Yan Cigui

Chapter 349: Give him more things to do (two updates in one)

 In the Duke Fu's mansion, Doctor Yue was invited to Anping Garden.

Xu Jian’s healing process can be regarded as step-by-step. Although this “progress” is slow, it is still crawling at a snail’s pace, and it is always moving forward.

Judging from Dr. Yue’s experience, it is now stable and has promising prospects.

Of course, it would be better if this ambitious Duke of the country would listen to more advice.

It makes sense to have to ride a horse to get married, but to go to court before your injury is fully healed is too much trouble.

 Especially, on one occasion, Fu Guogong's legs were obviously overstretched.

 Another person might not be able to tell the clues, but Dr. Yue knew Xu Jian's condition very well. He massaged and soothed him every day, and he could tell the condition with just one touch of his palm.

The injured man did not hide anything from anyone. When Doctor Yue asked him about it, he immediately answered, saying that he had climbed over the courtyard wall and gave a rough description of the height. Doctor Yue went up in one breath and almost didn't come down.

There are reasons for assisting the Duke of the State. There are many twists and turns about serving the public and private interests. As a doctor, he can't understand unless he talks and listens. Anyway, he doesn't really want to know. The more he knows, the more unlucky he will be. But he is really a Doctor, the injured person hurts his leg so much that he really has a headache.

So, today, when Doctor Yue entered Anping Garden and saw the auxiliary Duke and the princess, he probably guessed that the injured person was disobedient.

 The old doctor didn’t bother to talk over and over again when trying to persuade me.

Seeing Xu Jian lying on the couch, he stepped forward and pressed his right leg.

 Compared to the treatment in the morning, the muscles are a little tighter.

 Doctor Yue said directly: "It's not bad, it's better than climbing over the wall last time."

 Xu Jian smiled helplessly: "It's causing trouble."

Lin Yunyan feels much more relieved.

 The strength of the lift when climbing over the wall was sufficient, and the impact on the legs must have been greater. Compared with climbing over the wall, the few steps today were naturally "easier".

Had it not been for the small contribution, Lin Yunyan would not have agreed to Xu Jian to do such a scene.

 I knew the seriousness in my heart, but only after listening to the doctor’s judgment did I really feel relieved.

 Doctor Yue pressed Xu Jian's legs for a while.

 At first use more strength, but then you don’t need to use all your strength anymore.

“The princess is here?” Doctor Yue asked.

This compression is mainly for soothing. The strength is not critical. Pressing for a longer time is more important.

A few days ago, Dr. Yue discovered that the princess's compression technique was very good, and she didn't look like a novice at all.

At that time, he asked out of curiosity, and the princess replied, "I press the Empress Dowager and Grandma too much."

Doctor Yue had no doubts at all, and even murmured: You are worthy of being favored by the Empress Dowager. The princess has also worked hard to serve the empress. Isn't this the relationship between elders and juniors? There are back and forth, and they give to each other. .

Doctor Yue knew that Lin Yunyan was fully capable of relieving the tension in Xu Jian's legs, so he asked her.

It’s not that Dr. Yue wants to be lazy, but that when a young couple is newly married and their relationship is harmonious, they need to mix honey with oil and have more contact. What kind of candle is he, an old doctor, like?

Living in the Duke Fu's mansion and treating the Duke, he still needs to have some eyesight.

Lin Yunyan naturally responded after hearing his question. At the same time, she felt more relieved.

  She was able to relax, which shows that those few steps did not have much impact.

If Xu Jian can continue to get better like this...

 Doctor Yue left first.

Lin Yunyan moved a round stool to the couch, soaked her hands with hot water by herself, waited until both hands were warm before sitting down, and poured some medicated oil to massage Xu Jian's legs.

 The fair and clean hands were stained with the color of medicated oil and were stained quite a bit.

Lin Yunyan didn't pay attention and rubbed her face with her fingers, leaving some on her cheeks.

 Xu Jian took a clean handkerchief and wiped it gently for her: "Do you feel pain from the fall?"

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes and glanced at him.

They took off their dirty snow coats when they got back to the carriage. They left well prepared, and there were clean ones in the carriage. They also used soup dumplings to keep them warm, so they didn't feel any chill when they put them on.

Since it was done on purpose, it really didn’t hurt at all.

“My clothes are thick, so I don’t feel any pain,” Lin Yunyan said. “Compared to those few steps you took, they are nothing at all.”

Xu Jian said: "You have a clear view of Zhangping Garden, and you are sincere. There is no need to fall so low."

 “If it falls, it will fall.” Lin Yunyan said softly.

Of course she knows the situation in Zhangpingyuan.

 The ability to plot against Liu Xun and Zheng Liu that day was largely due to geographical advantages.

She understands the layout of Zhangping Garden so that she can control, guide and accomplish things.

Hence, Lin Yunyan also knew what Xu Jian was talking about.

Across a pool of water, I could see but not completely. No matter how hard Lin Yunyan fell, she couldn't even say "ouch". On the other hand, she just pretended to squat down and shouted, there was no need to actually push herself to the ground. fall.

"My fall was not painful or itchy, but my clothes were dirty," Lin Yunyan said without stopping, "If you think about it, the wall was overturned and the road was gone just for the sake of acting."

 Xu Jian laughed.

He was wrong in the first place and couldn't explain it.

He turned the topic back to business: "Li Shao is impulsive and will start making plans after getting the news."

Lin Yunyan said: "I'm more curious about how he will attack, or what step he wants to take."

Li Shao has always been a bad guy, but now he still has a little bit of control.

 First of all, the Holy Emperor is in good health and still in charge of the court, and Li Shao has not yet been able to cover the sky with one hand; moreover, in Xu Jian's words, Li Shao is not that crazy now, and he will not mess with anything.

 In other words, Li Shao would do something stupid that would hurt the enemy a thousand and himself eight hundred because he was careless about the future and was not clear-headed, but he would never set up a trap for this in his original intention.

If such a result is achieved, Xu Jian will be unlucky and Li Shao will not be able to get anything good.

Among her and Xu Jian's enemies, Li Shao was an important one, but they were not the only ones standing in the way of Li Shao's "ascension". After more than half a year of struggle, the former harem was waiting to pull the prince down. There are quite a few people.

Li Shao doesn't care whether Xu Jian's leg injury is "good or bad". He will not try to break Xu Jian's leg just because he can jump, unless Li Shao has the ability to escape unscathed.

Since Li Shao has no one available now, it is obviously not in Li Shao's interests to plot the plan personally and get Xu Jian injured.

If he personally broke Xu Jian's leg again, Li Shao would be in big trouble.

Then what he hopes more is to expose Xu Jian's feigning injury to the Holy One.

Lin Yunyan thought so and told Xu Jian the same thing.

Xu Jian listened carefully and added: "The man behind the scenes should be the same way. He found me climbing over the wall before, but he was always cautious, so he handed over the work of testing and verification to Li Shao.

Li Shao is his chess piece, but it is not a useless chess piece. That person will not give up Li Shao just to deal with me.

 So, their response was to expose rather than to murder. "

Lin Yunyan frowned when she heard this.

 All principles are principles.

Uncle An Yi is alive, Marquis Dingbei is doing well, and their auxiliary government and Uncle Chengyi's mansion are going smoothly. To say more, the Queen Mother is still there, but the person behind the scenes has lost the ability to speak in the court. British public.

In contrast to the two sides, the person behind the scenes will never stand in the light at this moment. He needs Li Shao, who is easy to handle and can cause trouble, to eliminate dissidents for him.

If Li Shaozhen and Xu Jian fight to "die together", the people behind the scenes will also suffer a big loss.

 So, you can use Xu Jian's hand, and the prince can also contribute. As long as you control the intensity and don't lose both sides, it is the most suitable situation.

Lin Yunyan could figure it all out, but it was really uncomfortable to hear the words "exposure" and "murder" in her ears. She really didn’t want Xu Jian to get hurt again.

 Xu Jian's leg injury is recovering. Although it is slow, it is getting better.

If anything else, it fulfills what Xu Jian once said, "Some things are destined to happen," and that is exactly what Lin Yunyan wants to try to save.

Xu Jian calculated the injury at Yumenguan and kept the injury within the acceptable range. If it was because of her persuasion to "try to treat it" and the good news came from the treatment, the original balance was broken and it became A more serious injury...

Lin Yunyan thought that she couldn't get over this hurdle.

  Xu Jian is used to being injured, but she is not used to it. She is still pursuing a "complete" victory.

Not only did she bring down Li Shao, but also uncovered the person behind the scenes. She and Xu Jian were able to live all the way to their old age, and Mrs. Xu did not go crazy, and Xu Jian's injuries became lighter and lighter.

 However, ideas are ideas, and it is not easy to implement them.

 They are standing on a completely new path.

They don't know where or when Li Shao's attack will come from this time, so they can only resort to tricks. It's not that they are passive, but they are prone to changes.

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath, and her nose was filled with the strong smell of medicinal wine.

 She raised her eyes and looked straight at Xu Jian.

She knew him well enough to guess what he was thinking: "If you want to set up Li Shao, you have to trick him."

Xu Jian was not surprised that Lin Yunyan could see through it.

Silence is recognition.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yunyan said again: "You have thought of a way, but it is risky, at least for your legs. You dare not tell me directly."

Xu Jian laughed. Knowing that she cared about him, he didn't make up words to fool him: "There is a blind bear in the paddock."

Lin Yunyan's eyes suddenly tightened.

"In four years, it will be this big," Xu Jian gestured, "Now it is smaller, probably this big."

Lin Yunyan looked at his gestures. It was indeed a little smaller, but it was still huge. It was quite scary to imagine.

"Li Shao has been banned for such a long time. Not only has he not had fun, he may not have gone hunting for a long time." Xu Jian comforted and rubbed the back of Lin Yunyan's neck. "Don't worry, I just scared Li Shao. I'm not crazy either." Feed him to the bears."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips: "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Xu Jian replied, "I scared him once with the bear."

Lin Yunyan's breathing stagnated.

 The "once" that Xu Jian mentioned, she understood, was a fragment of his long life.

He spoke calmly, but those sour emotions still bubbled up from Lin Yunyan's heart.

These are what Xu Jian calls "experience". He has passed through deep and shallow water, one foot deep and one foot shallow. He uses his experience to apply and try it in the current strange situation.

 In fact, it is more reliable than touching the blind.

 It is also more guaranteed than passively waiting for Li Shao to make the move first.

 After all, that’s how Li Shao did things. He sincerely didn’t want to hurt both sides, but it would get to that point.

It's better for them to lay out the layout here and give Li Shao a stage to fight and kill.

Lin Yunyan managed things smoothly, but she was holding back.

She motioned to Xu Jian to bring the medicinal oil bottle and poured some into her hand.

Smelling the strong smell of medicinal oil, Lin Yunyan said: "Since you are actively scheming against him, you have to do more for him. The profit from this transaction must be large enough."

 Xu Jian put the bottle back on the table.

Hearing her complaining and coquettish murmurs, he couldn't hold it back. He curved his lips and smiled: "I know, I can't let A-yan fall like that in vain."

 The next day.

 In the morning, Li Shao had been staring at Xu Jian.

The more he stared, the more he sneered in his heart.

I can’t tell, Xu Jian is really pretending to be hurt, and she’s pretending to be decent.

 Well, now I'm moving my ankle again, looking like I feel uncomfortable after standing for a long time.

It is obvious that just yesterday, he could climb the rockery and run down the mountain quickly.

Li Shao was stunned when Chamberlain Feng told him the news.

 Good guy!

 In broad daylight, he was observing politics in the Ministry of Rites, listening to a group of officials, big and small, arguing about this and summarizing that. However, Xu Jian was at ease and at ease, and was still interested in going to the garden to enjoy flowers with Ning An.

 How could Li Shao not be jealous if he was afraid of being compared with others.

He also wanted to eat fine wine and hug women, but he couldn't get what he wanted now. He had to keep track of time and rush back in front of the palace gate.

As a prince, it was difficult for him to even ask his father to agree to open a palace outside the palace.

The more Li Shao thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Xu Jian did as he pleased, which annoyed him, and Xu Jian pretended to be hurt, which annoyed him even more.

He turned his head and glanced at his father beside him.

 He must expose Xu Jian's feigned injury, and he must think of a good way.

Eunuch Cao called to the court.

Li Shao hasn't thought of a solution yet, but this does not affect his yin and yang weirdness Xu Jian.

When passing by Xu Jian, Li Shao stopped and said, "Have you eaten porridge in Laba today?"

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and replied: "I just used a few of the ones from the house before I went to the court, and I will use them later when I get back."

Porridge will be delivered during Laba. Before noon, the in-laws and neighbors will deliver porridge, and the family will also deliver porridge for good luck. Lin Yunyan is in charge of all these transactions.

Xu Jian also knew Lin Yunyan's habit. In the end, each family took a spoonful of the food they sent and mixed them together and even ate them all. The lottery was enough, so they didn't care about the taste.

Li Shao nodded: "You come to the imperial study, then go to Cining Palace, and take it back with you, so you don't have to make another trip."

The two of them were talking, but the Holy One didn’t pay attention and left first.

Eunuch Cao heard it, and said with a smile: "Maybe people have been sent out of Cining Palace. It's cold, so don't bother Duke Fu."

Li Shao laughed: "The chariot comes and goes, what's the trouble?"

 After saying this, he strode away without giving Xu Jian a chance to refuse.

Eunuch Cao had no choice but to smile at Xu Jian.

As for him, I don’t know what the prince’s thoughts were.

The Imperial Study Room and the Cining Palace. Delivering porridge to the outside of the palace is not limited to the Fuguogong Palace. Save this trip and there are other trips. Besides, the job of delivering porridge is not hard and it is a blessing. And those who receive reward money and those who are shameless have not yet had their turn.

 The prince's words mean that he will be rewarded with silver for nothing.

Eunuch Cao thought that His Highness the Crown Prince would not have thought of such details. Even if he thought of saying a few words, he would not be able to disobey the Crown Prince since the words had already been said.

 “Then I will work hard to assist the Duke.” Duke Cao said impartially.

 Xu Jian smiled.

 Very good, he happened to also want to find Li Shao.

 It’s a new month, the monthly ticket is still shouting, and it will be doubled at the end of the month.

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