Yan Cigui

Chapter 356: Hard-won (two updates in one)

Chapter 356 Hard-won (two updates in one)

In the thick of night, the main courtyard of Fu Guogong's Mansion was busy, and lights were lit from the main room to the left and right wings.

Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan had just returned home. Mother Ma was standing in the corridor, giving instructions with a serious face.

Today, neither she nor Wan Yue followed the princess. They only roughly knew that this trip to the paddock might not be easy.

Such a big matter, it is impossible to reveal even a little bit to others. The two of them kept it in their hearts and did not talk in private. It was not until various news came out that they saw worry in each other's eyes.

 What situation happened that made the Holy Master send so many royal guards to the paddock to rescue?

There was a lot of information everywhere, but they were all rumors after all. Mother Ma didn't dare to believe it. It wasn't until Chen came to the Duke's mansion that they finally got some accurate information.

 The prince encountered a blind bear in the paddock, and the Duke went to rescue him.

Just listening to these two sentences, no matter how much confidence Mother Ma had in her heart at first, it was now leaking through a sieve.

That's a blind bear, a beast that makes a living in the woods!

  No matter how well the Duke and the Princess plan their strategies, how can the beasts fully cooperate?

Everyone is disobedient sometimes!

When Ma Ma looked at Wan Yue with heartache, the two of them looked at each other and realized that it was half a catty to eight taels, and no one could carry more sieves than the other.

Hunted until late at night, Eunuch Yu's messenger came to say "peace", and the house breathed a sigh of relief.

Then we continued to wait until just now, when someone from the front announced that "the carriage has arrived," Mother Ma and Wan Yue hurriedly went out to welcome him.

 The chariot that is ushered in.

The princess brought a load back from the paddock, carried the Duke directly to the main courtyard, and moved him into the house.

Seeing this, Mother Ma signaled Wan Yue to go in and serve the princess, and she made arrangements one by one without the need for anyone else to give orders.

I want to bring a message to Mrs. Xu so that she can sleep peacefully. It's so late at night and it's snowing, so it's too hard to come here.

There was **** tea in the small kitchen, so I hurriedly brought it in to cool it down. He also told me to keep it warm and eat it. If the Duke and the princess have an appetite, they can serve it at any time.

 Ahead, Xu Bai also sent people over.

“I’ve sent someone to Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion to report that I’m safe. There’s no shortage of people to take care of Shenchen. I just went to ask for Doctor Yue and he’ll be here right away.”

 Mother Ma felt relieved after hearing this.

 With Xu Bai taking care of her at the front, everything was organized and the work was divided between them. She didn't have to take care of the overall situation by herself, which made it much easier.

Just as I was about to say a few more words to the people below, I saw Doctor Yue walking through the snow.

Doctor Yue was carrying a medicine box and walking in a hurry.

Xu Jian usually treats his injuries in Anpingyuan. It was late at night and it was not convenient to move much, so he stayed in the main courtyard.

Dr. Yue came here for the first time and couldn't help but look around.

Mother Ma greeted him, called the house, and led him in.

 Inside, Lin Yunyan changed into clean clothes, tidied up briefly, and looked more energetic.

Xu Jian also changed his clothes. He had been crawling in the snow for almost a day, and his inner clothes were wet, wet and dry again. Compared to Lin Yunyan, his face looked more tired.

He had just finished drinking a bowl of **** tea and met Dr. Yue. Xu Jian said, "I'm going to cause you trouble."

Doctor Yue put down the medicine box with a clang and looked unhappy: "It's really troublesome."

 As a doctor, what you fear most is not incurable diseases, but the patient's lack of cooperation!

After several months of dealing with Fu Guogong, Dr. Yue finally understood that the Duke was really transparent. He thought about many things clearly in his mind, so that this idea was absolutely big. Don't worry about it. He persuaded her so earnestly, but the Duke of the country insisted on having his own way.

  I go to court when I say it, and I climb over the wall when I say it. Today I was even more powerful, riding a fast horse, and even had a fight with a blind bear.

  Is this something that a person whose leg injury has not yet healed can do?

Having said that, this can’t be blamed on the Duke of Guo. It’s just catching up.

  While hunting with the prince, the prince was in danger, how could he not try his best to save him? Just this one rescue operation takes a long time and consumes a lot of money. It’s really annoying!

The abdomen was degraded, and Doctor Yue was still carefully checked.

Not only on the right thigh, but also along the meridians, I changed the strength of my hand several times to observe Xu Jian's reaction and asked him about the situation.

Lin Yunyan was listening on the sidelines. Seeing Dr. Yue's brows frowning more and more, and his words becoming more and more deliberate, she couldn't help but become nervous.

 Perhaps the condition of your legs is not good?

Just now she asked Xu Jian, he said "it's not a big deal", why...


This person has always reported good news but not bad news.

 This can be…

Lin Yunyan was hesitating, but she didn't expect that Dr. Yue was even more entangled than her. He even almost leaned on Xu Jian's lap, and waited for a while before looking up.

 “This…” Doctor Yue looked at Wan Yue.

At this time, Lin Yunyan understood and nodded slightly at Wanyue.

Wanyue chased away the others and stayed inside while Mother Ma guarded the outside.

Doctor Yue then asked with a sullen face: "To tell you the truth, what kind of medicated oil did the Duke of Guo apply on his legs? Although it was wiped off, I could smell it."

Xu Jian laughed and said to Lin Yunyan, "You can't hide it from him, right?"

Lin Yunyan also smiled helplessly.

Before setting off to the paddock, Lin Yunyan applied a layer of medicated oil on Xu Jian's leg, which was used for injuries caused by injuries in the house.

  It didn't show anything when I first put it on, but after covering it under my trouser legs for a whole day, it turned out to be a little bruised.

When I checked the injury in the paddock, under the light of the lampstand, it looked really miserable, and it was frighteningly white and green.

Without this level of preparation, how could we bluff Eunuch Cao?

The doctor who treated Xu Jian didn't know much about what medicine Xu Jian used in daily life. He had already bandaged several injured imperial guards, so he wouldn't take it seriously if he smelled some medicine.

Unlike Dr. Yue, he knew very well about daily medication and was proficient in it. Even after he had just wiped it, he discovered the clues.

“The medicinal oil for bruises,” Xu Jian said, “apply a little bit to the paddock.”

 Doctor Yue didn't believe what he said.

If it was really the medicinal oil given by the imperial doctor in the paddock, as for when he glanced at Wan Yue, would the princess really have turned away all the people?

 Obviously there is something else going on!

However, one thing that Dr. Yue still understands now is that some curiosity must be put away. Knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

Without needing to be reminded by the Duke and the princess, he made a gesture himself and said that he would never mention the "unknown medicinal oil" and just pretended that it did not exist at all.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 Smart people are just convenient and don’t need to pay much attention to them.

Xu Jian would definitely not go to court when he got up in the morning. In addition to the Holy Shang, there might be people from other places to visit his patients. However, if he could not turn around, he would open his mouth and say "What kind of medicinal oil was used for the Duke of Guo in the paddock last night"? In the ears of some people, it is “one more thing”.

After confirming that the medicinal oil had no effect on Xu Jian, Doctor Yue made a detailed diagnosis again, and then started to relieve Xu Jian's pain.

 A warm handkerchief was applied to the legs, and then needles were applied, and the silver needles were immersed into the skin one by one.

 After taking care of Xu Jian, Doctor Yue checked Lin Yunyan's pulse again to make sure that she was not cold, tired or even sick.

When the business in this compartment was finished, he said: "It will take three-quarters of an hour. I will go to see Shenchen first and come back later."

Lin Yunyan thanked him, sent him off, and sat down by the couch.

 Xu Jian raised his eyes and said softly: "Go to the bedroom to sleep first."

Lin Yunyan shook her head. She was sleepy, but if she were to take a nap, she would probably not be able to sleep well.

 “You close your eyes and recover your mind for a while,” she said, “I’ll go when I want to sleep.”

 Xu Jian did not force her, closed her eyes again, and fell asleep soon after.

Lin Yunyan took the handkerchief and gently wiped away the thin sweat on Xu Jian's forehead.

She knew that Xu Jian was really tired, and they were deliberately plotting against Li Shao, but Xu Jian really had the energy to fight to the end. If he hadn't been so tired, how could he be so painful that he was sweating coldly, and still... How about sleeping over?

 Just sleep very uneasily.

Lin Yunyan was afraid that he would kick his legs in his dream, so she moved her seat and put a hand on Xu Jian's knee to ensure that she could hold him down immediately if he moved.

 The other hand fell on Xu Jian's hand and gently intertwined with his fingers.

 While in the enclosure, she actually went to see the black bear.

The black bear is already dead and cannot move at all, but just looking at its size, you can tell that it will definitely be difficult to deal with.

Even more, it seemed to be bigger and bigger than the one Xu Jian showed her yesterday, which was frightening.

Such a beast had one of its arms cut off by Xu Jiansheng. Even though it was exhausted by that time, it was just as exhausted as the Xu Jian it consumed.

Even in such a difficult situation, Xu Jian still seized the opportunity.

 What did Shenchen say?

 “Accurately calculated.”

How difficult it is to calculate accurately in that situation, both strength and luck are indispensable.

Yes, Xu Jian said that the bear was "smaller now." In the four years he had experienced, how much effort had he spent facing the blind man who had grown bigger?

Just imagining it made Lin Yunyan's breathing become congested.

 It is very difficult and hard, she knew it before, and she is experiencing it all the time now, but she understands better that it is "hard-won".

The results achieved over the past year have not come easily, and so have today’s results.

 What she has to do and what she can do is to expand the results to make them worthy of the hard work in the paddock.

Suddenly, Xu Jian's right leg twitched, and Lin Yunyan quickly held down his knee.

Xu Jian seemed to have noticed it in her sleep, and vaguely comforted her: "It's okay, it's really okay..."

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and followed him in a soft voice: "Okay, it's okay."

 It was almost time before Doctor Yue came back.

“Shen Chen is suffering from flesh injuries, and the imperial doctor had no problem with them before. He just needs to be nursed back to health,” he said. “Xuan Su is not injured, he is just tired. I think he slept well.”

Lin Yunyan was relieved.

When Dr. Yue took up the needle, Xu Jian woke up. He was still tired, but his eyes were much clearer.

"Except for this leg, the Duke of Guo is in good health and will not suffer from cold or fever. A good night's sleep is better than any panacea," Doctor Yue said. "You can't see anything on the leg now. It will become bruised in an hour. It’ll take a few days to go away.”

Lin Yunyan is quite satisfied with this.

The bruises that appear naturally are better than those faked with medicated oil. Besides, in broad daylight, they are not as easy to fool as under the dim light.

 Waiting for the lights to be turned on in the main room, Mother Ma estimated the time.

 In a little while, it will almost be time for the Duke to get up and go to court.

This worrying and tense night is finally over.

Mama Ma went back to her room, took a short nap, and then got up.

Mrs. Xu sent someone to ask about the situation early. She heard that the young couple had not gotten up yet, so she did not bother them. After that, she only invited Dr. Yue to go to the backyard and inquire about the injury in detail.

Dr. Yue told the truth, struggling like this for a day will definitely have an impact, so he can only try his best to treat it.

He also said that thanks to the previous treatment for a period of time, the injury has been alleviated a lot. Otherwise, even if he gritted his teeth and persevered in the snow forest, his right leg would probably be completely disabled, let alone hoping to get better and be able to use crutches. Walking on your own is like Amitabha.

These words, let alone Xu Miao, made Liu Ping and Grandma Xia recite "Amitabha" together.

 On the other side, in the facing room, the atmosphere seemed a little tense.

Uncle An Yi's arms and legs ached everywhere. Sitting on the chair, his already frighteningly serious facial features looked more and more like he was holding fire.

 In fact, he was really lifeless.

 I was so tired that I still had the energy to be angry with Nao Shizi.

Lin Yue solemnly thanked him for rushing to the paddock and helping Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan.

“They themselves are blessed with great fortune, and I don’t have much credit,” An Yibo said. “By the time I found them, the black bear was already lying on the ground.”

"You are the Dinghai Shenzhen." Lin Yu said.

An Yibo actually accepted this compliment with a smile.

It’s not that he is thick-skinned. In the situation like yesterday, what was lacking was not manpower, but someone who could stabilize the situation, and he was one of them.

 An official came over to inquire about the situation with An Yibo.

 “Your Highness is not injured? That’s great.”

"I heard that my uncle carried His Highness back. I thought His Highness was injured and was shocked."

“The Duke of Fu Guo protected the prince until reinforcements found them. This is a great achievement for the Duke of Guo.”

"So, his leg injury should be almost healed, right? Where are the others? Didn't they come to court?"

Hearing the sound, An Yibo raised his eyelids and said, "Can he still go to court? If he wants to climb up to the Golden Palace today, I have to carry him back, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the room fell silent.

The one who was carried back by the uncle yesterday was the prince. What Uncle An Yi said seemed to mean to mock the prince...

Ordinarily, it wouldn't be a problem. They all know that Uncle has a bad temper and doesn't pay attention to his words. He should just say it casually without any extra thoughts.

An Yibo didn't notice it himself. He moved his sore shoulders and continued: "His legs, I think it will be difficult. He can recuperate them..."

“After all, the prince is in danger, and the Duke of Fu will definitely try his best to rescue him. His legs were originally..."

 Speak half of it and hide the other half, which is very meaningful.

Lin Yue turned around and saw that the person speaking was Gu Heng, the young minister of Taichang Temple.

 I’m really anxious.

Lin Yu thought.

Even before the Fourth Highness was weaned, his grandfather Gu Heng had already "said" a few words whenever he had the chance. Before the Crown Prince was banned, those who were most actively seeking trouble were those of the Fourth Highness's lineage.

Gu Heng only said one sentence, but it was enough to make people think.

 How the Duke of Fu was injured in the first place has never been determined in Beijing. However, Gu Shaoqing's words make people think that there seems to be a theory that the Duke of Guo was injured because of the prince.

Saving the driver should have been a credit, so why was this credit concealed?

In fact, Gu Heng was not completely clear about it. He only relied on some rumors to say such a specious statement, but at this moment, he could sense some meaning.

It seems like, is that something worth digging into?

  I’m particularly confused when it’s doubled at the end of the month.

Just shout, it’s a bit of a loss if it doesn’t double. Don’t shout, I’m afraid you won’t have any votes at the end of the month.

   I hope the number of monthly votes at the end of this month will be better.

  (End of this chapter)

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