Yan Cigui

Chapter 323: Dancing in the wind (two updates in one)

 The imperial concubine was the first to confirm the news.

The saint came earlier than expected, far before lunch time. Therefore, the imperial concubine, who was taking a nap on the couch to rest her mind, was very confused when her nanny woke her up.

 “What?” Her voice was still sleepy.

Mammy took the person to sit in front of the dressing table and tidied her up quickly: "The Holy One will be here soon."

The imperial concubine asked anxiously: "I slept until noon?"

Mammy was really dumbfounded, but she also knew that now was not the time to joke, so she hurriedly told the news.

“I sat in the Imperial Study Room for a while and then went to the East Palace. It seemed that I had told people to come and have lunch, and then I moved on.”

“When I went there, I looked unhappy, and I don’t know what happened in the East Palace at the moment, but I heard that I was angry when I came back.”

"I didn't even go back to the imperial study. I walked around the imperial garden. After a while, I came to Cuihua Palace."

“Eunuch Cao sent someone to report, and he specifically mentioned that we should be careful today.”

The imperial concubine took a breath, regained consciousness for a while, and then let out the breath for a long time.

 It’s not easy to serve lunch, but I’m used to it.

But lunch is still far away, how much effort will she have to put into dealing with the Holy Father's temper?

 But no one knows how the prince provoked the emperor in the East Palace.

“It’s rare to see your Majesty being so angry with the prince.” The imperial concubine muttered in a low voice.

 It’s not like I was angry before.

The anger cannot leave the imperial study room. No matter how the father and son communicate with each other behind closed doors, the Holy Father will not bring his anger to other places.

 Today, it is indeed abnormal.

 Before grandma could respond, people were already picking her up outside.

The imperial concubine hurriedly got up and went out to greet her. When she saw the holy face outside the palace gate, she quickly saluted.

The Holy Father did not speak, but waved his hand to signal everyone to excuse themselves.

 Sit down in the inner hall and serve tea.

With a smile on her face, the imperial concubine pretended she was completely unaware that the Holy Emperor had gone to the East Palace: "You asked me to come over for dinner, so I asked the small kitchen to simmer some soup. It's not even time yet."

“I came early, and it’s not lunch time yet.” The Holy Master took a sip of tea, his expression showing a bit of exhaustion.

Mammy made a guess, and without letting her master give her orders, she moved away all the people's hands, and then looked at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao made eye contact with her for a while.

Mammy understood, went out quietly, and guarded the outer hall.

 The imperial concubine continued tea with the emperor.

 Sheng glanced at her.

Having known her for many years, he understood the emperor's concubine's temperament and her personality, so he said, "It seems that your life is not that good now."

The imperial concubine sneered.

 She never complained to the Holy Emperor about the back-and-forth between the concubines in the harem.

She is someone who maintains balance. As long as the chessboard does not turn over, she will sit firmly in the center. Any more nonsense will give others more face.

Whoever wants to compete for favors should be at odds with the Holy Spirit. Anyway, don't expect to get any "benefits" from her.

 But today, she had to say a few words.

 Because the Holy One is in a mood to talk.

 She has to keep company.

“It’s the fifteenth year after all,” the imperial concubine chuckled, feeling helpless, “You actually know what they want to inquire about, and it’s all related to the East Palace.”

 Things can be said, but names cannot be named.

The Holy Emperor also liked her pragmatism: "I kept my thoughts to myself before going to the harem."

The imperial concubine quickly glanced at the Holy Emperor and said: "There are still ten days."

"I just came from the East Palace," the Holy Master sighed, "Shao'er said he wanted to go to the imperial mausoleum to worship, but I said no."

The imperial concubine lowered her eyes.

 She would not speak ill of Li Shao: "Your Highness is very filial."

"He is filial, but he is also filial to a fault." The Holy Emperor rubbed the tea cup with his fingertips, and his expression became much colder. "Do you think I have been too lax in controlling him these years?"

The imperial concubine said "Oh!", quickly collected her thoughts, and said tentatively: "Why do you say that? The prince must have made some progress after being grounded for these days..."

"I don't know where he grew up!" said the Holy Sage. "He was thinking about lifting the ban on his mother's death anniversary, but he doesn't really think about his mother that much."

The imperial concubine did not answer the call.

How can I answer this?

To say that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince misses the late Queen is to deny what the Holy One said, and there is no evidence for her to say so;

  It is true that Your Highness does not care about you, how did she know?

Even if we are to be honest, it is normal for the late Queen to leave too early and Her Highness to be too young to miss her...

 If she can’t understand the prince’s encirclement, it’s hard to say, because she herself won’t get any good from the Holy Sage.

It’s really, really difficult!

 Fortunately, the Holy Father did not insist on asking her to say anything, but continued to talk about Li Shao's fault.

"His mother's relics are in a mess," the Holy Emperor said with regret and heartache in his eyes, "It's not that he didn't think about it, it's that he never took care of the affairs of the palace seriously, and he didn't even understand that it was wrong."

The imperial concubine understood.

Things are dead. If the human heart does not remember them, no matter how well they are preserved, they will just take up space in the warehouse and never see the light of day. If you really care about them in your heart, even if all the things are broken and lost, you can still outline them in your mind. come out.

 Memories can be caused by things, but they must first have the intention.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince knew that the deer hunt would be divided among the Holy Emperor, the Queen Mother, the King of Jin and her Royal Concubine, but he did not take his mother and Queen into consideration.

 Forgot his mother and had no ruler.

“Have you given any advice to His Highness?” the imperial concubine asked.

"I have told him many truths," the Holy Master pressed his eyebrows, "but I don't know how much he can listen. Many things rely on enlightenment. I have taught him a lot. Sangu has also taught him for so many years. I went to the Ministry of Rites to observe Zheng also followed Xu Jian, and no one taught him less.

I have always said that he was young and had an unstable temperament, but he gradually became more straight when he grew up. This is not because I am looking for reasons for him, but because this is how I got through it.

 When I was the same age as him, my temper was not much better and I got into a lot of trouble. "

The imperial concubine looked at the Holy Lord. She had a lot to say in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it casually.

She entered the Qianfu in her early years and had dealings with the late Queen. She also knew what the Holy Emperor's temperament was back then, but this was completely different from His Highness the Crown Prince's.

At that time, the sixth son of the emperor was not the crown prince. He had no intention of taking the throne. He was preceded by His Royal Highness Li Cang, who was the direct descendant of the middle palace and loved by everyone. He also had several brothers. He could just be a dandy and idle all his life.

His so-called trouble is just that. He can be scolded by the imperial censor, but there is no such thing as Mianhuasuliu being brought back to the Yamen by the government in disheveled clothes.

 But Li Shao is a real crown prince.

Can the embarrassing things caused by the crown prince be the same as those caused by the idle prince?

Humiliation is a slander, and the imperial concubine also understood in her heart that this is what the Holy One said, so he didn't know that in his heart.   If it weren’t for His Highness the Crown Prince’s expectations and love, His Majesty would not have had these ups and downs of emotions at all.

"The position of prince is not easy to occupy," the Holy Sage sighed again, "He is in this position, and everyone is watching him. He can make mistakes, but if he makes mistakes again and again, he will be ganged up on. Attack it.

I can protect him, and how long can I protect him?

It’s the fifteenth day of the lunar month here. In my Jinluan Palace, it’s the fifteenth day of the lunar month every day. "

When the imperial concubine heard this, she could basically make a judgment: the prince could not be lifted from the confinement for the time being.

"You..." the imperial concubine considered, "do you still want to keep the prince in the East Palace? The prince does need more reflection and adjustment, but if he misses his death anniversary, there may be more and more small thoughts in the court..."

"More, I let Shao'er out, that is, I let them surrender for a while, and then they come back again," the Holy Sage said, "Rather than letting them rest for a while, I want Shao'er to figure it out on his own."

 Shao'er has Shao'er's advantages.

He is the direct descendant of the late empress. He is more than ten years older than the other princes. He is the crown prince...

As long as Shaoer himself knows how to be a crown prince, no one can surpass him.

 In recent days, even in recent years, the Holy Father was able to calm down and stabilize the mental friction in the court.

But if Shaoer has always been like this, the Holy Emperor can hold down the courtiers who are interested for several years or more than ten years, but he will not be able to pass the throne.

The Holy Spirit himself has experienced the battle between his brothers for position, and he understands how cruel it is.

The imperial concubine comforted her Majesty and said, "I hope His Highness can understand your teachings."

The Holy Spirit smiled bitterly: "I can only tell you about these thoughts."

The imperial concubine had a smile on her lips and lowered her eyes: "This is my concubine's honor."

Who left her without a son?

Who makes it impossible for her to have a son?

 She can’t have either a biological child or an adopted child.

  After all, she is the imperial concubine, the woman who "covers the sky with one hand" in this harem where there is no main queen.

After the Holy Spirit finished speaking his mind, he felt much more relaxed and asked the imperial concubine to prepare chess pieces. The two of them played half a game casually, and when the time came, they set the table for lunch.

The small kitchen in Cuihua Palace is very capable, and the emperor was satisfied with the use. The imperial concubine asked the kitchen to pack some snacks and gave them to Eunuch Cao, and said with a smile, "Send them to the emperor."

 When the holy driver left, the imperial concubine stood up holding her mother's hand, returned to the inner hall and lay down on the couch.

 So tired.

She thought, she was really tired.

"Someone will definitely come to inquire about the news later," the imperial concubine explained. "When the concubine comes, she will say that I am taking a rest, and all the maids and eunuchs who came to visit me will rush away."

Mammy hurriedly responded.

The imperial concubine closed her eyes and rested her mind. She lay there for a long time but did not feel sleepy.

She turned over, and in her mind was the timid second prince Li Mian beside Liu Guiren, the pink and jade-carved third prince Li Lin held by Concubine Zhao De, and the unweaned fourth prince Li Fen in Gu Jieyu's arms...

 Each has its own appearance, and each has its own mother and concubine.

Has nothing to do with her imperial concubine Chang.

Go to sleep, why not have a good sleep, whoever wants to do the hard work can do it!

Cuihua Palace has sealed the news, but there are still a lot of rumors outside, because the emperor's visits to and from the East Palace and his walks in the imperial garden are all seen by the palace people.

 The news gradually spread beyond the palace walls and reached the Qianbu Corridor.

Some families are happy and some are sad. Some of the sadness is written on their faces, but most of them are happy in their hearts. Those who are familiar with each other gather together and whisper to each other, judging the most likely situation.

When he goes to court the next day, he will naturally stand up boldly. In short, it means the same thing: the death anniversary of the late Queen is just around the corner. When will Your Majesty lift the confinement of His Highness the Crown Prince?

Your Majesty watched the play with a cold eye, and finally asked: "When did I say that the prince would leave the East Palace before the death of the late queen?"

 The sound of a needle dropping could be heard in the Jinluan Palace for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

 Another afternoon, the rumors finally became clearer.

The management of the East Palace warehouse was not good, and not only the tiger bone was damaged, but also the relics of the late empress that the Holy Emperor had been gifting in recent years.

 Before the death anniversary of the late Queen, relics were damaged and lost. How could the Holy One not be angry?

“So,” said the noble man standing under the corridor with his hands behind his back, “the Holy One gave the prince a lesson because of those relics?”

"It is indeed because of the relics," Cheng Xi replied respectfully. "The Holy One went to the East Palace, and all the damaged ones were moved out of the warehouse and lined up in the yard. The Holy One's face was extremely ugly, but he said something to the prince afterwards. , cannot be determined at the moment.

At that time, there were only the Holy Emperor and the Prince in the palace. Eunuch Cao was guarding the middle hall, and Eunuch Guo was guarding outside the hall. No one dared to approach them.

However, because of the tiger bones, His Highness was very dissatisfied with Duke Fu. "

"Not only is he dissatisfied, he must be angry," Jin Guiren sneered, "Xu Jian, he does have ideas. I underestimated him before!"

He misguessed Xu Jian's intentions and underestimated Xu Jian's thoughts, so that he missed one after another, and his tail was cut off, which made him heartbroken.

"How is the treatment for his leg injury?" Jin Guiren asked again.

Cheng Xi said: "It's just the news from outside."

I haven’t been to court for some time. I was so pained that Princess Ning’an even came to visit me. Someone from the Royal Study Room came to visit...

 Let's not talk about the whole capital. Anyway, everyone in Qianbulang knows the situation. There is no more detailed information.

Jin Guiren clicked his tongue.

Cheng Xi thought for a while and then said: "In my opinion, Duke Fu's injury is not easy to treat. If he could recover easily, it wouldn't be delayed until now."

"He will not go to court forever," Jin Guiren said. "There are only two months left before he gets married. If he can go out to meet the bride, he can walk to court. Let's see now, whether Xu Jian will go to court first or His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Come out of the East Palace first."

 The autumn wind outside rustled the leaves.

 Supposedly the weather has gotten cooler, but Xu Jian was still sweating profusely when he was treating his injuries.

 He rested for a while in the afternoon and got the inside story from Shen Chen about Li Shao's inability to get out of his confinement.

Standing up, Xu Jian took down a box from the shelf, which contained the two tiger bones.

On that day, he knew that Lin Yunyan went to the palace to cry to the Empress Dowager, but he didn't know how to cry. The two didn't discuss it that much. It wasn't until she returned to Fu Guogong's mansion with two tiger bones that Xu Jian knew that she had tormented the East Palace. once.

 Xu Jian laughed at that time.

He knew Li Shao's temper and that Li Shao could be made offended by Lin Yunyan who was looking for trouble for nothing.

Of course Li Shao will charge this debt to him. He doesn't care. He doesn't have to worry about too many debts. He and Lin Yunyan are originally from the same family.

 When it comes to irritating people, the little princess has a first-class skill.

 In terms of cooperation, Li Shao’s follow-up cooperation was really flawless.

Look, the little princess blew a gust of east wind, and Li Shao was dancing wildly in the wind. Finally, the southeast, northwest and northwest were all on fire.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~~

  Thanks to Red Sleeve Book Friend 76599 for the reward.

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