Yan Cigui

Chapter 338: Will definitely have a good time

Chapter 338 I will definitely have a good time

  Wanyue raised the curtain and came in.

Seeing Mother Ma standing hesitant under the floor covering, she couldn't help but look at her suspiciously.

Thinking of the third lady’s awkward hesitation and hesitation, thinking of her holding on to Mother Ma and mumbling when she left, and thinking of Mother Ma’s hesitation now, Wan Yue’s little head slowly understood.

 “Mom.” Wan Yue poked Grandma Ma’s arm.

 Mother Ma turned to look at her: "What's wrong?"

Wan Yue's face turned red, so she simply took Mother Ma and took two steps back, smiling sheepishly.

Mama Ma saw this and couldn't help but said: "Are you marrying someone else or is the princess marrying someone else?"

"I just think..." Wan Yue's heart skipped a beat, "Mom, do you still remember how Mr. Su got into Shuntian Mansion?"

When it comes to this matter, Grandma Ma remembers it very well.

Who can forget the story that Aunt Wang told while wandering around outside Uncle Chengyi’s house?

 You will never forget it if you listen to the excitement.

  It is about my own family, and I am so angry that I will never forget it.

 Thinking about this, Grandma Ma’s face shuddered.

At that time, the princess asked Grandma Wang to get ready and go to the door to show off when the time came. Thinking this way, the princess may not be completely ignorant.

Wan Yue added: "Actually, it was Chen Dong's family who brought the foreign concubine and the servant boy together, and Chen Dong's family followed the princess' instructions. It was the princess who arranged those... Oh, at that time, Chen Dong's family was all The princess was so shocked that she was speechless."

 Mama Ma:…

Xu Guogong's Mansion searched over and over on West Street to find out who was the Chen Dong family?

And the person arranging troops behind Chen Dong’s family is their princess?

 Oh her God!

Those messy and messy things really tainted the princess’s eyes and ears!

 Mother Ma’s breath caught in her throat.

I knew that the princess was bold, but I didn’t know that the princess was so bold!

Being able to do the thing in the house in one house, the county owner is really, really ...

Mama Ma let Wan Yue support her, sat down on the round stool, and thought about it with a solemn expression.

"You say, is it too late for me to ask the princess how she figured out those things?"

Wan Yue nodded: "It's too late, everyone has been sent away, what are you doing with them?"

Mother Ma said: "Then let me ask the princess if she understands what the third lady means?"

Wanyue asked back: "Do you think the princess understands?"

 “Do you understand?” Mother Ma was not sure.

Wanyue continued to ask: "Do you hope the princess will understand or not?"

"That must be..." Mother Ma cleared her throat, "I understand."

 In the past, I was young, and the girl in the boudoir was a simple girl. She was about to get married, so she couldn't be confused. Otherwise, why would the third lady come here?

I didn’t expect the third lady to be as ashamed as a red lantern.

Wan Yue made the final decision: "That's enough, isn't it?"

Mama Ma subconsciously wanted to say, "That'll be fine," but she swallowed the words as soon as they reached her lips.

seems like it.

The princess seems to understand the things that need to be understood.

  Hey, she was really entangled by herself, and she didn't even have the straightforward temperament of Wan Yue to figure it out.

 Mama Ma patted her head.

Forget it, don’t worry about it anymore. For those of you who don’t know much about it, besides the bride, there is also the groom.

Thinking about the terrifying situation in Chenmi Hutong, the groom official who helped Shuntian Prefecture deal with the messy matter of his "blood relative" brother should be reliable.

Mama Ma felt relieved and urged Wan Yue to go into the inner room.

“Take good care of the princess,” she said. “Go and see if the princess’ hair is dry? It’s cold, don’t wait until you get a headache.”

 Hand the moon should come down.

In the inner room, Lin Yunyan turned her head when she heard footsteps. When she saw Wan Yue coming in, she looked outside again.

Without looking at Mother Ma, she heard the door open and close. “Auntie is out?” she asked.

 Wan Yue nodded.

Lin Yunyan couldn't help but laugh.

 She was sitting inside, hearing more or less the movement outside.

“Let my aunt and grandma worry about it,” she said.

Wan Yue thought for a while: "I hope you can live a good life after you get married."

Lin Yunyan liked hearing this and said, "That will definitely lead to a better life."

 Both she and Xu Jian were all aiming for a good result this time.

  That person is Xu Jian. He is cautious by nature, but he is really radical when he becomes radical.

How high are the walls of Chengyi's Mansion?

Two days ago, Lin Yunyan went to the back garden.

It was a very cold day, the plum blossoms had not yet bloomed, the whole garden was lonely in winter, and even the pool was covered with ice. She stood there, raising her head and looking at the courtyard wall for a long time.

It was so high that just looking up made my neck feel sore, so Xu Jian just turned over.

 The whole story is clear and logical, but it also makes things difficult for himself.

When they got married, she stared at Xu Jian, right under her nose, and said that she would stop Xu Jian from doing such a radical act.

The road ahead is dangerous and difficult, but this time, Xu Jian is not alone.

There is also her.

Lin Yunyan has always felt that she has indeed had good luck over the past year or so.

Xu Jian summarized this as "the more you master, the better your luck will be." Lin Yunyan understands this, but at the same time, she hopes to rely on this luck to help them avoid "mistakes".

How long is a person’s life?

Even though the two of them had been in bad luck and died young, they had experienced a lot and encountered various forks in the road.

 Wrong, painful, ups and downs.

 After making many mistakes, there must be a way to get right, but what Lin Yunyan wants is to have better luck, make fewer mistakes, and go for that right.

She didn’t want to taste those failures and despair, let alone Xu Jian to taste them again.

 The night is falling.

The sky is bright again.

The wedding day is just around the corner, and the entire Chengyi Mansion is decorated with lights and decorations.

Mammy Ma directed the maids and women to put up the Double Happiness window grilles, changed the lanterns, and hung the colorful silks.

Lin Yunfang came over to give "pointers" and commented on the new clothes of the maids and women, which made everyone laugh. After finishing her comments here, she went to Zaishouyuan to comment.

Little Duan couldn't help laughing: "Just because she's the youngest, she keeps tossing, and when it's her turn, she'll be honest."

Lin Yunfang just pretended not to hear, and went to look at Lin Yunding again.

"Brother, can you do it?" she asked, "She is only half a head taller than the second sister, can you really carry her? Otherwise, why don't we hire a taller brother from the clan?"

Lin Yunding was so disgusted by her that his ears turned red.

Little Duan smiled and spat at her: "What are you talking about? Yun Ding has not only studied in the past two years, but also practiced martial arts to strengthen his muscles and bones. How much weight can Yun Yan's small body carry? Why can't she carry it?"

Lin Yunding did not refute Lin Yunfang, but said to Lin Yunyan seriously: "Second sister, don't worry, you won't fall."

Lin Yunyan smiled and nodded.

 Of course she is relieved.

Her brothers and sisters, whether they are lively or calm, are the most reliable people, and she trusts them all.

She and Xu Jian worked together to clear the road, not only for the two of them, but also for the sake of the Fuguo Palace and the Chengcheng Palace.

  Make up the 2000 that is missing in the early morning.

   Thanks to Book Friends Xiaoyuan and Lionbear for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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