Yan Cigui

Chapter 360: I admire your innocence (two updates in one)

Eunuch Cao seemed to be really in no hurry.

In such a dilapidated courtyard, even the window panels were not ventilated. Feng Neishi huddled in the corner and shivered with cold, but he saw Eunuch Cao sitting down without any hesitation.

The two strong eunuchs actually brought a clean, half-new-looking Taishi chair, filled it with thick cushions, and even placed a footrest.

Eunuch Cao was pleased with himself and looked at Feng Feng with a smile on his face.

"Think about it slowly," he said, "Zajia is very curious about what story you can tell Zajia."

Feng’s wife trembled all over.

Obviously it was just a question, but before Eunuch Cao used any means, the fear in his heart began to boil.

  Avoiding Eunuch Cao’s gaze, Feng’s wife lowered her head and recalled her “experience.”

 Of course he remembers his experience.

Everyone has a background, let alone a place like the palace. Whoever has followed and served has been recorded in a book and has evidence to rely on.

 He actually worked in many places before being transferred to the East Palace.

When he first entered the palace, he learned the rules from an old **** who had retired from Princess Wen. The old **** praised him for being smart and smart. He studied for half a year and recommended him to work in the palace of Princess Derong.

 Starting from sweeping the back garden, I worked for almost three years, and then returned to the inner court. I was assigned various tasks here and there, but none of them were long-term.

 Until five years ago, he was transferred to Cuihua Palace to manage the kitchen of the imperial concubine.

After doing this for almost four years, Cuihua Palace released a group of older palace maids, and also replaced several eunuchs in charge.

 In another month, Feng's wife was transferred out of Cuihua Palace and spent some time in the Imperial Garden. It was not until the East Palace changed hands that he was transferred to the prince.

 Feng Neishi went through it in his mind.

These are indeed things that he has learned down-to-earth over the years. I think Eunuch Cao has already understood them clearly.

 But in his experience, he actually had nothing to do with his master, and he couldn't piece it together with his master.

 In other words, there are so many things that can be mined from his experience, and just a few random words from him are enough to make those who check him dizzy.

How can someone who can be sent by the master to the prince be able to "follow the clues" based on experience alone?

Of course, fear is still fear.

Failing to catch up to his master does not mean that his servant Feng can escape unscathed.

Eunuch Cao, despite his smiling face, actually eats people without spitting out their bones.

"You, you confused my question," Feng Neishi shrank his neck and smiled in a flattering manner, "I don't understand what you mean."

Eunuch Cao patiently said: "If you want to climb up, it is reasonable to please His Highness, but it is not to sow discord.

You can scold Eunuch Guo and other eunuchs in front of His Highness. As long as you can catch their tails, you can step on them. Even if you can't catch them, it's nonsense. It's not uncommon to frame your colleagues. thing.

 But you have chosen to serve as the auxiliary Duke and Princess. What's the matter? If the Duke doesn't follow His Highness to observe the government, you will be able to be the Duke in the future?

Then two ounces of meat are gone, why are you still dreaming about spring and autumn?

Humans die for money, birds die for food, and you don't get up early without profit. What do you want?

Having been a **** for so many years, you don’t even understand this truth, right? "

 Feng’s throat rolled.

Eunuch Cao touched the ring on his hand: "The Zajia really don't like to do anything, but the Zajia's patience is limited. The Holy Father is still waiting for the Zajia to serve him. If it takes too long, the Zajia will not be able to explain."

Feng’s wife untied the rope around her body, not to untie it, but to adjust her posture and kneel down honestly.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao used to work in Cuihua Palace..." He lowered his head, his forehead almost touching the ground, "You also know that His Majesty will only go to Cuihua Palace more often when he is depressed.

I don’t want to cause discord between His Highness and the Duke, but I just want to have some minor conflicts so that His Majesty can pay more attention to the Imperial Concubine.

The empress is kind-hearted and has no children. She is very kind to the servants in the palace, and I want to repay her..."

Eunuch Cao laughed when he heard this.

Chamberlain Feng pretended not to hear the sarcasm in Eunuch Cao's laughter, and kept saying: "What I said is the truth. I only do it for the imperial concubine..."

Eunuch Cao interrupted him: "Master Chang, does he know that you are so filial to her?"

It is true that Master Chang is kind and kind.

 The more depressed the Holy One becomes, the more he misses Master Chang. This is true.

 It can be said that Master Chang wants this kind of reward, but Eunuch Cao doesn't believe it.

Master Chang wishes that there would be less and less things to do. What did the princess say today?

"No wonder the imperial concubine would rather thank guests behind closed doors than find anyone to condole her."


Chamberlain Feng bit the bullet and said, "I don't want your Majesty to know my thoughts."

Eunuch Cao sighed.

OK, push the matter to Cuihua Palace, and leave the imperial concubine clean. It is obvious that "I can be arrested, but my path must be cleaner." But whose path is this clean?

 “The Zajia admire you very much.” Mr. Cao said impartially.

Feng Neishi was stunned for a moment, and then he heard the next sentence.

 “I admire your innocence.”

These words were like a bucket of ice water, pouring a chill on his heart in the cold winter months.

He understood that Eunuch Cao did not believe in his "naivety" for the imperial concubine, but mocked him for thinking that he could get away with such a lie.

 Liang returns to Liang, even Feng’s wife can accept it.

Since Eunuch Cao doesn’t believe that he is working for the imperial concubine, he can only guess at Princess Derong, Concubine Wen, or other people he has come into contact with in the palace.

 Let Eunuch Cao guess slowly.

It would be great if he killed Cuihua Palace.

Eunuch Cao adjusted his sitting position and his voice became completely cold.

"The steward of Cuihua Palace has his own tricks. You are just a **** working in a small kitchen. You don't even have a chance to show up in front of Master Chang. You have been working hard for almost four years and you were suddenly transferred. It is Eunuch Jin, the new **** in charge. I don’t like you.”

Feng Neishi said: "Yes, Eunuch Jin doesn't like young ones."

"There were so many places in the palace before, but they didn't last long. The one that took longer was the residence of Princess Derong."

“Perhaps the younger one is not very smart, and his work is not thorough enough, so he is dispensable, so once there is a transfer, the manager will transfer the younger one.”

Eunuch Cao asked: "So, the Za family is very curious. They have all been transferred to the eldest princess's mansion. Why can you be transferred back to the palace? Who gave you the chance?"

Feng’s body froze for a moment.

Eunuch Cao saw this in his eyes and continued: "Not very smart or thoughtful enough? How can a little **** who just entered the palace and knows nothing win over the old **** who retired from Princess Wen's palace in less than half a year? You Have you gone back as you have lived for so many years?”

 After this, Eunuch Cao did not give Feng a chance to speak again.

“The Za family asked someone to ask Eunuch Jin. Eunuch Jin was deeply impressed by you. Rather than saying that he deliberately made things difficult for you, it’s better to say that you didn’t intend to stay in Cuihua Palace in the first place.”

“It’s not easy to please people, but it’s actually quite easy to make people hate you without being able to explain why.”

"You have your own ability to adjust so many places without letting the stewards find obvious mistakes and reasons."    "The old **** died of illness a few years ago, but it was not without testimony. He spent most of the last half of the year talking and preaching. Among all the young eunuchs I have met, Feng Chang is the most clever, quick to understand, and able to serve others clearly. "

"What does it mean to be able to master it with just a little bit of knowledge? You can learn the rules in the palace faster than anyone else. You don't even need to be taught in detail. You can understand them a lot just by looking at them."

“So are you a quick learner, or have you already mastered it?”

 “Yongan people?”

“In the land of Yong’an, a child who is so poor that he is sent to the palace to be a **** can speak the capital dialect just after he is clean?”

“The old **** retired because his hearing was failing. If you don’t know the Beijing dialect, he won’t give you a look. He won’t teach a child who speaks the local dialect.”

“Where did you learn the rules before you purified yourself? Who did you learn the Beijing dialect from?”

Feng Neishi was shaking like a sieve.

 He ​​knew that Eunuch Cao was powerful, and he thought that there were enough "clues" in his experience for Eunuch Cao to sort out. He thought that he would waste some of Eunuch Cao's time.

Even if he loses his life in the end, at least he will not reveal the identity of his master, or even muddy the water.

If he falls into the hands of Eunuch Cao, he will die, and the chess piece caught by its tail will also die. So he wants to die more loyally.

 How could he be where he is today if his master had not cultivated him for so many years?

But Chamberlain Feng didn't expect that Eunuch Cao had crossed so many clues and got straight to the center.

It is indeed a big manager, and it is indeed a person who has been fighting in the palace for decades.

Eunuch Cao may not have control over other matters, but he knows the status of the named eunuchs.

 Eunuch Cao didn’t understand him, but he knew Eunuch Jin and the old eunuch...

  Chamberlain Feng bit her lower lip tightly, not daring to say another word, for fear that her imprudent words would cause more problems.

Eunuch Cao stood up, walked to Feng's wife, bent down, stretched out his hand and pinched his chin: "Ten years ago, including a few years outside the palace, who do you think is behind you who can survive the miscellaneous family?" ?

Yong'an, Yong'an is not far from Jiangzhou City.

The person you followed back then was Eunuch Ge, or the one you followed in the sixth year of Wang Dynasty. It couldn't be Li Mi, right? "

Feng’s breath froze.

"Eunuch Ge died nine years ago, and Li Mi died a few years ago. He even gave his son to someone else. How could he have the energy and energy to care about the trouble you caused in the palace," Eunuch Cao said word by word, "Only The king has been king for six years. To put it another way, only the emperor, who has been obsessed with the king for six years, has a way to transfer you from the eldest princess's palace to the palace, let you work in Cuihua Palace, and then transfer you to the East Palace, don't you think so? ?”

Feng’s wife didn’t dare to say anything, and couldn’t say anything.

"Do you think your experiences are worth the Zajia's patience with you?" Eunuch Cao laughed, his eyes particularly sharp, "Do you know what Wang said when he fell into the hands of the Zajia in the sixth year? You are better than Does Wang Liuji have any backbone?

 Zhajia would like to hear whether what you and Wang Liuliu said are correct.

Don't think about seeking death. If you don't believe it, you can actually do all the things that Wang couldn't do in six years. Someone will look after you and it won't be a hassle to keep the family together.

 Thinking about it slowly, the Zajia family went to serve the saint first. "

 After speaking, Eunuch Cao shook off Feng's wife, took out the handkerchief and wiped his fingers.

 Handing the man over to the two stout eunuchs, Eunuch Cao hurried to the imperial study.

  I have also checked the personnel transferred to the palace before, but it was superficial, the experience was suitable, and there were no obvious problems, so I passed the test.

 Today, when I look closely, I can taste the taste.

It’s really…

The group of Wang Liuliu hid secretly beside His Royal Highness and blew up. Oh, he didn't know how to explain to Saint.

 In the cold wind, Cheng Xi ran all the way. He ran too fast, staggered, and almost tripped.

He quickly stabilized himself and adjusted his pounding heartbeat before moving forward again and knocking on the door.

 When he arrived in front of his master, he bowed respectfully.

Jin Guiren was reading a book and looked up at him: "Do you understand? What did Feng Chang say?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he saw Cheng Xi with a troubled expression on his face.

Jin Guiren couldn't help but frowned.

 Subconsciously, he noticed that things had changed.

 In other words, there has been so much bad news lately that as soon as Cheng Xi made such an expression, he knew something was up.

"Feng Chang can't understand the inside story? He has been led around by the nose, but he doesn't know where he got involved by Xu Jian? He has been sold, and he still can't figure out the money?" Jin Guiren asked in a deep voice.

Cheng Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Our people haven't seen Feng Chang yet. After Eunuch Cao returned to the palace from Fu Guogong's mansion, he first went to the Imperial Study Room to resume his duties, and then went to the East Palace to take Feng Chang away."

Jin Guiren put down the book.

Cheng Xi said: "I don't know where Eunuch Cao took me, and I don't know what went wrong..."

Jin Guiren was extremely dissatisfied with these two "don't knows".

 The incident in the paddock really caught him by surprise.

It happened so suddenly, it was just an accident at first. Unexpectedly, "Blind Bear" appeared behind him, and the situation changed instantly, catching him by surprise.

Xu Jian's sudden change caused him to move slowly and step by step slowly.

 Now, Feng Chang falls into the hands of Eunuch Cao.

This chess piece, this chess piece that he has hidden for so many years, is about to be used up.

Although there were too many "stories" about Feng Chang, and Eunuch Cao had to investigate a lot, he could not easily be tracked down, but the people he had finally placed around Li Shao were gone.

If you want to arrange another capable person, you have to go through a lot of troubles to hide it from the turbulent Eunuch Cao and the Holy Emperor.

Jin Guiren stood up and walked to the window with his hands behind his back.

 How was Feng Chang exposed?

The prince was so anxious that he was surrendered to him? Is it said that Feng Chang prompted Xu Jian to pretend to be injured?

 Instinct told him that if he was not the prince, he would most likely be inseparable from Xu Jian.


The drama in the paddock was so lively, and Xu Jian fought with the blind bear in the snow for a whole day, but Xu Jian also gave it his all.

How can you be willing to get only a little reward if you work so hard?


A thought came into his mind, and Jin Guiren's eyes suddenly sank.

If Xu Jian dominated the excitement in the paddock, then he had already known that the prince suspected him of pretending to be injured. Then, was the few steps he ran in Zhangping Garden intentional?

Xu Jian was performing in Zhangping Garden, what about him scaling the courtyard wall of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion before getting married?

He did read it. Did he do it on purpose to show it to those who were following him? !

This means that from that moment on, all of his family's actions were within Xu Jian's field of vision, and they were used to plot against him.


Jin Guiren patted the window panel heavily.

 Xu Jian, what a Xu Jian!

 Shout for the monthly ticket~~~

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