Yan Cigui

Chapter 345: Fate (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

After they recognized each other, Lin Yunyan stayed in Zaishouyuan to talk, while Xu Jian followed Lin Yu to the study.

Lin Yunyan watched him leave, took a few more glances, and was laughed at by Lin Yunfang, who was always making fun of others.

Little Mrs. Duan raised her hand and pointed at Lin Yunfang: "You are the most naughty and troublesome one!"

Lin Yunyan also laughed.

 After laughing, a group of people in the room talked about the arrangements for the end of the year.

Seeing that the twelfth lunar month is approaching, the year has come to an end, and every household has been really busy lately.

“Laba still has to give out porridge,” Mrs. Chen said. “All the families in the alley have made an agreement together, and they are all placed outside the west city gate. It’s still the same.”

Lin Yunyan knew about these old almanacs and said, "Count me in too."

 Lin Yunfang whispered to Lin Yunjing, her voice neither too loud nor too soft: "Yes, the second sister is not from our family now, and she must be considered a member of the Duke's government when she gives porridge."

Mrs. Chen heard this and deliberately ignored her daughter. She just said to Lin Yunyan: "You have just entered the house and you are pressed for time. You may not have time to start from scratch. Why don't you join us and settle the money?"

Lin Yunyan naturally responded.

The main thing is Chengyi's house. She only provided money and two or three manpower, and she also got a good reputation. It was really a cheap deal.

  In other words, the natal family members who have a harmonious relationship can take advantage of them so casually.

Talking about Lin Yunjing's marriage again, Mrs. Chen smiled and said: "I have done it once and I have gained a lot of experience. Next time Yunjing comes out of the cabinet, I can handle it more smoothly."

Lin Yunjing's cheeks turned red and she said, "Thank you for your hard work, aunt."

Ms. Chen had a lot to do, so she left after saying a few words.

Little Mrs. Duan also had a lot of things to ask Lin Yunyan. There were so many people in the room that it was difficult to say anything. Those who had a few words dispersed, leaving only the grandfather and grandson.

 “Can you still get used to it after getting married?” Xiao Duan asked.

"It's been two or three days, and it's not even a question of whether I'm used to it or not," Lin Yunyan said. "We all know the situation in the Duke's Mansion in advance. Both Mrs. Xu and A-Ping have extremely gentle personalities. The Duke is also easy to get along with. I'm in charge of the situation." Yes, no one is trying to embarrass me, and I don’t have to worry about anything.

 It's just that the time is too short, and I haven't taken over all the big and small things in the house yet, and I will have to be busy for a while.

Hence, I feel privileged to have my natal family help me when I give out porridge. "

Mr. Duan laughed when he heard this: "You always told me to be more direct and don't think too much. Why did you get married and take advantage of your mother's family? Who will take advantage of it? If you don't take advantage of it, who will take advantage of it?"

Lin Yunyan blinked and said very playfully: "We are harmonious and easy to talk to, so I will naturally take advantage and say good things. Not only do I take advantage of my parents' family, but I will definitely not say anything when my parents' family should take advantage of me. That’s how it should be.”

 Little Duan laughed again.

Lin Yunyan said this, not to argue about superiority or inferiority. Her goal is still the Duan family in Jiangnan.

“Speaking of which, if you don’t take advantage of your mother’s family, I don’t think you’ll let them take advantage of it.” Lin Yunyan said.

Little Duan waved his hand: "The mountains are high and the roads are far away."

Lin Yunyan was not surprised by her grandmother’s reaction.

 Grandma’s temper has remained the same for decades, and it was last year that she tweaked her here and there.

The capital and Jiangnan are too far apart. As a married woman, how could my grandmother keep an eye on her natal family? And how could a family as conscientious and honest as the Duan family in Jiangnan pursue benefits from their married women?

If we live in the same city, we will naturally still move around, but if we are too far apart, it is the most decent and thoughtful way to go back and forth during festivals and festivals throughout the year.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yunfang's reputation was ruined in the past, and her grandmother really had no choice but to ask her parents' family for help, and she really risked her face.

Lin Yunyan thought about it and said, "Have you given away this year's New Year's gifts?"

"We have been on the road a long time ago," Xiao Duan said. "The journey is too far. I am afraid of delays on the way, so Sanlang's wife sent it out early to ensure that it can be delivered before the year."

"I just remembered it," Lin Yunyan said, "Does anyone in the Duan clan want to go to Beijing to study? Renting a house in Laoshi Lane to others is renting, and renting to one's own family is also renting."

"Where are you talking about?" Xiao Duan shook his head, "There are really people in the clan who come to study, how can we let them live outside? There is so much yard at home that they can't live in it?"

They are all juniors from her mother's family, they have never been married, they have a house, land and money, and they don't want anyone to live in the house. The little Duan family can't afford to lose that person anyway.

"Yes, you should live in the mansion," Lin Yunyan said with a smile, "Then you might as well ask? Is there a roster? I'll pick a few names and I'll find the names that I like."

Little Duan couldn’t laugh or cry.

 She was brought in by Lin Yunyan.

 Mingming was still thinking about the first two sentences. The Duan family had arrangements for the Duan family, but they didn't say anything. She, an elder who had been married for decades, suddenly asked to take her junior to Beijing. What kind of gesticulation was that?

As a result, Lin Yunyan said something like this later, and she felt that it would be good to go to Beijing, since there was enough room in the mansion anyway.

 In the final analysis, it is still moderate.

Little Duan was thinking about considering this matter, but Lin Yunyan asked for the roster and wanted to pick someone who liked her. .

"How is your knowledge? How is your fame? Do you have any thoughts of going to Beijing?" Xiao Duan said angrily, "Do you want to see the clues from the names? You are just messing up the mandarin ducks."

"The mandarin duck score is great!" This is Lin Yunyan's original intention. "The eldest sister is going to marry Mr. Yu, and the third sister has not said goodbye yet. She seizes the opportunity to laugh at the eldest sister and me. I just ordered one from the Duan clan for her. ”

Little Duan laughed loudly while saying "Nonsense".

Mammy Ruan sat beside her and was also amused by her grandfather and grandson.

She really likes the princess. When she talks seriously, everything is reasonable and to the point. When she makes jokes, she is cute even when she is messy. Who can not like such a junior who can take charge of things and make fun?

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw the princess looking at her.

 “Mommy, look for the roster.”

Mother Ruan did not expect that the princess was not just talking about it, but actually wanted to see the roster. She subconsciously looked at Xiao Duan.

Little Duan was obviously stunned for a moment.

Pian Princess urged her again, and Nanny Ruan got excited and got up to get it.

 Over the past year or so, the princess has indeed made many decisions on her own, but looking back in hindsight, she has always taken advantage of the situation. Therefore, even if Mrs. Duan did not give instructions, Nanny Ruan subconsciously followed the princess's instructions.

 Soon, the roster came over.

"It was almost three years ago," said Nanny Ruan. "Everything that happened during this period was recorded in Jiangnan's mailing list."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, those new students are not even three years old, and they are already too early to enter Beijing."

As she spoke, she opened the book very quickly and finally stopped at the third room.

Among the younger generation of Sanfang, her fingertips fell on a name: "Duan Zhihuai, that's it."

 Little Duan was dumbfounded.

This is really a mess.

 But as soon as he came up, he clicked so directly and quickly, as if he had already identified this person.

"Yun Yan," Xiao Duan looked at her and said hesitantly, "Are you aware of Zhihuai?"

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "The Jingdong family mentioned it to me. As you know, the Jingdong family was originally a businessman in the Jiangnan area. They ran a charity hall and were somewhat famous in the local area.

He has heard about the Duan family, saying that he is a young and talented person, a talented person, good at reading, and can be regarded as a famous person among Jiangnan students.

There were a lot of people praising you there. The Jingdong family knew that you were a child of your mother's family, so they mentioned it. "

 After saying that, seeing Xiao Duan nodding, Lin Yunyan knew that she must have believed it.

Of course, the truth is actually the other way around.

It was Lin Yunyan's hope that Duan Zhihuai could continue to have a relationship with Lin Yunfang this time, so she asked the Jingdong family to inquire in Jiangnan.

 After all, my grandmother will not take the initiative to marry her third sister to Jiangnan in this life. If this marriage is to be continued, Duan Zhihuai will have to go to Beijing.

 Speaking of which, Duan Zhihuai did not become an official in the past.

With his talent and learning, it was not impossible for him to gain something in the scientific examination, but he married Lin Yunfang. Yunfang's temperament at that time gradually returned to some cheerfulness only because of the care and care of the Duan family members. The couple had a good relationship. Duan Zhihuai stayed in Jiangnan for a few more years for Yunfang's sake.

 Duan Zhihuai himself is not considered wasted.

The Duan clan has a large number of people, and the clan school is very impressive. He teaches the young disciples in the clan school, and I heard that he enjoys it very much.

Later, when something happened to Uncle Chengyi's house and his grandmother died of illness, his third uncle and third aunt all fled to the south of the Yangtze River, and Duan Zhihuai would never come to Beijing.

Sanmei and Duan Zhihuai now lack a chance to get married.

When the fate comes, it is up to them to discuss how to live in the future, but such a good man should not be missed.

"I heard that he doesn't seem to be focused solely on the scientific examination. Instead, he is very patient with the young and enlightened members of his family," Lin Yunyan said to Xiao Duan. "I was thinking that whether he is taking the exam for merit or staying in the clan to work, young people People, it’s always good to travel more and gain more knowledge.”

Little Duan's eyes fell on Duan Zhihuai's name again: "You have heard of him, but how can you start a mandarin duck book based on just hearing about him?"

"I order mine. Whether it succeeds or fails, I don't care," Lin Yunyan said. "Whether it's studying or traveling, you have to decide for yourself. The house is big and it's not just one or two people. I I think Duan Zhihuai is a very good person. If someone from the Duan family comes to Beijing, don't leave him behind. "

Little Duan patted Lin Yunyan's arm.

What he said makes sense, but it really doesn’t mean it’s just for Yunfang Xiang’s sake.

 But these words came from Yun Yan’s mouth...

Over the past year or so, Yun Yan has been thinking about it one after another, but every time she comes out, it is perfect, so that even the little Duan family wants to believe this "evil".

 What if?

There are indeed young talents in Beijing, but Xiao Duan naturally has more trust in the children of her mother's family.

“Study travel is not bad,” she considered. “Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, it is also a good thing to have the opportunity to visit the capital. It also happens that I can communicate with Yun Ding and Yun Feng..."

Lin Yunyan knew there was something going on after hearing Xiao Duan's tone: "You should take advantage of the New Year to write a letter. If the family has plans, they can pack up and come to Beijing after the New Year."

 Little Duan nodded.

Lin Yunyan settled a matter on her mind.

 In the other room, Xu Jian and Lin Yu were having tea and talking in the study.

Lin Yun did not mention Lin Yunyan much to Xu Jian.

The marriage was done, and Lin Yue could see that the relationship between the two of them was definitely not his daughter's wishful thinking, and based on his understanding of Xu Jian's character, he really didn't need to give any more advice.

 On the other hand, it was Xu Jian who pulled out a box from nowhere when he first came over. When he opened it, he saw two candied haws in it.

"Yun Yan is really..." Lin Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

He was just joking with Yun Yan that day. Unexpectedly, his uncle actually came to the door with candied haws.

 After all the gifts were sent, Lin Yue followed the good advice.

It still tastes the same as the one I tasted in the backyard of Taohe Zhai at that time, and because of the cold weather, it was even more frozen. When I bite into it, my teeth feel a little cold.

As Lin Yue ate, he said, "Actually, I wanted to ask you a while ago, but it's just inconvenient outside. Was it your idea to make the throne?"

 Xu Jian did not hide anything and nodded in recognition.

"Given the situation at the time, it is indeed a good idea to weigh the pros and cons," Lin Yu said, "but are you really just doing it for those pros and cons?"

Xu Jian had candied haws in her mouth and did not answer immediately.

 Lin Yu chuckled: "Maybe I think too much. Occasionally I feel that something is not right between you and the prince."

Xu Jian still didn't answer, but he sat up straight and looked like he was listening to Lin Yu's words carefully.

Lin Yue answered the question directly: "I'm not saying that the problem is yours, but that person is the prince after all.

To be honest, you have helped the prince a lot, but he doesn't seem to appreciate it. Judging from what happened in Chen Mi Hutong, he is even closer to Liu Xun than you.

 In fact, fate is also said between monarchs and ministers. If the fate is not close, you have saved him, you have carried him to the little throne, he will still complain about you if he complains about you. "

Hearing this, Xu Jian actually smiled.

Li Shao was more than just a critic of him.

“I still say the same thing, he is the prince after all,” Lin Yu sighed, “Last year I mentioned to you that the Holy One felt from beginning to end that the flood in Dingguo Temple that night was not an accident, but a man-made disaster.

 The Holy Emperor valued the late Queen too much, and the more he valued her, the more stable the Prince's position would be.

 When the throne is overturned and you have no relationship with the new emperor, it will be difficult for you in the court. "

 Every sentence is true.

If it weren't for Weng's son-in-law, Xu Jian thought, Uncle Chengyi would never have talked to him to this extent.

Xu Jian said: "I want to talk about fate with His Highness, but you can also see that I have helped him so much, but he still has complaints. Without the pressure of the Holy One, he would not want me to follow him."

Lin Yu smiled bitterly.

This matter is really difficult to handle.

He himself chose to be "idle and idle", holding a post in the Hanlin Academy and not being aggressive in the court. This was not because he had no relationship with the emperor, but because he wanted to be idle after his wife passed away.

 But he cannot ask his son-in-law to be idle just because he is free.

 That doesn’t make sense.

  Not to that extent either.

It's just that, more or less, I need to prepare for a rainy day. I have to sort it out and at least figure out what Xu Jian thinks and what the situation is between him and the prince.

 There is a difference between the emperor and his ministers. It is meaningless for the emperor and his ministers to argue about right and wrong, and they are asking for trouble.

Lin Yu dare not say how many solutions there are, but at least it can be regarded as "brainstorming".

 Xu Jian put down the candied haws in his hand and said, "Yesterday I went to the Imperial Study Room to express my gratitude. I mentioned the prince to the Holy One..."

It’s the end of the month, let’s call for monthly votes~~~

  (End of this chapter)

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