Yan Cigui

Chapter 358: Not feeling better at all (two updates in one)

Li Shao was originally very ill, but when he became angry, he became more energetic.

 He stopped lying down and sat up, patting the bed board.

"Ning'an used to be so obedient, but her temper has changed since she got engaged to Xu Jian. How many times has she come to trouble me?"

“One moment, I’m begging for tribute wine, another moment, I’m asking for tiger bones, and I vent my anger through the same nostril as Xu Jian!”

“She is so scheming now that she deliberately stops at the gate of the city. There are so many people, but she is not afraid of being crowded.”

"Does the Empress Dowager know that she is so thoughtful now? The innocence and gentleness that the Empress doted on has been ruined by Xu Jian in just a short time."

Feng Neishi rubbed his hands.

Even though I have been serving Li Shao for some time, even Feng’s servant dare not say that I can completely match His Highness’s ideas.

 His Highness sometimes thinks about things that are really different from ordinary people.

In order to win the trust of His Highness and make his ideas effective, Chamberlain Feng thought a lot about how to communicate with His Highness.

 But to “expose” Princess Ning’an today, Feng’s wife initially thought it would not be easy.

 He can provoke, but he cannot provoke with real swords and guns, it is more of a hint.

His Highness is very hostile to Duke Fu, and it is easy to guide him in a few words. However, although His Highness also has dissatisfaction and complaints about the princess, it is not to that extent. Feng Neishi thought that he might have to poke the window paper twice before he can let go. Your Highness understands.

 Unexpectedly and surprisingly, His Highness "got it right" today.

Chamberlain Feng took a deep look at Li Shao and thought to himself: Could it be because of a fever? Is your mind so hot that it makes you extraordinarily lively?

Since His Highness has understood what he meant, Chamberlain Feng can no longer let His Highness vent his temper.

The Holy Emperor was so angry that he asked the old man surnamed Ge to scold the Crown Prince. If His Highness loses his temper, he will accuse the Duke of Fu and the princess in front of the Holy Emperor...

 With the auxiliary Duke taking advantage of the situation, the prince could not get any benefit.

Really let His Highness reflect on his feet, and the master cannot explain there.

Of course, it’s already very difficult to explain at this moment...

Originally, he was supposed to encourage His Highness to take the initiative, expose the fake injury of Duke Fu, and make the Holy Emperor dissatisfied with Duke Fu. Who would have thought that after this trip, the situation was completely reversed.

Your Highness is passive. Duke Fu's injuries are good and bad. No matter what others say, it makes sense, but the Holy One is dissatisfied with Your Highness.

If this was an essay written in an examination room, everything from the idea to the writing style to the paper would be a mess.

How should I explain to the master...

Feng's wife was still thinking about it, but when he heard Li Shao's anger getting louder and louder, he was so frightened that he hurried forward to dissuade him.

“Your Highness, please don’t say that,” he said, “The matter is now over, it’s important for you to recuperate, and we can wait until you recover for the rest of the matter.

Besides, all these convoluted things are just conjectures, and if you go to the imperial court to complain, it will play into their hands.

 You lie down first..."

Feng's wife helped Li Shao lie down and tried to persuade him with kind words.

It is really difficult to let His Highness see through the tricks of those two people, and not let His Highness go to the imperial court to ask for trouble.

Feng's wife was so anxious that he didn't notice it at all. He fell outside the hood, and Eunuch Guo listened for a long time.

 After sending Eunuch Cao away, Eunuch Guo came back. As soon as he got here, he heard His Highness scolding the princess, and even arranged for the Queen Mother to do so.

  Chamberlain Guo was sweating from behind.

Your Highness’s remarks, regardless of whether they were made out of anger or not, are definitely wrong.

If Eunuch Cao were still here and heard it with his own ears, it would be Eunuch Cao's business, whether it be to persuade him or to complain to the emperor.

 Unexpectedly, he was the only one who got this hot potato.

 Should he tell Eunuch Cao?

The prince is his master, but he was chosen by Eunuch Cao to "watch" the prince. Eunuch Cao even mentioned it to him before and asked him to clarify his position...

 Eunuch Guo was confused and heard another word from Feng’s wife.

"You just said nonsense. The princess may not have meant it."

Eunuch Guo’s brows jumped.

 After waiting for a short while, he quietly exited, calling for someone to keep an eye on him, and quickly walked out of the East Palace.

 The prince was a hot potato and he couldn't make up his mind, but Chamberlain Feng was not.

Eunuch Guo chased Eunuch Cao for a while and caught up with Eunuch Cao outside the royal study: "You, wait a minute..."

Eunuch Cao turned around when he heard the sound, and saw the man panting, holding his knees, and looking like he was about to run away.

 “What’s the matter?” he asked.

Eunuch Guo looked around, gasped, and said, "Borrow, borrow a step, and talk."

Eunuch Cao brought the people to the empty side hall and asked, "But what does the prince have to say to the emperor?"

“I have something to say,” Eunuch Guo calmed down and lowered his voice, “The waiter Feng is not an honest person.”

Eunuch Cao was surprised: "How do you say that?"

Since he was not going to sue Li Shao, Duke Guo naturally modified it when he spoke: "When leaving the city yesterday, the princess got off the car and went to the soup kitchen shed for a while, so many people saw the prince going out.

Feng Neishi means that the princess did it deliberately, just to create more rumors. "

Eunuch Cao frowned: "What? Does it mean that even if you don't meet Xiong Xiazi, there will be a censor coming out to scold His Highness today?"

“I don’t know what he meant, but he spoke openly and said this to His Highness. Isn’t this a estrangement?” Guo Gonggong said, “Your Highness now trusts him very much...”

Eunuch Cao nodded understandingly.

There is no shortage of honest people in the palace, nor is there any shortage of restless people, but being so restless around His Highness will make it difficult for everyone to live a peaceful life.

"The Za family knows, and they replaced him in the past two days," Eunuch Cao said, patting Eunuch Guo on the shoulder, "His Highness is responsible for doing things, whether it is difficult or not, it is easy but not easy either, as long as you can handle it clearly. "

Upon hearing this, Eunuch Guo immediately showed his loyalty.

 After this conversation, Eunuch Cao went to the imperial court to reply.

"How is Shao'er's health?" The Holy Master was criticizing the poem without raising his head.

Eunuch Cao said, "Your Highness seems to be more energetic than before dawn."

 “Did Ge Aiqing show mercy?”

"No," Cao Gonggong said. "Whatever you said to me in the morning will still be said to His Highness."

 The Holy Spirit snorted.

 I was really angry at the time, but when I calmed down and thought about it, the anger dissipated, and I felt even more chilled.

Shaoer is playful, but it was his own decision to go to the paddock, so he would not blame Shaoer for this.

In the early morning, he was angry because Shaoer said nonsense about Xu Jian, but now, there are two other words that have been swirling in his mind.

 “filial piety”.

 As a parent, who wouldn’t want their children to be filial? The son has a filial heart, and it is too late for the father to laugh.

Shaoer is very filial.

This meaning, Xu Jian said, the imperial concubine said it, the empress dowager also said it, and he himself understood that there should be nothing worth pondering, but at this moment, the emperor couldn't get rid of it.

 Xu Jian said before that Shaoer was very confident in winning the favor of his elders.

 GE Yushi used "filial piety" to satirize Shao'er, as if filial piety is not a quality, but a means.

 Once "filial piety" is regarded as a means, many things will be different.

 The Holy One closed his eyes. He has been on the throne for more than ten years. When he was the prince, he was still naive. Now, he looks at things straightforwardly and is much more utilitarian.

The admiration of the concubines and the admiration of the sons, even if there is true love, are mostly benefits with a clear price tag.

He sees things very clearly, his calculations are clear, and his expectations are just that much, so he won't be too disappointed.

 But Shaoer has always been different.

Between father and son, he considered himself a good father. He invested a lot of love and care. He turned his longing for his wife into concern for Shaoer, so that he suddenly realized that Shaoer responded to him. His filial piety might be mixed with "intentions", and he couldn't help but feel chilled.

 He hoped it was a misunderstanding, that he had misunderstood Shaoer in a sudden thought.

 He needs to be more calm and collected.

"You go to the Fuguo Duke's Mansion," the Holy Master cleared his hoarse voice, "to visit Xu Jian."

Eunuch Cao saw that the Holy Spirit was in a bad mood and could not persuade him at this time, so he agreed and left.

 At this time, Lin Yunyan had just woken up in the Duke Fu's mansion.

The snow stopped outside, but the cold wind was still strong, making the window panels whine.

 It was warm in the room, especially under the quilt, and I even sweated a little.

She just looked at Xu Jian who was still sleeping quietly for a quarter of an hour before getting up first.

Xu Jian was alert. As soon as Lin Yunyan moved, he woke up and subconsciously held her back and held her in his arms.

Lin Yunyan was startled. When she leaned over, she almost touched Xu Jian's right leg. She was so anxious that she kept shouting "be careful".

Xu Jian said hoarsely: "I didn't touch it."

"Does it hurt? Still don't feel anything?" After being hit, Lin Yunyan pressed her hand on Xu Jian's leg, gradually increasing her strength.

 “It hurts a little, but it’s okay.” Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief.

 Having pain sensation is much better than not feeling it.

“Speaking of which, I had good luck yesterday,” Lin Yunyan said with much ease after the night passed. “So many people entered the forest, but they haven’t found you yet.”

 Xu Jian chuckled: "That place is not easy to find."

Li Shao was able to meet the blind bear head-on. Shen Chen and the others were well prepared and led Li Shao to the black bear's lair.

Xu Jian knew the place and had discussed the route in advance, so he could quickly get to the approximate location after getting rid of the others, and then find the three people through the traces left on the ground.

After that, he took Li Shao and fled deeper and deeper, while Xuansu Shenchen followed them, destroying and disguising some traces at the same time.

The place was difficult to find and the traces were messy. Coupled with luck, they lasted as long as they expected.

 “The prince is really tired and fainted?” Lin Yunyan asked.

 Xu Jian smiled again: "Yes."

He was prepared to plot against Li Shao, but he was exhausted and escaped danger. He couldn't hold on and passed away without letting Xu Jian take action.

 “Today’s morning meeting should be very lively.” Lin Yunyan sighed.

Xu Jian also felt a little pity.

 There were so many arrangements, but I didn’t like this fun.

However, based on his understanding of those courtiers, especially the censors, he can somewhat imagine it.

  After conversing, the two stood up.

Knowing that Mrs. Xu was thinking about her, Lin Yunyan sent someone to the backyard to speak, and asked Dr. Yue to come over later to prepare for today's treatment.

 Unexpectedly, the first person to come was not Mrs. Xu, but Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao looked worried: "Your Majesty is very concerned about the situation of the Duke of Guo, and asked the miscellaneous family to come and take a look. What does the doctor say to the Duke of Guo?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern," Xu Jian said, "It's still the same. I pressed the button and took the needle when I came back..."

Lin Yunyan made a pot of hot tea and handed one to Eunuch Cao.

"My father-in-law arrived in Beijing with us last night. After returning to the palace, he had a lot of things to think about. He also had to serve the Holy Emperor and go to court, so he probably didn't get much rest," she said. "This tea will refresh your mind and relieve fatigue."

Eunuch Cao thanked him profusely.

 Xu Jian asked about the prince.

"Your Highness has a fever. The fever was severe at night. The Za family went to the East Palace just now and it seems to be getting better." When Eunuch Cao said this, he smiled, "Yesterday, Ge Yushi gave a long speech to Shangge. Oops, the Za family heard it. Trembling.

The Holy Father also asked Mr. Ge to go to the East Palace to repeat it. His Highness was still burning and could not recover from what he heard.

Alas, it was also bad luck, and I happened to meet a blind man. "

Just as he was talking, Doctor Yue came.

Eunuch Cao made room for him, asked a few questions briefly, and his eyes fell on Xu Jian's exposed right leg.

At this sight, he frowned.

The legs were covered in large green patches, coming out from under the skin. They looked even more shocking than what they had seen in the paddock yesterday.

“Doctor Yue,” Eunuch Cao asked, “Is the injury of Mr. Guo bad again?”

"It's not that it's bad again, it's that it's not getting better at all," Dr. Yue said with a sullen face, as if he was scolding a disobedient patient. "The treatment has been so hard these past few months, and I managed to get a little better. Yesterday If you come here, all your work will be in vain."

Lin Yunyan glanced at Dr. Yue.

How can we say that this old doctor has many thoughts and is active?

Doctor Yue didn't know what they had arranged, so he only relied on the medicated oil Xu Jian found on purpose in the early morning to judge the severity.

 The words "It's not easy at all" made Eunuch Cao's old face turn red.

 He naturally didn’t believe that Duke Fuguo was pretending to be injured. He was blushing for the prince.

 When I think of what His Highness said, look at the legs of Duke Fu! Fortunately, he was brave enough to insist on telling the "truth" in front of the Holy Father.

While watching Doctor Yue applying pressure to Xu Jian, Eunuch Cao talked to Lin Yunyan.

Whether he believes it or not, he has to be aware of some rumors. If there is a need later, he has to tell the truth again.

"There is nothing you can do when you encounter a black bear. The main thing is to go hunting in the middle of winter, and it is Laba. The censors will count every one they catch..." Cao Gonggong said, "Zhajia remembers that Chengyi County has always been a porridge provider, right?"

“Yes, together with several other families in the alley, they all set up tents outside the west city gate,” Lin Yunyan said, “I just got married and things in the house were not straightened out before Laba happened.

 Fortunately, my mother-in-law’s support allowed me to build a shed, provided me with money and two hands, and left me alone. This saved me a lot of trouble.

I just felt bad about it, so I took a look when I passed by yesterday.

  The new daughter-in-law can be lazy. Next year she will definitely not be able to work with her natal family and will have to build a separate shed. "

 That is "intentional". Since you have done it, you are ready to be asked.

 The more generous the answer, the less suspicious it is.

Eunuch Cao didn't say much, but he had a judgment in his heart, especially since the prince had already misunderstood that Duke Fu was pretending to be injured, and he would not add another crime to the two of them when the princess was in good order.

 Thinking about this, he became even more angry at Feng's wife.

He didn’t take good care of His Highness and even did some provocative things, huh!

 Take care of him when you return to the palace!

 See you tomorrow, book friends~~

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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