Yan Cigui

Chapter 328: Stairs (two updates in one)

 Early morning.

 The palace door is not open.

Officials who were rushing to go to court came to the square one after another, saluting and greeting each other, and then three or five people gathered together and whispered.

“I heard that the Duke of Fu is going to court today. He has been away for a month, right?”

"Have you recovered? It seems that the doctor has some skills."

"Are you too impatient? I have been injured for a hundred days. Although Fu Guogong is treating the old injury, the pain was so bad that I couldn't even go to court. Now, even if I can walk, I should rest for a while."

“It’s not like a girl in the boudoir, who will be raised for the rest of the day when she is injured. There are many disciples of the auxiliary Duke and generals, and there are many soldiers at the border who are injured and go into battle. The Duke of the State is not that valuable.”

“Besides, he’s getting married soon, so he can’t just rest until he gets married, right?”

Just as he was muttering, the time came and the palace door opened.

 Officials entered the palace one after another, some went to the court room, and some stood in the small square.

 Until Xu Jian appeared and attracted everyone's attention.

 Xu Jian didn't walk fast, and seemed to be even slower than his original pace. He walked all the way to the outside of the court room, where he stood and straightened his clothes before pushing the door open and going in.

 When the people inside heard the noise, they turned their heads one after another.

An Yibo was sitting aside talking to someone. When he saw Xu Jian, he stood up quickly and motioned for him to sit down.

Xu Jian first greeted everyone without being polite to An Yibo. He thanked him and sat down.

Lin Yuan came over, looked at Xu Jian, and asked in a low voice: "How is the situation?"

 “I feel fine now,” Xu Jian replied, “Sorry for your concern.”

There were a lot of people here, so Lin Yu couldn't persuade him. He only raised his hand and pressed Xu Jian's shoulder: "Yun Yan is thinking about you."

Xu Jian smiled when she mentioned Lin Yunyan.

Perhaps Master Taishan said this, and Xu Jian's smile was a bit shy.

"Please tell the princess," Xu Jian pointed to the hand stove in her hand, "I have it with me, so she shouldn't worry."

 Lin Yu responded.

This hand stove is indeed carried with you, but you can't help being so "willful" in the Jinluan Palace.

When the courtiers lined up on the footpath, Xu Jian handed the stove to the chamberlain beside him.

Even though he had obviously lost this enthusiasm, when he finished walking the walk and entered the main hall, he still had a layer of sweat on his body.

Persistence is about mentality, but physical aspects are really beyond control.

After standing in the main hall, King Jin turned to look at Xu Jian. Seeing sweat on his forehead, his eyes moved downwards and fell on Xu Jian's legs.

 There was no clue, but he still frowned.

 Wang Xian was standing behind King Jin, and he saw this move. He followed King Jin and looked at Xu Jian twice, and then looked away.

 The Holy Spirit has not come yet.

The King of Jin lowered his voice and asked the Xian King: "Eighth brother, am I finding this doctor inappropriate for him?"

The wise king asked: "Why do you say this?"

“Before he was cured, the severe winter did not delay his going to court. Now that he is cured, it seems to be more difficult.” King Jin said.

The wise king pursed his lower lip: "Brother, the emperor asked the auxiliary Duke for a doctor. It was out of kindness..."

 It is too late to say the next words at this moment.

The king's ceremonial guard arrived, and the bright yellow figure stepped into the hall.

The Holy Father walked forward and stopped next to Xu Jian. He just looked at it without saying anything, and then he arrived in front of the throne.

 In the morning, everything big and small begins.

Xu Jian stood in the queue with an upright posture and listened carefully.

 After all, I haven’t been to court for a long time. Although I have learned some things, there are still some imperfections. I need to listen more.

Hearing this, I stood there for half an hour.

 After standing behind, Xu Jian raised his eyes and looked at the Holy Master.

There was no emotion on the saint's face, but Xu Jian could tell something from Eunuch Cao.

 The Holy Spirit is impatient.

  Morning court time can be long or short. He will retreat within a quarter of an hour when there is nothing to do. When something happens, the quarrel can even last for nearly an hour. Based on Xu Jian's understanding of the Holy Emperor, this king rarely gets impatient.

 Unless the people below are confused and messy, or they are careless and looking for trouble.

 This is how it is today.

Probably the fact that the Crown Prince has not lifted the ban has made some people think they have seized an opportunity, and they have been making a fuss about it these days.

 Maybe it was because Xu Jian's appearance in court today stimulated them, and they couldn't wait to try harder.

 So much that you used too much force.

Xu Jian pondered the thoughts of His Majesty, turned his body slightly, shifted his weight to his left foot, and moved his right foot slightly.

  The movement was very small. Except for the person standing behind Xu Jian, no other officials noticed it. On the contrary, the condescending Eunuch Cao glanced at him.

 Xu Jian paused for a while, then moved again. This time, the amplitude was a little larger than before.

Eunuch Cao saw this, and with a thought in his mind, he leaned over and said to the Holy Master: "Look at Duke Fu..."

The Holy Spirit also saw it, and his brows furrowed even deeper.

 Xu Jian felt uncomfortable.

 His legs, are they comfortable if he stands for a long time?

There is no reason for officials to sit down when going to court. Since Xu Jian insisted on coming, he must have found it tolerable. If it were a normal morning court situation, the Holy Emperor would not give Xu Jian special care.

That is unreasonable and inappropriate.

 But today it is obvious that some people have lost their sense of proportion.

 The Holy Emperor's eyes swept over the people who were talking.

This person used Xu Jian's injury to write an article about Shao'er, but he didn't take Xu Jian's injury into consideration from the beginning to the end, ha...

"Master Fu," the Holy Emperor interrupted the man and asked Xu Jian directly, "I think you are not feeling well."

 Xu Jian immediately stood up straight, lowered his eyes and said respectfully, "This is a disgraceful act before the emperor."

With such a line of dialogue, who in the palace could not see the situation clearly?

No matter whether I am angry or not, I dare not make a long speech.

 After all, you can ignore Duke Fu's leg injury, but you can't continue to speak after the Holy Spirit made it clear that he doesn't want to hear it.

 The Holy Spirit stood up and stepped down from the throne.

When he passed by Xu Jian this time, he stopped and said a few words: "When you come down to the imperial study, someone will arrange a chariot for you on the way to save some energy."

 Xu Jian thanked him for his kindness.


Leaving these words behind, the Holy Master stepped out and walked out.

Eunuch Cao breathed a sigh of relief and followed quickly.

The courtiers respectfully saw off the Holy Emperor, and then they all relaxed again after the imperial chariot left.

Lin Yu came over again to care about Xu Jian for a few words, but because this was not the place to talk, the two of them didn't say much.

On the contrary, King Jin frowned and said, "I originally heard that you are recovering well, but now it seems that you are not doing well? What did Dr. Yue say?" "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty," Xu Jian said, "and It’s about what I expected. If it hadn’t improved, Dr. Yue wouldn’t have agreed to let me come to court.”

  King Jin smiled and said, "As long as you know what's going on."

Most of the courtiers in the palace have left.

King Jin was no longer so scrupulous in his speech, and said: "Not only today, but this time, everyone is working hard for the prince's affairs. I know you can't stand, but if you fall in the eyes of some people, I will say something about you I’m worried about His Highness.”

Xu Jian said: "As a minister, it is my duty to worry about His Highness."

 The King of Jin laughed again.

 Outside the main hall, the chariot has arrived.

 Xu Jian said goodbye to King Jin and walked out.

King Jin looked at him, turned to the wise king and said, "He is also devoted to the prince, but the prince is sometimes a little ignorant."

“Brother,” the wise king said softly, “the prince does not want to hear you say that he is ignorant.”

"Then I have to say it, too?" King Jin laughed and shook his head, "He was taken to Shuntian Mansion one time, and finally he found me there in the dark and in the rain. Didn't I get so angry that I scolded him? Alas!"

The wise king also laughed, and finally said: "Let's go, it's getting cold, not to mention Xu Jian's legs, I'm getting cold even standing there."

 On the other side, Xu Jian quickly arrived outside the imperial study room.

Eunuch Cao personally led him in.

The hand stove that was given to the chamberlain for safekeeping has been brought back, and it still has some warmth left.

Eunuch Cao was a good person and immediately gave Xu Jian another one: "This one is warmer. You can use it first. Give this one to the Zajia family. The Zajia family will keep people warm."

 Xu Jian thanked him.

The Holy Emperor changed out of his court clothes, sipped tea, and asked about Xu Jian's condition.

Xu Jian’s answer was quite satisfactory: I can go to court and get better, but there is not much progress. It will take a year or two to cure...

 It’s basically what’s in the booklet prepared by Dr. Yue.

The Holy Father did not just listen to him and asked Eunuch Cao to send people to Tai Hospital to invite the imperial doctor.

Eunuch Cao turned his head and left, and the Holy Master asked: "Why don't you rest for a while? I didn't rush you to go to court."

Xu Jian's fingertips slipped on the tea cup: "With all due respect, why haven't you lifted His Highness's grounding?"

 So straightforward, not to mention that the Holy Father was stunned for a moment. Eunuch Cao who was about to come in from outside stopped and was in a dilemma for a while.

The Holy Emperor looked at Xu Jian and said, "What do you mean, I should let the prince come out?"

"I have thought about whether it is good or bad to continue to be grounded. I believe you have already figured it out," Xu Jian said. "The benefits of letting the prince go out of the East Palace should have outweighed the disadvantages. But you didn't relent, so it must be you." I judged that the harm outweighed the benefits, and I just wanted to know where I was wrong.”

 The Holy Spirit sighed.

 He said that Xu Jian was a smart person and it was really easy to talk to smart people.

Of course, the easiest thing is undoubtedly when the smart people are on your side.

There is no shortage of smart people in the court, but obviously, today, many smart people are making plans for him, which are contrary to his ideas. Those people want to bring Shaoer down.

 But Xu Jian is not.

“I probably know what pros and cons you are thinking about,” the Holy Emperor cleared his throat, “Indeed, in terms of stabilizing the court and allowing them to rest their strength, letting Shaoer come out does indeed have more pros than cons.

 But for Shao'er, the pros and cons of this have to be judged separately. He has been too smooth since he was a child, and he lacked a lot of hardships.

I can carry him for a while, but I cannot carry him for the rest of his life.

His temperament is not tempered much, and he will be tortured in the future, aren't you the ones who assist him? "

Xu Jian pursed her lips.

 It seems that his judgment was correct.

 The Holy Spirit's anger has almost dissipated.

 The incident in Chenmi Hutong was originally enough to lock Li Shao until the anniversary of the death of the late empress.

When the Holy One does things, he will keep accounts, but he will not just go over old accounts casually. Since the time limit for punishment has been set that day, the punishment will be over when the punishment is over.

Li Shao didn't come out because he was disturbed by the little princess's fists.

Of course, the turmoil calmed down after Li Shao was pointed out by the person behind the scenes.

The Holy One is indeed going to let Li Shao out, but there is just a missing step.

 At the same time, the Holy Master was also thinking about sharpening Li Shao again.

 Xu Jian came here for the steps.

"I have mentioned to you before that His Highness has a delicate mind," Xu Jian considered the words. "Sometimes I feel that His Highness's actions are not because he does whatever he wants, but because he thinks too much and is full of contradictions."

The Holy Emperor raised his eyebrows and motioned for Xu Jian to continue.

"You let the prince continue to be grounded. Your original intention was to temper his temper, but if it goes on for a long time, I am afraid that His Highness the prince will think too much and become restrained in his actions..." Xu Jian glanced at the Holy Lord and said, "Of course he needs reminders and guidance, but he It also takes a little confidence.”

The Holy Spirit laughed heartily: "Faith? I think the thing that Shaoer lacks the most is faith."

 He is just too confident.

 Knowing that he was the prince and loved by his father, he sometimes had wild ideas.

 Xu Jian followed the Holy Spirit's words and said: "Your Highness's confidence lies in family ties.

 You dote on him, and several princes, especially the King of Jin, also like him very much. He can also get the goodwill and love from the Queen Mother and the Imperial Concubine.

I am not a lovable son myself, but I also know what kind of children can please their elders.

 Sweet-tongued, considerate, cheerful, like a prince or a princess. "

When the Holy Emperor heard this, he couldn't help but smile: "When talking about Shao'er, just say Shao'er. What are you praising Ning'an for?"

"The princess mentioned something to me before," Xu Jian said, "Your Highness hunted a deer and sent it to Cining Palace. The Queen Mother was very happy and kept praising it."

 The Holy Spirit is another piece of music.

I have to say that these few words relieved his somewhat heavy heart.

"His Highness can make you and the elders love you. He is very confident in this matter because he does feel the care and love from you and other elders." When Xu Jian said this, he changed the subject, "But he is in court. In terms of court affairs and being a crown prince, he is a little lacking in confidence."

Having said this, the Holy Master vaguely understood what Xu Jian meant.

“I inspected Yumen on your behalf before, and apparently I won the battle in the end. Everyone in the court praised His Highness, but you know that His Highness couldn’t accept the flattery from the bottom of his heart. He knew that his actions were out of line and had some impact.”

“He went to court and listened to the courtiers’ discussions, but he rarely expressed his thoughts.”

“When I followed Your Highness to the Ministry of Rites to observe the government, I also had some feelings. It’s not that Your Highness didn’t do well, but that he was hesitant.”

“When new scholars enter the officialdom, if they do something wrong, they will do something wrong. Everyone has been scolded and punished, but His Highness cannot and does not dare to make mistakes easily. If you do less, you will definitely make fewer mistakes.”

“After returning from Yumen, the mistakes His Highness made were all in daily matters, but when it came to important matters in the court, I thought His Highness was too cautious.”

The Holy Spirit is thoughtful.

Outside, Eunuch Cao was also thinking back and forth, as if this was indeed the case...

After a long while, the Holy Spirit said: "According to your opinion, I not only have to praise him myself, but also have to let people close their eyes and praise him randomly?"

Xu Jian raised his eyes and said in a deep voice: "What do you think about setting up a small throne in the Jinluan Hall?"

 I finally wrote it here.

The earliest inspiration for this article was the "Big and Little Thrones". When I saw the Big and Little Thrones in Deoksugung Palace, I wanted to write about such a stretched crown prince.

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