Yan Cigui

Chapter 339: Yinghuo (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 November 27th.

 It snowed in the evening, not heavy, and stopped after a while.

Lin Yu walked through the corridor and walked to the outside of Bao'an Garden.

Lin Yunyan knew he was coming, so she quickly came out to greet him and said with a smile: "Wan Yue just warmed some wine."

Lin Yu smiled.

Stepping into the yard, he did not enter the house, but stood under the tree.

"I just came to see you." Lin Yu said, the cold wind coming towards him, making his voice hoarse.

Lin Yunyan looked up at her father.

The relationship between father and daughter is not as close as that between mother and daughter, but she knows in her heart that her father loves and values ​​her.

She is about to leave the government, but her father is reluctant to part with her, but he also bless her with all his blessings.

"I'm not marrying far away," Lin Yunyan said softly, "I'm only half a city away."

Lin Yu laughed again when he heard this.

Raising his hand and gently rubbing his daughter's head, as if she was still young, Lin Yu said: "When Yun Jing and Yun Fang come over to accompany you later, you sisters can talk. I won't drink any more. Just drink as much as you can." What? Let Xu Jian come and have a drink with me when I come back."

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and said: "You can't drink him. You haven't drunk him since the Chinese New Year."

Lin Yu couldn’t laugh or cry.

The emotions that were originally in my heart were quickly dissipated.

However, he is still the father-in-law of Mount Tai. No matter how good Xu Jian is at drinking, what can he do?

“If you can’t drink it,” Lin Yu joked, “then ask him to bring you candied haws.”

Speaking of candied haws, Lin Yunyan naturally thought of the scene in the backyard of Taohe Zhai, where the three of them were sitting at a table, each with a bunch of candied haws.

 Speaking of it, it’s really funny.

Lin Yu returned to teasing, and also said a few words of explanation: "It is said that the marriage was approved by the Holy Spirit, but we all know that this marriage is your own choice and choice.

For a family of our status, marrying someone we are satisfied with is not difficult, but it is not easy either.

Yun Yan, since you have this kind of fate with him, then cherish it more.

 I feel relieved that you can live a good life. "

Lin Yunyan looked at her father, her eyes sore. She pursed her lips and nodded heavily.

After all, it was freezing cold, so Lin Yu did not let Lin Yunyan keep blowing the cold wind. He asked her to go back to the house first and walked leisurely to the front yard along the way she came.

The snow has stopped long ago, the clouds are still there, and the sky is not completely dark, but if you look up, you can tell that there will be no moon or stars tonight.

This corridor connected Zaishouyuan. Lin Yu went around it and could hear the voices of people talking and laughing in the yard.

 The old lady is very looking forward to tomorrow's wedding, and she is very excited.

This is not surprising either.

Since Lin Lang came out of the cabinet, there has been no red event in the government.

Lin Yue did not disturb Xiao Duan and walked straight to the study.

 The room was warm, so he warmed his hands by the charcoal basin, then walked to the desk and pulled out a scroll from the painting jar.

There are traces of friction on the string, indicating that the painting was often opened.

In the scroll, the young woman has smiling eyes, gentle and tranquil. If you look carefully, you can see that her facial features are 70% similar to Lin Yunyan's.

Hands brushed over the figure in the painting. This was a portrait of Shen Yun painted by Lin Yu himself.

"Ayun," he whispered after a long while, "we, Yun Yan, will get married tomorrow."

 In Bao'an Garden, Lin Yunjing and Lin Yunfang arrived one after another.

Wanyue spread a thick quilt on the Luohan bed and let the three sisters make trouble.

They all said that they were going to cry before getting married, but the three of them looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them cried. Instead, they laughed.

In the end, Lin Yunfang said a few words that meant "I can't bear to part with you", and then she just smiled again.

 When sisters get along, there will always be endless things to say.

After all, getting married is considered a kind of separation. Gradually, it is inevitable that some childhood memories will be mentioned.

It all happened when you were six years old and I was three years old. Lin Yunfang is the youngest. He can’t remember the details when he raises his head. Lin Yunyan’s two lives have been stacked together. It’s been too long. I can’t think clearly. The only one is Lin Yunjing. The eldest sister has a good memory and is attentive, and she talks a lot.

 The night is getting darker.

 Lin Yunfang, who loved the liveliness the most, was the first to feel sleepy.

She tilted her head and leaned against Lin Yunyan, and her speech became more straightforward: "Second sister, I think you are so happy. You are happy from the bottom of your heart."

"Yes," Lin Yunyan said with a smile, "I'm very happy."

Lin Yunfang asked again: "Where is the eldest sister? Will the eldest sister be happy when she gets married?"

Lin Yunjing was stunned for a moment.

  She has a more reserved temperament and does not like to express these things at first, but there is a red Double Happiness sticker on the window and a red wedding dress hung on the hanger. Thinking of what Lin Yunyan said, her emotions are naturally infected.

"I will be happy," she smiled shyly, "I am satisfied with the current marriage, so I will marry happily."

Lin Yunfang laughed when she heard this. She smiled heartily, but because of her sleepiness, she looked more innocent.

 “What about me?” She said vaguely, words that she would not say casually on weekdays, “Can I have a satisfactory marriage?”

 She is the youngest.

 The sisters all got married within half a year, leaving only her.

 As long as she can remember, she has been the tail behind her sisters. She has never been "alone".

These days, she is happy that her sisters have found husbands, but she is also worried about the unseen future.

Especially, last year, she suffered a lot in her friendship. Not only did she lose food due to choking, but she also became more and more dependent on her sisters.

Lin Yunyan and Lin Yunjing exchanged a look.

 “What stupid words can you say? Will it make your marriage unsatisfactory?”

"You have two brothers-in-law. Let them stop outside our house when the time comes. Don't let matchmakers come to our house if you are not a suitable young master."

“The eldest brother-in-law is a new member of the Hanlin family, and the second brother-in-law is a general.” Lin Yunfang covered her lips and yawned, “That’s bad, no one can come...”

 After saying that, she couldn't resist the sleepiness and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Lin Yunjing straightened the quilt for her and teased Lin Yunyan softly: "It's broken. No one comes to the door, so I can't get married."

Lin Yunyan laughed silently, laughed for a while, and then whispered: "There must be someone who can come in."

Her former third brother-in-law, the grand-nephew of her grandmother’s family, was able to come in through the gate with great swagger because of her family ties.

 This is a good marriage.

 Again, she wants to change the bad past, but also insists on holding on to the good things that should exist.

After the twelfth lunar month, she would prepare for the new year. Then she would mention it to her grandmother and find a way to get her third brother-in-law to come to Beijing.

Lin Yunjing thought that she would have to get up early tomorrow, so she stopped talking and urged Lin Yunyan to go to bed.

 Blowed out the lamp and the room became dark.

Lin Yunfang next to her was already asleep, breathing softly.

Lin Yunyan's sleepiness was very light, and she couldn't help but think of Xu Jian.

It should be said that during these days, when she had free time, it was hard for her not to think about Xu Jian.

After realizing that she liked Xu Jian more than she expected, this realization also led her to sort out the years of getting along and supporting each other.

Putting aside those cruel and painful experiences, only the daily bits and pieces were left, which were very small. If she didn't try so hard to recall, she might not be able to remember them. Even some fragments were put together, and she was not sure whether she could remember them. wrong.     But she liked those memories.

Even though it might have gone wrong, it was what she wanted deep down in her heart, so she was able to put that scene together.

 When she looked back at the memories she had pieced together, she could feel many emotions that she had not discovered or thought about at the time.

At this moment, Lin Yunyan thought of the fireflies in the mountains and fields.

  It was difficult at that time, otherwise I would not have traveled the mountain road at night.

With a lot of thoughts on his mind, he pushed his wheelchair through the mountain path, but inadvertently, he and Xu Jian saw tiny bits of light.

At the time, I actually didn’t have time to appreciate it, nor was I in the mood to appreciate it, but the scene was beautiful after all, and it was so deeply engraved in my mind.

Thinking about it now, she actually stopped at that moment.

She looked at the whole patch of fireflies for a moment, fearing to disturb them, so she stopped her already light steps.

 She only paused for a short while, and then heard Xu Jian call "Ayan".

 She regarded the sound as a reminder and an urging. After she came to her senses, she continued pushing the wheelchair forward.

They walked into the fireflies, and the fireflies danced out of the way. When they walked out of that section of the road, she turned around and the fireflies dispersed.


Lin Yunyan’s eyelashes blinked.

 At that time, did Xu Jian really want to rush her?

When she turned back to reconstruct the scene, she remembered that Xu Jian was leaning sideways, and his hand was on her hand holding the wheelchair, and his warm fingers melted away the coolness of the night dew in the mountains. , his voice is soft and gentle...

 He seemed to be admiring the fireflies.

When they were in it, the stars were about to disperse, and one or two stopped on Xu Jian's shoulders.

 It’s weak, but it’s also moving.

Lin Yunyan couldn't tell whether it was yes or no, but she thought she could give Xu Jian an answer.

Suddenly, she remembered that it was not the first time she and Xu Jian had seen fireflies flying.

When they were still in the capital, there was such a scene in the back garden of the Fuguogong Mansion on a summer night.

 There are not as many as in the mountains, but they are rare in Beijing.

When Lin Yunyan discovered it, she lamented with Xu Jian. Xu Jian attributed it to the fact that "there are many trees and many flowers in the Duke's Mansion, but there are few."

She pushed Xu Jian to see her, without any help or a lantern. When she came back, she tripped and hit her feet on the wheelchair, causing her to scream in pain. Finally, Xu Jian took some medicinal oil and gave it to her carefully. rub.

It was just a little bruise, and even if it was rubbed away, it wouldn't affect her ability to move around. But she was lazy and cowardly, so she lay on the couch for three days and couldn't move any more than Xu Jian, who was really injured.


Xu Jian's temperament was cooler at that time, but with his current temper, he would most likely say something weird.

 But no matter what kind of temper Xu Jian is, he is the one she is familiar with, trusts, and loves and cannot let go of.

 Spring, summer, autumn and winter, year after year, all that is accumulated is spring rain.

Lin Yunyan fell asleep in her memories.

 In the dream, there are still so many stars.

She could hear her own heartbeat and knew that her emotions were gradually surging in her heartbeat. She opened her eyes when the sky turned pale, curled her fingers, and calmed her breathing.

 When Wan Yue came to call her, Lin Yunyan sat up.

Lin Yunjing and Lin Yunfang also woke up. Although they were sleepy, they were more excited.

Lin Yunyan took the time to freshen up, packed up and went to the ancestral hall.

Lin Yue is already waiting for her.

When the father and daughter met, they didn't say any greetings, they just smiled.

Lin Yunyan kowtowed to her ancestors, and then went to the female shrine to pay a grand ceremony. This time, she stared at her mother's tablet for a long time.

Father said that her mother must be watching her from heaven.

Lin Yunyan believes it.

Her memory of her mother is shallow but profound, but many of the things she can grasp today come from her mother's blessing.

Her position as princess, the empress dowager's preference, and the emperor's turning a blind eye to all matters big and small are all just because she is Shen Yun's daughter.

 But she thought that her mother might have regrets.

Li Shao, whose mother risked her life to save her, eventually caused her and Xu Jian to be buried in the fire.

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath and thought to herself that she had to be more upbeat and not make her mother regret it anymore.

 When leaving the ancestral hall, she held the imperial edict conferring marriage.

  It is already light.

Back at Bao'an Garden, Lin Yunyan had just sat down and drank some hot tea when laughter and laughter came from outside.

 She put on her wedding dress while laughing, and Mrs. Chen combed her hair.

  That part of the congratulatory speech was already memorized by heart, but Mrs. Chen choked up again and her eyes were red. The ladies who came to watch the ceremony anxiously made fun of her to prevent her from crying on the big day.

 The Jin family also arrived.

Jinning was taller than at the beginning of the year and ran faster. He rushed in with two round legs, but he was still very flexible. He bypassed the tables, stools and so many people, and jumped directly into Lin Yunyan's arms.

 He raised his head, his big eyes flashed, and his childish voice said: "Sister Yun Yan is so beautiful."

 Someone teased her: "The brides are all beautiful."

Jinning said: "Sister Yun Yan is the most beautiful."

 Children’s words are crisp and lively.

Ms. Chen couldn't help laughing, but this smile suppressed all those emotional emotions.

She pulled up Lin Yunyan's long hair, combed it carefully, put on the phoenix crown, and adjusted it bit by bit to ensure it was perfect.

After that, she had to go forward again.

As the person in charge of Uncle Chengyi's house, she can't stay in Bao'an Garden all the time. There are so many guests and so many things waiting for her today.

There is no shortage of people around Lin Yunyan, and the bride is always the center of the day.

 She talked to her sisters and listened to the auspicious words from relatives and friends who were watching the ceremony. She slept little last night, but she was always in good spirits.

No amount of charcoal pots could hold back the heat as people came in and out, but Lin Yunyan didn't feel cold. There was a fire in her heart, burning hot.

When the time came, Lin Yunyan went to Zaishouyuan first.

Little Mrs. Duan held her hand tightly. For a moment, she couldn't say anything straight, and she couldn't say anything about the situation. She just pursed her lips and looked at her, with thousands of words in her eyes.

 “It’s coming soon, the auspicious time is coming soon.”

 “Let’s go ahead and see if the wedding team has arrived?”

 “Come, come, the groom has arrived at the entrance of the alley!”

“Everyone blocking the door is ready and gearing up.”

 The news is coming in one after another, making people look forward to it.

Lin Yunyan also turned to look out the window.

The sun has already risen, and when it falls through the window lattice, it is scattered by the red double happiness, and becomes more and more mottled, just like the stars in her memory.

 She waited for her wedding in this patch of dotted fireflies.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~Do you have a member ticket~~~

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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