Yan Cigui

Chapter 352: Paddock emergency (two updates in one)

Chapter 352: Emergency in the paddock (two updates in one)

 The cold wind howled, and the sound was dispersed in the wind.

For a moment, Feng Neishi thought that he might have heard something wrong.

 But the snow mist was getting closer and closer, and as he came running, the servants working in the paddock also rushed forward one after another, with disbelief written all over their faces.

 The horse neighed, and the visitor stopped nearby.

When he got off the horse, his legs were shaking so much that he couldn't stand at all. The man almost staggered over on his hands and feet and grabbed Feng's arm.

 “Save the prince, save the prince!”

 Feng's luck was completely shattered.

 Where has he ever encountered such a situation?

The incident happened suddenly and caught him off guard. He didn't know what to do at the moment.

The rest of the people were also extremely panicked when they heard that the prince was in danger. Some wanted to fetch the horses, while others were eager to ask questions. In the midst of the commotion, there was no order at all.

 Until Xu Jian came over.

 When he heard someone asking for help, Xu Jian asked Lin Yunyan to dismount, and the two quickly reached this point.

“What happened to the prince?” he asked, “tell me clearly!”

 The voice is steady, not too quiet, and can be heard by everyone.

 For a time, the headless fly had a backbone.

 The guard who came to ask for help quickly looked at Xu Jian: "I encountered a blind bear, so tall."

He gestured, causing the people around him to take a breath.

Xu Jian’s face darkened and he asked again: “In which direction and how far is it roughly?”

"Deep in the forest, in that direction, in the dense forest, the prince chased the deer in. I and the younger one didn't know how far away..."

Xu Jian continued to ask: "You came to ask for help. Are there any guards around the prince?"

"Yes, yes!" said the guard, "your two personal followers are protecting the prince."

 “Where are the others?” Xu Jian asked.

"Before entering the forest, His Highness asked them to disperse. The younger one and another person withdrew from the forest, shouting and running. The younger one came back, and there was another person who was probably still gathering people to disperse."

With these questions and answers, we sorted things out as quickly as possible.

Xu Jian glanced at Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan’s face was full of worry.

She knows the inside story and knows that the current situation is unfolding according to their wishes, but even if it is arranged, a blind bear is still a blind bear, and it is not up to anyone.

 How can Lin Yunyan dare to breathe a sigh of relief until the dust finally settles?

Besides, this stage is just the beginning.

 “What can we do...” Her uneasiness was real, and the scene came easily.

Xu Jian said to the attendants in the paddock: "Follow everyone who can, and then send a message to Beijing."

Those who were in charge, the situation was less chaotic. The horses in the stable were brought out, one for each person, and the shovels and rakes used to clean up the stable were also brought out and used as weapons.

Xu Jian picked up a shovel, got on his horse, and drove away with a whip.

The horse's hooves flew so fast that the snow turned into powder, and no one who followed him was as fast as him.

Feng Neishi also wanted to save him, but he was more than willing to do so. He didn't even climb onto the horse's back. After several attempts, his horse was taken away by others. He was left standing there, feeling confused in his heart. Anxious and afraid.

 He was really afraid that something would happen to the prince.

He does have another real son, but he is currently serving the prince openly. If the prince has any shortcomings and the Holy One handles it, can he please him?

 He has to be buried with the prince!

 The master will not save him, and he has no shame in letting his master save him.

At this moment, Feng's wife didn't even have the time to think about Xu Jian's injury. She was only thinking about the prince's safety.

 “What are you doing standing still?”

The sudden scolding brought Feng Neishi back to his senses. He turned his head and met the princess's eyes.

The princess's face turned pale, her brows were furrowed, and she could tell she was very worried: "Didn't you hear what the Duke said just now? Find a fast horse and return to the capital to report the news! Call up people to come to the paddock for rescue, and bring some imperial doctors. If someone is injured, do you want them to bleed back to the capital?"

Each word seemed to be very nervous. Lin Yunyan's voice became hoarse at the end.

Feng’s wife nodded hurriedly and started to make arrangements.

The steward of the paddock is named Guan. He originally wanted to save her, but then he thought that there was a lot of trouble here, so he stayed.

Hearing the princess's arrangement, he no longer had to be afraid and started making preparations hurriedly.

Except for two unlucky foals, there were no fast horses available in the stable.

 Fortunately, there is also Lin Yunyan’s carriage.

Uncle Niu hurriedly untied the horse from the chariot, and the waiter Guan Nei found a neat one. Lin Yunyan gave him her waist badge, and urged the waiter Feng to hand over the East Palace waist badge.

 “With these two pieces, you can go to the imperial court, go quickly!”

The attendant looked in the direction of the imperial city, then at the paddock, and sighed secretly for several times, and then he gathered his energy and suggested to Lin Yunyan: "Princess, it's cold outside, why don't you go sit in the small hall for a while? As soon as possible, I'll tell you the news."

It is said to be a small hall, but actually the main hall has five bays, and there are side halls on the left and right.

 It's about a quarter of an hour's walk from the paddock, where the royal family and relatives can rest.

“I can’t bear to think about it,” Lin Yunyan said, “You can ask someone to come here and build a shed, as long as it can block the wind.”

 The waiter in Guan Nei looked troubled.

"A few pieces of wood, a few ropes, and a few pieces of cloth, aren't there any in the small hall?" Lin Yunyan asked in a deep voice, "None of them. Go and bring some quilts and blankets. I still have a frame to rest on."

 Hearing what she said, there was something else that Guan Nei Shi didn't understand.

The princess has no shortage of shelter from the wind. The shed is prepared for the royal doctor who will come later, or for the injured who will be evacuated first.

As long as the prince is not out of danger, even if it is late at night, everyone will have to wait outside the paddock.

The county owner is noble. When the sun goes down and cold, you can move to the small hall. How can others have the blessing? A few sheds, no matter how crude, are better than nothing.

 The waiters in Guan Nei hurriedly went to prepare.

Lin Yunyan glanced at Feng Feng, then got into the car, leaning on the pillow and closing her eyes to rest.

 This is a gamble on luck.

But as she said to Xu Jian at the time, over the past year or so, her luck has actually been very good. For many things, if she had bad luck, this is not the case today.

Like the chase on the mountain road, she was lucky enough to be able to save Jin Shu instead of both carriages falling off the cliff.

 Hands clenched into fists little by little, hoping that this time, luck would still be on their side.

 It’s past noon.

 The Laba porridge must be eaten before noon, so at this time, almost all the people gathered at the city gate dispersed.

  The families giving out porridge are still there, busy packing up the utensils and tearing down the sheds.

The sound of horse hooves was heard coming from far away, and the people on the horses shouted "get out of the way" and "get out of the way", which startled people on the road to run away. The man was dressed as a chamberlain, and he did not dismount his horse when he entered the city gate. He was sweating profusely in the cold weather: "If you come to the palace in an emergency, please wear badges from the East Palace and the waist badges from the Fuguo Palace."

The guard at the gate knew that His Highness was out of the city today and went to the paddock with Duke Fu and his wife. After checking their waistbands, they did not dare to stop them and let them into the city.

Not far away, Grandma Zeng had just directed the people to load everything onto the cart and was preparing to return home.

A familiar woman trotted over: "Old sister, old sister, I was just under the city gate. The servant who rode into the city came from the paddock. He was very anxious. Is there something going on in the paddock? You guys Have the princess and uncle gone to the paddock? Oh, I’m so worried!”

When Grandma Zeng heard this, how could she not murmur in her heart?

 But she had no clue at the moment, so she had no choice but to thank the visitor, nod her head and hurried to the Hanlin Academy.

 “Say to your uncle, hurry up!”

And the chamberlain who reported the news also tried his best to speed up in the city, shouting "get out of the way" so loudly that his voice cracked, and rushed to the palace gate with a waist badge in his hand.

The guards reported "emergency in the paddock" one after another, and the news reached the royal study room.

The chamberlain who came in to report the news didn't know the whole story at all, and could only speak those four words. The Holy Minister stood up and strode out.

Walked to the palace road and saw the rolling and crawling servant in the paddock.

The chamberlain's voice was mute and he was numb. Fortunately, when he was in the paddock, Xu Jian asked questions in an orderly manner. He listened then and followed the same example now, and he made things clear.

The Holy Emperor's face was ashen, and Eunuch Cao hurriedly gave him a hand.

 “The Duke of Fu is here.” Eunuch Cao quickly comforted him.

"Xu Jian himself is injured, how can he fight against Xiong Xiazi?!" The Holy Master took a deep breath and calmed down, "Hurry up and click fifty Yulin, no, click one hundred!"

The paddock is big, and Yu Lin doesn’t know the condition of the paddock, so go there more often and spread out to find people.

The chamberlain added: "The princess said that we need to bring a royal doctor."

The Holy Spirit nodded and said to Eunuch Cao, "Follow me."

Eunuch Cao responded and made a prompt decision. He sent people to the Taiyuan Hospital and summoned Yu Lin. He quickly rushed to the square in front of the palace and gathered here.

 Not long after, the royal forest arrived one after another.

Eunuch Cao asked them to go ahead on horseback. When the imperial doctors arrived, he got on the carriage together.

 Everyone in the car looked ugly.

Eunuch Cao rubbed his heart and exhaled slowly.

 The prince had not been to the paddock for almost a year. When he went suddenly, something happened.

Speaking of which, it was Duke Fu who mentioned "deer legs", which aroused the prince's interest. In the end, it was better to catch the sun than to catch the sun. However, this cannot be blamed on Duke Fu. He simply chatted about family matters, but it was the prince who was addicted. , it was also the prince who couldn't bear it.

 Fortunately, I was accompanied by the Duke of Fuguo.

Although he was injured and couldn't help much, his presence calmed people's hearts. Besides, he also brought two personal followers who were good at fighting.

There are not two people who have seen blood on the battlefield. The prince is facing a blind bear. Can he expect the guards to follow him?

  Hey, it’s also bad luck. Why did I meet a blind bear?

 Don't get into trouble.

The royal forest and the imperial doctor set off from this side, and the news from that side gradually spread.

In the Qianbu Corridor, I saw Yu Lin leaving the palace. After hearing some news, An Yibo quickly left the city without caring whether the Holy Emperor ordered him.

Lin Yue just heard something here, and her mother-in-law also arrived, talking urgently.

 There were rumors one after another in the streets and alleys. In addition, many people watched the princess's car and the prince set off in the morning, and everyone had their own speculations for a while.

Cheng Xi walked through the long corridor to see his master.

The master is not in the house. He is sweeping snow in the yard wearing a snow coat.

 In previous years, the master also had this habit, so every time it snowed in the capital, the yard where the master lived would be cleared out immediately except for the main road, and the rest would be kept. I don’t know if the master would be interested one day, so he would go there with a broom.

When Cheng Xixun came over, half of the yard had been swept out, and a thick pile of snow was piled in the corner.

“Master,” Cheng Xi shrank his neck, “The prince and Duke Fu encountered Xiong Xiazi in the paddock and asked for help from the capital. The Holy One sent a hundred people from the imperial forest and five imperial doctors. Bo An Yi also left the city.”

Jin Guiren stopped sweeping the snow and turned to look at Cheng Xi.

After Cheng Xi finished speaking, he knew that what he said was not clear enough, so he added: "I heard that the prince and the blind bear have already fought against each other. The Duke of Fu went to rescue him and asked people to come and rescue the troops."

Jin Guiren pursed his lips.

He was not at home in the morning. When he came back, Li Shao had already left Beijing for the paddock and called Xu Jian and Ning An.

At that time, he felt vaguely uneasy.

The prince suddenly went to the paddock, and he actually convinced the emperor to go there justifiably. It was probably because he thought of a way to test Xu Jian.

But the prince didn't know what he was thinking about. The servant Feng didn't report back all the specific news and seemed to be in a hurry.

How can you feel completely at ease if you don’t know the situation?

After all, the prince acted as he thought, and Xu Jian made it clear that he was using the prince as a pawn. After the game, the prince was sold by Xu Jian, and he only knew how to jump. As for the imperial study room, the emperor did not see through Xu Jian, and was just helping the number. The money one.

But they have already made their trip. If he rashly asks someone to intervene again, he may expose his tail for Xu Jian to catch.

 Therefore, Jin Guiren did not rush forward and just waited for the news.

 But such news came.

No matter how much the prince plotted against Xu Jian, he would not dare to touch Xiong Xiazi. He did not have the courage.

What about Xu Jian? How dare he let the prince face a mad bear?

Moreover, how on earth did they meet Blind Bear? The paddock is so big, how could the prince go so deep when hunting...

Feng was in such a hurry that he had no time to report back. It can be seen that the trip to the paddock was Xu Jian's handiwork. What about Blind Bear?

 Are you really brave, but have you caught up?

 Jin Guiren was not sure for a while.

 “Send people to go to the city gate and continue to pay attention to the news.” He said.

At this moment, the only thing that matters is the life of the prince. Xu Jian had better be clear about it, knowing that the prince is still a piece of chess, far from useless, and then use all his strength to bring the prince back with all his strength.

By the time Eunuch Cao and the imperial doctor arrived at the paddock, the wind had become much stronger.

The attendant led them into the shed: "Bo An Yibo and Yu Lin just entered the forest, and there is no news yet."

Eunuch Cao looked aside.

Lin Yunyan also got out of the car just now and had a few words with An Yibo.

The shed was built in a crude manner, but it was airtight. The waiter in Guan Nei also brought a few stools from the small hall. Instead of using a charcoal pot, he only filled a lot of soup pots and hand stoves for people to keep warm.

Eunuch Cao went over and saluted: "With so many people going in to rescue, there will definitely be news soon, Princess..."

Lin Yunyan forced out a smile and said, "My father-in-law is here. It shows that your Majesty is very anxious."

Eunuch Cao could only laugh.

 Can you not be in a hurry?

"Yes, Your Majesty is very worried," Eunuch Cao said simply, "The messenger made a rough statement, and the Za family didn't understand everything. Princess, can you tell the Za family what's going on?"

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  (End of this chapter)

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