Yan Cigui

Chapter 350: It is better to catch the sun than to pick it up (two updates in one)

 Xu Jian arrived at the imperial study room.

The Holy Father was eating porridge, and when it was reported outside, he let him in.

Eunuch Cao went out to greet him, and only the father and son were left inside. Only then did the Holy Master glance at Li Shao.

He didn't agree with Xu Jian's trip to the study and Cining Palace. It was really unnecessary, but he didn't hear it at the time. When he found out, Eunuch Cao had already arranged the chariot, so he didn't mention it again.

However, since the people are here, they can just say a few words.

 Xu Jian came in and said hello.

The Holy Spirit pointed to the bowl in his hand and said, "I won't let anyone serve it to you. I'll keep it in my stomach and go back to use it with Ning'an."

 Xu Jian responded with a smile.

The Holy Spirit continued: "How has your right leg been doing in the past few days? Just now in the main hall, I saw you moving again."

“It’s almost the same as before,” Xu Jian answered respectfully. “It’s still too cold. What Dr. Yue means is that if you continue to recover smoothly, you will see results when spring warms up.”

The Holy Emperor nodded and asked about other political matters.

Li Shao ate the porridge spoon by spoon and couldn't help curling his lips when Xu Jian answered in a straight tone.

  Pretending, pretending to be quite similar!

What's the same old thing? Unless you can crawl and run as usual.

With this thought, Li Shao's face darkened. He could not continue to think along the same lines, otherwise he would become even more angry.

  Anyway, no matter how long Xu Jian has been pretending, he is still pretending, and he will definitely expose him.

 Thinking about this, I will definitely not be able to eat this porridge.

I heard it was sent from Concubine De. Tsk, it tastes terrible.

 Li Shao put down the bowl.

 Xu Jian finished talking and stood up to leave.

 Li Shao simply followed him out of the imperial study and saw Mr. Cao handing a food box to Xu Jian in the corridor.

“Are you going to Cining Palace?” he asked.

 Xu Jian replied: "Yes."

Li Shao chuckled, his eyes rolling on Xu Jian's right leg, and he asked if he had anything to say: "How are you getting along with Ning'an? Oh, you two are really in love, so you shouldn't get along."

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness," Xu Jian said without changing her expression, still looking very kind and chatting like usual, "Speaking of which, the princess mentioned it to me two days ago, saying that around this time last year, Your Highness hunted a deer. It was sent to Cining Palace, and the Empress Dowager sent some to the uncle's house. She was still satisfied with the meal. "

 Li Shao raised his eyebrows.

Xu Jian added: "It's freshly hunted, roasted well, and full of fragrance. The princess said that not only she likes it, but the Queen Mother also eats it happily."

Even though Li Shao was dissatisfied with Xu Jian, he felt proud after hearing these few words.

Who doesn’t like to hear good words?

 Especially, what Xu Jian praised was exactly what Li Shao was proud of.

The deer he hunted with his own hands, he skinned and cut the waist himself, spread the materials and lit the fire. He even watched the fire for a long time, so of course he knew it tasted good.

 Looking back, Li Shao couldn't help but pursed his lower lip, and his mouth was filled with salivation, which was how he felt at the moment.

 I read in a panic.

  I not only think about the roasted deer legs, but also the excitement of hunting deer.

"Thinking about it this way, I haven't hunted a deer for my father this year." Li Shao said.

Eunuch Cao knew it was "not good" as soon as he heard it, and hurriedly said: "It's freezing cold, how many prey are there in the paddock at this time? Your Majesty knows His Highness's thoughts..."

As he spoke, Eunuch Cao winked at Xu Jian.

 The Duke of Fuguo really likes to chat about household matters. What can't he chat about? Why are you mentioning the venison? Doesn't this make the prince feel sad?

Seeing Eunuch Cao's gesture, Xu Jian quietly returned an "annoyed" look, and then said to Li Shao: "The snow is thick, and the paddock is not interesting."

 Li Shao's mind became active.

 Xu Jian said it was boring, but he found it very interesting.

He was worried about how to expose Xu Jian. Wasn't this a good opportunity?

"It's really hard to hunt at this time of year," Li Shao cleared his throat, his attitude was serious, "I can only walk the horse casually, and if I'm lucky, I can encounter one or two.

Last year I was obsessed with hunting deer for the Queen Mother, and now I think I was very lucky and got two.

If you go to the paddock again this year, you may not have that good luck. "

After hearing this, Eunuch Cao breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said: "Your Highness is filial, and your Majesty knows it. As you said, it is not appropriate to go to the paddock at this time..."

Unexpectedly, Li Shao's next words made Eunuch Cao hold back his breath of relief.

"It's okay to walk the horse," he said. "I haven't run twice in a while. I was staying in the East Palace before, and recently I was sitting in the Ministry of Etiquette. My muscles and bones are all sticky. It seems that I have to go for a run someday to get some exercise." , combining movement and stillness.”

Eunuch Cao still had a smile on his face, but it was a little thinner.

There is no problem in combining movement and stillness. From the Taiyuan Hospital to the Royal Pharmacy, everyone will say that this is what it should be. If you sit for a long time in Anyuan, you have to stand up and do Tai Chi.

 But it happened that His Highness the Crown Prince said these words, and Eunuch Cao was confused.

Officials have to rest, and the prince wants to take a day off to do some activities, which is understandable, but it is true that His Highness is too ambitious and easily drifts off...

 Eunuch Cao, who works in front of the emperor, hopes to be more stable.

“You want to run around twice and wait until spring gets warmer...” he tried to persuade.

 Li Shao was unhappy.

 It’s a warm start to spring? Just now Xu Jian was talking about this in front of his father!

By then, when Xu Jian had recovered from his injuries, how could he expose it?

“Don’t you trust me?” Li Shao asked Eunuch Cao, “It’s just a casual run and you’ll be back in an hour or two. If you can’t bring more people, will Xu Jian come with me?”

Xu Jian laughed: "Your Highness, where can I ride a horse?"

"It's okay to welcome the bride, but not in the paddock?" Li Shao asked back, "You can do whatever you want, you can do it as slowly as you do when you welcome the bride. Just wait a moment, and I'll talk to my father."

Li Shao made up his mind and turned around to go to the imperial study.

Eunuch Cao glanced at Xu Jian and followed quickly.

Xu Jian was standing on the corridor with a food box in his hands, his mind calm.

He deliberately singled out Li Shao, and also deliberately "instigated" this kind of work in front of Eunuch Cao. The more upright and upright he is, the less he avoids it, and the more innocent he is.

Eunuch Cao knew that it was his nagging that caused the incident, but he did not think about "intentional" before and after the incident.

Of course, being bright is not enough. The more important point is that he has always been "upright" in his actions before the emperor.

As the little princess said, having a good reputation is more useful than anything else. Many times, you don’t have to think of a solution yourself, others will do it for you.

Inside, the Holy Spirit asked: "Why do you think it comes out as soon as it comes out?"

"It really occurred to me suddenly," Li Shao said, "My son has had a lot of troubles this year, which has caused a lot of trouble for you and the Empress Dowager. The people next to me are not good at it, so I just thought of giving you and the Empress Dowager a lot of trouble. The empress hunts the head of a deer.

Of course I am trying my luck, and there is a high possibility of returning without success, but I want to give it a try and go for a couple of laps while the weather is fine.

 Er Chen really wants Xu Jian to go with him. You trust him. If he follows Er Chen, nothing will go wrong. "

The Holy Father frowned: "Why is he following you? You ran away with a swing of the whip. What should he do? His leg is injured!"

“I knew he was injured,” Li Shao said, lowering his head as if he was uneasy. “His injury was also because of him.”

 The Holy Father glanced at him.

Li Shao added: "My son sometimes wonders if he was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Xu Jian is also very cautious now.

That doctor is a master of bone injuries. He has made some progress in his treatment so far. You see, Xu Jian rode a horse to welcome her when she got married. It's just that he might be too taboo about not touching the horse or using his legs. Erchen thought that if he went to the paddock and let him ride two laps by himself, he might be able to recover more slowly.

He was not asked to gallop, and he walked around slowly twice to get a feel for it.

 If he feels uncomfortable, he will stop himself. "

The Holy Father leaned back in his chair and didn't speak for a long time.

If only Li Shao wanted to go to the paddock, he would definitely not agree, but when it came to Xu Jian...

Of course, His Majesty did not see the wedding reception with his own eyes, but he heard about it. Xu Jian was in good condition that day.

Of course, it’s just a walk in the city, it doesn’t take much effort, especially if you feel warm.

It is such a joy to have a wife. As long as a person's heart is warm, he will not feel cold or painful, and his whole body will be full of energy.

Horse riding in the outskirts of the city is different.

Having said that, the Holy Spirit thought, Xu Jian did need to take that step, but he could not listen to Li Shao's random arrangements, but still had to listen to Xu Jian himself and the doctor.

 “You go to the Ministry of Rites first,” the Holy Sage asked Li Shao, and then asked Eunuch Cao, “Is Xu Jian still outside?”

Li Shao didn't get the confirmation, but he could only suppress his thoughts and leave first.

 Xu Jian was called in again.

“Shao’er said Shao’er,” the Holy Master asked, “do you want to go to the paddock yourself?”

Xu Jian thought about it for a while and said: "To tell you the truth, I can only sit on the horse and take a few steps at will. It looks like the same thing, but in fact it is just a flower stand, but it is useless.

You asked me to turn around twice, and it turned slowly. But if you want me to keep up with His Highness's speed, you definitely can't do it.

 I really can’t bear the bumpy situation. "

 His Majesty nodded.

 This is what he expected.

  I suffered such a serious injury before, and my recovery to this point is pretty good.

It is true that in his heart, he hopes that Xu Jian can do better, not only for Shao'er, but also for the country. Xu Jian is talented, and the court also needs such talented generals, but the Holy Emperor also knows that he cannot act too hastily, let alone give Xu Jian pressure.

 The recovery is slow and cannot be restored to the same level as before. The most uncomfortable thing is Xu Jian himself.

"In this way," the Holy Father compromised and decided on a solution, "Today is the Laba Festival. In half a month, when the Yamen seals the seal, let Shaoer go to the paddock.

You go together, run around twice if you feel happy, and take a rest if you feel uncomfortable. If Ning An is interested, let her go too, and just watch the snow and enjoy the scenery.

Shao'er runs on his own. You don't need to follow him. He has no shortage of guards around him.

 Play for an hour or two and then come back. "

 The Holy Spirit has a realistic idea.

 After the seal, there is no need to watch the government anymore. There are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. Shaoer wants to stretch his muscles, but that's okay.

Horse racing in the paddock is also a serious matter. If he had not gone out of the palace to mobilize the troops, he would have wanted to go for a quick horse race.

 At the same time, Shao'er has gone, and he can also ask Xu Jian to go.

"Ask the doctor, if he says you can't ride a horse casually, then you should accompany Ning'an." The Holy Master said.

After hearing this, Xu Jian said: "The princess should want to go, but..."

 The Holy Spirit indicated that he should just speak.

"There's still half a month," Xu Jian said. "Your Highness, even half of his thoughts will be on the paddock during these days."

Sheng Shang was neither angry nor smiling. He sighed for a long time: "His concentration is not enough, and his temperament is still worn out."

"It's better to catch the sun than to catch it," Xu Jian said, "It's a good day today, let's go for a walk, and don't worry about it when you get back. Your Highness will arrange things after the seal."

The Holy Spirit said: "That's fine."

 The matter is settled.

 Xu Jian left the imperial study and went to Cining Palace.

The Empress Dowager had already sent people out of the palace to deliver porridge. Xu Jian came late. He only said hello to the empress and then got up and left the palace.

Back at the house, he handed the food box he brought back from the imperial study to Mother Ma.

Lin Yunyan sat down and said to him: "Let's use porridge first, just for good luck. We don't care about the taste."

 Xu Jian sat down next to her: "I'll go to the paddock later."

Lin Yunyan hurriedly turned to look at him: "In such a hurry?"

"Li Shao is impatient," Xu Jian said, "don't worry, someone has already made arrangements at the paddock. I invited you to enjoy the plum blossoms yesterday, and today I invite you to enjoy the snow."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and looked at him, then smiled and shook her head.

After listening to Xu Jian's brief explanation of the whole process, Lin Yunyan also understood the principle of urgency.

It was originally a plan for Li Shao, so he punched quickly in order to catch him off guard. If it lasted for ten days and a half, Li Shao probably had no ability, but the people behind the scenes were uncertain variables.

 They prepared a stage and asked the other party to scatter a few nails so that they could easily pierce their own feet.

In the other room, Li Shao entered the yamen of the Ministry of Rites and listened absently to what the officials said for a while. Later, Eunuch Cao came in person.

After hearing the rumors about Eunuch Cao, Li Shao raised his eyebrows and said, "Eunuch-in-law, go back and tell your father that if you are lucky, I will hunt some game for him today. The guards will follow, so he doesn't have to worry. As for Ning'an and Xu Jian, It’s good for them to have fun as a newlywed.”

 Not long after, the two groups of men and horses met at the gate of the west city.

Li Shao rode on horseback, followed by his guards. Shenchen and others also rode on horseback, while Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan rode in a carriage.

 Out of the city gate, there was a lot of people outside.

  A porridge shack was set up, and some people who were really poor, as well as those who wanted to be a little noble, all came to line up to ask for porridge.

Lin Yunyan signaled Uncle Niu to stop the car and went to the shed of Uncle Chengyi's house.

Today, Zeng Mo was in charge. The two women sent by the Gonggong Mansion were helping for help. The two large pots of Laba porridge, a large spoon of spoon and a spoonful.

“Princess.” Grandma Zeng was quite surprised when she saw her.

"I was passing by to take a look," Lin Yunyan said, raising her hand and pointing towards Li Shao, "The prince wants to go hunting in the paddock, but the Holy Father is worried about letting the Duke follow, and I am worried about the Duke. I Follow too."

 Mother Zeng understood: "Are you worried about the Duke's leg injury?"

“The paddock is still different from the city, so I’m just going to take a look.” After saying that, Lin Yunyan thanked the women for their hard work and returned to the carriage.

Her voice was crisp, neither soft nor serious. There were many people in the room, so many people heard her and turned around to look.

It turns out that the one on the horse is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

It is such a cold day and it is Laba. The nobles are busy giving porridge, the poor are busy receiving porridge, and His Highness is busy hunting.

Your Highness wants to go, but why do you still want to accompany the Duke? Duke Fuguo has bad legs, and everyone in the city knows about it.

You can't go horse racing with me, so why don't you let someone rest in the house...

These mutterings naturally could not reach Li Shao.

 He was feeling warm at the moment.

 It was both for hunting and to expose Xu Jian.

Seeing Lin Yunyan get into the car, Li Shao said: "Okay? Let's go now."

  Thanks to book friends 20200422080747982, Xiaoyuan, and Tongtong 1609 for their rewards.

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