Yan Cigui

Chapter 357: Ai Qing Wen

 When the time came, the courtiers lined up to go to court.

An Yibo cheered up and entered the Golden Palace along the walking path. He raised his eyes to look at the big and small thrones high up, and then his eyes stopped on the small throne.

Although he did not express his position, An Yibo still had some "complaints" about His Royal Highness in his heart.

It is true that being chased by a crazy bear for a whole day is not a good experience. It is human nature to be frightened and frightened. However, ordinary people can be so scared that they cannot stand, but His Highness the Crown Prince should not be like this.

 That is the prince, the prince, the future of the country.

Furthermore, he is not just five or six years old this year.

At Your Highness's age, let's not talk about Xu Jian. When Xu Jian went to the battlefield for the first time, he was a few years younger than His Highness now. Didn't he also kill the Xiliang people in blood?

Your Highness behaved like that...

As the old saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, but it is also said that dragons give birth to nine sons, each of whom is different. But An Yibo just couldn't figure out why the temperament of His Royal Highness the Prince was so different from that of the Holy One.

 Not only does he not look like the Holy One, he also doesn’t look like the late Emperor.

Anyway, based on An Yibo's understanding of the late emperor and the Holy Emperor, when these two faced such a dangerous situation, not to mention whether they could fight the bear, at least they would not be helpless and rely on others to protect them.

Your Highness passed away in the end. This is really...

 Shame on you!

 He has embarrassed His Highness!

 Hey, I don’t know how His Highness is doing at the moment.

Just as he was thinking about it, a sound of footsteps came from outside the temple, and the holy guard of honor had arrived.

Everyone cheered up and greeted him respectfully. The ceremonial procession passed through the palace, but His Highness the Crown Prince was not seen.

An Yibo was keen and noticed that many probing and astonished eyes were cast on him one after another.

 Easy and comfortable.

  It wasn’t until the Holy One sat down and made a brief mention that the courtiers knew that His Highness was ill.

Having mentioned Li Shao, the Holy Father looked at the place where Xu Jian was supposed to stand. He was not surprised that it was empty. Judging from what Eunuch Cao saw, Xu Jian must not be able to hold on today.

 Discussing political affairs in the early morning begins with a conversation.

A few months ago, after the gold paper and gold bricks were unearthed in Chenmi Hutong, Dao Heng was killed by Wang Qi. Before Sidao Hutong, Shuntian Mansion had another case that kept Shan Shen busy. case.

The corpses floating by the river on the outskirts of the city were both male and female, and their identities were unknown. People in the capital were talking a lot and people were panicking. Shan Shen had no feet on the ground and made little progress, which really gave Master Shan a headache.

 Fortunately, after several months of investigation and visits, Shuntian Mansion finally sorted out the case and captured the three murderers. It was supposed that Shan Shen should be in charge of the trial, but unexpectedly the case file was transferred to the Criminal Department.

Shan Shen has been busy for several months, and when it comes to an end, he is picked off the peach. He is really not happy.

After all, this case is bitter and difficult, but it does not involve powerful people, so it is not a hot potato at all.

 But he couldn't control the Ministry of Punishment, so he had to give up.

Unexpectedly, the Ministry of Punishment confirmed the verdict, but Dali Temple came back during the review. The reason was that the case was unclear and the evidence was insufficient.

 The Ministry of Punishment sought an explanation from Shuntian Prefecture for the same reason.

 This is "too much bullying".

Shan Shen was so angry that his face turned red.

He has no shortage of "merits" this year, and he can get excellent scores in his performance appraisal. This is why he had to leave the Ministry of Punishment if he wanted to leave before, and he didn't care about it. Now he sees that there is still half a month to seal, so give him something like this...

Fortunately, this is the Jinluan Palace, not his own territory, otherwise Master Shan would have cursed a lot when he opened his mouth.

He couldn't stop cursing, and there was a lot of weirdness. From the Criminal Department to Dali Temple, and even the Metropolitan Procuratorate who had not yet entered the scene, the entire Sansi Yamen was ridiculed from top to bottom.

The most indispensable thing for the Third Division is words, especially the Metropolitan Procuratorate who was inexplicably brought along. For a while, everyone was talking to each other, and it was very lively.

So that no one noticed that the corners of Eunuch Cao’s mouth, who was standing next to the throne, drooped.

Eunuch Cao was also upset.

The Holy Emperor stayed up almost all night, worried about the prince's condition. He was even more saddened by the prince's words, and his face was obviously tired.

 As a result, this old man who usually prides himself on being the most observant of people is now "blind".

Your Majesty, are you willing to listen?

Your Majesty wants a result!

 Whether it is Shuntian Prefecture or the Third Division, the first priority is to complete the case.

Eunuch Cao thought to himself and subconsciously looked at the position of Duke Fu.


The Duke is so clever. In the past, at this time, he would have moved his ankles, showing signs of discomfort in his legs and feet, to give the Holy Father an excuse.

  Today the prince of the country is not here, who will be this astute person?

Eunuch Cao glanced at the expression on His Majesty's face, and then on the faces of the officials below. At this sight, he became frightened.

 The most angry person at the moment is Ge Yushi.

 What’s wrong? The old man is still brewing and has not spoken.

Thinking of the temper of the old censor, Eunuch Cao knew that this man would definitely add fuel to the fire.

Sure enough, after the verbal battle was barely finished, Ge Yushi stood up, holding a jade tablet, speaking in a long and steady manner, all of which were the prince's.

 At the same time, there is no good word.

As Eunuch Cao listened, he summarized it for Ge Yushi and roughly elaborated on the following points.

I was banned because of the incompetence of the rest, and the surface was solid for a while after lifting the ban, but it was still the original temperament.

How many days has it been since the Ministry of Rites observed politics? I couldn't sit still anymore, and I had the desire to go hunting.

Yesterday during Laba, many poor people were waiting for porridge, but His Royal Highness, the majestic prince, did not want to make progress and only wanted to have fun, which had a bad influence.

Hunting in winter is not easy, as long as you have such good skills, but His Highness has no self-awareness of his own abilities, which puts him in danger.

Having worked so many people to save him, he only gained peace. If His Highness understands what it means to be a prince, how could he casually put himself in a dangerous situation?

 If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Your Highness will jump into danger on his own!

After being in danger, he was unable to cope with the situation. He was not injured but had to be carried back by the old An Yibo. He did not show any courage and courage that a prince should have in front of others.

You haven't come to court today, and you're even sick? ! Uncle, my old bones are not sick!

 The atmosphere in the Jinluan Palace was tense. Except for the voice of Ge Yushi, no other officials made a sound.

An Yibo even shrank his neck, wishing that there was a crack for him to get through.

 What is this thing called?

Even though he felt that His Highness the Crown Prince should be scolded, he knew how to scold him. If the Crown Prince came today, he would stand up and scold louder than anyone else later. He would not need anyone else to speak for him.

But the prince is not here, so what’s the point of scolding him?

Furthermore, he was facing someone with real swords and guns, and he really didn't want to make it seem like he was discussing the prince's merits behind his back.

Eunuch Cao had a stupefied face and almost didn't have the courage to look at the Holy Emperor's face.

Underneath, Ge Yushi was still saying loudly: "Han Dong, Laba, what makes His Highness insist on hunting in the paddock at this time? Is it because he wants to hunt two more deer for the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager and come back to taste the fishy smell of the meat? ?”

As the words fell, echoes lingered, accompanied by several obvious gasping sounds.

This is really...

 Shall we eat the meat from the Holy Grail? He was clearly scolding the prince for doing something inappropriate and unnecessary.

Lin Yue secretly glanced at Ge Yushi. He had to say that the old Yushi was very capable.

 The prince asked the Holy Father to forgive him several times, and he followed the "filial piety". But as a crown prince, there are many more important qualities than filial piety.

 Be steady and steady, have self-awareness, have courage and courage, and have strong bones and muscles...

 These points were all scolded by Mr. Ge just now.

 On the throne, the Holy Emperor's face was frighteningly gloomy.

These imperial censors were merciless when it came to scolding them. Not to mention scolding the prince, scolding the king was commonplace. If anyone could scold the king to the point of dizziness and drawing a knife, they would dare to bang their heads against the pillars, and even use it as "honor" ".

 After so many years, the Holy Spirit has become accustomed to it and will not get angry because of the words of the officials.

Of course, it’s impossible not to be angry at all.

No one can really feel calm after being scolded all over the head.

 Ge Yushi scolded Shao'er, but he was the one who agreed with Shao'er to go to the paddock. He never thought about whether Laba was suitable for hunting.

This is why he was scolded along with him.

Censor Piange also asked: "Your Majesty, does what I said make sense?"

Your Majesty:…

The deep exhaustion overcame the shortness of breath. The Holy Master raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, and said in a hoarse voice: "Ai Qing's article is really well written."

The Holy Emperor obviously gave in, but Ge Yushi had no intention of going down the steps: "It's a pity that His Highness is not here today, so we can't let him hear it."

The Holy Spirit was so angry that he laughed out loud, but it also revealed a bit of helplessness.

 He was helpless to Ge Yushi, and even more helpless to Shao'er.

No one knows that what is echoing in the Holy Master's ears at this moment is not Ge Yushi's every word, but Li Shao's inferences about Xu Jian's injury after he woke up from his nightmare.

Shaoer did a lot of wrong things, and even thought about a lot of wrong things.

 Him cannot be allowed to continue to make mistakes.

"Such a good article," the Holy Master calmed down his mind and said, "I will go to the East Palace next to you. What you just said in the palace, you can say it again in front of the prince."

For a time, many courtiers could not figure out the emperor's intentions, and they secretly filed lawsuits.

Yu Shi Ge was not afraid and accepted the order stubbornly.

With such a solid brick in front of us, it is hard for others to stand up and point fingers now, regardless of whether they are carrying bricks or jade.

But even if only one person spoke eloquently about the prince's actions yesterday, the effect was so significant that it still excited people like Gu Heng who had other ideas.

 The tense atmosphere in the Jinluan Hall slowly dissipated after the holy guard of honor left during the next court session.

Lin Yue walked out alone, and was stopped before he left the main hall.

 He turned around and saw King Jin and King Xian, and bowed.

“Uncle, are you going to visit Duke Fuguo later?” King Jin asked.

Lin Yuan replied: "I plan to go there at noon."

"I originally planned to go, but I was worried that Duke Fu would have to receive me and disturb me too much," King Jin said. "My uncle will greet me when he goes, so I won't send anyone else over."

The wise king also said: "In that case, I would also like to ask my uncle to send my greetings to Duke Fu."

 Lin Yu agreed and asked: "Are you two going to the East Palace to visit? I wonder how His Highness is doing..."

 The wise king coughed lightly.

 After saying a few words, the two princes left side by side.

Lin Yuan watched the two of them off for a long time, then slowly looked back.

 At court today, he has been observing these royal relatives.

If there were people who were hiding behind the scenes and causing trouble in the series of events before and after Dingguo Temple, they were undoubtedly among these people.

 It’s a pity that Lin Yue hasn’t gained much yet.

I have to say that the other party hid it very well.

If he hadn't been able to hide so well, he would have been exposed long ago. How could he have been able to hide safely to this day?

In the other room, Ge Yushi followed the chamberlain to the outside of the East Palace, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao was sent by the Holy One, and the cold wind blew all the way, and he more or less figured out the Holy One's intentions.

The Holy One wants His Royal Highness to be punished.

Yu Shi's scolding was harsh and logical. His Majesty hoped that His Highness would listen to it and reflect on it.

But at the same time, His Majesty is also very aware of His Highness's temper. Being scolded like this may be difficult for His Highness to accept for a while. When the mood rises, he may blurt out some irrelevant words.

Those words, whether they are made in anger or not, will hurt people's hearts if they are said or heard too much.

 Even if they are two biological fathers and sons.

Therefore, the Holy Father did not come in person. As he said when he left the East Palace in the early morning, he wanted His Highness to "wake up, have his fever gone, think clearly, and think carefully about what to say."

 In the bedroom, Li Shao was awake.

This whole night, he had been in strange dreams. His whole body was tired and tired, and his head hurt so much that it was about to explode.

 After waking up and unable to sleep, he listened to Eunuch Guo's advice and warmed his stomach with some porridge.

 When Eunuch Cao and Yushi Ge came in, Li Shao had just finished half the bowl.

“Master Ge has an article that your Majesty would like your Highness to listen to.” Eunuch Cao reported.

 Li Shao was baffled.

 What kind of peerless article did your father send someone to the East Palace to read it?

Yushi Ge wanted to wait until Li Shao finished eating, but Li Shao didn't know the inside story and asked him to just read.

 In this case, Ge Yushi was not polite.

By the time the old censor spoke majestically, Li Shao couldn't use the half bowl of porridge at all.

With a blue face, he put the bowl and spoon on the table. If Eunuch Guo hadn't quickly cleaned up after seeing this, he would have been smashed to the ground in the end.

Yushi Ge scolded him heartily. After he finished scolding, he asked: "What do you think, Your Highness?"

Li Shao didn't think anything of it. He threw down his sleeves and went back to bed and lay down.

 He was a patient. His blood was rising and his fever was getting worse.

After Ge Yushi finished scolding him, he did not insist on letting Li Shao comment and went out with Eunuch Cao.

 Eunuch Guo sent him all the way out, leaving Feng's inner servant to serve Li Shao.

"Your Highness," Feng Neishi said softly, "If you don't say anything else, how come you didn't even move the common people out? Can the common people care about you going to the paddock? Alas, when we left Beijing yesterday, it seemed that many common people were Saw it.”

Li Shao was furious. After hearing this, his confused head suddenly had an idea: "Ning'an, you have to get out of the car and let me wait! So that's it, that's it!"

 Asking for a monthly ticket~~

Thanks to book friend Jiu from Shucheng for the tip, and thanks to Red Sleeve Book Friend Xizi Lakeside Zui Qingfeng for the tip.

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