Yan Cigui

Chapter 351: Why don't you go back and bring in reinforcements? (Two updates in one)

Chapter 351 Why don’t you go back to bring in reinforcements? (Two updates in one)


 The chamberlain came up to him and took the reins in Li Shao's hand.

"Give me some water and grass. I'm going into the forest soon." After giving instructions to the servant, Li Shao looked back at the way he came.

The carriage is not moving very fast.

Li Shao clicked his tongue.

His heart was on fire as he came all the way, and the carriage coming behind him was slow and unhurried, which made Li Shao quite impatient.

He even asked the guards to rush him by to make the handlebars speed up.

Ning'an's carriage was not just a fancy showpiece, it could have run faster, but Ning'an refused.

She said: The road to the paddock was not smooth enough and it was bumpy when driving too fast. The Duke’s legs could not bear the bumps.

Li Shao felt very angry when he heard that.

 What injury does Xu Jian have?

On normal days, Li Shao would have run away without caring about whether the people behind him could catch up or not. But today he had an extremely important purpose. To expose Xu Jian, he had to get everyone together and let everyone know. The chamberlains in the paddock and the guards who followed him all saw Xu Jian's condition. He needed witnesses and confessions.

 Therefore, Li Shao could only suppress his temper and go to the paddock.

waste time!

 Wasting his hunting time!

Even though they are here, Li Shao still wants to hunt some game back.

When his father was furious because of Xu Jian's pretending to be injured, he prepared warm wine and game to help his father calm down. They could also sit down and eat and chat. He had to talk to his father about Xu Jian.

The carriage finally arrived.

Uncle Niu put his pedals on, and Xu Jian got out of the car first, followed by Lin Yunyan.

The wind was strong here, blowing towards her face, and Lin Yunyan couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing this, Xu Jian raised his hand, arranged the snow coat for her, and tied it tightly.

Li Shao walked over in a few steps: "Is it so cold?"

Lin Yunyan held the hand stove and smiled at Li Shao: "Your Highness, you are a man with a strong temper. I am a girl and I am very afraid of the cold."

Li Shao curled his lips and did not correct her, "What kind of girl does she belong to after getting married?" He just said: "You will get hot after you get on the horse and run two laps."

Lin Yunyan added: "I can't ride a horse."

“Let Xu Jian teach you,” Li Shao said smoothly. He thought it was wrong and changed his words, “Everyone who is waiting in the paddock can ride a horse. You can follow me and learn how to ride. Xu Jian will walk around with me for two laps?”

 Coming prepared, Xu Jian naturally knew Li Shao's intentions.

"Your Highness, my riding on horseback is just a 'walking'. It will hold you back and you will not be happy," Xu Jian said. "I want to choose a docile horse for the princess first."

Li Shao was not satisfied, but he restrained himself for the time being, and they went to the stable together.

Xu Jian had a good way of choosing horses. After looking around, he picked one and had someone lead it to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan deliberately showed some hesitation on her face.

“Don’t be afraid.” Xu Jian’s voice was neither soft nor serious, and she told her softly how to greet a new horse and how to make it gradually trust itself...

Li Shao heard it clearly.


 Xu Jian was very arrogant in the court, and he was aloof when he asked for trouble. He didn't expect that he would have such a tone when talking to Ning An, so it's no wonder that he was able to coax Ning An.

Really, he had goosebumps standing up when he heard it.

 Look at it again, okay, the two people are almost next to each other. Is this a fight or a love affair?

Find a better place to have a romantic relationship. No matter how clean the stable is, is it still a stable? !

Li Shao couldn't watch or listen. Seeing that his horse had drank water, eaten some grass, and was scratching its hooves, he simply took the horse outside.

 Out of sight, out of mind.

Standing outside the stables, the situation in the paddock can be seen clearly.

The palace people don't know how to clean up the snow in the grounds and in the woods. From the first snowfall to today, a thick layer has accumulated. There are no royal relatives coming to hunt this season, so the white snow is not messy at all.

 Suddenly, one of the guards sounded suspicious.

Li Shao heard the sound and looked at him.

The guard pointed in the direction of the forest: "I think I saw a deer."

 “Are you sure?” Li Shao asked hurriedly.

The guard was not sure and hesitated.

Someone next to me echoed: "It seems like I saw something going into the woods."

"Your Highness, why don't you follow up and take a look? If an animal passes by, it must have left footprints."

Without saying a word, Li Shao got on his horse and said, "Follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he whipped up and left.

The deer was jumping in front of him, and he couldn't take care of Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan who were still in the stable.

The guards followed suit, leaving only Feng Neiqian in a hurry.

Feng Neishi has some knowledge of equestrian skills and followed Li Shao and the others to the paddock in a slow and slow manner. He was able to cope with it, but if he really rode his horse into the forest, he would not be able to do it.

He had little ability, but it was he who was injured when he fell down.

 But if he doesn't follow Li Shao, Feng's wife feels guilty.

 I don’t know why, but he felt particularly unsure when starting from the city.

That’s right, he was the one who hinted and guided the prince to become suspicious of Duke Fu’s injury, and made the prince want to expose Duke Fu. However, it was clear that the prince had not thought of a way yesterday, but today not only did he have a way, but he also implemented it immediately.

In such a hurry, Feng's servant did not find a chance to ask Li Shao carefully how he wanted to arrange it. He even had no time to tell his master everything.

Nowadays, whatever happened in the paddock between the prince and the auxiliary prince became an afterthought to the master, and to him, Feng's wife, it was like catching a blind eye.

Seeing the snowy mist rising up from the hoofs of the horses in front, his eyes widened and he could no longer see Li Shao's figure. Feng's wife hurriedly looked for Xu Jian.

“My lord, oh my lord!” Feng’s wife said anxiously, “His Royal Highness went into the forest to chase a deer. He is not very capable and cannot catch up. You, you go and have a look!”

Xu Jian pretended to be surprised, quickly calmed down, and asked, "Have the guards followed you?"

“Follow me,” Feng Neishi said truthfully, “I’m afraid they won’t be able to stop His Highness!”

"Why are you stopping Your Highness?" Xu Jian said, "Your Highness is here to hunt deer. All it takes is someone to stop the deer. Eunuch Feng, don't be unreasonable. Your Highness has often entered the forest farm before, and this is not the first time."

Seeing that the servant Feng was still shouting, Lin Yunyan patted Xu Jian's arm and said: "Eunuch Feng, you also know that the Duke of Guo has an injury on his leg and cannot keep up with the prince, so there is no use letting him go.

 In this way, let Shen Chen and Xuan Su follow you and help His Highness hunt the deer. "

Feng’s wife really wanted to plot against Xu Jian, but now she was more afraid that something might happen to Li Shao, so he naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

Moreover, with the two personal followers leaving, and Xu Jian having only one princess by his side, it would certainly be easier for him to test him.

After Xu Jian gave instructions to the two of them, without saying any more words, he took the picked horse and walked out with Lin Yunyan.

 The snow and fog nearby have dispersed, leaving behind a clear string of horse hoof prints.

Xu Jian looked at Lin Yunyan: "Princess, get on your horse."

Lin Yunyan walked to the side of the horse, stepped on the stirrups, and got on the horse with the help of Xu Jian.

Although she is not good at riding a horse, she is no stranger to getting along with horses.

 After escaping from the capital, Uncle Niu taught her some things. She also got along with Shen Chen and Xuan Su's mounts, so she naturally mastered some of the basics. Just now in the stable, it was all just pretending to show off to Li Shao.

Li Shao was impatient and couldn't bear their wasting time.

Just as Xu Jian told her, the paddock had been carefully prepared, so the deer happened to be seen by the guards.

Now, they have to continue to wait for the blind bear to show his power.

 Li Shao knew nothing about this.

He found deer hoof prints at the entrance of the forest, followed the prints all the way in, and saw from a distance that the deer was weaving and nimbly going deeper.

 “We can’t lose him!” Li Shao explained.

 In this season, it is extremely lucky to find a trace. If you miss it, you may not be able to gain anything.

Xuansu and Shenchen quickly caught up, walking on the left and right wings of Li Shao respectively, and continued to follow with the guards.

It is already difficult to walk in the forest farm, and it is even more difficult because of the snow.

Horses' hooves made some noise in the snow. Just now they had closed a little distance, and the deer was so startled that it ran in with its head covered.

Li Shao raised his bow directly, without having time to adjust the strength and aim, and took action in a hurry.

 The long arrow fell behind the deer and was stuck in the snow.

This time it was even more serious. The deer disappeared into the forest very quickly.

Li Shao was so angry that he punched the air heavily.

He was familiar with this place and knew that there was only a section of the area where horses could travel quickly. The woods further down were too dense for the horses to escape. Once there, they would have no hope of keeping up with the nimble deer.

At this time, Li Shao remembered the situation when he came to hunt last year, and he started to draw the same pattern: "You follow the deer from behind, I will go around it from the front, don't disturb it!"

 After saying that, Li Shao turned his horse and rushed out.

 Hands-in-waiting, look at me and I look at you. There are two people who want to follow Li Shao because of their good riding skills, but they see that Shen Chen and Xuan Su have already chased them out.

 The two of them did not raise their whips.

How can the skills they learned in the school compare with those of Duke Fu's followers?

 With those two people following him, he is much stronger than them.

The number of people surrounding the area should not be too large. If the prey is frightened again, how can they apologize to His Highness?

After several chases, Li Shao got around the deer, but he was really not good at shooting while riding, so he tried aiming several times but couldn't find an opportunity.

Shen Chen and Xuan Su were not far away from him. If Li Shao raised his hand to signal, these two people would naturally be able to draw the bow. But they were Xu Jian's people, so the final credit for Li Shao's deer hunt fell to Xu Jian. On your head?

 Li Shao was not willing.

Seeing the dense forest approaching, he gritted his teeth and shot an arrow.

With a whooshing sound, it hit the trunk of a nearby tree, and the deer entered the dense forest without looking back.

Li Shao was both annoyed and angry.

Not long after, the guards also caught up. Seeing the prince's failure, they were silent for a while.

Shen Chen and Xuan Su exchanged a look and deliberately suggested: "Your Highness, since we have lost you, why not turn around and go back?"

 Can Li Shao listen to this? Can anyone listen to what Xu Jian said?

He sang the opposite: "I don't want to return empty-handed, so you can spread out to the side and look for anything else."

The guards followed the instructions and dispersed one after another to look for him.

When the people were almost dispersed and only one or two people remained, Shen Chen changed his mind again: "If Your Highness is unwilling, can you try to chase him into the dense forest again? Although the horses can't move, the deer's hoof marks are still there, maybe Can keep up.”

Li Shao had already chased him all the way, and naturally he was unwilling to give up at this moment, so he drove his horse into the forest first.

This journey became increasingly difficult, and the horses were almost always pacing slowly.

 Li Shao followed the deer's hoof prints and murmured in his heart. The speed at which he was grinding was slower than Xu Jian's wedding.

 What made Li Shao even more annoyed was that they had lost track of them.

The river was frozen into ice. The deer seemed to be stepping on the ice, and it was completely unclear whether it was going upstream or downstream.

 “Where to go?” Li Shao asked.

Shenchen didn’t answer immediately, so he jumped off his horse and went to the riverside to observe.

They have been very lucky along the way, and they have developed almost as they imagined.

The prince failed to hunt a deer. The deer was clever and knew how to get into the forest, so it would be good to disappear here. Otherwise, he and Xuansu would have to spend more time to bring the prince in.

 The more guidance there is, the bigger the trace will be; and this kind of just-in-time luck is the easiest way to eliminate suspicion.

This is very close to the blind bear's lair.

Shen Chen determined the direction and pointed: "Your Highness, where should we go?"

Li Shao didn't say anything and pinched the horse's belly.

The five of them walked deeper and deeper.

The speed was slow, and there was not much light in the forest. He gradually became cold. Li Shao untied his water bag and took a sip. The liquid in it was filled with spicy white wine. After two sips, he felt warm.

He was about to turn back to talk to the guard when suddenly, a roar came from not far away.

The earth was so shaken that the snowballs on the trees fell down, many of them hitting Li Shao and his horse.

 “Wha, what’s the noise?” Li Shao asked in a trembling voice.

 The next moment, he knew the answer.

It was a black bear, a black bear that was blind in one eye. I don’t know who disturbed it. It came out of its den in the middle of winter. At this time, it was standing half upright and looking at these uninvited guests.

It seemed to be irritated by something. When it saw the person coming, it rushed over and raised its hand to slap it down.

Li Shao was so frightened that he could not move, but his horse was frightened and neighed to escape.

Xuansu flew out an arrow with great force and hit the black bear's arm, causing it to stumble back a small step.

Shen Chen stabilized Li Shao's horse and shouted at the two guards, "Why don't you go back and bring reinforcements?"

The guard came to his senses and immediately turned around. There was no way to drive the horse fast in the forest, so he had to grit his teeth and go as fast as he could.

Shen Chen said to Li Shao again: "Your Highness, be careful. You will definitely protect Your Highness."

Li Shao's throat was tight and he couldn't say a word.

The two guards ran out anxiously, and finally got out of the forest, and then they were shocked.

 How could they leave His Highness behind?

Shouldn't His Highness be allowed to go first, and they and Duke Fu's men should stop the black bear together?

 Feelings of guilt and fear welled up, and at this moment they could only make mistakes. The two of them shouted at the top of their lungs to the other guards who had dispersed, and continued to run out.

That blind bear looks very powerful, and I'm afraid they won't be able to defeat just a few of his guards.

 Still need to call in more manpower.

  Is the chamberlain who takes care of the paddock with the Duke Fu at the moment?

In the empty paddock, Feng's wife was sitting uneasily, and her heart was beating violently. Not far away, the princess was sitting on a horse, and the auxiliary prince was leading him for a while. He didn't even bother to care about whether this person's feet were cold or not. , pain or not.

Suddenly, a cloud of snow mist rushed over from the distance: "No, no, no! There is a blind bear in the forest, hurry, hurry and save the prince!"

There was a loud bang in the head of Chamberlain Feng, as if it had exploded.

Thanks to book friends Shifang Muzi and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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