Yan Cigui

Chapter 355: How disappointed the Holy One is (two updates combined into one)

 During the journey, the carriage seemed to hit a stone and swayed slightly.

Eunuch Cao sat down again and said, "Listen, Zajia, that bear is really fierce."

"It's really fierce..." Xu Jian coughed twice.

Lin Yunyan patted him, Xu Jian calmed down, waved her hand, and continued to talk to Eunuch Cao: "After being injured, he became even more fierce. There were a lot of people and it was a bit chaotic, otherwise Commander Tao wouldn't have been hit by a stray arrow. Face, I think a lot of people’s hands didn’t need to be hurt. They were bruised because they were squeezed in by others.”

"Fortunately, everything has been taken care of. Xuan Su's horse is an old horse, and he brought the other two horses back."

“It’s good that Your Highness is fine. I was thinking all about it, Your Highness must not be hurt.”

After hearing this, Eunuch Cao sighed: "I am tired, please take a nap and wait until we return to the city."

In the imperial city, the East Palace is still brightly lit.

Li Shao was lying on the bed, his whole face as red as a shrimp.

In his sleep, he sometimes cried and sometimes shouted, and he was confused from the fever.

Eunuch Guo put a handkerchief on Li Shao's forehead and turned around to see the Holy Master sitting at the table with a gloomy face.

Feng's wife stood aside with her neck hunched, her face as white as a layer of white and pulp, and she didn't dare to move.

 He returned to Beijing with the prince and Eunuch Yu.

Almost halfway along the way, Feng's servant vaguely noticed that the prince's condition was not very good, and he might have a fever, so he told Eunuch Yu.

Eunuch Yu was also decisive. He ordered the two forest guards to ride ahead and hurriedly opened the city gate and then the palace gate in front of the carriage, ensuring that the group behind them could reach the East Palace without delay, and even There is a royal doctor waiting here.

                                                                                                                                                                  Being in an orderly manner, but less busy than the father-in-law. When the saint came over, he briefly reported the situation, and hurried back to Cining Palace.

 Leave him with this "half-dead" scene.

How can he answer anything?

He had no idea what exactly happened to His Highness in the woods.

 The part he could answer, for a while, he didn’t know whether it would be beneficial or harmful to the master...

 The Holy Spirit's mood has become much more stable now.

 When he first heard about the situation, he was extremely anxious, but Shao'er came back in front of him with all his hair and tail, which made him feel relieved.

 Compared with injuries, fever is nothing. The imperial doctor had just told him that it was a condition that occurs when the body is cold, frightened and then relaxes. It can be recovered in a few days.

Eunuch-in-law Yu just reported back, saying that it was a blessing that Xu Jian, An Yibo and Yu Lin were all safe, and that they went to danger and worked hard until midnight, all because of Shao'er.

Of course, having said that, this matter cannot be discussed as right or wrong.

Different from Chenmi Hutong, Shaoer did not sleep in flowers and willows. Different from Yumen Pass, Shaoer did not leave the customs privately. Today he went to the paddock to hunt, and he went after getting permission. The blind man who met the bear was in Unexpected…

 All I can say is, bad luck.

 After thinking for a while, the Holy Master asked Feng, "What is the specific process? Please explain it in detail."

Chamberlain Feng hadn't straightened things out yet, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "The little one is not good at riding. His Highness did not take the little one with him when he entered the paddock. It was normal at first, until a guard rushed out to ask for help, and then, then..."

 The Holy Spirit asked: “Then what?”

Long's face was serious. Feng's wife was startled and blurted out: "Then Duke Fu went to save His Highness! Yes, Duke Fu rode a fast horse to the woods, and no one else could follow him. It doesn’t look like his skills have been injured.”

 After the words were spoken, he reacted and couldn't help but chat.

He "reminded" the prince to pay attention to the injury of the Duke of Fu. Whether it is a temptation or a confirmation, it is the prince and the Holy One who should pierce it. After all his hard work, doesn't he include himself in it?


Who told him that he was working for his master, and all he could think about was "the leg injury of the Duke of Fu".

Seeing that the Holy One was looking at him intently, it was not easy for Feng Chai to pick him out again, so he could only make mistakes and continue: "I have been waiting for news since I was young.

 Seeing Bo An Yi and Yu Lin arrive, we waited until dark, and finally saw him bringing His Highness back.

I heard that the Duke of Fu was brave and cut off the blind bear's arm and held on until the reinforcements found them.

 The Duke of Fu is really awesome. "

Seeing that he was going over and over again and couldn't say anything new, the Holy Master didn't bother to listen anymore and asked him to go aside and wait.

On the bed, Li Shao muttered something, and he didn't know whether he was talking in his sleep or nonsense.

Seeing that he was in a nightmare, the Holy Spirit moved to sit next to him. He listened with concern for a while, but still couldn't tell what he was talking about.

Li Shao fell into a nightmare, switching back and forth between darkness and dazzling light, making his whole person very uneasy.

"Shao'er, Shao'er?" The Holy Master tried to call him and held his sweaty hand.

Li Shao opened his eyes suddenly, a pair of eyes full of fear kept turning.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Seeing him waking up, the Holy Master quickly comforted him and said, "You have returned to the palace, there is no need to be afraid."

Li Shao's eyes fell on the lampstand not far away. The halo of light was scattered in front of his eyes, and the whole field of vision was strange.

He heard his heartbeat pounding like a drum, so heavy that it almost exploded him.

He was stunned for a long time, and then his eyes gradually regained some clarity and became less distracted, allowing him to see the surrounding situation clearly.

 "Father..." Li Shao said hoarsely.

 “You have a nightmare.” The Holy Spirit said.

Li Shao frowned. He actually couldn't remember clearly what he had dreamed about. He just felt that the dream was a mess.

That was a feeling he disliked very much and subconsciously wanted to reject it.

 He didn’t want to discuss his nightmare with his father!

 Li Shao wanted to escape.

If his thoughts were still clear enough, he would have thought that he didn't actually need to say anything at this moment and could just continue sleeping. But he was so confused that he wanted to avoid a topic and would find it in a hurry. Another huatou.

“Father, Xu Jian’s leg is not injured at all!” Li Shao said.

The corners of the Holy Emperor's mouth tightened: "Don't you want to..."

Li Shao continued: "I saw it with my own eyes. He can ride a horse. He pulled me around the black bear in the forest. His pace didn't look like he was injured. I couldn't hold on anymore. He It’s okay, he even fought with a black bear with a shovel, he usually just pretends.”

"Pretending?" asked the Holy Spirit, "then what do you think he is doing pretending to be injured?"

“He doesn’t want to watch the government with his ministers,” Li Shao said. “He uses his injury to make a show in front of you, making you feel guilty...”

The Holy Emperor interrupted Li Shao's words directly: "As long as his leg was not injured to save you, do I need to feel guilty?"

Li Shao was so angry that he shrank his neck. Now that he had finished speaking, he could only continue: "He is just competing with his son. He wants his son to listen to him. His leg has obviously healed a long time ago, but..."

The Holy Shang was extremely angry and laughed: "Xu Jian wants you to listen to him? I will only be happy if you really listen to him!"

Li Shao wanted to continue speaking, but suddenly lost his momentum when he saw the stern look in his eyes.

"Shao'er," the Holy Master did not let him go, "don't tell me, you thought Xu Jian was pretending to be injured before, and you wanted to go to the paddock just to test him."

Li Shao was speechless.

 The Holy Emperor looked at him for a moment.

If he only encountered danger accidentally, it would not be "right or wrong", but if Li Shao deliberately looked for trouble and fell into a crisis, then it would be "wrong".

It's like having fun and doing it on the territory of Dao Heng.

It was as if he had gone out of seclusion to show off his talents and crashed into the middle of a battle between two armies.

 From the starting point, to the final destination, to the end, nothing is unreasonable.

Standing up, the Holy Master's tone became heavier: "You are tired today and have a fever. Take a good rest first. When you wake up, your fever subsides, and your thoughts become clearer, think carefully about what you want to say to me." After saying that, the Holy Master turned around and strode away.

Eunuch Guo took two steps away and saw Eunuch Cao standing outside the floor covering. He stopped and went back to take care of Li Shao.

If you ask him to say, His Highness is indeed suffering from a fever, how can he say that...

The Holy Spirit kept walking and said, "Just came back?"

"Yes," Eunuch Cao followed, replying as he walked, "I just came back and heard that you were in the East Palace, so the younger one rushed over."

The Holy Sage asked: "How is Xu Jian?"

Eunuch Cao pursed his lower lip.

Just standing not far away, he heard clearly what His Highness the Prince said.

To be honest, it’s not very comfortable to listen to.

Of course, Eunuch Cao would not talk to the Holy Father about the prince at this moment. He just thought about it and talked about what he encountered on this trip.

"The Duke of Fu is very tired. The imperial doctor said that his legs will be affected to some extent. We have to wait for the diagnosis by the doctor at his residence."

“I heard that the prince chased a deer deep into the forest and faced the blind bear. At that time, he only had two personal followers of Duke Fu and two bodyguards with him.”

"After hearing the news, the Duke stabilized the situation and led people to rescue. The princess stayed on the outside and directed the people in the small hall to work. They set up a shed, prepared hot water and snacks, made a chariot, and prepared Lots of torches.”

"I was well prepared. When I got there, I couldn't find anything to do except wait for news."

"Only when An Yibo carried His Highness back, the younger one felt relieved. After that, Commander Tao led them into the forest twice more and carried the injured back in batches."

“One of Duke Fu’s followers injured his back. He was slapped by a blind man and his skin was torn apart. Duke Fu was not injured, but he couldn’t stand up and couldn’t even sit up.”

“When the imperial doctor gave him a brief diagnosis, I saw that his legs were really pale, with bruises appearing, and the skin was cold to the touch.”

"I think so. He was one of the first ones to go in. He struggled with the black bear all the time. After he was exhausted, he stayed in the forest. He was finally carried out. It took so long. Even those who were not sick or in pain couldn't bear the cold. What's more? His legs can’t stand the cold.”

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit thought for a while and said, "Did you hear what Shao'er said? Although I didn't refute it, I could tell which way you were facing."

 Eunuch Cao was sarcastic.

Since the Holy One pointed it out, he certainly could not deny the deception, so he said: "When you think about it, people always look towards what they see.

The younger one saw the imperial physician diagnosing the Duke of Fu, and saw that the carriage was also carried in with a chariot after it arrived at the Duke's residence.

Your Highness is different from the younger one. When he sees the Duke coming, he can run and fight bears..."

"He mistakenly thought that Xu Jian was not injured after seeing it, which makes sense," the Holy Master snorted, "I am afraid that he is deliberately looking for trouble, and he has misunderstood Xu Jian a long time ago."

Eunuch Cao swallowed his saliva.

Your Highness is getting into trouble. It’s a good thing that he didn’t hear the few words of self-examination by Duke Fu. Otherwise, he would have had to add something more and put the whole trip to the paddock on Duke Fu.

His Majesty has his own judgment and will not believe His Highness’s guess, but this will hurt His Majesty’s heart.

How disappointed Your Majesty is...

 The night wind carried snowflakes and catkins floated down.

Cheng Xi heard a very low knock on the door, wrapped himself in a thick coat and came out of the house.

It was Eunuch Tong who came: "Master, have you gone to bed?"

"How can I sleep? I just lie down and take a nap with my clothes on." Cheng Xi walked to the door and said in a low voice, "Is there any news?"

"The prince has returned to the palace. He is not injured. He is just frightened and has a fever," Eunuch Tong said again. "The prince and the princess have also returned to the capital. It seems that he is very cold and his legs are probably bad."

"Who asked him to deliberately seduce the prince and go to the paddock?" Cheng Xi curled his lips, "The prince was in danger and he didn't actively rescue him. He really hurt the prince. How can he get better?"

Tong Gonggong said: "Don't say whether he is good or not. If the prince is missing arms and legs, the master will also have a headache..."

Cheng Xi was about to answer these words when suddenly the door behind him opened and a dim light emerged from inside.

"So, do I still have to be grateful to Xu Jian, thank him for doing things appropriately and not injuring His Highness?"

 The voice was cold, and the hair on Cheng Xi's neck stood up in fear.

 Eunuch Tong knelt down without hesitation.

Cheng Xi reacted and knelt down: "You are talking nonsense..."

"Okay," Jin Guiren interrupted, "come in and talk."

 Entering the room, Cheng Xi poured tea. Eunuch Tong carefully repeated the news he had just received. He waited for the master to wave before he exited.

Jin Guiren took a sip of tea, his brows filled with tiredness and hidden anger.

Cheng Xi and the others were right. For him, the prince was indeed a necessary existence.

 The prince can encounter some troubles and his reputation can be damaged, but he cannot really be deposed. In other words, Li Shao must be the prince before everything is ready.

One day, when he is cruel to the prince, everything is ready except the east wind.

It's just that Jin Guiren thought that he still couldn't fully understand Xu Jian's thoughts.

There is no doubt that Xu Jian is scheming against the prince. Behind his actions that seem to be helping and assisting the prince are hidden plots that are unfavorable to the prince. But on the surface, he is so honest and self-consistent that even the emperor has not noticed the clues.

 The only ones who noticed the problem were myself, who had been forced to have my tail cut off several times, and the prince involved.

Perhaps Xu Jian is also waiting for an opportunity.

By the time Xu Jian took the initiative to pull the prince down, he should have been ready to confront him with real swords and guns.

 Until then, Xu Jian will keep the prince.

Jin Guiren narrowed his eyes.

At this point, Xu Jian and he should be the same - treating the prince as a chess piece and the prince as a flag.

 But what he pursues is not possible for Xu Jian, and it seems that he has not made arrangements for it now...


Perhaps Xu Jian was aiming for the regent position?

 The young prince is much easier to control than the self-centered Crown Prince who has many ideas.

So, did Xu Jian pick an obedient puppet?

 It seems not.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is still in his prime. From a clear perspective, that day is still far away, unless Xu Jian really dares to risk the disapproval of the world.

 But no matter what, Xu Jian had the upper hand today.

I originally wanted the prince to expose Xu Jian's fake injuries, but now that he is better, Xu Jian can clearly show his injuries.

As for tomorrow, there is no need to analyze it carefully. Jin Guiren can count several ways to make use of the topic.

 The paddock, the blind bear, a good show.

Soundily, Jin Guiren put the tea cup on the table with a sullen face.

 You said you felt sorry for the bear two days ago. There was really nothing you could do about the bear and it had to be killed. But I still got those horses back and didn’t throw them into the forest...

  Thanks to the book friends Yusheng Anhao_ea and HY_RC of Bookstore for the reward.

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