Yan Cigui

Chapter 330: Little throne (two updates in one)

The moment the joy burst out, it was difficult to hide it. What's more, Li Shao only cared about joy and didn't even think of hiding anything.

 Hence, all the changes in his face were clearly reflected in the eyes of the Holy Lord.

 Involuntarily, the Holy Master also smiled.

 He is a father after all, how can he not feel the joy of his son?

 At the same time, the Holy Spirit once again confirmed that this method is indeed good.

Shaoer indeed lacks an opportunity, and hopes that this joy can be transformed into his confidence and responsibility.

“Father,” Li Shao called, “Is it true that I can sit there? I have never thought about it…”

"You are the Crown Prince," the Holy Emperor's voice was not serious, but his tone was very firm, "I tell you to sit there, you can naturally sit there."

 Li Shao responded quickly.

 After the surprise, his mind slowly calmed down.

Thinking about the questions that have been swirling in his mind these past few days, Li Shao asked: "You just said that some of the ideas Xu Jian told you are very good. Could it be that this little throne..."

“It was indeed brought up by Xu Jian,” the Holy Sage said, “I have thought about it and discussed it with Sangu.

Shao'er, there are so many ministers in the court who are both public and private. You know well that when things happened in the past, some people will naturally look at them with eager eyes.

It is human nature, everyone has his or her own interests, but Sangu and Xu Jian, their "privacy" is all with you.

 There is no need for you to get angry with Xu Jian, and you will end up hurting yourself. "

Li Shao pursed his lips.

 At this moment, it was impossible for him to question or refute his father. He could only agree sincerely.

Of course, he also knew the meaning of his father's words.

The Holy Father gave Li Shao a few more words and then motioned for him to exit: "Go to Cining Palace and then Cuihua Palace."

Eunuch Cao sent him out.

 In the corridor, Li Shao asked: "Where is the Jinluan Hall..."

Eunuch Cao agreed, nodded and said: "It's already being set up."

Li Shao took a breath and exhaled it slowly.

Suppressing his excitement, he met the empress dowager and the imperial concubine one after another, and then strode to the front palace.

Eunuch Guo chased him and advised, "Your Highness, it's time for you to return to the East Palace."

Li Shao was in a good mood and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Eunuch Guo. He just said, "I'll just take a look."

Eunuch Guo had no choice but to accompany Li Shao outside the Jinluan Palace.

The long walkway was right in front of him. Li Shao held up the hem of his clothes and ran up in three steps and two steps. He entered the hall and looked at the layout in front of him.

Jinluan Hall is still the familiar Jinluan Hall. The only thing that has changed is the throne in front.

 The emperor's magnificent throne was lowered and a seat was added.

The chamberlains were making final adjustments. When they heard the footsteps, they all turned their heads. Seeing that it was Li Shao coming, they saluted hurriedly.

 Li Shao casually said "no courtesy", his eyes were on the little throne from beginning to end.

 As you get closer, you can see more clearly.

 The small throne is slightly smaller than the large throne, and the carvings are exquisite enough. It has a bright yellow chair cover, a gilt dragon head decoration on the chair head, and a vermilion lacquer footrest underneath.

There are naturally differences. The two sides of the big throne are supported by vermilion tooth mouth decorations, but the small throne does not.

 But even so, it was enough to make Li Shao's heart surge.

Li Shao sat down directly on the little throne, and then closed his eyes and opened them again.

Tomorrow, he will sit in this chair and listen to the morning service.

Next to him was the Grand Throne. When he turned around, he could see his father. There were many civil and military ministers standing underneath. They would face his father and him when they spoke. He could clearly see all kinds of movements.

Hands caressing the armrests, feeling agitated.

Li Shao looked around and his eyes fell on a place where Xu Jian usually stood.


Li Shao raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

Just now in the imperial study, what my father said was quite reasonable.

As he had guessed before, Xu Jian's "personality" was weighing on him, Li Shao.

 Compared to those younger brothers who didn't even know how to drink milk, Xu Jian had a closer relationship with him.

Xu Jian did not have any second thoughts about him, but wanted to take advantage of the relationship between the monarch and his ministers. Xu Jian wanted to manipulate him, but he would also fight for his interests.

  For example, this little throne.

Of course, this kind of benefit will also have a clear price tag, which is a bargaining chip for Xu Jianyu to show off his power.

But can Li Shao be led by Xu Jian?

With a strong effort on his hands, Li Shao stood up and walked down until he reached the outside of Jinluan Hall and looked at the square below.

Then give it a try.

Let Xu Jian understand that you are always the king.

With these changes in the Jinluan Palace, various news will naturally spread.

 One moment, the officials had just heard that the Holy Emperor had summoned the prince, and everyone was muttering that the day of lifting the ban had finally come. But the next moment, they heard that another chair had been added to the Jinluan Palace.

 “What’s the point?”

 “Was there such a rule before?”

"Little throne? I remember it was recorded in the document that Emperor Taizu retired to the Supreme Emperor and lived in Chengshou Palace. Emperor Jingde ascended the throne. In addition to the morning court meeting in Jinluan Hall every day, ministers went to Chengshou Palace every ten days. Taizu sat on the big throne. Emperor De sits on the small throne."

“It was also located in the palace where the Supreme Emperor lived, not in the Jinluan Palace, and the situation was different from today.”

"Whether it is in compliance with the rules or not is not a matter for the Holy Spirit to decide. Besides, there are precedents, so if you can set some limits, it is still a set-up."

"In the final analysis, the emperor punishes the prince to return to the prince, but the prince is the prince."

  "The little throne moves, those who are wavering will not have to think about it themselves."

 “Who came up with the idea? Sangu?”

 “Could it be Duke Fuguo?”

 “It should still be Sangu...”

Various speculations and inferences were quietly heard from all over the Qianbu Corridor.

 There were also discussions in the Hanlin Academy.

Lin Yu stood by the window drinking tea.

 Although he had not inquired or communicated with him, he was convinced that the idea came from Xu Jian.

 Weighing the pros and cons, this is a good idea.

 Only vaguely, he also felt that Xu Jian's intention was not that simple, and there were probably other ideas in it.

He was very interested in hearing Xu Jian's thoughts, but he never had a suitable opportunity.

 Xu Jian was recovering from his injuries and could not leave the house. He has resumed going to court these days. However, there are many people talking, so it is not a good time to talk about things. If you want to talk without any worries, you may have to wait for a while.

 When Yun Yan leaves the pavilion and returns from Sanchao, there is no need to avoid anything in her study.

 Autumn rain began in the afternoon.

Cheng Xi trotted along the corridor. When he got outside the door, he patted the water mist on his body and then opened the door and went in.

Incense was lit in the room. The smoke was very light and the aroma was not strong.

The master was sitting on the couch, flipping through the book. He didn't seem to feel the cold, and he was still wearing thin clothes.

Hearing the sound, he glanced at Cheng Xi, then lowered his head and turned a page at random.

His fingers are slender, but there is an old scar on the back of his right hand, from the root of his **** to his wrist.

Cheng Xi took two steps forward and said respectfully: "The Holy One has indeed lifted the prince's restraint."

Jin Guiren didn't even bother to raise his eyebrows.

 It’s something that’s expected. Cheng Xi’s next words were beyond his expectation.

"There is a small throne in the Jinluan Palace. The prince went over and tried it. Apparently it was arranged for him."

 “Little Throne?” Jin Guiren pointed his fingertips on the page, “Interesting! Who came up with the idea?”

Cheng Xi said: "It is Duke Fu. People outside are still guessing, but our people are sure that it is Duke Fu. On the day when Duke Fu returned to court, he went to the imperial study and mentioned it to the Holy One. In the afternoon, the Holy One summoned the three orphans. , probably just to discuss this matter, and then it became clear today. We had kept it a secret before, but if the Little Throne had not moved into the Jinluan Hall now, the news would have been louder, and no one would have known about it. "

Jin Guiren clicked his tongue.

 The fingertips loosen and the book closes.

 He did not question Cheng Xi's words, but he had a judgment in his heart.

Of course, if you want to hide it, you can hide it. It’s just a chair. Let a few people set it up in the middle of the night. No matter how sensitive the information is, the time is too short. At dawn, when the officials walk into the Jinluan Hall, they will find that there are too many inside. a chair.

 But the Holy Father had put out the chairs during the day. He had hid enough and had no intention of hiding it any more.

 The reason…

 After listening to the sharp and roundabout accusations against the prince for so many days, the Holy Lord Ming'er didn't want to hear it anymore, especially not for His Highness the prince to hear it.

The prince is sitting on the little throne. The people below are ready to scold him. Is it better to scold him or not?

 It’s better to tell them clearly not to prepare.

 This is indeed what the Holy Spirit would do.

 But what about Xu Jian?

 Why did Xu Jian make this suggestion?

"Xu Jian is really interesting!" Jin Guiren smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, only sarcasm.

Cheng Xi thought for a while and said: "The Duke of Fu Guo probably still wants to control His Highness the Crown Prince..."

"Do you believe it if I use it to coax the prince?" Jin Guiren said, "Xu Jian has caused a series of things for the prince, overtly and covertly, but he is still cautious, and no one has noticed his tricks. The most important thing is Yes, he frightened the Holy One."

 This is also a skill!

 Little throne.

 It’s a shame that Xu Jian could figure it out.

 Even he couldn't come up with the idea of ​​praising Li Shao so much.

 In the past, Jin Guiren felt that he underestimated Xu Jian, but now it seems that it should be said that he cannot understand Xu Jian.

What exactly does Xu Jian want to do?

With Li Shao deposed, Xu Jian would not be able to gain favor from the imperial court, and it would be difficult to win the trust of other princes.

"We have to look again," Jin Guiren said. "We must be extremely careful this time."

 Hash can no longer be the same as before, losing money little by little, until the last account is a complete loss!

 An autumn rain and a cold.

 At dawn the next day, the rain stopped and the weather became cooler.

Xu Jian held the stove and took a sedan to the outside of the palace gate, and then walked to the court room.

 He arrived late, the time was almost up, and the courtiers were all preparing and had no time to communicate much.

When we walked up the trail and entered the Golden Palace, most of the officials had heard about the thrones, but when they saw an extra chair there, some people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

 Xu Jian Ding glanced at the little throne twice, then withdrew his gaze.

Outside the palace, footsteps sounded from far to near.

 Li Shao followed the Holy Master, raising his head and chest high.

 It was not the first day that he went to court, but it was the first day that he followed the ceremonial procession of the Holy Master into the main hall.

 Completely different, the route and the state of mind are not similar in any way.

He was no longer standing at the front of the queue, waiting with the others for his father to walk to the throne and sit down. Instead, the others were waiting for him to go with his father.

Stepping into the hall, the courtiers were already standing neatly inside. He walked through the hall in everyone's silence.

His father walked majestically and sat down on the big throne. Then, Li Shao followed suit and sat on the small throne.

 The courtiers below have a panoramic view.

 He looked at them and bowed respectfully.

  Blessings, Your Majesty.

   Please also greet the Crown Prince.

Li Shao rubbed his fingertips across the armrest, and pursed his lips and smiled. This taste was really good.

Thinking like this, Li Shao's eyes fell on Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian was still standing in his old position, seemingly unaffected by his foot injury. His posture was upright and very calm.

As if aware of his gaze, Xu Jian even raised her head, glanced at the little throne, and then looked away.

The courtiers who presented the memorial have already come out, holding the memorial and explaining it one by one.

This is the first time that Li Shao looked down at others and discussed politics in such a condescending manner, and he really enjoyed it.

Listening to it from beginning to end, although I can’t fully understand it, it really tastes good.

When leaving the court, Li Shao also followed the emperor and got up and walked out.

When passing by Xu Jian, he paused and raised his hand to put on Xu Jian's shoulder: "I see that your injury is recovering well."

This was said on the spur of the moment. Li Shao didn't think it over carefully, and he felt a little regret after saying it.

Xu Jian is not a good person.

It would be a bit annoying if Xu Jian directly mentioned tiger bones.

Li Shao didn't think it was wrong to deal with the tiger bone matter, because Xu Jian was just looking for trouble, but his father obviously didn't think so. Xu Jianruo's strange words made his father angry...

 Then, he heard Xu Jian say: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness."

 Nothing else.

 Li Shao was satisfied.

It seems that Xu Jian also knows that looking for trouble should not be put on the table.

Li Shao didn't say much more to Xu Jian, followed the footsteps of the Holy Master, and walked out of the Jinluan Hall.

 After the royal chariot leaves, the officials in the palace will also disperse.

 Xu Jian lagged behind, moved his uncomfortable right leg, and slowly walked out.

Stepping out of the hall, he looked back at the thrones.

 The stand is here.

 Given Li Shao's temperament, I don't think he will be disappointed.

The ban has just been lifted, and Li Shao can be stable for a while, but at the latest half a year, and at the earliest three months, this person will sprout in a solid state, and it will get worse.

It’s not easy to be the crown prince, and it’s certainly not easy to sit on the throne.

 Before that, Xu Jian had other important matters.

 The wedding is still more than a month away.

It is not easy to meet Lin Yunyan now, and it is inconvenient to communicate about many things. When the marriage is done, under the same roof, we can respond to things faster and advance and retreat in the same direction.

 What did the little princess say before?

 A grasshopper on a rope.

Indeed, the grasshopper still has to stay on a rope.

 The trail was still wet, so Xu Jian walked slowly. At the bottom of the trail, An Yibo was waiting for him with his hands behind his back.

An Yibo deliberately left first. He just wanted to see the condition of Xu Jian's trail. This way, it would be clearer than walking together.

 The more he looked, the tighter his brows became.

When Xu Jian stood still, An Yibo said, "Are you sure you don't need to rest for some more time?"

 Xu Jian said: "No need."

"It's colder than yesterday, and it seems to be more serious," An Yibo said worriedly, "It's getting colder at the end of November. If I delay the wedding because of my stubbornness..."

 Xu Jian smiled: "No. Uncle, don't worry." (End of chapter)

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