelain vase is missing a mouth...

 Large and small, each has its own shortcomings.

Li Shao's brows also wrinkled. Why is this happening?

The East Palace warehouse occupies a large area and is managed by dedicated personnel. These things are stored in it. If they cannot be blown by wind or rain, how can they be damaged?

 The queen’s relics are in such bad condition, no wonder the father is angry.

 How much my father misses and respects his mother!

Li Shao thought that he was also angry. After all, she was his mother. Even if the impression was shallow, the blood relationship was here.

Whoever manages the warehouse like this will be punished.

 He and his father share the same enemy.

Father's anger was also directed at the people below, not at him. After all, he didn't break the things, nor was he in charge of the warehouse. He was completely kept in the dark.

Besides, Eunuch Cao has finished reading.

Eunuch Guo wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Your Majesty, except for the nine pieces that are missing, the rest of the damaged items are already here."

The Holy Emperor had a sullen face but had not yet spoken. Li Shao stared and said, "Is there anything missing? Where are they?"

Eunuch Guo smiled, which was not much better than crying: "It should be that the man who took care of the warehouse before lost his hand..."

 “Lost?” Li Shao curled his lips.

I asked him to tell me that he might have committed theft because he was guarding it.

He is not a master who knows how to read the warehouse books. If the little steward in charge has an idea, it is possible that his hands and feet are not clean.

 The palace has its own rules. In the past, there were incidents in some palaces where maids and eunuchs stole things and sent them out of the palace in exchange for money.

“It’s easier for them.” Li Shao said.

  The first group of people had all been replaced before. I heard that the punishments were particularly harsh. Those who were beaten, tortured, and kicked out of the palace were not feasible. It was not feasible to turn them out alive again.

The Holy Father, who had been silent all this time, walked to the side and carefully observed the damaged items.

He looked at it very seriously, some glanced at it, some stopped and stared for a long time, and stroked it from time to time, as if he was recalling many old events.

Seeing this, everyone fell silent, and even their breathing became much lighter.

Even Li Shao stopped cursing and waited patiently.

 After a long time, the Holy Emperor turned around and looked at Li Shao quietly for a while: "Shao'er, who did you just say you got an advantage over?"

Li Shao was stunned for a moment and then replied: "The person who used to look after the warehouse."

The Holy Spirit nodded slightly and said, "What about yourself?"

 This question really confused Li Shao.

He thought for a while and then asked: "You mean, the son should be responsible? Why? The son didn't know that they made the queen's relics look like this!"

Besides, Eunuch Cao suddenly raised his eyes to look at Li Shao, and then immediately lowered his eyes.


 He sighed deeply in his heart.

Eunuch Cao was not surprised at all that His Highness the Crown Prince would think so. He also used this reason to excuse the Crown Prince before His Majesty arrived in the East Palace, but it was obviously not satisfactory to His Majesty.

 In the Holy Sage, it is wrong to be lax in governing, and it is even more wrong not to govern strictly.

  It’s just that the crown prince is still the crown prince after all, and the son is still a son after all.

  Do not discipline your children in front of others.

Every time the Holy Emperor was angry with the prince, he always avoided people. Even his Eunuch Cao could only guard the door and shut his ears.

“Your Majesty,” thinking like this, Eunuch Cao stepped forward and advised softly, “It’s getting cold these days and it’s hard to keep the wind blowing. Why don’t you and Your Highness go to the inner hall to talk?”

The Holy Father glanced at Li Shao lightly, did not reject Eunuch Cao's suggestion, and strode towards the main hall.

Eunuch Cao quickly signaled to Li Shao to follow him, and urged Eunuch Guo to prepare some tea and send it to the door of the palace, and he would deliver it in person.

Eunuch Guo hurried away, much faster than Li Shao who didn't think he was wrong and was reluctant.

Eunuch Cao did not delay and caught up with the Holy Master.

 Outside the warehouse, a group of servants were left to look at me and me to look at you.

At last a bolder man stood up and asked, "Eunuch Zeng, do you want these things to be moved back inside?"

Xiao Zengzi had a dull face, with "I don't know" written all over his face.

 In the inner hall, the Holy Father sat down.

Li Shao came in and naturally had to sit down. The Holy Emperor looked crossly at him, so he could only straighten his bent waist and stand aside.

Eunuch Cao took the tea tray from Eunuch Guo, dismissed the people, went in to serve the tea, and then quickly left to guard the door.

 The Holy Father took a sip of tea.

 He was trying to calm down.

Over the years, he has reminded himself more than once to control his impatience. The late empress complained most about his impatience when he was still alive. If he had not been too hot-tempered, he would not have been unhappy with the late empress in Dingguo Temple. scattered.

Before the separation of yin and yang, their last meeting was spent in a quarrel. This was the most disturbing scene for the Holy Emperor in so many years.

 Even, he blamed himself.

Therefore, in the past ten years, he has been trying hard not to get angry with the people around him, let alone with Shaoer, who was left behind by the late empress.

He was very angry when he came to the East Palace. He was also very angry when he saw the damaged relics. When he heard Shao'er's words, he was even more angry. But now, he has calmed down.

 He wanted to reason with Shao'er.

“Why do you think it has nothing to do with you that the warehouse is like that?” asked the Holy Sage.

Li Shao said: "I just said that I am not in charge of the storehouse and the relics are not damaged by me. I don't know about it at all. If I know, can I let them ruin the mother's relics like that?"

"The warehouse in the East Palace is not your place? The servant in charge of the warehouse is not your employee in the East Palace?" The Holy Emperor asked, "Only the damage in your hands is considered your responsibility?" Li Shao was stunned for a moment by the question.

This is considered a responsibility?

 This is called looking for trouble!

But he could scold Xu Jian for looking for trouble, but he couldn't say that about his father. Li Shao could only write his dissatisfaction on his face.

From the look on his face, the Holy Spirit knew that he didn't listen.

“Let me ask you, if a local official accepts bribes, should his superiors be held responsible?”

"On the battlefield, if the vanguard sent out is defeated, should the generals who arranged the troops be held responsible?"

“I personally ordered the censor to patrol and turn a blind eye to local problems. Do I have to be responsible?!”

He asked three questions in a row, which made Li Shao's head buzz.

He wanted to say, how can this be the same?

 He ​​would rather say that if the people below are doing whatever they want, that is their business.

“Government governs the people below, and it depends on how you govern them,” the Holy Master took a deep breath, steadied his voice, and said, “You haven’t cared about it, you don’t know, you said it very lightly.

Shao'er, you should understand that the problem today is only in the warehouse of your East Palace. The people are alive but the relics are dead. Even if you destroy all the relics of your mother, your mother will not blame you.

However, you are the crown prince, and one day you will replace me on the dragon throne. You are in charge of civil and military officials, and tens of millions of people in the world. If they have problems, you have to say that it is local officials who can control them. No, don’t you know what they are doing?

 People are alive! If you can't cure people, you can't cure the world!

 What is the result of an emperor who cannot rule the world? Do you still want me to continue telling you? "

Li Shao's face seemed to have been painted three times with whitening paste, and even his lip color was white.

 He just stared at the Holy Father blankly, unable to say a word for a while.

 In all these years, it seems that he has never heard his father say such serious words.

Of course he has been scolded. When he came back from Yumenguan, he was scolded **** in the imperial study room, but that kind of scolding was not the same as the harsh words now.

So much so that it was like Mount Tai pressing down on his head, so heavy that he could not even lift his neck.

At this moment, he did not feel excited or trembling, nor was he afraid or uneasy. He was just aggrieved and confused.

It's just a warehouse, the things in the warehouse were not stored properly, but my father said it as if the entire Li family had been destroyed by him.

 This is to see the big from the small?

As for Li Shao, there have been so many champions in recent years, but none of them have published such an article that uses small things to make big things happen!

 The cause of the incident was just a tiger bone.

 Because Xu Jian asked Ning An to come and ask for a tiger bone.

Subconsciously, Li Shao clenched his back molars tightly. He was not angry and did not accept it, but he was facing his father.

 He must bow his head.

Li Shao glanced at a book placed on the couch.

Before his father came over, he was casually flipping through this book and listening to Feng's wife talking about external affairs. When he heard that his father had arrived, he was so happy. He thought that his father had come to relieve him of his confinement. Unexpectedly, his happiness was instantly overturned. Break up, he is still being trained.

These ups and downs made Li Shao feel troubled.

 He wants to go out, he must go out.

“My son…” Li Shao spoke, his voice was stiff, and he cleared his throat, “My son, I know I was wrong.”

 After speaking, he glanced at His Majesty. His father showed no sign, as if he was waiting for him to continue.

Li Shao had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue: "It's because I was young and didn't control the people below, so that I let them fool around and make the warehouse look like that. In the future, I will put more restraints on the people in the East Palace and won't let them." They're going to do this again."

According to Li Shao's past experience, honestly admitting his mistakes and setting his attitude will most likely calm his father's anger.

 He is, after all, his father's favorite son.

Sure enough, he found that his father's frown relaxed a little.

After receiving the results, Li Shao quickly followed this train of thought and said: "I am very sad and guilty for damaging my mother's relics. In a few days, it will be the anniversary of my mother's death. I want to kowtow to my mother."

 The late Queen Xia was buried in the imperial mausoleum.

The imperial mausoleum is outside the capital. It's not that far in fact. No fast horses are needed. Even if the ceremonial guard moves slowly, it only takes three days to arrive.

Being able to go to the imperial mausoleum means that he can get out of the East Palace. The confinement is lifted, and he does not need to continue to be confined when he comes back. Li Shao thought, he really had a good idea.

"My son misses his mother very much," Li Shao said. "I miss people when I see things. My son..."

 At this point, Li Shao suddenly couldn't speak anymore, because he keenly noticed that his father's expression turned tense again.

 What did he say wrong?

"Seeing things and missing people?" The Holy Master chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes. "Then tell me, what did you see and what did you think about?"

 Li Shao was speechless.

 He was just over four years old when his mother left. What can he remember?

The Holy Spirit said: "I am the one who thinks about people when I see things. I can remember where those things were originally placed, whether your mother liked them back then, and what she said to me about those things.

I know you were young at that time, and I told you the stories one by one when I rewarded you with the things.

Shaoer, did you listen? "

Li Shao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

He did hear it at the time, and there was no sound in the left ear or out in the right ear, but it had been so many years, and he really couldn't recall it for a while.

After all, they were all stored in the warehouse. If he hadn't taken a look at the list, he would have even forgotten that there were such things, so how could he remember any stories.

"What can you say when you go to your mother's tomb like this?" The Holy Sage sighed, "Do you think you can satisfy your mother now?"

 Stay here and think carefully about how to manage the East Palace and how to manage the court.

 When you come up with some ideas, let me know. "

 Li Shao was stunned.

 He vaguely understood the meaning of his father's words.

  If he cannot be released from confinement before the anniversary of his mother’s death, then how long will he be detained?

Li Shao couldn't help but become anxious: "Father, do you want to lock up your son until the New Year?"

"I didn't say that," the Holy Emperor stood up, walked to Li Shao, and put his hands on his shoulders, "I just hope you think more. You are still young, and you don't have to understand many things in the court. But you can’t not think about it.”

 Li Shao's eyes were red and anxious.

He wanted to say that he didn’t think about it, he thought about it a lot.

He even knew that the incident this time originated from Xu Jian, that someone was using the topic to play on, and that Xu Jian wanted to suppress him...

 But what did he say?

Did he tell his father about Xu Jian?

The Holy Father didn't say anything more and walked out.

Eunuch Cao saw him coming out and followed him. He turned around and saw that the prince was nowhere to be seen.

The imperial driver left the East Palace, and the door was tightly closed again.

There were many people in the palace who respectfully avoided the meeting along the way. They were cautious and noticed that the Holy Emperor was in a heavy mood.

 The news spread everywhere, and a guess was pieced together.

 The prince may have angered the emperor again.

 The prince's confinement may not be lifted before the death of the former queen.

Requesting a monthly pass~~

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    Thanks to book friends Shi Gandangdangdang and Cong Congbaobao for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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