Yan Cigui

Chapter 329: Opportunity (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 After Xu Jian finished saying this, he fell silent.

The Holy Father did not speak, and sat on the big chair in deep thought.

I have to say that Xu Jian's suggestion was unexpected. It was something that the emperor had never thought of before. He needed some time to think about it.

Of course Eunuch Cao also heard it. He didn't know why, but he just felt goosebumps on his body.

This thing is so surprising.

Surprised that he knew there was no one else in the palace, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at the palace door.

The palace door was not completely closed, but was left open a crack. The autumn sunlight filtered in through the crack, casting a long shadow on the floor tiles.

That light was dazzling, and it also seemed to be getting darker on the side.

Eunuch Cao’s throat was rolling up and down.

Now was actually not a good time to go in and wait, but when he looked inside again, he found that the Holy Lord's finger was on the tea cup.


Eunuch Cao sighed secretly, pretending not to know anything, and arrived in front of the emperor.

He took the teapot and refilled the tea for the Holy Sage as usual, and then gave it to Xu Jian.

With the tea in the cup and his voice clear, Eunuch Cao quietly looked at Xu Jian and then stepped away.

 Little throne…

Eunuch Cao did not dare to say whether it was a good idea or not. He could only say that this was an extremely bold proposal.

Thinking about the Jinluan Palace, another chair was placed under the throne, and His Royal Highness sat there, looking down at the courtiers below...

Eunuch Cao’s scalp was numb.

 In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, only the Duke of Fuguo dared to say such things in front of the emperor.

 The Holy Spirit still didn’t speak.

After a few more cups of tea, he seemed to have just woken up and asked Xu Jian, "I'm curious, how did you think of this?"

After the words fell, the Holy Master saw a slightly embarrassed look on Xu Jian's face.

This kind of look should not have appeared at this time and in this situation, which made the Holy Spirit even more curious.

“There are no outsiders,” the Holy Master said. “You have already mentioned the Little Throne, so why are there still things you can’t say?”

 Xu Jian smiled.

"There are indeed some reasons," Xu Jian paused, as if he was not comfortable talking about this. He took a sip of tea, and then said, "I don't know where to start."

Seeing him like this, the Holy Spirit couldn't help but smile.

Obviously it is not an enjoyable topic, and it is related to Shaoer's progress. He was originally extremely cautious and serious, but he was made to laugh by Xu Jian's rare embarrassment.


 The emotion of embarrassment is so rare for Xu Jian.

This young minister had times in the past where he hesitated to speak, but even when he was accused of marriage, he was more calm. He was never embarrassed.

 “Speak slowly,” said the Holy Master, “and say whatever comes to mind.”

 Xu Jian thought about it and said, "You know, I've been trying to get along with Mrs. Xu these days."

 The Holy Father raised his eyebrows.

Of course he knew that Mrs. Xu had reconciled with Liu Jing and returned to the Fuguo Palace with her daughter. He also heard a few words from An Yibo that Mrs. Xu had contributed to Xu Jian's marriage. The mother and son, who were related by blood, were unfamiliar, but It can't be said that they ignored each other.

“I don’t deny that the relationship between me and Liu Jing is indeed not good. I want to restrain myself, but it’s really…”

 “That day, I also urged Liu Jing to go to Shuntian Mansion to arrange Heli Shu.”

“I think I’m doing a pretty good job, but I’m related by blood, and I know that some of my colleagues don’t approve of what I’m doing, but it’s just hard to say it in person.”

"I have been wondering these days whether I am too young and energetic. I won't say much about Liu Jing. I took Mrs. Xu back to the house on my own initiative. No matter what, she is my grandfather's daughter. Please be kind and let her and A-Ping return to your home, and I will take care of her and support her."

“It is said that only when you become a parent can you appreciate the friendship between your parents. Indeed, someone told me that when I get married to the princess and have children, I will naturally know better how to get along with Mrs. Xu.”

“No matter if you walk fast or slow, if you are pushed to that position, you will make some progress.”

 At this point, Xu Jian paused, glanced at His Majesty, and said: "So, I have also thought about whether His Highness also lacks such an opportunity?"

The Holy Master’s brows furrowed and then relaxed.

 He suddenly recalled many old things from Xu Jian's words.

 "Growing up" is very slow, but sometimes, growing up only lasts a moment.

   are all “opportunities”.

Like himself, he only realized the awareness of "being a father" after Shao'er was born. Similarly, it was only after he was established as the crown prince that he could face up to and shoulder the burden.

 Obviously for countless years before that, he had never thought about ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor.

Or, if the Empress Dowager had not pushed him to this position and not to find the truth for Empress Xia, he would not have persisted like this day after day.

Thinking of this, the Holy Master let out a long sigh.

"Yes," he said, "Shaoer has become a prince, and it has become a habit."

 Shao'er has been the crown prince for as long as he can remember, and he has been the crown prince for more than ten years, until today.

  I am so used to it that I lack awe and energy.

Xu Jian speculated on His Majesty's thoughts and said: "He is already the crown prince. He has not had the experience of working conscientiously among brothers, winning the support of his father and courtiers, and obtaining the canonization certificate. Then we can only let him experience Something else can serve as an opportunity.

Standing in the Jinluan Palace, even if you are at the forefront of the courtiers, the people and things your Highness can see are completely different from when you sit next to you and look down. "

 The Holy Spirit thought for a while.

I have to say that Xu Jian persuaded him.

 He ​​did not lift Shao'er's ban. He did have his own considerations in it. Shao'er needed to sharpen his character, but he also had his own attitude.

A small throne not only gives Shao'er an opportunity, but also allows those who are ready to take a break to think.

Such an undercurrent is not only unhelpful to the government, but will also lay the foundation for many disasters.

 He had already seen this from Li Mi and others.

“Let me think about it again,” the Holy Emperor did not express his position immediately, “This is a serious matter.”

 Xu Jian naturally responded "Yes".

 Outside, the imperial doctor arrived. Eunuch Cao received the Holy Master's nod and went out to invite the imperial doctor in.

 The one who came was An Yuan.

 The Holy One asked Eunuch Cao to set up a stool for Xu Jian.

Xu Jian exposed his right leg and put it on the stool. Eunuch Cao gave him a hand and frowned when he saw the state of his leg.

The Holy Spirit also walked over and took a look.

Xu Jian's legs were covered in large bruises and purple marks. The parts heated by the hand stove were a little warm, while the rest of the skin was cold. It was scary to look at and scary to touch.

Judge An raised his hand and pressed a few places, and saw Xu Jian frowning. Although he didn't complain of pain, he was probably very uncomfortable.

 Similarly, will it make you feel better if you heal an old injury?

It took me a long time to hear about it this morning, and it made me even more uncomfortable.

Magistrate An muttered to himself, and after careful examination, he said to the Lord: "In my opinion, it is best for Duke Fu to rest for some more time." Xu Jian said hurriedly: "I feel that it is okay, it's okay I went to court. It looked like a bluff, but it got a lot better. It was even scarier a while ago, and it even scared the princess."

 An Yuan judge Sansan smiled.

Isn’t the princess just scared?

 Otherwise, can you come to the Royal Pharmacy to ask for medicine?

The Holy One could not accurately judge the extent of Xu Jian's injuries, so he could only listen to the analysis of the An Yuan judge. Xu Jian insisted, so he did not say much and only told Xu Jian to pay more attention and not to show off.

Xu Jian achieved his goal today and got up to leave when the time was almost up.

Eunuch Cao sent him out, arranged a chariot, replaced the hand stove, and had people take him out of the palace all the way.

  Turning around and returning to the imperial palace, as expected, the Holy Emperor frowned in deep thought.

Eunuch Cao didn't bother him and stood aside waiting for instructions.

The Holy Spirit thought for a while before coming back to his senses and slowly shook his head.

“I can’t bear to see his injured leg,” the Holy Sage said, “Shao’er is really…”

Eunuch Cao thought for a moment and said, "The Duke of Fu is worried a lot about the prince."

"He does know Shao'er well," the Holy Master smiled, "We are similar in age, but a few years older. He sees some things more clearly than I do."

 From the beginning, he believed in Xu Jian's ability, and now it seems that he did not make a mistake.

 At the same time, it was not until today that the Holy Father discovered that some of Xu Jian's ideas were beyond his expectation.

 Perhaps this is the different thinking that occurs when you are in different positions.

Just like himself, he really never thought that Shaoer might have "lack of confidence" in court affairs.

“Wait until the afternoon,” the Holy Sage asked Eunuch Cao, “invite the three orphans to come into the palace, and I will listen carefully to their thoughts.”

Eunuch Cao agreed. At the same time, he could also see that the matter of the little throne would probably be settled.

 As noon approaches, the Thousand Steps Corridor, which has been busy all morning, gradually becomes idle, and some people start to pay attention to the situation in the palace.

I heard that Duke Fu had left the palace, but no one knew what he said to the emperor in the imperial study.

Some people thought it was nothing important, and some people inferred some meaning from summoning the three orphans to the palace, but no one could think of sitting on the "little throne".

 Even Sangu didn’t think of it.

The three of them, who were all in their early 200s together, stood in front of the emperor and looked at each other.

 “Xu Jian mentioned it to me, and I’ll listen to your opinions.”

 The three of them discussed together for a quarter of an hour. After carefully analyzing Xu Jian's suggestion, they all nodded.

 Speaking of which, they all thought that they had done their best in the prince's guidance, but no one could tell what went wrong. The prince simply acted out of line.

 The suggestion of Fu Guogong can be regarded as giving a direction.

 “It cannot be established without destruction,” Fang Shaofu said, “This is indeed an opportunity.”

 Wen Shaobao nodded.

If His Highness the Crown Prince still cannot understand how to be a good Crown Prince in this opportunity, it can only be said that it is much better to understand it now than to understand it ten or twenty years later.

 For the next five or six days, everything in the court was as usual.

 Xu Jian still went to court every day, and in the morning there were courtiers who were eager to win over them, but they were somewhat concerned about Xu Jian.

 Fu Guo Gong is a man who dares to move his uncomfortable right leg directly in the Jinluan Palace.

 Is he really feeling uncomfortable and unable to stand?


 He is facing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The auxiliary princes have all gone to court, and it seems that the confinement of His Royal Highness will soon be lifted...

Everyone estimated and speculated, and on October 13th, they got an accurate message.

 The Holy Spirit summoned the prince, and the prince left the East Palace.

 The dust has settled, some families are happy and some are sad.

Li Shao is undoubtedly the happy one.

 He sent Eunuch Guo away and asked Feng Nei to attend to him to bathe and change clothes and tidy up decently.

"It's not bad," Li Shao adjusted the jade pendant around his waist, "I'm very curious about what Xu Jian said to his father."

To say that Xu Jian was useless, the father emperor had solved his feet, but it was said that Xu Jian was very useful, and it took so many days before and after.

Feng Neishi said: "What can he say? He must speak for you."

Li Shao chuckled and strode out.

 Arrived outside the imperial study room, Eunuch Cao was already waiting.

 Took Li Shao to the imperial palace. After serving tea, Eunuch Cao withdrew and remained outside.

Li Shao looked at His Majesty, without hesitation, he knelt down respectfully and saluted: "My son, I have seen my father."

After saying that, he kowtowed a few more times: "My son, I have made you worry these days. I know that I have done something wrong. Not only you, I also want to apologize to the empress dowager and say hello to the imperial concubine. ”

The Holy Spirit did not ask him to get up immediately, but asked: "What else have you practiced these days? Tell me about it."

“I have tried hard to cultivate everything I can, except for the parts I really can’t do...” When Li Shao said this, his eyes lit up, he picked up the jade pendant at his waist and said, “I put this on.

This piece of jade was also left behind by his mother. The knot was old, so Erchen learned to make one by himself. The skill was a little rusty, but Erchen thought that compared to others making it, it would be better for him to do it himself. "

 The Holy Emperor waved to him.

Li Shao then stood up and walked to the edge to let him take a closer look.

The Holy Master held the jade pendant and looked at it for a while, and sighed in his heart.

Yes, what Xu Jian said is not wrong at all.

Shao'er knew very well how to please him and his elders. He was indeed confident in this regard. He knew exactly what to say and what to do to satisfy his father, the emperor's grandmother and others.

 He has mastered the essence of being a lovable junior, but obviously, Shao'er is far from enough to be the crown prince and to face important matters in the court.

"Yes, you should go see the Empress Dowager and the Imperial Concubine," the Holy Master said. "According to the original plan, you should continue to observe the government in the six departments. However, Xu Jian's leg injury has not healed, so he cannot follow you."

Li Shao suppressed the emotion in his eyes and said, "I can do it myself, I don't have to let Xu Jian follow me."

“I’d better trust him, it’s better to have him help you,” the Holy Sage patted Li Shao’s arm, “He came to the palace that day and talked to me about a lot of things, and some of his ideas are very good.”

Li Shao asked along the way: "What did he say?"

"Tomorrow when I go to court, you don't have to line up with the courtiers. You should come over from the East Palace earlier and walk with me." The Holy Master said.

Li Shao frowned: "I don't understand."

“I have asked someone to place a small throne for you under the throne,” the Holy Sage said, “You can sit there.”

 Li Shao's eyelids twitched twice.

Is good? Is it bad?

 He couldn't tell clearly for a while.

But his heart was beating fast, and he couldn't contain his excitement at the thought of where he would be sitting.

 Little throne?


 What a chair for him!

  Thanks to book friend 20231106181106709 for the reward.

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