Yan Cigui

Chapter 344: Pampered by you (two updates in one)

 Chapter 344: You’re Pampered (Two updates in one)

 The sun is not that warm in the winter afternoon, but the light is strong enough.

Through the window behind him, the shadows of the two people under the window were reflected on the floor tiles.

In the light and shadow, people leaned on each other. Perhaps the sunlight was too dim, or the shadows were too long and slanted. Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and looked at it, and she could see the feeling of eternity.

As if she and Xu Jian were no longer so young, they had really gone through a long time, reaching their twilight years and the sunset of their lives.

This feeling came suddenly and lingered for a while, accumulating in the chest and slowing down the beating of the entire heart.


 I am old and slow.

Lin Yunyan thought that even if her dizziness was not real that day, she did like it.

For her, after being reborn, doesn’t what she wants is to be able to reach her twilight years and experience her twilight years with Xu Jian beside her?

His long eyelashes trembled, and his chest was inevitably swollen with emotions.

For a moment, Lin Yunyan wanted to cry, but there were no tears in her eyes.

The tear glands seemed to have been frozen by the cold winter. Even in the warm side hall, they could not be opened, so that the bloated emotions could not be vented.

The fingers pressing on the cushion were curled up, and the fingertips used some force to support her body. Lin Yunyan raised her head from Xu Jian's arms.

 In her sight, she saw Xu Jian's neck, and there was a small red mark on the protruding Adam's apple.

She got it out last night. It was very shallow. It was so shallow that it would have been impossible to spot it if she hadn't been so close. Moreover, before the two of them went out, Lin Yunyan used powder to cover Xu Jian.

Maybe it was because it took a long time, and I went back and forth to the imperial study room again, going in and out of the hot and cold indoors and outdoors, so that I lost some color, which was obvious when she, the well-known instigator, looked at me.

Further up is Xu Jian's jawline. It was cleaned up early in the morning, and now even the green residue is not obvious.

Without thinking, Lin Yunyan raised her head higher and leaned over to touch him.

It's so simple and shallow that it's not enough to vent your emotions, but it's better to tear open some stable holes and have a place to go than to burst the embankment.

Xu Jian's hand on her back tightened, he held her waist and lifted her up, letting her sit on his lap.

Lin Yunyan thought it was her left leg, so she didn't say much to Xu Jian.

 Speaking of which, she has indeed always been accustomed to leaning on Xu Jian's left side.

Even in the past, Xu Jian ended up with both legs broken, but she still subconsciously avoided Xu Jian's right leg more. This habit was naturally developed, and it continues to this day.

 No one spoke, the kisses ranged from light to long, affectionate and gentle.

Lin Yunyan's whole body was relaxed, and those swollen emotions slowly dissipated in such gentle comfort.

It did not become a torrent that broke through the dam, but instead became a gurgling stream that spread slowly, moistening things silently.

  When they separated, her breathing was not rapid. Lin Yunyan stretched out her hand to make gestures in the shadow of the setting sun. It didn't mean much. It was like playing with a child, and she was quite happy.

 After playing for a while, she got up and went to the dressing table.

 Although I haven’t lived here for a while, the daily necessities are still quite complete.

Lin Yunyan took a box of powder and ointment, returned to Xu Jian, raised her chin at him, revealing her long neck.

Xu Jian's eyes fell on her fair skin, and when she saw that her fingers were already stained with some powder, she understood and raised her head.

Lin Yunyan stood in front of Xu Jian, got very close, and pressed the red mark on his Adam's apple with her fingertips using the sunlight that had not had time to dissipate.

The mark is really very small, it can be completely covered by the fingertips, and it is very shallow. Others may not be able to see it even if they stand talking to Xu Jian, but Lin Yunyan cares about it and has to cover more than one mark.

 Under the fingertips, her Adam's apple slid up and returned to its original position. Lin Yunyan thought that it was enough, so she took back her hand and put away everything.

The two of them didn't rest long in the side hall, but the days were short in winter, and the twilight was getting thicker and thicker without realizing it. If they didn't prepare to leave the palace, they would probably have to light the lamps.

 “Back?” Xu Jian asked.

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

 She did not ask Xu Jian what he had said to the emperor in the royal study.

The palace is not a good place to talk. Even if it is Cining Palace, a side hall without outsiders, the two of them will not mention anything related to Li Shao here.

 The two of them came out one after another and walked to the main hall.

Seeing them coming, Mr. Yu smiled and said, "My wife has been up for a while."

Lin Yunyan walked in and saw the Empress Dowager talking to Grandma Wang. She said, "You have taken a break. Why didn't you send someone to call me?"

 “You young couple are talking about you, but the Ai family won’t shout.” The Empress Dowager snorted.

Lin Yunyan still sat down next to her and said with a smile: "That did say a lot. I told him about the time when I lived in the palace before. There were many things in the side hall, and I haven't finished yet. Woolen cloth."

 In front of the Empress Dowager, Xu Jian rarely showed a bit of shyness.

The Queen Mother continued casually: "What kind of thing?"

"What you rewarded, what the Holy Emperor rewarded, was left behind by my mother when she lived in the palace..." Lin Yunyan said, "I have to tell him more about what I drew and played with in the side hall."

The Empress Dowager laughed: "Yes, the last few times Xu Jian came to Cining Palace, you were either in the main hall or in the garden at the back. You never entered the side hall."

Grandpa Yu is standing aside. After hearing this, he raised his eyes and looked at Grandma Wang.

The princess's words were correct. She probably didn't mean anything. Judging from the Queen Mother's reaction, she didn't think about it. It was just like the close grandfather and grandson chatting about their daily life.

It means that these words cannot leave the door of this palace, otherwise they will fall on the ears of interested people, and it will seem like provoking trouble.

The princess spoke eloquently about the old things here. In the past few months, the East Palace had not stored them properly and the late queen’s relics had been damaged a lot. Even though it was said that the prince had repaired them with his own hands, they were still damaged after all...

Mammy Wang also understood in her heart what the father-in-law meant, and she also believed that the princess had no unnecessary thoughts.

 It's just the twists and turns in the middle that they can't discuss casually.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and don't let the words get out.

The Empress Dowager was used to Lin Yunyan chatting about daily life. Even though she had talked to Lin Yunyan openly or secretly for the sake of the prince, she did not feel that Lin Yunyan was deliberately making trouble.

 After all, the young couple who got married just yesterday, although they had some contact before the marriage, were still in the stage of getting to know each other and getting used to each other, and they could only talk about these topics when they got along.

 Telling stories about old things is a normal way of getting along.

 It’s just that there is no room for much “unintentionality” in this palace.

After listening to Lin Yunyan talking for a while, the Empress Dowager said: "It's getting late. You go pick some tea and take it back. The Ai family will explain a few words to Xu Jian."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

As soon as she left, the Queen Mother's eyes fell on Xu Jian.

“Yun Yan was raised in the palace. She has always had the keenness and prudence that she should have. Of course, there are times when she is squeamish.” The Queen Mother smiled as she spoke.

 If you are not squeamish, why would you call Liu Xun "a duck"?

“You should mention her more,” the Empress Dowager said again. “If you really need anything, discuss it with the Ai family. If you like tea and wine, the Ai family is not without them.”

 Xu Jian smiled.

 The meaning of the Queen Mother's words is also very clear.

 She originally disagreed with the way the "Guyue Tribute Wine" was handled last time. She also knew that Lin Yunyan's behavior of begging for wine at that time was the idea behind Xu Jian's back. Lin Yunyan's squeamishness was actually taught by Xu Jian.

In this case, instead of telling Lin Yunyan to be more obedient, it would be better to talk to Xu Jian directly.

 Xu Jian knew that this was the Queen Mother's care and love.

Without the protection of the Empress Dowager, how can the two of them pretend to be powerful?

 Over the past year or so, all the progress that can be gained from the harem is due to the empress dowager's preference for the little princess. The Queen Mother's requirements for them were very simple, love, harmony and smoothness, that's all.

It is precisely because of this that even though the Empress Dowager helped and protected them time and time again, she still couldn’t figure out why they wanted to confront Li Shao.

Some were intentional like the tribute wine, some were out of good intentions in the eyes of the Empress Dowager but Li Shao didn't appreciate it, like tiger bones, and there were also those that the little princess just said in a commonplace manner that would have seemed provocative to anyone else.

However, Xu Jian knew that Lin Yunyan was not causing trouble just now.

In fact, the two of them didn't say anything in the side hall. They hugged and kissed quietly for a while, but this kind of intimacy was not suitable for telling the truth to the Empress Dowager. The little princess couldn't be shameless about this, so she just said it smoothly. Made up a reason.

   Has no intention of going towards Li Shao at all.

  But in the final analysis, it was impossible for the two of them to completely settle their conflict with Li Shao in front of the Empress Dowager.

No one is like them, they have not experienced the years when Li Shao was in sole control, and they have not been forced into desperation.

"With your pampering, I will naturally have no shortage of good things. I have benefited from the princess," Xu Jian said.

The Queen Mother was still smiling and said nothing more.

After Lin Yunyan had picked out the tea leaves to take away, the two of them said goodbye to the Empress Dowager. Eunuch Yu sent them out, leaving only the Empress Dowager and Grandma Wang in the palace.

Grandma Wang observed the words and expressions and served tea to the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager took a sip. The tea was slightly bitter in the mouth and had a sweet aftertaste.

She liked the taste very much. She stroked the tea cup with her fingertips for a long time and then smiled again.

How could she not understand what Xu Jian said?

 Xu Jian's words, the premise of everything is "you are pampering me".

 And she will be gone sooner or later.

This is what the Empress Dowager is worried about. This is exactly what she said when she spoke to Lin Yunyan several times. Therefore, when Xu Jian mentioned it like this, it was hard for the Empress Dowager not to think about it.

 Her worry comes from her age and her perception of her old age.

How could Yun Yan or Xu Jian be more worried than her?

Not only are they worried that she will leave early, but they also have no confidence in the future of the prince. It seems that whether the two of them take the initiative to confront the prince, they will be in trouble...

 Thinking too much.

The Queen Mother pursed her lips.

 It doesn't seem right to say that. The temper Li Shao has shown in the past two years will indeed make people lose patience.

 But Xu Jian should not be included among those who are eager to stir up trouble.

 Xu Jian was not necessary and absolutely inappropriate. Moreover, Xu Jian should not have shown the slightest tendency to be detrimental to the prince in front of the emperor.

Given the sage's preference for Li Shao, whenever Xu Jian has some clues, the sage will not have such a valued and supportive attitude toward him.

So, was it because she was guessing and thinking wrongly, or was Xu Jian completely hiding in front of the emperor?

The Queen Mother did not dare to make a complete judgment for a while.

Have to look again.

 Look at your Majesty, look at Li Shao.

 On the other side, when Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan returned to Fu Guogong's mansion, it was already dark.

The house was lit with lanterns, and the festive red silk lanterns were not removed. The two of them went back to their room to have dinner, and then they sent people to talk about Xu Jian going to the imperial study.

“You have to give him something to do,” Xu Jian said. “Looking at him like that, he probably won’t be able to stay idle.”

Lin Yunyan said: "There is still almost a month before the seal. No matter how idle he is, no one will push him, and I'm afraid there won't be much trouble."

Xu Jian said: "The two chamberlains who followed the prince to the imperial study today are Eunuch Guo and Feng."

Lin Yunyan understood.

Eunuch Guo was ordered by Eunuch Cao himself. Li Shao had to serve him, but he also knew that this was someone arranged by the Holy One to watch over him.

 Besides this, anyone who can win Li Shao's favor must have something "exceptional" about him.

  Feng’s chamberlain, presumably, was the one who taught Li Shao how to “turn disaster into good fortune” and make the Holy Emperor calm down. At the same time, he must have been the person behind the scenes who inserted him into the matter.

 Whether there will be a big storm or not depends on how Feng Feng incites it.

 After finishing the matter, Lin Yunyan called Wan Yue to come in and wash her face.

After everything that needed to be tidied up, Wan Yue went out and saw Granny Ma spreading bedding in the second room.

“Mommy,” Wan Yue stepped forward and said in a lowered voice, “Let me stay on watch tonight.”

Mama Ma looked at her: "Is that okay?"

Wan Yue's face turned red. Thinking of the red marks she saw when the princess got up during the day, her face turned even redder.

"It's my job," Wan Yue pursed her lips, "I can't work hard all the time."

After hearing what she said, Mother Ma agreed and whispered a few more words.

"Mother Geng is in the kitchen. She needs water in the house. Please ask Mother Geng to bring it in. Don't be brave. If you spill the water in the middle of the night, you'll be in trouble."

"I have also prepared the decoction that the princess wants. You can give it to her to drink when the time comes."

 “Be smart and don’t fall asleep.”

Wanyue listened carefully and kept nodding.

 The night is getting deeper.

 The lamp was blown out in the bedroom, and Wan Yue quickly blew out the lamp in the next room.

Having followed the princess for so many years, she was used to staying on night watch, but this time was different from the past, which made her feel uncomfortable.

 Fortunately, I slept soundly in the second half of the night, and I didn’t feel sleepy when I woke up in the morning.

Because she has to go home, Lin Yunyan cannot sleep until she wakes up naturally like she did yesterday.

  The ceremony for returning home has been prepared long ago, and a full carriage has been piled up.

After leaving the Duke's Mansion and arriving at Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, Lin Yunyan stepped out of the car and saw her family members waiting for them at the door.

Mrs. Chen smiled and shook her hand: "The old lady is waiting in the house."

Lin Yunyan responded, and saw Lin Yunfang, who was leaning against Lin Yunjing, winking at her, looking extremely naughty.

 The group entered Zaishouyuan.

Little Mrs. Duan was sitting upright, with her hair combed shiny and shiny, in high spirits, looking at Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian who walked in.

The granddaughter has seen too much, so she looks good, and this grandson-in-law...

In the whole capital, in terms of background, appearance, and ability, this person is the most outstanding among the younger generation.

 And this is their uncle from the Chengcheng Mansion!

Little Duan looked up and down, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

   Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan for the reward.

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Author: Looking for the lost love "Time and Time", a cool article about a heroine who builds a foundation and strives for world supremacy in troubled times. Book lovers are welcome to jump in.

  (End of this chapter)

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