Yan Cigui

Chapter 359: Utilize (two updates in one)

Dr. Yue pressed Xu Jian's pressure for a long time until he was sweating profusely.

When he was packing the medicine box, Eunuch Cao asked, "How long will it take for Eunuch Guo to recover?"

Hearing this, Doctor Yue did not answer immediately. Instead, he glanced at Xu Jian first.

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes and didn't give much reaction.

“Well,” Doctor Yue thought about it in his mind, the answer was very ambiguous, “it depends on what the Duke himself thinks.”

Eunuch Cao asked: "How do you say it?"

Doctor Yue said: "If the Duke of the country cooperates with the doctor and is an obedient wounded patient, it would be best to rest for a few months until the spring flowers bloom and the earth's atmosphere warms up, then this hurdle can be considered over.

If the Duke of the country still talks to himself and turns a deaf ear to the doctor's words, then he will bite the bullet and go to court tomorrow, and the doctor will not be able to tie him up. "

After finishing her words, Lin Yunyan, who was arranging her clothes with Xu Jian, pursed her lower lip tightly.

This statement that was neither yin nor yang, and that there was room for advancement and retreat, almost made her laugh out loud.

 Fortunately, her back was turned to Eunuch Cao.

Xu Jian chuckled slightly and said in a helpless tone: "I still listened to Dr. Yue's words."

 Doctor Yue will not comment further on this.

 Saluted to Eunuch Cao, he picked up the medicine box and left.

 Xu Jian then looked at Eunuch Cao and sighed: "Maybe I need to rest a little longer.

I have to say that Dr. Yue is really good at diagnosing injuries. Others may not be able to tell the difference, but my own body knows it. It has indeed improved in the past few months.

 Yesterday things happened for a reason, so that the previous results were..."

 Xu Jian paused, slightly choked, Lin Yunyan patted his arm gently, the smile in her eyes disappeared. When he turned his head, Eunuch Cao saw the princess's worry and distress.

 Looking at him, he also became sad.

 “Mr. Guo...” Mr. Cao considered his words carefully and wanted to express some relief, but was interrupted by Xu Jian.

“Eunuch Cao,” Xu Jian took a deep breath, “I want to try to cure him again.

The Holy One has always known that I didn’t have much hope for the treatment of my injury. I had seen too many doctors when I just returned to Beijing from Yumen, and I was at a loss. .

Your Majesty was worried, and kept thinking of me. He asked me to stay in Shuntian Mansion for a while, and pointed out the princess to me. I thought that even if I could no longer go to the border, it would be good to go to the court to discuss affairs.

To be honest with Eunuch Cao, I was very happy during those days when I followed His Highness to observe the government at the Ministry of Rites, and I could feel some fun.

Maybe it was just chance. Prince Jin found Dr. Yue. He was so active and dedicated. I didn’t want to let him down, so I tried to treat it. The result was much better than I expected.

While the doctor's words were conservative, he always said that the recovery was only 70% to 80% of what it was before. But I thought to myself, I can bear the pain and hardship, and I am actively recovering. Maybe I can still guard the border for the Holy Master.

It’s not that I’m rushing to go into battle, I just want one more chance and one more choice, so that I can live up to the expectations of the Holy Emperor and be worthy of my grandfather’s years of training.

I didn’t expect to encounter some setbacks, but I couldn’t let it go, so I wanted to persevere. Maybe with Dr. Yue’s help, I could really do it.

I will write a note later and ask Eunuch Cao to present it to the Holy Master on my behalf. "

Hearing these words, Eunuch Cao's mood was ups and downs.

 Having followed the Holy Master for so many years, he also watched Xu Jian grow up.

 Let’s not talk about old things, just in the past few years, I resigned from the Ministry of War in frustration, worked as a entertainer in the Jinluan Palace, and then was sent to Shuntian Mansion by the Holy Emperor...

 Eunuch Cao saw all these changes, and when he recalled them, how could he remain indifferent?

With his status, it is impossible for him to give Xu Jian a guarantee. Cao Gongzheng said: "The Zajia family will definitely explain your wishes to the Lord in front of the Holy One."

Xu Jian thanked him and said, "I just feel a lot of regret for letting His Highness get scolded again."

Eunuch Cao just smiled and said nothing.

“Your Highness, this is an unforeseen disaster,” Xu Jian said. “It’s better to catch the sun than to catch it. That’s what I said. I didn’t expect Laba...”

Eunuch Cao waved his hands hurriedly: "What did the Zajia say to the Duke of Guo in the middle of the night? Why do you want to do this? Don't mention this again."

"I understand your father-in-law's good intentions," Xu Jian said, "The Holy Father has only been at ease for a long time, and he has to listen to some thoughtful people telling the prince things.

The censors scolded each other, which was more or less justified, but people with different intentions were different, and they just couldn't see His Highness being well.

Your Highness was already a little worried about me following him, but this time it was even worse.

Eunuch Cao, I always feel that His Highness is alternately hot and cold towards me. He is thoughtful and thinks a lot. It’s awkward but it shouldn’t be..."

 Xu Jian said a lot, but he just stopped at the key points.

Eunuch Cao listened to his heartfelt words and had a bias in his heart, so he naturally followed Xu Jian's thoughts and pondered.

What’s more, he has already convicted Feng’s wife.

Your Highness has such a provocative person around him. Can the relationship with Duke Fu be hot and cold at times?

Thinking of this, Eunuch Cao sighed: "The Zajia family also thinks that the manpower in the East Palace will need to be improved more in the future."

Lin Yunyan frowned and pretended to be puzzled: "What do you mean, father-in-law, is there someone dishonest around His Highness? Where are the manpower and whose benefits are they receiving? It's not good to see His Highness like this? No wonder the imperial concubine would rather thank guests behind closed doors than find anyone to fight. Horse hanging."

Eunuch Cao:…

As if she knew she shouldn't say this, Lin Yunyan bit her lower lip and said, "I'm just uncomfortable and talking nonsense. I'm going to prepare the study first."

Seeing Lin Yunyan stand up and leave, Eunuch Cao chuckled.

The princess has always been sensible and obedient. When she occasionally becomes strong, it is for the sake of the empress dowager and the auxiliary prince. She rarely shows such a tendency.

Thinking about it, firstly, it was because of the injury of the Duke of Guo, and secondly, in his own house, the strings were not as tight as in the palace, so he said such "sincere words".

Of course, it was precisely because the princess was familiar with the harem that she guessed the masters of the harem. She suspected those who had interests in disputes with the prince.

 But Eunuch Cao was skeptical about this.

 Benefits naturally involve interests, but not necessarily the harem.

 You need to check more.

There was a writing room in the second room opposite. Lin Yunyan had no intention of letting Xu Jian move over, so she only moved the four treasures over.

There were several props beside the couch, placed one by one.

When Xu Miao came over, Xu Jian had just finished writing the note to be submitted. She didn't want to read it at first. She caught a glimpse of a few lines of words in the corner of her eye and felt something was wrong, so she asked Xu Jian aloud.

When I held it in my hand and read it from beginning to end, my eyes were filled with tears.

She wanted to speak several times, swallowed it several times, and finally handed it to Eunuch Cao. She said, "My father-in-law has worked hard. I'm sorry to bother you."

Eunuch Cao responded.

Lin Yunyan sent him away and walked all the way outside the main courtyard before being persuaded.

Looking at Eunuch Cao’s back from a distance, she took a deep breath.

 That’s right, they are taking advantage of Eunuch Cao.

At this point, it’s no surprise that I took advantage of anyone. I feel a little bit guilty, but it’s more about persistence and perseverance.

I don’t want the Queen Mother to feel uneasy when she closes her eyes, I don’t want An Yibo’s family to end up being raped, I don’t want the Holy Emperor to be “rested” in Chengshou Palace, and I don’t want Eunuch Cao to be trapped in Chengshou Palace...

 These uses are necessary.

 Furthermore, she and Xu Jian can investigate some personnel matters, but Eunuch Cao has the advantage of taking action. The person behind the scenes is hiding very deep, and the clues in front of him are very thin. The only one who can grasp it is Feng's wife.

Checking Feng Feng's waiter from Xu Jian, to go 10,000 miles, but from Cao Gonggong, the situation is different.

 Before noon, Eunuch Cao returned to the imperial study.

The Holy Father looked at Xu Jian's folding book and was silent for a long time.

Eunuch Cao was not surprised by this. He had read it on the way back. The excerpt written by Fu Guogong was sincere and real. He was deeply moved when he read it. He was even more moved when he thought of the princess's gaffe and Mrs. Xu's tears. It’s so serious, no wonder the Holy One is silent.

After a long time, the Holy One said: "There is only half a month left before the year of sealing. He just needs to rest. Let's see after the year to see how he recovers. If he can really recover, let alone rest until the beginning of spring, just rest for a day or two." Any year will do.”

 The imperial court is short of people, and even more of a general.

 Xu Jian has experience and background. As long as he gets better, he can gain a foothold in the army, and he is so young.

 “Shao’er is really…” the Holy Master sighed.

Eunuch Cao bent down and spoke to the Holy Father: "I am just thinking about something for no reason. How could Your Highness think that the Duke of Guo is pretending to be injured?"

 The Holy Father raised his eyebrows.

"Before yesterday, the Duke's leg injury was indeed relieved. After all, after several months of treatment, how could it not have some effect?" Cao Gong said, "But judging from yesterday's situation, it is by no means 'already cured'.

The Duke of Guo tried his best to save His Highness. He was able to save him, but barely.

 The younger one saw his leg in the paddock. I went there today and met the doctor who came to treat it, and I saw with my own eyes that it was bruised and bruised.

 But His Highness said that the Duke of Guo was pretending to be injured, and that was not speculation. He almost confirmed it. Where did His Highness get the evidence?

They say seeing is believing. Yesterday, before the Duke came to the rescue, His Highness did not see the Duke riding a horse or cutting a bear. How could he be so sure? "

 “Speak directly if you have anything to say,” said the Holy Master.

"I would like to check the people around His Highness," Eunuch Cao lowered his eyes and said respectfully, "Your Highness and the Duke of Guo have some feelings, but they are not enemies..."

 The Holy Spirit's expression was solemn, and he nodded slightly to Eunuch Cao.

 East Palace.

 Li Shao slept very uneasily.

He had a fever and had not recovered his strength. After losing his temper in the morning, he fell asleep again in a daze.

Feng's inner servant stood guard at the side, feeling very anxious.

He had to explain everything to his master, but he really didn't know how to explain it, so he put it off until now.

But he can't just delay it like this. The person he contacted can't wait so long...

While Li Shao was taking a rest, Feng's servant made up and whitewashed it, and barely managed to come up with some excuses.

 That’s it, he thought.

Now that he is in the East Palace, working beside His Highness, and the master is taking care of him, who else is going to give His Highness a break?

 He does not need to report directly to his master. No matter how angry the master is, he will not be face to face.

 Just wait until the master's anger subsides.

With this thought, Chamberlain Feng gained some confidence. Seeing that Li Shao would not wake up in a short time, he quietly exited.

As soon as he left the main hall, he met a group of people, led by Eunuch Cao.

 Feng Nei’s servant showed no expression on his face and quickly saluted.

Eunuch Cao smiled and said, "Has your highness' fever gone away?"

 “It’s still a little hot,” said Feng Neishi, “I’ll take a rest now.”

"You come with the Zajia family," Eunuch Cao walked to the side, "The Zajia family has something to tell you."

 Inexplicably, Chamberlain Feng's breath froze, and a chill crept up from behind.

 The person who comes is not good.

Where did he offend Eunuch Cao?

Uneasy, Feng's servant quickly calmed down and followed Eunuch Cao to the side hall.

Without saying a word, Eunuch Cao raised his hand lightly, and two strong eunuchs held Feng's servant on the left and right.

"Eunuch Cao?" Feng Neishi asked in shock, "Young man, what did you do wrong?"

 The cold gaze fell, and there was no smile in it. Eunuch Cao said word by word: "You can think about it, what did you do right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a piece of handkerchief blocked Feng's mouth.

Eunuch Cao snorted: "Don't disturb His Highness to take a rest, take him away."

Feng’s wife was completely panicked.

 This posture is definitely not as simple as provoking Eunuch Cao. Could it be that he was exposed?

 It shouldn’t be!

  It’s over now. What good outcome can there be if it falls into the hands of Eunuch Cao?

Who did not know the inside of the palace, Cao Gonggong looked at peace on his face, and there was room for doing things, but once he started, he had to go to half of his life.


Not only did he not have time to report the matter to his master, he was also arrested.

 What happens to those who are exposed?

 Monk Dao Heng is dead!

Feng Neishi was so flustered that he was dragged and thrown into an empty yard.

The palace is too big, and there are many courtyards like this that have not been inhabited for many years. They have an air of bad luck and are very cold.

Chamberlain Feng was **** and trembling all over. Someone took the veil from his mouth.

"You should explain yourself, or should the Zajia ask questions and investigate slowly?" Cao Gonggong said, "The Zajia doesn't like to do anything, so I advise you to choose something easier."

Feng Neishi said in a trembling voice: "I, I don't understand what you mean."

"You are very capable," Eunuch Cao said. "For the group of people in the East Palace, Eunuch Guo was chosen by the Za family. In the beginning, he was the one who served His Highness closely. You came from behind and won His Highness's trust. The Za family are very curious. What have you done?" What, what did you say to make His Highness like you so much?"

Chamberlain Feng swallowed his saliva: "As a young man, I serve His Highness wholeheartedly..."

"Really?" Eunuch Cao said, "You are indeed dedicated and have given your Highness a lot of ideas. Are you the one who asked Your Highness to repair the late Queen's relics?"

Feng Neishi said: "Isn't it right for Your Highness to repair your Majesty's relics? At that time, Your Highness was distressed, and I took care of Your Highness's worries, so I had an idea, and then..."

“You have a good idea, no wonder His Highness trusts you.” Eunuch Cao smiled.

 “What’s wrong with that little one?”

"Why are you so anxious?" Cao Gonggong said, "Your Highness insists that Duke Fuguo pretended to be injured, and it has nothing to do with you? I hint to Your Highness that the princess lingered at the gate of the city on purpose, wasn't it you? Do you really think that what you said has nothing to do with you?" To be heard by others?"

Feng’s eyes widened.

 He knew that he should deny it, but he also knew that denying it would be useless.

Eunuch Cao said again: "Feng Chang, from Yong'an, don't you need Zajia to read your experiences to you? You might as well think about it yourself and see if there is anything you can dig out of it."

Feng’s wife was stunned.

  Thanks to the book friend Lonely Cello and Little Yard for the reward.

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